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Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 6:26 pm
by ravenn4544
, overhearing, suggests "does the book on ceremonies indicate anything that would be relevant to what we have seen so far? We've seen plenty of strange and magical things. Any description on something we ought to seek out and perform to advance our quest?"

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 3:58 am
by Grognardsw
Aric, barbarian

Feeling slightly nauseous, Aric moves away from the books. He keeps watch while the others read.

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 9:54 am
by Storm11
Hex peruses the undead book as suggested, his halfling form struggling to drag the volume onto the floor so he can more easily read it. He looks for anything that specifically contains ways in dealing with each undead and announces them, along with any special protections they have against certain attacks etc.

He will also look for any similarities in the tome that might suggest what has happened to the temple of Lunia and why it is now seemingly deserted, perhaps a clue as to what happened to the clergy that dwelled here on in ages past.

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 2:40 pm
by coil23

Unless he meets objections, Osprey claims the demon banishment ritual material for study. This is the menace that frightens him the most though privately the fascination at this new twisted hall in the arcane universe is there as well.

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 3:59 pm
by greyarea
Yon will take the The Tome of Unrest for study, as well as Declarations of Her Celestial Majesty for meditation.

Yon will then examine the statues.

Sorry for the lack of reply. Cross country move and lack of internet combine to make a lethal force on my PbP response time.

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 4:44 pm
by coil23

Utilizing his parchment, charcoal, and tracing paper, Osprey copies down text and traces symbols and diagrams as needed to assist his study (and to save for later).

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 5:40 am
by mjulius

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 5:03 pm
by Grognardsw
Aric paces the room. The barbarian pauses at the side of one of the statues, opens his loin clote and pisses on the statue while muttering something under his breath.

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 1:11 am
by Mant72
The ancient books are gathered and mulled over by the mages and priest.

Wil wonders if any clues may be contained within the Declarations of Her Celestial Majesty, and while referencing the holy book, Yon comes upon a colored plate portraying a pair of doors in the likeness of slumbering eyes. A familiar riddle is written on the doors' archway:

Stand before the doors of sleep;
Sound the horn in sequence three;
Solve the crooked question, and
All will be revealed as planned.

Flipping through the book on demihuman deities, Morris turns to the back and notices something odd. His hand slides over the inside of the back cover, and it feels as if something might be sealed within.

Hex reads aloud from the Book of Unrest. The revelations are most disturbing yet may prove helpful should the party encounter more undead in their future endeavors.

Kragg patrols the landing and the top of the stairs that plummet into darkness. Normally the dwarf would feel quite at home in the subterranean depths, but this place exudes a feeling of evil, a feeling that something watches and waits. He notices the tracks in the dust continue to descend into the darkness below.

Yon finishes with the tome and makes his way to inspect the statues. To his chagrin, he notices they have been defaced. Gems that once adorned the god and goddess have been pried away, and blasphemous runes have been etched into the cheeks and foreheads of the statuary.

Osprey collects the book on demonology and begins taking notes on the eldritch contents contained therein.

Aric grows exasperated with the intellectuals' preoccupation with reading and opens his pack to admire his loot. He spies the gold and silver chalices, the ruby gleaned from the belly of the giant constrictor, and the fist-sized emerald he retrieved with the help of the wily Phineas. He palms the emerald, and suddenly the alluring song of wenching and wine calls to the northman. He summarily urinates on the statues, exits the chamber, and takes his leave of the Monastery at Dimwater.


Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 7:47 am
by Storm11
Hex looks up from his reading and watches the barbarian wander away. We seem to be dropping like flies yes yes yes! the illusionist sighs.

Upon being told about the riddle and the door of eyes the halfling becomes ever more excited. We seem to be getting closer to our destination hmmmm yes yes indeedy!

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 2:11 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Kragg returns to the room where everyone is reading "Either we're going in the right direction or things are going very wrong but something tells me what lies below is quite evil, not sure if we all aught to follow in the steps of the Big one and Phin or not..."

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 1:27 pm
by ravenn4544

"While down could indeed be a source of evil - perhaps it is righteous for us to banish that evil and return this holy shrine to it's former Light?"

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 2:37 pm
by mjulius
Morris raises his brow and smiles as he settles down at the table and carefully works free the endpapers of the book with the blade of his dagger.

mmmhmm. Look what we have here...

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 4:56 pm
by greyarea
Yon scowls at Aric's antics. When he leaves, Yon murmurs a prayer,Please Lord of Light, watch my companion as he makes his way and melt his icy heart with the blessed Heat of Your Light.

He wishes he could restore the statuary. And he ponders the riddle. Have we a horn? He thinks back.

Do we have a horn? I don't recall one but then again I am the third Yon :)

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 6:43 pm
by coil23

Osprey looks up from his study at the sound of spattering urine then looks around incredulously. The statue? Really? Remember what happened with the last one? As Aric walks off the elf shakes his head, I only hope we have the strength to meet and best the evil when we do find it.

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 7:53 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Kragg "I too fear that our number has dwindled down a bit we did gain a fellow to help but we lost our mighty warrior and a carnival ringmaster of sorts. Not to mention the fallen we have had in getting here. As for the horn I still have the horn I found." the dwarf holds the horn up for Yon to see.

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 7:59 pm
by Mant72
Yes, Kragg has a horn that was found in the watchtower. It bears the same riddle that is contained in the book.

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 8:02 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Mant72 wrote:Yes, Kragg has a horn that was found in the watchtower. It bears the same riddle that is contained in the book.
Brass bound horn inscribed with a riddle (Kragg):
Stand before the doors of sleep;
Sound the horn in sequence three;
Solve the crooked question, and
All will be revealed as planned.

Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:41 pm
by Mant72
Morris carefully cuts into the back cover of the book, and sealed within he finds a folded parchment. He delicately removes the fragile paper, and unfolds it to find a map covered with faded runes. Being fluent in Dwarvish, Morris recognizes some of the characters, but the script is so ancient that the majority of the glyphs elude him.

He is only able to decipher three words: "Dwarven", "Treasure", and "Shame."


Re: Chapter 6: Unhallowed Halls

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:46 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Kragg being a dwarf walks over to Morris "Let me take a look there I am a dwarf you know perhaps I can figure more of that out for you Morris."