WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#41 Post by ateno »

Koda will shoulder his rifle and take the type 96 and fire a burst at the sniper.

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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#42 Post by kipper »

Now within close range of the cave, and being joined by Porcupine, Phil stops the snow effect and continues advancing towards the cave entrance and the newly-created pit, his carbine ready to fire at the first sign of life.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#43 Post by ybn1197 »

Campbell will take the moment to move closer to the tunnel Sunburst came out of.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#44 Post by Urson »

Porcupine EDIT
Porcupine moves as quickly as he can- without getting shot at- toward the pit. When he's close enough, he'll prime a grenade and toss it into the pit.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#45 Post by max_vale »

7:25 AM; August 15, 1943; Alaska Territory; beach of Aleutian Island Kistakuta

In the early daylight hours on a wet, cold, tiny island in the Alaska Territory a battle between Allied and Axis Talents continued to rage.....

On the top of the prominent hill that made up most of the island, the Japanese Talent known as 'The Marksman' quickly slid a stripper clip of five 6.5mm rounds into his Scoped, Bolt-Action Arisaka Rifle and took a deep breath as he 'turned off' his Talent Power of 'Hyper Dexterity. Even without it, he was a damn good shot and he moved to target one of the Allied soliders on the beach below him, some 140 yards away. Seeing a man move in a literal Blur of motion, he targeted him and pulled the trigger, cursing when his shot missed. He ducked as several bursts of fire from automatic weapons ricocheted against the rocks all around him, but none touched him and he worked the bolt to put another round into the chamber. Then he felt something 'punch' him in the chest and he rocked back a moment....stared in disbelief at the blood trickling down his uniform shirt from the hole right where his heart was and then a second later he toppled forward and felt nothing....

SGT Nahum Chisholm took a deep breath and moved in a literal Blur of explosive motion thanks to his Talent Power. He moved quickly to some rocks close to the tunnel entrance while also firing a burst of five .45 caliber rounds at the sniper on the Top of the hill well over 100 yards away. He didn't hit him; that would've been a miracle with his Submachinegun at this range, but he came pretty close and he heard the 'zip' of a round fired at him in return that didn't miss him by much. He crouched down in some rocks about 10 yards from a Tunnel Entrance that the 'Sun Burst' enemy Talent had emerged from and let his Talent Power fade away. Looking up and around he saw Koda and LT Hyde-Smythe nearby, the former using a Japanese LMG to fire a burst up a the 'Marksman' while the latter was finding it awkward to use his M1 Garand Rifle in his wounded state, so he finally dropped the Rifle and drew his 1911 sidearm. Corporal Campbell had moved right to the edge of the tunnel and glanced back at his fellows....

LCPL Koda slung his rifle and scooped up the Type 96 Light Machine-gun that Sun Burst had been using and grunted a bit at its heavy weight as he brought it up to his shoulder and adjusted to aiming a weapon that had a magazine on top of the weapon at the Japanese Sniper on the top of the hill that was doing so much damage to all of them. He fired a 5 round burst and hissed a bit in annoyance when his rounds narrowly missed and instead ricocheted all over the rocks the Japanese Talent was kneeling behind. He WAS happy to see that somebody else DID manage to hit him though as the Sniper suddenly went stiff and fell forward on his face and didn't rise up again. Hearing moving feet around him, he looked around and saw that SGT Chisholm had moved to some rocks nearby where he was crouching down and he saw the 'Blur' of his Talent Power vanish as the NCO turned the Power off and he saw Campbell had moved to the entrance of the tunnel and looked back at his fellows...

PFC Tom Nado talked himself into being calm and ignoring his wound, he aimed at the Japanese Talent on top of the hill; saw the shots all around his target miss and saw the Talent fired at one of his Teammates in return and then with the man's top half centered in his 'peep hole' sight, he fired his Garand rifle. His heavy, .30-06 round flew 140 yards down-range and slammed into and thru the man's chest and heart and a moment later 'The Marksman' fell forward on his face; never to be a threat to anyone else again and Tom let the breath he didn't even realize he was holding go.....He looked over the beach at his teammates and saw they were 2 groups. To his right were Campbell, Chisholm, Koda and the El-Tee gathered around the tunnel entrance the Sun Burst Talent had emerged from. To his left he saw Heuron, Porcupine and Battaglia moving towards the cave entrance the Maker Talent had/was in.....

Corporal Casey Campbell ignored all the shots being fired all around him and instead raced towards the Tunnel Entrance that Sun Burst had emerged from; dodging the boulders left and right and unintentionally zig-zagging and making it harder for anyone who might shoot at him to hit him. It was a moot point however as no one fired at him. He hit the edge of the entrance and quickly positioned himself to have the cover of the entrance in case anyone inside it was waiting to attack somebody trying to come in. When this didn't happen he risked a quick glance in and saw that the tunnel went into the hill on a slight incline about 10 yards and then bent to the left. A light source from inside was somewhere to the left as well as Campbell could see the illumination a bit. Glancing back over his shoulder he saw Koda nearby with the Japanese LMG in his hands; SGT Nahum crouching in some rocks with his Thompson at the ready and behind him, having swapped out his Garand for a .45 pistol; LT Hyde-Smythe grimacing at his wounds and motioning with his pistol into the tunnel. "Move carefully in there men; we know there's at least one more of the Bloody Bastards inside....let's get him....."

PFC John Porcupine ran towards the cave entrance he had created a Pit in to drop the enemy Talent known as 'The Maker' into and he pulled a grenade as he did so. Between the running and the pain of his wound as he squeezed the lever, pulled the pin and let the 'spoon' fly; his throw from 10 yards out was NOT good at all. Lucily for him, after his bad toss bounced over the pit and past it; it managed to hit a rock out-cropping and bounce BACK and into the pit* and a moment later it went off with a muffled BOOM and bits of flesh, shrapnel and dirt and rock chips erupted up like a volcano. John saw Phil Heuron move in as well and both of them inched closer and saw the pulped remains of The Maker and knew HE would not be a threat to anyone ever again. They also saw a tunnel behind the cave entrance that led into the Hill itself on an incline and bending towards the center of the hill and out of sight....

PVT Phil Heuron hissed in pain from his wound, but he clutched his Folding-Stock Carbine close and kept it leveled and at the ready as he moved towards the Cave Entrance the Maker was using and which Porcupine had created a pit in to cause the Enemy Talent to fall into. He saw the American toss a grenade and he stopped and then his eyes popped open when he saw the bad toss first go OVER the pit and then hit a rock and start to come right back at them before falling into the pit and going off. He moved cautiously forward after that and along with John, they both saw the nauseating sight of a man turned into a bloody pulp at the bottom of the pit. Doing his best to not lose his breakfast, he also saw that beyond the pit was a tunnel leading up and into the Hill and bending at a right angle and out of sight further into the hill. Battaglia moved up with his Bazooka reloaded, but after seeing Phil and Porupine's reactions, he realized the Japanese Talent was no longer a threat and he lowered the weapon. "So.....what now?" Mark/Mike asked them.....

OOC: Okay, so all immediate threats have been eliminated, though obviously all of you know that there is at least one more Talent; 'Cloud Maker' inside the hill somewhere.....

The tunnel that Campbell, Koda, Chisholm and the LT are close to is intact, about 8 feet high and wide and runs into the hill about 10 yards on a slight incline (say something like 30 degrees) and then bends to the left sharply with some kind of light source that can be seen from your position spilling out into the 'bend' of the tunnel that you are all at the entrance of.

The tunnel that Phil, Porcupine and Battaglia are at is basically the same, save the bend is to the right and there's now a big pit at the entrance to it....

Nado is basically equidistant to both tunnels and can move to either or stay where he is, whatever works....

*Considering that John was Wounded (-1D) and Moving (-1D as you were taking two actions; moving and tossing a grenade)...that Grenade toss you made; even at short range (10 yards) was using a Thrown Weapons skill of 1D+1 to beat a Difficulty 10.....basically an Auto-Miss. When grenades miss, there's a Scatter Roll to be made....luckily yours was 'towards' the Enemy; but just something to be careful of in the future. :)
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#46 Post by kipper »

Can Porcupine's pit be bypassed, or is it blocking the entire tunnel? If the latter, would it be possible to easily climb down into the pit and up the other side?
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#47 Post by Urson »

Porcupine stops suddenly, as the pian from his wound finally catches up with him. He stops and takes a knee, one hand pressed to the wound.
Thank you, Grandfather Sky. Thank you, Earth Mother. I should not have managed to make that throw.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#48 Post by Rex »


Nahum pauses to catch his breath and switches to a new magazine in his Tommy Gun.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#49 Post by kipper »

"Good work," Phil says to Porcupine. "Do you think you can make it through the pit? I took at hit myself back there, but I think I can manage. Or do you think we should rejoin the others? I was thinking, if we go this way we'll cut off at least one other avenue of retreat for any survivors."
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#50 Post by ateno »

Carrying the LMG, Koda legs it up there with Campbell. Once he realizes they are going in the cave, he sets it aside and takes out his pistol. Other hand over a grenade.

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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#51 Post by Urson »

Yeah, I should be able to make it. Let's get these bastards.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#52 Post by ybn1197 »

Campbell nods and says to the El-Tee "Ah-ight" before moving into the tunnel. He moves to the right side of the tunnel and follows the wall down and into the hill slowly. When he gets to the bend, he takes a quick look before heading over to the left side of the tunnel and taking another quick look.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#53 Post by Zhym »

Nado joins the group in the pit, figuring that will give the two groups even numbers. He'll climb into and out of the pit with the others.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#54 Post by max_vale »

7:30-7:45 AM; August 15, 1943; Alaska Territory; Aleutian Island Kistakuta

On a tiny little rocky island off the coast of Alaska known as Kistakuta; a battle between Axis and Allied Talents continued to rage...

The eight members of SST 11 had split into two groups of 4 and each had entered into the cave-complex in the central hill that served as the base of the Japanese Unit 781 Talents through one of the tunnels on either end of the hill....

The first group had entered through the right tunnel and the team consisted of Corporal Casey Campbell in the lead with LT Hyde-Smythe and Koda right behind him and SGT Nahum Chisholm bringing up the rear. As the group made its way up the steeply rising tunnel that took a 90 degree turn towards the center of the hill; overhead lights could be seen giving off a dim light and showing a long tunnel rising into a large central room up ahead. Suddenly, the lights all went out at once and everyone took a knee, expecting something to immediately happen, but nothing did. Then the LT dug deep inside himself and called on his Talent Power of being able to see in the dark and he inched to the front of the line with his Colt 1911 pistol at the ready and wincing at his wound.

He passed Campbell, who had his Johnson LMG leveled at the open area ahead and LCPL Koda who had his own pistol in one hand and a grenade in the other. "Just don't bloody blow me up, eh"; Hyde-Smythe muttered to Koda as he passed him and he moved ahead carefully. As he got to the end of the tunnel, he saw it opened into a large room that vaulted some 50 or more feet up and had daylight forming a spotlight into the place as a ladder ran all the way up to a make-shift bunker hatch in the ceiling that was still open. The Marksmen had used it to get to the top of the hill to fire on them down on the beach and with his night-vision, SST 11's leader called out; "Okay, it's a massive room....I see bunks on one side; several Rising Sun Flags hanging down....some kind of massive, weird machine on one side....a matching tunnel entrance on the opposite side....several pillars that must be holding the ceiling up.....wait, something's moving....DOWN!", he ended with a shout to his team who had filtered into the room behind him.

He knocked Koda down to the ground just as a dark shadow moved and a loud shot echoed in the cavern and a second later, Hyde-Smythe fell heavily to the ground with a grunt and didn't move......Koda knew he would've been hit instead had the Officer not shoved him aside and taken the bullet.....

From the opposite side of the cavern, after climbing through the gory pit; PFC Porcupine, PVT Heuron, PFC Nado and CPL Battaglia carefully made their way up the tunnels with Carbines and Rifles at the ready. When the lights went out, everybody froze and dropped low; some hissing at the effect this had on their wounds. Mark/Mike took the lead with a whispered; "Well, I can at least use my energy blast to light the area up for a second" and he slowly crawled up the tunnel with Phil, Porcupine and finally Nado following behind....

A shot rang out and Mark knelt up, called upon his Talent Power and cut loose a brief blast of light from his Blast Power towards the ceiling in the massive cavern. For a brief second, a Japanese man with some kind of strange, thick goggles over his eyes and a Nambu pistol in one hand and a grenade in the other could be seen in the center of the room. He whirled around from firing a shot in the opposite direction and he hurled the spherical weapons towards the quartet crawling their way into the room...

Mark instinctively put up his Shield Power and a moment later, the deafening blast of the grenade could be FELT by all three SST 11 members who were close to Battaglia, but none were hurt. Then the room was all dark again....

OOC: Okay, so in the brief moments of the Energy Blast and Pistol Shot/Greande Blast; everyone could see the massive central base/cavern the Unit 781 was using is at least 100 x 100 x 50 feet with several pillars in the central; a ladder going all the way to the ceiling and most importantly of all.....one more Japanese Talent (though one not currently using his Power) in the room with a Nambu Pistol and a Grenade (or at least, the one he just used) in his possession.....

Each group has a 'general idea' of where the shot/grenade throw came from....about 50 feet into the room or so; but it's all dark (save for the spotlight effect from the open hatch on the ceiling) and the Talent is slow and was moving near some pillars....
Last edited by max_vale on Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#55 Post by ateno »

Koda will pull the LT back down the cave and start doing first aide on him, he will use a luck point to assist in saving the LTs life.

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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#56 Post by Rex »


Nahum will rush for the nearest pillar, trying to keep it between himself and the Japanese talent.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#57 Post by Urson »

Porcupine stayed low, drawing on his talent to pelt the IJA with rocks from the walls. He'll use a will point to increase the number of rocks.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#58 Post by ybn1197 »

Just a point of correction:
max_vale wrote: Sun Dec 19, 2021 9:22 pm Koda, Nado, Porcupine and Hyde-Smyth were all issued M1 Garand Rifles; the Canadians a bit dismayed to not have their familiar SMLE Rifles; but SST 11 was part of the Force....and the Force was issued with American weapons to all its members. Chisholm got a Tommy Gun, but a newer model; the M1A1 which had the bolt moved to the side inside of on top like the older 1928 version and it also came with 30 round Stick Clips. Campbell was issued the M1941 Johnson Light Machine-gun. The 'Johnny Gun' had quickly become a darling of the Force.
max_vale wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 1:26 am He passed Campbell, who had his M1 leveled at the open area ahead.....
Campbell centers his vision on the area he last saw the Japanese talent and lets loose with a rebel yell.

Spend a point to activate.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#59 Post by max_vale »

OOC: ybn you are ABSOLUTELY right, DOH! Sorry about that! Post edited!
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#60 Post by kipper »

Phil decides that the enemy talent is too close to risk throwing a grenade , and instead crouches down and readies his carbine to fire if the enemy is revealed in another flash of light or similar.
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