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Re: B S (VII)

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 6:40 am
by Karaunios
Paladin wrote:
Karaunios wrote:
Paladin wrote:My ranger Cealwyn is interested in the obelisks.
Wasn't Cealwyn going to scout the west bank of the river with Grimm, Daisy and (probably?) Dexter?

I say it also because we'll need some muscle :oops:
Oh yeah! Dex is on a mission with Narramore and Keg and some others to get goop, so it might be a bit before they're back. Were you wanting to wait till then to go, or leave sooner?
Keg is with Elnaerel and Keyon, Paladin :lol: But that's irrelevant. So... I don't know, I don't Grimm to wait for much longer before heading to another adventure! Since he got something planned, maybe just the three of us (Cealwyn, Daisy and Grimm) are enough? That's a ranger, a cleric and a fighter/thief. Looks kind of balanced to me :P

Re: B S (VII)

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:28 pm
by Paladin
Not sure why I added Keg in there. I've got too many people running around this island. :lol:

Re: B S (VII)

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 6:17 pm
by Bluehorse
Hey, just letting folks know. My grandmother has fallen very ill and had a stroke. She is 87. Dr. Says she will not make it to the weekend. If I am inconsistent, I wanted you to know why.

Re: B S (VII)

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 7:07 pm
by Monsieur Rose
Sorry to hear that BH. I hope you and the rest of your family can be with her.

Re: B S (VII)

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 7:18 pm
by SirOwen
All my hopes for her recovery, BH.

Re: B S (VII)

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 7:44 pm
Take care Brett!

Be strong for your family. :)

Re: B S (VII)

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 9:22 pm
by Karaunios
I'm sorry, BH. Sending prayers her way. I hope for the best possible outcome.

Re: B S (VII)

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 10:20 pm
by Paladin
Aw man. :/ God bless her. Sorry to hear that, man.

Re: B S (VII)

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 11:11 am
by ravenn4544
positive waves coming your way BH....

Re: B S (VII)

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 9:28 pm
by Urson
Dude... so sorry to hear this. I'm not a praying type, but you're in my thoughts.

Re: B S (VII)

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:05 am
by Jernau35
I'm sorry your family has to go through this. You're all in my thoughts.

Re: B S (VII)

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 10:55 am
by ChubbyPixie
All the best, Bluehorse. That's rough.

Re: B S (VII)

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:48 pm
by Jernau35
This is a timeline of the various Quests I put together for my own reference. (After Wes & Bonnie talked about the Pirate camp I realized that what was two years IRL for me was only two weeks for him :shock: ) I thought I'd share it. It's not 100% accurate. The "weeks" aren't exactly weeks, just convenient ways the dates worked out.

Week 1:
“Let’s All Get On Board!” Landfall: Friday 19th Reaping

Quest 1: Logger’s Run Starday 20th Reaping – Sunday 21st Reaping
Krystal, Bonnie, Monocar, Jack, Luther, Raythan, Franny, Brufrig, Lightfinger, Chauncey

Quest 2: Beach Walk Starday 20th Reaping
Brufrig, Ferris

Quest 3: Zombie Stomping Starday 20th Reaping
Chauncey, Saracen, Lightfinger, Wes, Raythan, Ferris, Brufrig, Alordan

Quest 4: Rescue Mission Sunday 21st Reaping
Bonnie, Lightfinger, Raythan, Franny, Keilif, Brufrig, Chauncey

Quest 5: Gathering River Water Sunday 21st Reaping
Saracen, Wes, Alordan, Ferris

Quest 5.5: Bone-Nose Needs Help! Sunday 21st Reaping
Wes, Ferris

Quest 6: Return to the River Monday 22nd Reaping – Waterday 24th Reaping
Ferris, Wes, Franny , Krystal, Bonnie, Keilif, Brufrig
Week 2:
Quest 6.5 Escaping Camp Waterfall Waterday 24th Reaping – Godsday 5th Goodmonth
Ferris, Wes, Franny , Krystal, Bonnie, Keilif, Brufrig

Quest 7: Making Friends with the Monkoons Moonday 22nd Reaping – Sunday 28th Reaping
Devrin Treesong, Alordan , Saracen Solaris, Jack, Lightfinger , Chauncey the Adequate

Quest 8: Bring Me the Sea Monster’s Head Moonday 22nd Reaping – Sunday 28th Reaping
Saracen, Luther, Monocar, Raythan. Alordan, Jack, Devrin

Quest 9: Chauncey’s Crab Hunt Godsday 23rd Reaping
Alordan, Saracen Solaris, Jack, Monocar, Luther, Raythan, Lightfinger, Chauncey the Adequate, Avalaa

Quest 9.5: Missing Kids Waterday 24th Reaping
Alordan, Saracen Solaris, Jack, Monocar, Luther, Raythan, Lightfinger, Chauncey the Adequate, Avalaa

Quest 10: Beetle Juice Earthday 25th Reaping
Luther, Jack, Lightfinger, Chauncey, Saracen. Avaala, Monocar, Alordan
Monks Get Thirsty too Earthday 25th Reaping

Quest 11: Raythan Wants to Make Amends Sunday 28th Reaping – Godsday 2nd Goodmonth
Jaxsen Reiter, Storm Briarfoot, Raythan

Quest 12: Rapping with the Village People Moonday 1st Goodmonth – Godsday 2nd Goodmonth
Luther, Lightfinger, Monocar, Saracen, Chauncey, Brother Gilbert, Avaala, Alordan

Quest 12b: Rapping w/t VP (OnThe Pirate Ship) Godsday 2nd Goodmonth
Avaala, Saracen, Maag

Quest 13: Luther on the Hunt Moonday 1st Goodmonth
Week 3:
Quest 14: Hidden Fortress of the Spider Monsters Waterday 3rd Goodmonth – Godsday 9th Goodmonth
Brother Gilbert, Jax, Gramble, Storm, Saracen, Avaala, Eawad, Judson, Maag

Quest 15: Taking Down Captain Bing Earthday 4th Goodmonth – Godsday 9th Goodmonth
Luther, Lightfinger, Talaris, Monocar, Chauncey, Lerrick, Alordan

Quest 16: The Other Side of the River Earthday 4th Goodmonth
Wes, Gwen, Galanthas

Quest 17: Hunting with Ren & Stumpy Freeday 5th Goodmonth
Wes, Greff, Galanthas

Quest 18: In Search of Dragons Sunday 7th Goodmonth – Godsday 9th Goodmonth
Greff, Wes, Galanthas

Quest 19: Mapping Out the Jungle Godsday 9th Goodmonth – Godsday 16th Goodmonth
Bonnie, Liam, Daisy, Grimm

Quest 20: Look at the Bones waterday 10th Goodmonth
Jaxsen, Wes, Galanthas

Quest 21: Island Hopping Waterday 10th Goodmonth – (Starday 20th Goodmonth)
Maag, Alordan, Sir Crestbrook, Gramble, Lerrick, Saracen, Tlachtga, Andronichishche, Caracenus

Quest 21.5 Find Your Way Back
Andronichishche, Sir Crestbrook, Caracenus

Quest 22: To Tame a Lizard: Waterday 10th Goodmonth
Gramble, Lerrick
Week 4:
Quest 23: Even the Jungle Wanted Them Dead Starday 13th Goodmonth – Moonday 15th Goodmonth
Wes, Galanthas, Chauncey, Avaala, Jaxsen, Monocar, Luther, Brother Gilbert, Bonnie

Quest 24: Spying On Bing’s Pirates Sunday 14th Goodmonth
Cealwyn, Dexter, Daisy, Darklin

Quest 25: The Final Demise of Capt. Stuart Bing Freeday 19th Goodmonth – Starday 20th Goodmonth
Darklin, Cealwyn, Grimm, Dexter, Daisy, Keg

To the Island!
Keyon, Brandy, Feanol, Drakkar, Elnaerel, Jinx, Fitz, The Knife

Twisted Sisters!
Princess Bonalure Summerstars, Nimbus, Maximus Fleetfoot, Sir William Narramore,

Quest 26: Wet Rays of Sunshine Starday 20th Goodmonth
Keyon, Brandy, Feanol, Elnaerel, Jinx, The Knife

Quest 27: Detecting Snares & Pits Sunday 21st Goodmonth
Sir William Narramore, Cornelius Fitzenbell, Maximus Fleetfoot, Dexter Broadleaf, Draakar Deepcrag

Quest 29: Raiders of the Lost Obilisk Sunday 21st Goodmonth
Chauncey, Avaala, Luther, Wes, Bonnie

Quest 28: Kegensteins’s Expedition Over the River Moonday 22st Goodmonth
Keyon, Keg Woodwright, Elnaerel, The Knife, Feanol, Darklin Sylvanas

Re: B S (VII)

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 5:06 pm
Sorry for my lack of regular replies lately everyone.

I am currently having some problems in another game on here and the fallout from those discussions has all but sacked my desire to post anything else.

It is amazing to me how easily some negative karma can drain my creativity so badly.

I will continue to peck away at these threads as I get little breaks in the chaos.

Thanks for understanding!

Re: B S (VII)

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 5:35 pm
by Quonundrum
Not a problem! I am completely the same way. Just lops you off at the knees, so to speak.


Re: B S (VII)

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 5:48 pm
by Rex
Sorry to hear that OM, hold on and you will get through it.

Re: B S (VII)

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 7:34 pm
by SirOwen
Understood, OM. Plug in, unwind, drink bourbon, get better.

Re: B S (VII)

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 6:59 am
by Karaunios
No problem, OM. Relax and come back once you feel like doing it.

Re: B S (VII)

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 10:08 am
Thanks guys!

The situation seems to be diffusing now thankfully, so I’ll get back to work here. :D

Re: B S (VII)

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 3:03 pm
by Bluehorse
Glad to hear that!