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Re: A New Quest

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 8:36 pm
by wolfpack
Please post any specific actions/questions for the next few days as I plan to move forward.

Re: A New Quest

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 8:47 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Balasar after studying and learning some new spells and entering them into his spellbook he will set off the regular chain armor he had originally worn as well as the cultist robe.

Re: A New Quest

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 9:00 pm
by Storm11
Storm experiments with the other ring, trying to walk on water in a near by fountain or stream or lake, putting his submissive fingers into some flames, and jumping from a cart or window or bridge some ten feet high into deepish cold water in his underclothes all wearing the ring. If the first experiment works he will stop trying and so on . :D

All this on the third day after he is finished with his spell scribing and learning.

Re: A New Quest

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 9:16 pm
by wolfpack
When dropping off a bridge into water in his skives storm gets more than just strange looks. When he goes under the water he finds no resistance when he starts to move. he cuts through the water like he was on land (although he still can't breath under water)

Re: A New Quest

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 9:19 pm
by spanningtree

Thank you, I will stay in the common room. Many thanks for the assistance with the reagents, they will prove very useful. With a slight bow he will leave the high priest and venture to the tavern his comrades are slumming in to catch up.

OCC@group: 3 potions of healing and a sweet water, who should these go to? I would think the front line warriors for the healing and the sweet to a mage.

Re: A New Quest

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 9:47 pm
by Stirling

Will use the mornings to conduct his research into the cults as outlined before. The evenings are spent in taverns.

He writes a message to Sandarin and Moony, explaining what we have discovered so far, addressing copies to guilds he knows they may attend.

He renews his personal supplies and checks out the mercenary guild for any mud wrestling or pugilistic entertainment events.

Re: A New Quest

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 11:15 pm
by redwarrior
Phil assuming that there is an appropriate place within an hour's walk, Phil will spend the mornings attempting to hunt, getting used to the spear. Anything caught will be burnt as offerings to Odin. During the afternoons, he will visit Curate Harson and learn all he can of the Norse pantheon and especially Odin. If there are miscellaneous things he can do around the shrine, he will do so. He will spend the evenings with the group at the tavern, peppering Hilldr with questions about the god, and stories surrounding him until he feels that she, or his other companions are starting to feel annoyed. On the final day in town, he will give the curate his emerald (90GP gem) as a tithe and thanks for his tutelage.

Gem struck.

I think the healing potions should go to Balasar, Sarin, and Felix. they are the most likely to BOTH be in combat and knocked down to critical.

Re: A New Quest

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 1:51 am
by wolfpack
The next few days pass

Be sure to distribute any items or potions not done so on character sheets

You are summoned to the temple.

there the high priest introduces you to a older man with a bald head and black goatee.

This is Mavis, he is the one I told you about. He will be taking you to Starlorn

Re: A New Quest

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 5:06 am
by Rex

"Ready to go."

Re: A New Quest

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 5:07 am
by Rex

"I am all set, with this many maybe warriors to the outside?"

Re: A New Quest

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 5:10 am
by Storm11
Storm arrives on day four to great the mage. I am ready also he says nodding at the wizard and watching him intently.

He has memorised light and shield for his spells.

Re: A New Quest

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 5:16 am
by redwarrior
Phil grips his spear, and at Hilldr’s words steps to the outer edge of the circle.

Re: A New Quest

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 5:39 am
by spanningtree

Responding to the summons, enters the chamber and nods to his comrades, new and old: Mavis, excellent to meet you sir, give us a moment while we rally our troop. Takes a opposite position from Hildr in the circle, cleric stuff.

OCC: The potions provided by the Rongo are in his pack, on his sheet, will distribute later.

Re: A New Quest

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 2:17 pm
by Stirling

Gets the call that the transport is ready. He is a little excited as he has not been teleported before.

"Are there any magic words we repeat like 'Beam me up Scott?' he asks. "You ain't gonna mis-cast and we arrive in each others bodies?"

He has his equipment sorted.

Re: A New Quest

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 2:40 pm
by wolfpack
There are so many of you I will have to make multiple trips as I can only take so much weight each trip.

he separates you into groups.
Xanthe, Storm, felix, Allan, Sarin
Balasar, Hildr, Ruthgar
Phil, Sax

Prepare yourselves as you will feel as if your stomach has flipped over, we should avoid teleporting into a stone wall as we are traveling to my summer home sso I am intimately familiar with it

The mage puts on on a small shiny helm and has everyone form the 1st group place their hand on him. As the others watch he weaves a spell and there is a sudden pop and everyone in the group is gone.

[1d100] = 45

He returns a minute later and repeats with the second group using a scroll
[1d100] = 37

and finally for the last group he again uses a scroll
[1d100] = 54

You all arrive inside the parlor of a nice manor house. You feel queasy and a little dizzy form the teleport but in passes in a few minutes.

You are now in Starlorn, the first city. We are in the manor district in the northern section of the city, you will want to go to the city center there you will find inn's and shops as you have never seen in your lives.

he sees you out of his home and once outside casts enchantments upon it. he then turns and nods at you and is gone in a blink.

Re: A New Quest

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 6:54 pm
by spanningtree

Not a man ready to strike up a conversation I guess... lets be off to the center. After adjusting his pack he starts walking toward the center, taking in all of the sights.

Re: A New Quest

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 7:35 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Sarin "Yes some wizards or mages are like that. Some are eccentric and strange. At least from my experience." the half-elven roguish fighter follows Ruthgar. "Yes let's be off then."

Balasar bites his tongue at the comment about wizards and mages. "Right you are Ruthgar we should head to the center and not dally."

Re: A New Quest

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 7:35 pm
by wolfpack
you walk past lavish manor homes surrounded my fortified walls and gates.

the streets rather than hard packed dirt or gravel are bricks cut to shape laied side by side with perfection

you walk for what seems like forever before leaving the manor district towards the city center. far in the distance upon a hill you see looming a magnificent castle.

The architecture is large and sweeping. magnificent buildings all around packed tightly together. You see cathedrals grander than anything you ever imagined.

Everywhere are grand statues and other works of art with many dedicated to Poseidon

the streets are packed with people, most dressed unlike anything you have ever seen with velvet coats, stockings, and foppish hats. most the men wear curly wigs and the women dresses with the waist sticking many feet form their body. Most stare at you strangely in your heavy armor and weapons.

you walk for hours and finally begin to get to the city center, the densely packed building offer shopping for anything you could imagine. the people begin to change from the strangely dressed upper crust to more eclectic citizens. people from all places and all walks of life, large temples to every god but the grand temple to Poseidon dwarfs them all or any you have ever seen.

You stand in awe, even the large cities you have seen in the north are dwarfed in comparison

Re: A New Quest

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 10:59 pm
by spanningtree

Lets out a whistle: Never seen anything like this.

Re: A New Quest

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 3:33 am
by Rex

"I have heard many stories, but never seen it myself."