Bloodcurse: Into the Woods

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Re: Bloodcurse: Into the Woods

#361 Post by rtdersch »

Nokrugh says "I'll take the third watch", and then rolls out his bedroll and says a short prayer to Illneval before falling into a deep slumber.
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Re: Bloodcurse: Into the Woods

#362 Post by Computer +1 »

I will also take first watch. If trouble is to find us it may be sooner rather than later.
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Re: Bloodcurse: Into the Woods

#363 Post by Alethan »

Greystone concentrates on his bracelet as he thinks, "Is this good enough? Why so close to the black rock?"

Then he says, "I can take second watch with Dorn. Maybe the new king can take third watch with Nokrugh?"

He immediately curls up into the fetal position under a small ledge near the black rocks and quickly falls asleep.
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Re: Bloodcurse: Into the Woods

#364 Post by Belkregos »

I'll cover or double up where needed
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Re: Bloodcurse: Into the Woods

#365 Post by Alethan »

OOC: I KNEW I was forgetting someone... sorry about that, Belkregos. If you want to take second shift with Greystone, that would be fine. Then Dorn can take third and we can let the new king sleep all night and recover some.
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Re: Bloodcurse: Into the Woods

#366 Post by hedgeknight »

"Not going to happen," Adain says firmly. "I'll take a watch, the third will," he winces, grabbing his ribs and looking for somewhere to sit down. Finding a spot near Tarrin, the young king smiles weakly and whispers, "Did my uncle...the King...really declare that I should follow in his place? I...I'm...I'm not sure I am ready to be a king."
@ Greystone:
Talking to your bracelet gets you this response: "Well done > nothing shall harm thee in the shadow of the black rock." Once the voice echoes from your mind, you can hear the brush around you literally growing...growing to form a large hedge around the campsite. Your other companions do not seem to notice it since it is outside their circle of vision. In the morning, the hedge is gone...
Throughout the night, those on watch swear they hear snarling and the growls of beasts out in the darkness, maybe even the flicker of eyes in the moonlight...but nothing enters the camp, nothing threatens the horses, those that are able to rest, feel much better when dawn comes the next morning.
Those who were able to rest (I'm assuming all of you did before and after your watches), healed up 1 hp + CON bonus (if any).
Actions for the day? Please up date your hp below.

Current Stats:
Cole - down 7 hp
Darkstar - at 15 hp
Dorn - down 4 hp
Greystone - down 6 hp
Nokrugh - down 14 hp
Tarrin - down 2 hp
Adain - at 9 hp
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Re: Bloodcurse: Into the Woods

#367 Post by Hoondatha »

"He did," Tarrin told Adain. "He didn't have much life left by the time I reached him, but he spent it making certain I knew to tell you. And, with respect, the fact that you're worried about not being ready, of letting your people down, speaks well of you. Far better someone who understands what they're facing, and worries, than someone who blithely assumes they are up to the task."

As soon as he awoke the next morning, Tarrin prayed, then leafed through his spellbook, and finally stood. He quietly moved about the party, chanting and placing his gauntleted hand on peoples' shoulders. When he was finally done, the group looked a great deal less travel worn.

((ooc: Casting four healing spells, one each on Cole (9 hp), Greystone (5 hp), Nokrugh (10 hp), and Adain (4 hp). ))
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Re: Bloodcurse: Into the Woods

#368 Post by Alethan »

"Once again, I thank you," Greystone offers, almost as a prayer, after he wakes in the cool morning to find the remains of his party whole and safe. "I believe my barbarian friends wish to bury their dead; if you would tell me the best location, I will see to it that spot is used. If ever I may be of service, you need just ask."

After bowing his head in silence for a few moments, Greystone stands and stretches, feeling completely renewed and refreshed. He quickly packs up what little sleep gear he has out and then waits for Dorn to rise.

"If you want help interning your dead here in the Bloodgrove, I will find the best location..."

If he does not receive any indication where to bury them from the bracelet, then he will quietly walk through the Bloodgrove, seeking out a spot that would be the most free of tree roots and rock, to protect the trees from damage as well as add ease to the digging.

OOC: Hit points restored to full with Tarrin's healing spell and the night's rest.
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Re: Bloodcurse: Into the Woods

#369 Post by Computer +1 »

Darkstar walks over to Tarrin. I owe you my thanks. You brought me back from the brink of death but you have also filled me with purpose. He looks away. As I was dying I heard the voice of my father. I could barely make out what he was saying but I think he was telling me that it was too soon for me to join him and my clan. That I have my own path to follow and a life to live. He claps Tarrin on the shoulder Before we met I wanted to die but as I lay dying I decided that I want to live.

Thank you for helping me see that.
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Re: Bloodcurse: Into the Woods

#370 Post by hedgeknight »

Early Morning, Mirtul 10th, 1358 DR

Getting up is a little slower for some of you as wounds pull and sore muscles tug and strain against your will. But once you are up and moving around a bit, things are a little better. It is cold this morning and overcast, as it almost always is in the North, but the sun is trying to peek through the clouds. Tarrin makes the day much better for most of you, passing around a dose of healing in the name of Shaundakul, the Rider of the Winds. (Stats updated below)
"If you want help interning your dead here in the Bloodgrove, I will find the best location..."
Dorn, busy with re-wrapping the bodies of his dead brothers in blankets, says over his shoulder, "I wish to bury them where we buried Vorn > down by the river where he was slain. There, all three can run together in Uthgar's realm."
"And I shall help you," Adain says, picking up Zorn's body and turning to carry it away.

After the brothers are buried in shallow graves by the river pouring out of the Blood Grove, it is time to move out and head for home. It will be a long four days of traveling - some hearts are heavy, some are grateful to be alive, some are seeking new purpose for their lives.
As you ride, Adain turns to you, those who he has come to call friends in the past couple of weeks.
"Tell me, how do you think the tribe will accept me as their new...king?" The young warrior glances at the body of King Gundar strapped to Finn's horse and then looks back to you. "What if they do not believe me? What if they think...what if they think I had something to do with his death?"

Current Stats:
Cole - full hp
Darkstar - full hp
Dorn - down 1 hp
Greystone - full hp
Nokrugh - full hp
Tarrin - down 1 hp
Adain - down 6 hp
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Re: Bloodcurse: Into the Woods

#371 Post by rtdersch »

Nokrugh watched the party as they awoke to the brisk morning air. This morning felt different somehow, as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders despite the weary looks and heavy hearts that still adorned some of his companions. Feeling he had proven himself capable to Illneval, his father and to the Black Boar clan he was in fair spirits despite his quiet, introspective demeanor this morning.

After helping clean up the campsite which included putting out the fire, loading provisions upon horses and cleaning dishes in the river Nokrugh assisted the barbarians in burying the fallen. When the last stone was placed upon the cairns he kneelt in prayer:

Illneval, God of war, who by this day have lead us to victory, please continue your inspiring guidance in all conflicts that stand before us. Strengthen our souls so that the weakening instinct of self-preservation, which besets all men in battle, shall not blind us to our duty to our own manhood, to the glory of your calling, and to our responsibilities to our fellow companions. Grant to our humble group that disciplined valor and mutual confidence which insures success in war. Let us not mourn for the men who have died fighting, but rather let us be glad that such heroes have lived. If it be our lot to die, let us do so with courage and honor in a manner which will bring the greatest harm to the enemy, and please, oh great Illneval, protect and guide those we leave behind this day.

Satisfied, Nokrugh raises from his knees and stands facing the young King Aiden. Placing his hands upon Aiden's shoulders he says, "Any who doubt your legitimacy to rule or by the means in which it were achieved will answer to my steel. From this day forth the proud barbarians of Grunwald led by their brave and honorable King, have an ally in the Black Boar clan."
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Re: Bloodcurse: Into the Woods

#372 Post by hedgeknight »

Adain smiles and nods at the big half-orc warrior, then abruptly reaches out and grips his arm in friendship. "Many thanks my...friend. Tell me true, are all of your tribe like you?"
Four days pass cold and wet with a lot of rain and high winds to keep you miserable on the southern trail through the Lurkwood. You see very little wildlife, but Darkstar manages to bag a young doe on the second day from the Blood Grove and you eat well that day and into the next.
Needless to say, when you spy the hut of Rast the alaghi hermit, you feel like you are almost home. It is late afternoon and a thin trickle of smoke rises from the chimney.


Very nice prayer > 25 xp awarded for that!
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Re: Bloodcurse: Into the Woods

#373 Post by Hoondatha »

And I'm using Nahal's Reckless Dweomer to duplicate an Identify spell on the cloak. And oddly enough, with the +3 from my level, I get it to 100+, which means the spell actually works. So I ID the cloak. ))[/ooc]
It is a Cloak of Protection +1 - dropped Feldar's AC just enough that some of your attacks missed, otherwise, he would have died a couple of rounds sooner. ;) Plus, give Tarrin an extra 25 xp for sharing the faith of Shaundukal - good job!

Dude, another excellent post > and another 25 xp bonus!

After several minutes of waiting, Adain turns to the rest of you and whispers, "Do we go visit the hermit again? Or do we pass on by and head back to Grunwald?

Actions fellers > and thanks to Tarrin, everyone is at full hp!
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Re: Bloodcurse: Into the Woods

#374 Post by Hoondatha »

((ooc: Whoops, forgot this part))

Tarrin smiled at Darkstar. "I am glad you've decided to stay with us, and that I was able to help. This world isn't always what we would want, and sometimes it cuts us to the bone, but that doesn't mean that journey is not worth it, or that we should step off the trail any sooner than we must."
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Re: Bloodcurse: Into the Woods

#375 Post by rtdersch »

Aidens query catches Nokrugh off guard and a long moment passes before he's able to gather his thoughts and respond.

"The question you pose is a simple one without a simple answer, so I'll do my best to explain. For generations the orc Black Boar clan were the scourge of the Spine of the World. They were nomadic warriors attacking and conquering all who dared settle within their boundaries. This included other orc tribes and included human, dwarven and elven settlers as well. Their ferocity in battle was legendary. Their penchant for taking captive females, mostly human, but elves and even an occasional dwarf for their own personal pleasures, were a close second. For a time their appetites stoked the battle lust that raged inside them. However as generations passed more and more of their lust fueled tendencies resulted in the "watering down" of their bloodlines and soon half-breeds such as myself numbered almost as greatly as the pure bloods. Sensing this, clan elders sought to purge the unclean from the clan through bloodshed but as you can imagine, the bastards fought back. Numbers equal, the half-bloods secured independence and forsaking the clans nomadic ways started their own community on the south eastern edge of the Spine of the World. Some of the smaller tribes such as my fathers, which made up the whole of the Black Boar clan joined the half-breeds but refused to give up their clan name affiliation. The nomadic Black Boar clan still roams the Spine though they're not nearly as powerful as they once were. It's a safe assumption they'll still attack any trespassers on site. Those from my home village though are more tolerant of the various races which inhabit the surrounding region. Before my father passed from this world he was the lone full blooded orc on the village council, the other two a human and a half-orc. While no one individual commands the village, I have earned the respect of a great many of the people who live there. News of our victory over the Malarites will eventually reach there and bolster my standing with them even further."

Nokrugh then stops for a moment. "I'm not really answering your question, am I?" Chuckling to himself he says, "No, most of my tribe are not like me though they are not like the nomadic clan either. They fall somewhere in between. We are a strong, proud clan but many of us are...uncertain of where we belong, of who we truly are. Our mixed blood heritage is both blessing and curse, and many of us still struggle with that. Don't let that scare you though, overall we're good neighbors. We don't war unless in defense, we've started to attract merchants of all ilk and our population diversifies and grows yearly!" Nokrugh says this with a heavy note of pride in his voice.

Nokrugh then walks ahead of the group and those with sharp ears hear him chuckle as he quietly says "diversifies" followed by, "thanks mum."
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Re: Bloodcurse: Into the Woods

#376 Post by hedgeknight »

And I'm using Nahal's Reckless Dweomer to duplicate an Identify spell on the cloak. And oddly enough, with the +3 from my level, I get it to 100+, which means the spell actually works. So I ID the cloak. ))
It is a Cloak of Protection +1 - dropped Feldar's AC just enough that some of your attacks missed, otherwise, he would have died a couple of rounds sooner. ;) Plus, give Tarrin an extra 25 xp for sharing the faith of Shaundukal - good job!
Dude, another excellent post > and another 25 xp bonus!
After several minutes of waiting, Adain turns to the rest of you and whispers, "Do we go visit the hermit again? Or do we pass on by and head back to Grunwald?

Actions fellers > and thanks to Tarrin, everyone is at full hp!
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Re: Bloodcurse: Into the Woods

#377 Post by Hoondatha »

"Rast helped us on our way up, he deserves to know the result of the battle, and that this den of werewolves at least will harm no one again," Tarrin said firmly. He didn't add that he also wanted to let Rast know about Tath's death. The druid and the bear had known each other, and he still felt a little guilty about her dying so soon after joining him.

Nodding to the rest of the group, Tarrin headed toward the door and knocked.

((ooc: Great. Thanks for both. I'll add them to my sheet.))
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Re: Bloodcurse: Into the Woods

#378 Post by Alethan »

Greystone looks up as if coming out of a sleep at the mention of Rast.

"But of course we're going to visit him. Or, rather, I am, at least," he says, glancing down at the green bracelet around his wrist. That is when he notices a greenish tinge to his skin where it contacts the bracelet. "As Tarin said, he deserves to know the outcome, though I'll wager it likely he already knows exactly what took place. Either way, I have a few questions for him... about..." he trails off, without clarifying, but quickly continues, "and I must see if he has any messages for me to relay to anyone or... anything... in or near my tribal lands. It is a courtesy of the land."
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Re: Bloodcurse: Into the Woods

#379 Post by Computer +1 »

Darkstar nods in agreement. Without Rast's gifts we would not have survived, we owe him our thanks at least.
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Re: Bloodcurse: Into the Woods

#380 Post by hedgeknight »

Tarrin knocks at the door of the hermit's cabin but gets no answer. Instead, he hears some type of singing > if you could call a loud, off-key baritone mixed with some screeching yodeling singing > coming from behind the cabin.
The rest of the group hears the raucous too and if you approach cautiously, you'll find a path circling around back and out to the large pond behind the cabin. There, on the bank of the pond, is Rast > he has a small campfire going with several large fish suspended over it on sticks. He seems oblivious to your presence, while he makes enough noise to wake a dragon, and appears to be...dancing and singing around the fire. And then...he sees you...and breaks into a grin.
"AH, BLESS MY HAIRY HIDE! YOU MADE IT BACK!" his loud booming voice echoes through the woods, sending small critters scampering for their dens, and disturbing birds from their roosts. "I KNEW YOU WERE COMING SO I BROKE OUT SOME WINE I'D BEEN SAVING AND CAUGHT US SOME SUPPER! YOU THIRSTY? YOU HUNGRY? COME ON OVER AND TELL ME ALL ABOUT YOUR TRIP TO RED TOR!"
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