Tomb Raiders. (Character introductions)

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Re: Tomb Raiders. (Character introductions)

#41 Post by Hadarai »

Callen, after many days of travel, had finally set his eyes on the village of Helix and breathed a sigh of relief that his journey was at an end and finally his work could begin. The Cleric of Ygg made his god's temple the first stop so that he could pay his respects and pray for success in his future endeavors.

The 58 year old Half-Elf is of average height for his people, with medium length dirty blonde hair swept back under his helmet. He wears the priestly robes of the Church of Ygg over his chainmail, the holy symbol of Ygg hangs proudly from his neck along with a holy book from his belt. He carries with him a Morningstar typical of his order along with a shield bearing the symbol of Ygg.

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Re: Tomb Raiders. (Character introductions)

#42 Post by Jernau35 »

Perseverance Hake
Perserverance Hake 2.jpg
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Perserverance Hake, or Hake, as he prefers everyone to call him, is a devout follower of St Ygg. Devout to the point of zealotry. He is often to be found with his nose in a prayer book, though he has memorized them all many times over. The mission to civilize the frontier and it's heathen inhabitants calls strongly to him:

Though the stubborn cling to the rocks as the waters rise, surely there is one who seizes the line and is pulled upon the boat. And so you must endure the tempest even with naught but thy faith. - Seventh Admonition of St. Ygg

Physically, Hake is not imposing. Standing only 5'6" tall, unkind observers might ascribe his personality to "Short Man Syndrome". However, it really just his religeous fervor that makes him so irritating driven. His clothing is adorned with the Cross of St Ygg and he wears the symbol around his neck. He also wears scale mail and carries a shield and a morningstar.
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Re: Tomb Raiders. (Character introductions)

#43 Post by Craigers07 »

Rum Lightbender


Rum Lightbender grew up on the streets of a bustling port town, learning to fend for himself in the rough and tumble world of the city. He quickly became known for his skill with a blade and his ability to talk his way out of trouble. One day, he heard rumors of the Barrowmaze and the treasure that lay within, and he knew that he had to see it for himself. He scraped together what money he could and set out on his adventure, determined to make his fortune and see what other secrets the world had to offer.
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Re: Tomb Raiders. (Character introductions)

#44 Post by kwll »

Genaromes is generally known as 'Gen of the Isles'. He is small and bald, and does not look much of a mage aside from his staff, almost as tall as himself, and his dark cloak that he seldom leaves. He doesn't attract the eye otherwise. He is somewhat jovial in character, looks like a sturdy man, even if not muscular, and his accent betrays that he comes from overseas.
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Re: Tomb Raiders. (Character introductions)

#45 Post by tanker405th »

Stopping on the road just prior to entering Helix, Gideon Hawke finishes up another decade on his prayer beads. Thankful to arrive safely, he takes in the surroundings before entering the town proper. While only 22 years of age, there are weather lines already adorning his features giving an appearance of sternness and seriousness. His tanned skin (along with the wrinkles) is evidence of many years of working outside. His cleanly shaven head stands in stark contrast to his beard. A backpack of gear is worn over scale mail, but a closer inspection reveals simple clothing underneath it all. From his belt hangs a morning star, and one of the nearby pouches has the unmistakable sigil of St. Ygg on the flap: a white shield with a red cross emblazoned upon it. Perhaps the old friar was right in sending Gideon out into the world. After all the faith must be proclaimed and one can only learn so much from a simple country shrine...

Gideon Hawke. Bald man with beard wearing scale armor
Gideon Hawke. Bald man with beard wearing scale armor
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Re: Tomb Raiders. (Character introductions)

#46 Post by Kenjosephus »

Veryn Esuran

is the shortest half elf you've ever imagined, you would think he was born from an halfling family. An olive skinned man with soulless, black eyes, ears that stick out and plucked eyebrows. He has fine, black hair, has a short beard, and he has short legs, a slim neck, and narrow feet. He brings a hefty looking weight of backpack, a longsword scabbard on his left side, a dagger on his back waist and a small bolt quiver on his right side.

Because of his short stature, Veryn was keen to be more agile to the point of one day in his 20's, he was recruited into an assassin guild. He got in, took some test, but ran away mid test as he cannot stomach seeing people died through various method. Feared that the guild would come after him, he takes the rest of his father allowance money, bought some gear and head down to Helix to get rich and poweful. What could possibly go wrong?
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Re: Tomb Raiders. (Character introductions)

#47 Post by Straither »


A simple but rotund dwarf, dressed in chainmail armour and bearing a halberd. A former guard turned mercenary adventurer. He has come from the Moon Peaks in search of gold, wenches and a few goblin heads as trophies.

Dwarf with Halberd
Dwarf with Halberd
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Re: Tomb Raiders. (Character introductions)

#48 Post by zagygthemad »



Yngvar is 5'9" tall, 165 pounds, dark hair, olive complexion. He wears a blood red robe over black trousers and low soft boots. He carries a backpack on his back with staff in his hand. You see he carries a few daggers, one on his belt, one in a baldric across his chest. He has a spell component pouch on his left shoulder.
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Re: Tomb Raiders. (Character introductions)

#49 Post by BaltoBruiser »

Bhelnus Marblehelm is too hideous to post a recent image but here is one from his younger days. His countenance is marred by scars from an acid burn. To add insult to injury, as a dwarf without facial hair, he is an outcast from his clan in the Moon Peaks. Bhelnus's stands 4'8' tall and is nearly as wide as he is tall with thick muscular arms and legs. His hair is black with streaks of white leading others to call him "Badger". Bhelnus' has a pet badger named Bucky which he carries everywhere. Bhelnus wears a coat of chain mail beneath his traveling cloak. He carries a crossbow and wields a hammer in close combat. Bhelnus' Great Grandfather, Bhelgus was also adventurer and gifted him a forge hammer that once per day can produce similar effects to a "Knock" spell when struck against an object. Bhelnus has chosen the adventuring life to achieve glory and riches which will allow him to return to his clan with his middle finger raised triumphantly.
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Re: Tomb Raiders. (Character introductions)

#50 Post by Rex »

Dufr Far Traveler

A wandering Dwarf who specializes in working on mechanisms of varying sorts. Out to find riches and rewards.
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Re: Tomb Raiders. (Character introductions)

#51 Post by archolewa »

A short and slightly stocky young woman passes through the gates of Helix, a wary eye casting over the bustling village. She wears her armor, shield and pack with an ease that suggests greater strength than her short stature would otherwise imply. In contrast, her smooth, pale skin suggests an easy life to date. She shifts her pack on her shoulders, checks her sword in its scabbard, and makes a beeline for the bustling Brazen Strumpet.
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Re: Tomb Raiders. (Character introductions)

#52 Post by tristenc »

A quiet young man with shoulder-length black hair and angular features regards you with rich violet eyes possessing a wisdom that belies his youthful appearance. He is slender, somewhat attractive, and a little on the clumsy side. Lanky and lean for his height, he yet had some measure of strength, if not much heft to his frame. There seems to be a general feel of distraction about him. The pointed tip of one ear pokes out between green-dyed streaks in his otherwise sable locks.

A shield with the painted image of a star within a star (symbol of Arcantryl) hangs across his back over his pack. A staff is propped near to hand, a flail and a sling rest tucked at his belt. The chink of chainmail and thunk of heavy boots accompanies his movement. He can be sometimes seen fiddling with a tiny trinket that looks like magnetite with pale blue points bursting from within...

(Art not my original work)

Dadely Mattew Grimes

Shield design

Natural Magnetite Quartz holy-symbol/spell focus
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Re: Tomb Raiders. (Character introductions)

#53 Post by Stirling »


A elf; diminutive and svelte, nevertheless she carries herself and her weapons with calm and ease. Of 'wood elf' in racial heritage with a nominal Silvanus faith and interest in the finer arts and arcane literary expressions.

She shoulders a bow, looking competent if a little inexperienced in its use.

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Re: Tomb Raiders. (Character introductions)

#54 Post by Edeldhur »

Theraxx Hammerhand


A dour looking dwarf, with a permanent scowl and covered in strange tattoos. For all the gear and weaponry he seems to carry at all times, Theraxx still manages to carry himself with ease. His reflexes are quick, and his reactions are sharp to those who have ever seen him in a scuffle. He seems to favor the warhammer and shield, but both a finely sharped blade at his belt and a crosswbow at his back, stand in easy reach. The profuse dark brown beard contrasts with his bald head, and his deep-set, almost invariably frowning, bright blue eyes.
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Re: Tomb Raiders. (Character introductions)

#55 Post by qtkat »

Veronica Tabolth is the new kid in town. Veronica (goes by Ronni) is average height and well toned. She has wavy brown hair and light brown eyes. When possible she is well kempt and keeps the studs shining on her armor brightly and well as her spear head. She is good natured and smiles a lot.
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Re: Tomb Raiders. (Character introductions)

#56 Post by Stirling »

Blaze Horner

A follower of the 'auld ways' acknowledging Herne the Hunter and more comfortable in wild rather than urban surrounds. The youth totes a yew longbow as his prized comfort among meagre possessions.

Dressed in hooded shawl and weathered patchwork armour of forest hues that match his hazel eyes and short cropped hair.

Devout and intelligent.

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Re: Tomb Raiders. (Character introductions)

#57 Post by Edeldhur »



The half-orc sat cross-legged in front of the ceremonial bowl - carefully he made a bed of twig and dried, soft moss in it, all under the watchful eyes his lean canine companion.

Unwrapping an old, dirty rag, he removed the deer heart - the kill must have been fresh, since the drying blood on the heart and on his hands still retained some of its brightness. The care and reverence with which the organ was placed in its appointed sacrificial place contrasted with the savage outlook of the one carrying out the whole process - were those... Protruding tusks? Disheveled and dirty hair, skin marred with caked earth and cuts...

Yet the scene unfolded - the heart was splashed with oil, and set alit. The half-orc waved back and forth, his prayer a guttural and deep one. As the prayer grew in tone, only one word could be distinguished from the others - "Herne!"
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Re: Tomb Raiders. (Character introductions)

#58 Post by subaltari »

Greetings! In another world a Total Eclipse comes and goes, bringing with it a harbinger of... what exactly? The prophets are hedging their bets, and only time will tell...

Elbart the Riverman
Elbart & shortbow.jpg
Elbart & shortbow.jpg (17.89 KiB) Viewed 300 times

This human in his mid-twenties stands over six feet and sports a recent haircut and shave, but otherwise he is fairly nondescript. His dull, greenish-brown hooded cloak over brigandine armour, and a simple shortbow, might be suggestive of certain activities. Then again, his shield is made of oak planks carved into the likeness of a face similar to The Green Man, eldest of the Angenach (though some argue Herne is older).

Green Man shield.jpg
Green Man shield.jpg (41.21 KiB) Viewed 300 times

Elbart claims to be from someplace called "the West Marches," more recently by way of Ironguard Motte. It's hard to get more than that out of the man. He is reserved, and when he does speak to strangers he can be a bit brusque.
Hvalreki's Repo Men (CT): Gabe Garcia, 7A8772 age 22 (1 term Marines); Autorifle-1, Cutlass-2, Tactics-1, Vacc-1.
OM's Wandering Windswept Wastelands (Hyperborea 3e): Magda thugatêr Erebos, 2nd level Ixian Witch
Spearmint's Barrowmaze (1e): Elbart, 1st level human 'riverman'
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Re: Tomb Raiders. (Character introductions)

#59 Post by grokkngrognard »

Bellatrix is a woman of medium height with short frost white hair, stern features that bear her a haughty mien, and the slightly pointed ears that betray her sylvan ancestry. She wears a tabard of pure white emblazoned with the Red Cross of St. Ygg, the sleeves trimmed with the red stripes of the Sororitas of the Carmine Cross; a militant order of women devoted to St. Ygg.

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Re: Tomb Raiders. (Character introductions)

#60 Post by kruk »

Greetings all

Meet Berrgon Chiselrock: Dwarf Fighter

At first glance at Berrgon one can conclude three things. First, the young scarred faced dwarf (one particularly gruesome one located under his left eye tracing down the left side of his face before entering a bushy unkept beard) definitely shows that the dwarf has had a tough childhood Two, with the scowled expression he shows, it's a safe bet that he is short tempered. And third, his muscular frame and the way he carries himself shows that he's probably as strong as an ox. Conclusion: Don't piss him off or predictable consequences will follow.


I have a picture of him I'd like to share but I don't know how to upload pics using this format:
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