WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#41 Post by kipper »

If Phil can see the new machinegunner through the hole in the bunker, he will take a shot with his carbine. If he cannot see due to the fog or being in an inauspicious location, he will charge the bunker.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#42 Post by Urson »

Sir, yes, sir. John says this with enough sarcasm to peel paint off a concrete block wall. He stays low and moves to the Sangar, close enough to peek inside.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#43 Post by max_vale »

Dawn, 3 December, 1943: Summit of Monte La Difensa, the Camino Hill Mass, Italy

The surprise of the assault was wearing off and the Germans were beginning to fight back with vigor now as the First Special Service Force pressed home their attack. Everywhere, the cool morning air on the summit of the mountain was filled with the crack of shots; explosions from grenades and the screaming of men enraged or in pain....

Corporal John Porcupine followed his leader, Captain James Hyde-Smythe to the edge of the Sangar and Rifle-Pit they had just dealt with and while Porcupine kept his Rifle at the ready, he saw his handiwork had done in 3 of the 4 Germans in the Pit by dropping them into the suddenly much digger pit and then smashing them with boulders. He hadn't admired his handiwork for very long however something quickly captured his attention....

A pair of German Kar 98 Rifle shots, one of which buzzed past his ear like an angry hornet and the other seemed to dropped Hyde-Smythe like a puppet getting its strings cut. John's eyes widened as he saw the helmet go flying off, but a moment later the mustachioed officer let out a loud, "Bloody Hell!" and the Cree solider realized his C.O. had just had his helmet shot off and was okay. As he started to take aim the pair of German troops some 20 yards away, he was suddenly bumped by somebody who had moved right next to him and had tossed a grenade. The man just said, "Get down!" and bodily tackled the American Corporal. A second later, the grenade exploded and took out both Nazi soldiers and the man got up and John's eyes widened when he realized it was none other than Colonel Frederick!

The Colonel was bleeding from a grazed shoulder and he nodded his head at Porcupine and said; "My apologies if I spoiled your aim there solider, keep up the good work!"; and then he was gone into the haze of battle. John had to shake his head and get back to the 'here and now' and he looked ahead and saw a group of about 5 or 6 Germans in a foxhole with a pair of small mortars dropping rounds into the tube maybe 40 yards away.....

With the bunker now sporting a massive hole through it thanks to CPL Koda's empowered Javelin strike; the last German who moved to man the MG 42 inside it was suddenly the center of attention as Koda, Phil Heuron and Tom Nado all fired at him with their Rifles/Carbines. Two of them hit the man, who dropped out of sight in the Fog and no return fire was forthcoming from the bunker....

After firing his Rifle, Koda moved quickly to the bunker and pressed through the fog and saw that the two MG crew members were indeed down for the count. On the other side of the bunker; SSGT Tanner's Section was pressing an attack on some retreating Germans, but from a fairly well concealed cave mouth, suddenly a couple of Rifles and an MG spat fire and three Forcemen from Tanner's Section went down to the ground hard*....

After taking a shot with his Carbine, LCPL Phil Heuron saw Koda move quickly towards the fog-shrouded bunker and as he started to get up to join him, he noticed a German with an MP 40 perhaps 40 to 50 yards away fire a couple of tracer-filled bursts towards Campbell and Mark/Mike's position. The shots were NOT particularly well aimed and rather high, but he remembered the old pro's of the 36th Division telling them that the Germans sometimes used automatic sprays with tracers as a way to 'spot' for mortar fire. Sure enough, a couple of the high pitch whining sounds could be heard a few seconds later and then the rounds hit near Campbell and Battaglia with enough force to sen the former to the ground, clutching his ankle and the latter went flying through the air for a couple of yards before landing on his back. Mike/Mark called out; "I'm a bit woozy, but okay! You okay Casey?" "%^&* NO! Get me a Medic!", was the pain-racked reply.....

CPL Tom Nado maintained his fog, even as he fired a shot through it....and seeing the target seem to go down and Koda racing towards it, he checked the area and he witnessed the lone German SMG gunner utilized tracers for Mortar Spotting and saw his buddy Campbell go down in pain because of it. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Phil notice it too....

SSGT Nahum Chisum, his movement's a bit blurry due to his Hyper Agility Talent Power, raised his Thompson to his shoulder and stroked a 5 round burst right into the center of the fleeing German, watching dust fly of his uniform form the impact and the body stiffest up and collapse unmoving to the ground a moment later. As he advanced, he saw Koda move around the bunker and fog and he did as well, witnessing the sudden burst of fire that dropped 3 of Tanner's Section at about the same time his Canadian Team Mate did as well.....

OOC: Okay, so there's a lone German with an MP 40 SMG 'spot firing' for a mortar team about 45 yards away from Phil and Nado......in addition, Koda and Chisum are past the fog near the bunker and are seeing an MG and 2 rifles fire from a Cave about 30 yards away.......finally, Porcupine notices the Mortar Team in a foxhole about 40 yards away....

Hyde-Smythe is shaking off nearly getting shot in the head; Campbell is wounded and Battaglia is dizzy for this coming round....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#44 Post by Rex »


Nahum drops prone and tries taking out the Machine Gunner with a burst from his Tommy Gun.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#45 Post by ateno »

Knowing Nahum was firing and he was a crack shot, Koda will move towards the cave using any cover or low crawl if needed.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#46 Post by Urson »

John focuses his attention on the mortar point, and gives them the Pit Treatment. He then crawls toward the mortars, intending to mop up any survivors.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#47 Post by kipper »

OOC: I assume Phil doesn't know yet where the mortar team is located, only the SMG/spotter?

Phil focuses a blast of ice at the German firing tracer rounds. [Damaging version, spending 4WP to increase activation odds]
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#48 Post by max_vale »

Dawn, 3 December, 1943: Summit of Monte La Difensa, the Camino Hill Mass, Italy

The fight between the First Special Service Force and German Infantry on the Mountain top known as La Difensa continued to blaze like a wild fire....

SSGT Nahum Chisholm, his body still appearing to shimmer to anyone looking at him as his Hyper Agility continued to allow him superhuman levels of eye-hand coordination; dropped to the ground and he took aim at an enemy MG gunner well protected in a Cave some 30 yards away. He cut lose a 5 round burst that hit the well-protected gunner expertly, dropping the man out of sight in the cave mouth and causing the MG to cease it's destructive belching of fire...

The two German Riflemen who were also in the Cave each took aim at the two members of SST 11 that approached their position. The first set his rife down, drew a 'potato masher' stick grenade, armed it and hurled it towards Chisholm. It bounced well short of its intended target, but took a bounce and exploded in mid-air, causing a few pieces of shrapnel to lance into Nahum's leg and drawing forth a curse of pain and anger*....

CPL Koda, meanwhile, had moved into a crouch and was half low-walking, half crawling towards the cave, using the cover of rocks here and there and the Canadian Native-American noticed one of the German soldiers taking aim at him and firing a shot from his KAR 98 rifle that ricocheted noisily off a rock mere inches from his body. The Canadian estimated he was now somewhere around 15-20 yards from the cave mouth.....

In another section of the battlefield, a lone German wielding an MP 40 SMG, sprayed another burst of tracer rounds over the heads of the wounded Campbell and a crawling Battaglia and then the man staggered from first a shot to the chest and then a second later, a blue-white ray of frost lanced into him and he was suddenly a creepy, snow-man of a corpse....still 'standing' with his weapon stuck to his now life-less hands....

However, the gunner had enough time to mark the area for the mortar team, who dropped another pair of shells into the tubes of their weapons, and caused them to arc towards the two Talents and it was only Mark's usage of his Shield Power that kept both he and Campbell from taking serious, if not lethal, wounds from the explosive weapons....

John Porcupine saw the men drop their shells into the mortars and then he called upon his Earth Bending Talent again to create a much deeper hole beneath the ground and 3 of the German troops and both mortars suddenly dropped out of sight. The other 3 German troops scrambled out of the fox-hole and one of them pointed over towards the Cree solider and they spread out and started to raise their weapons to fire back....two of them wielding KAR 98s and the last utilizing an MP 40 SMG.....

Right after the German SMG gunner cut loose a spray of tracer rounds over the ends of Mark/Mike Battaglia and the wounded Campbell, Tom Nado dropped his Fog Bank power, raised his M1 and cut loose a shot that slammed perfectly into the German's upper torso....

At about the same time, LCPL Phil Heuron called upon his Freeze Ray power and cut loose a blast of ice and snow at the German, freezing the man in place right after the .30-06 slug from Tom had drilled him in the chest and the Canadian ignored the flurries flying around him and smiled grimly at turning the man into a human icicle....

Phil didn't have long to gloat though as a sound like an angry hornet seemed to knock out the hearing of his left ear and at the same time a stinging pain could be felt on the same ear** as he spun and dropped to one knee to see a German behind a rock formation some 50 yards away with a scoped KAR 98 racking the bolt back and he realized what had just happened...

Tom Nado heard the same shot and saw Phil drop and spin and for a moment he thought perhaps his French-Canadian friend had been hit, but he was relieved to see it was just a graze. The American Talent saw his opponent was about 50 yards away and appeared to be a pretty fine shot....

*Nahum is wounded (i.e. -1D to all actions until treated).....there are 2 Riflemen in the Cave some 30 yards from his position....

Koda is about 20 yards from the 2 Riflemen in the Cave and has some cover....

Porcupine is about 40 yards from the 3 visible German soldiers.....the other 3 fell into the now deeper pit and can't be seen....

Phil and Nado are 50 yards from the German Sniper....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#49 Post by Rex »


Nahum fires a burst at one of the rifle man in the cave. He also attempts to activate his healing talent (+3 will).
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#50 Post by Urson »

Piss on you Catholic bastards.. John mutters, raising a stone wall for cover between himself and the gunners.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#51 Post by kipper »

Phil lets loose another ice blast at the German sniper.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#52 Post by ateno »

Koda throws a grenade into the Cave mouth, behind them if possible.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#53 Post by Zhym »

Nado stays low and tries to put a bullet in the sniper.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#54 Post by max_vale »

Dawn, 3 December, 1943: Summit of Monte La Difensa, the Camino Hill Mass, Italy

On the top of Monte La Difensa, the 'Million Dollar Mountain'; the bloody fight between the superbly trained American and Canadian First Special Service Force and German troops continued....

Staff Sergeant Nahum Chisholm, gritting his teeth through his pain, still moved in a blur as his Hyper Dexterity Talent Power continued to operate and he sprayed a burst of fire from his Thompson at the Germans in the cave; cursing when his shots ricocheted off the rock walls*. He also reached down within himself and was able to activate his other Talent Power and his wounds closed over and healed, leaving only the rips and blood stains to show for it on his pant leg....

Not far from Chisholm, CPL Koda ignored the crack of Rifle bullets zipping through the air near him and pulled a grenade off his webbing, armed it and hurled it towards the enemy. His throw was right on the money and the spherical weapon bounced once, twice and rolled into the cave, where it then exploded in a blast that quickly eliminated the last remaining two German soldiers inside. A long moment later, he popped up with his Rifle aiming at the Cave mouth, but he saw there were no more moving enemies inside it.....

Corporal John Porcupine felt sweat break out across his brow as he scooped up some loose rocks in his hand and he utilized his Talent Power to pull up a 'wall' of rock and earth and he interposed it between himself and the trio of German troops taking aim at him with a pair of Rifles and an MP 40 SMG. The wall successfully blocked all of the lead coming his way, save for one round, which managed to tear through some thick dirt and hit him with enough force to just barely graze his left forearm and tear his uniform sleeve and leave a slight burn trail that stung a bit. The Cree solider then heard the sounds of running boots and the roar of a Johnson LMG and the bark of an M1 Garand and he looked over to see a pair of Forcemen to his right who had come running up on his side. The rifleman glanced over and with a Canadian accent called out; "We got 'em Super Yank! That's a helluva trick there!", while gesturing to the floating in air Rock Wall. Then they moved on and out of his line of sight....

LCPL Phil Heuron took aim at the German Sniper who had just grazed him and he 'fired' a blast of Ice at the man, utilizing his Talent Power. The snow flurries fell all around him, but his blast was only partially successful in hitting the scoped-rifle wielder who was ducking behind cover. The man's left side was engulfed in blue-white ice and he half hobbled and called out in fear and disbelief for a long moment at his condition....

Tom Nado took careful aim at the German Sniper who had just grazed his friend Phil and adjusted that aim when the man fell to the ground, half covered in a block of ice, but still moving. He fired once and he put a round right into the man's chest and suddenly, he wasn't moving anymore....

A long pause of a moment happened for the various members of SST 11 and then a helmet-less CAPT Hyde-Smythe came around, gathering them up and yelling out orders. "Battaglia, get Campbell back to a Medic! Nado, Heuron, stop gawking and get our arses up here!", as they hopped to it, the band moved up to where Koda and Chisholm were by the cave with defeated enemies in it. A long moment later, CPL Porcupine came over, calling out that the mortar battery had been eliminated. Hyde-Smythe was about to give orders when everyone felt/smelled/heard a new Talent Power being utilized....

About 100 yards away from SST 11, a bright circle of light flashed outward like an expanding ring. The light did no harm to anyone, but along with it; suddenly a group of German troops with the distinctive twin lighting bolts of the SS on one collar of their uniform and the runes of the Ubermenschen (German Talents) on the other collar appeared. One man had his arms spread out and the other 3 were all holding on to him. As soon as they appeared, they scattered, dropped to the ground and opened fire....

Two of the four were carrying MP 40s, and they both ducked behind boulders and put a burst of fire into a Forcemen, while the Teleporter dropped to his belly, well hidden behind boulders and the last man who was truly huge activated an unknown Talent Power and stayed standing up while cutting loose some long sprays from an MP 34 with a saddle drum magazine....

OOC: Note, Chisholm has 1 burst left in his Thompson Magazine.......all of you are about 100 yards from the 4 German Talents; all of whom save the Machinegunner are in cover......the Teleporter cannot even really be seen at the moment....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#55 Post by Rex »

Nahum Chisholm

Nahum fires his last burst at the machine gunner to try and keep his head down as he dives for cover to change magazine.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#56 Post by Urson »

Despite his normal dour nature, John grins at the term 'Super Yank'. When the SS teleports in, he mutters something harsh in Cree. He starts moving toward them, staying low.
He'll conserve his ammo until he gets within about 40 yards. He'll reach deep for his Talent and start a steady barrage of fist-sized stones flying at the 'Ubermenschen'
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#57 Post by kipper »

Phil will move to cover and shoot out another blast of ice, this time at the Machinegunner.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#58 Post by Zhym »

As quickly as possible, while the Nazi talents are clustered together, Nado tries his best to make life uncomfortable for them. He calls for a stinging rain on their position, while also calling on the plants in the enemies' area to reach out and entangle them.

Edited because we can only do one power at a time.
Last edited by Zhym on Tue May 03, 2022 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#59 Post by ateno »

Koda will dirve sideways out of the cave mouth and head for cover, low crawling and moving closer to the Germans and farther away from the cave mouth.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#60 Post by max_vale »

Dawn, 3 December, 1943: Summit of Monte La Difensa, the Camino Hill Mass, Italy

On the top of Monte La Difensa, the battle continued to rage between the American and Canadian First Special Service Force and the Germans....

In the cover of some rocks, a flash of light and the now familiar scent/feeling/smell of the Teleporter Power being activated by the German Ubermenschen hit all of the members of SST 11 and they knew the German Talent was gone...

Nearby, two of the other German Talents stayed low and in cover, but one raised a hand and made a fist and several rocks suddenly exploded and several Forcemen were blown to the ground as if a grenade had just exploded in their midst. The other Ubermenschen pointed towards a trio of FSSF men and suddenly they sank down to their knees as the ground beneath them was transformed into quicksand....

These same pair of Germans were suddenly themselves grabbed at the ankles and lower legs as mosses and nearly dead plant roots came twisting out of the ground to wrap around them, courtesy of one CPL Tom Nado.....

Near Tom, SSGT Nahum Chisholm cut loose his last 5 rounds in a burst at the big German carrying an MG 34 machine-gun some 80 yards away and while his burst missed; Chisholm hadn't really intended to hit his target; rather just try and get his attention/force him to duck down. Sadly, it did neither, which Chisholm noticed with a curse as he ducked down behind some rocks and switched out his empty clip for a fresh 30 round one....

Corporal John Porcupine moved confidently towards the big German Talent moving towards him and with the scoop of earth in his hands, he attempted to activate his Talent and bring forth some boulders to fly into the man. Unfortunately, he failed to achieve this and with a sudden feeling of shock and loss and despair, he dropped to his knees as the empty feeling hit him like a ton of bricks*. It DID have the unforeseen benefit of using the long spray of 7.92mm rounds the Ubermensch poured out to pass over his head and body....

Canadian CPL Koda stayed low and he moved through some rocks, noticed the German Talents and their actions while moving closer to them while utilizing maximum coverage. He ducked down as the big SS goon holding the MG 34 cut loose a long spray of rounds and he heard the whining of ricocheting rounds all round, but felt no pain as none of the rounds hit him....

Lance Corporal Phillipe Heuron crouched down behind some rocks and summoned up his Ice Ray Talent Power to send a blast of cold at the big German MG gunner and while his blast hit the man, it seemed to do very little harm. Some white remnants of ice and snow smeared across his body and the rest just fell to his feet, leaving the Canadian stunned for a moment. The man DID call out a scream of anger and perhaps some pain as he fired his weapon from the hip, cutting lose a long spray towards Heuron, Koda and Porcupine. Phil's cover probably saved him from fatal wounds; but he WAS drilled by a 7.92mm round that hit his left shoulder** and caused the man to curse loudly in French at the sudden pain....

Captain Hyde-Smythe knelt down and sighted along the length of his M1 Garand and stroked the trigger twice; putting the second round into the big German Gunner. His round hit his body center-mass and literally BOUNCED off. There was a strange ripple effect at the moment of impact; as if the big SS goon's body was made out of rubber. Hyde-Smythe just let out curse and sigh at about the same time.....

*John failed his Activation roll, sorry! He'll be at -1D for this round and he lost 7 WPs...

**Phil is wounded and will be at -1D for all actions until treated

OOC: Okay; there are 2 German Talents about 100 yards away, in cover and now, Entangled......the Gunner is about 80 yards from most of you and 75 yards away from Koda.
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