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Re: Ch. 2: Highway to Hell?

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 5:40 pm
by ravenn4544
I suggest one boat leads the other. With Malibran's comments, and his unwillingness to part with mace and shield, i'll see he's in the middle of the 1st boat. He will have given his continual light coin to tanner as we have the dagger to light our way. The boats side by side might be tough with the dimensions i see on the map.

I don't want to speak for the group on our path forward here. please speak up if you think otherwise!

Re: Ch. 2: Highway to Hell?

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 6:13 pm
by max_vale
Xale Mav; Dwarven Warrior-Priest of Dalt

Xale will get into the second boat and offer to paddle....

Re: Ch. 2: Highway to Hell?

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 6:32 pm
by AleBelly
Hallagad, sitting in the rear right (so he can stab things with his sword), is inclined to follow the strong current down corridor 7, but will help paddle against it if Malibran wishes.

Re: Ch. 2: Highway to Hell?

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 11:04 pm
by Inferno
The Unseen Servant:

From the bow, the passive monk is content to oblige Malibran and help row the boat into the middle channel.

Re: Ch. 2: Highway to Hell?

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 11:12 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Odilo holding his continual light dagger up as a beacon will assist in paddling the boat if needed.

Re: Ch. 2: Highway to Hell?

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 5:28 am
by Urson
Tanner has settled in the front of his boat, paddling to steer.

If we're gonna turn back, best be quick about it!

Re: Ch. 2: Highway to Hell?

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 6:23 pm
by Norjax
Rool Diov

“I’m not too keen on the port side passage, either,” says Rool. He helps row back, towards the middle passage.

Rool is at the stern, next to Hallagad

Re: Ch. 2: Highway to Hell?

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 12:44 am
by Scott308
Risdac Egargi

Hearing those in the other boat shouting about going back the way they came, Risdac will begin paddling in the opposite direction to try moving backwards. Keep an eye out and tell me when I need to change direction, Tanner! I'm afraid I may swamp us if I turn to look behind us.

Re: Ch. 2: Highway to Hell?

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 4:02 am
by Zhym
Wary of the strong current, you decide to turn back and try a different passage. You turn the boats around and start back the way you came, paddling against the current.

But not very far. You could barely have gone 10 feet back down the passage when you are brought to a stop, dead in the water. Though you paddle mightily, the water around each of your boats lies still, a tranquil island of gently rippling water surrounded by stronger currents.
I have the following seating chart:

Boat 1:
Front: Xale Khogeki
Middle: Malibran Odilo
Aft: Rool Hallagad

Boat 2:
Front: Tanner
Everywhere else: Risdac

Which is the lead boat?
Status: Malibran (H LG C20[13](Pholtus)): 90/90; Khogeki (H LN M17): 78/78; Odilo (1/2E NG MU17): 54/54; Xale (D NG C14[9](Dalt)/F13): 62/75; Risdac (Giant NG MU17): 52/58; Tanner (H CG F19): 107/107; Rool (H LN T20): 85/85; Hallagad (H LG P15(Pelor)): 93/93
Effects: None
Light Sources: Continual light coin (Tanner); Continual light dagger (Odilo)

Re: Ch. 2: Highway to Hell?

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 4:14 pm
by Urson

More bedammed magic! Where's something a man can get a grip on?

Tanner paddles briefly, then stops. It appears the choice is made for us. 'Ware danger!

Re: Ch. 2: Highway to Hell?

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:28 pm
by Scott308
Risdac Egargi

Can nothing be simple in this place? the giant sighs, exasperated. It appears there is nothing to do but continue. Carry on, and we'll follow behind.

Re: Ch. 2: Highway to Hell?

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 10:16 pm
by ravenn4544
Malibran seeing the strange circumstance in the water jabs the water sharply with his mace to try and disrupt the magic holding the boat in place. "Unhand us, Foul Slime!"

Re: Ch. 2: Highway to Hell?

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 10:20 pm
by Zhym
What the heck. Give me an attack roll to see if you can hit the water. ;)

Re: Ch. 2: Highway to Hell?

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 10:27 pm
by ravenn4544

Re: Ch. 2: Highway to Hell?

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:05 am
by GreyWolfVT
Odilo "Why might I ask are you slapping the water?"

Re: Ch. 2: Highway to Hell?

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 1:44 pm
by ravenn4544
Malibran raises an eyebrow and, with a lecture-like tone, states "Master Odilio, we are in the clutches of Hell. There is nothing we will find that is of benign intent - all will seek to corrupt or outright destroy us. Our adversaries may appear clearly before us or as unassailable despair. I trust nothing to be as it appears"

Re: Ch. 2: Highway to Hell?

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 9:33 pm
by Urson

Tanner turns toward Malibran and nods. well put.

Re: Ch. 2: Highway to Hell?

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 11:24 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Odilo shrugs "Very well then after you are quite finished punching water might i suggest you punch the walls and air as well." the mage states with a tiny bit of jesting sarcasm.

Re: Ch. 2: Highway to Hell?

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 1:12 pm
by Inferno
The Unseen Servant:

If Malibran's attack on the water that grips the boat is successful, the sensei will keep paddling against the current.

If Malibran's attempt has no effect, he agrees with Risdac, "It is fruitless to struggle against the tide." If others agree, he will start paddling with the current.

Re: Ch. 2: Highway to Hell?

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 7:16 pm
by Zhym
Stuck in odd pools of still water in the middle of a faster current, you grudgingly resign yourselves to going with the flow. "More bedamned magic!" curses Tanner in the trailing boat. "Can nothing be simple in this place?" sighs Risdac.

Ahead of them, in the other boat, Malibran takes more active measures. "Unhand us, Foul Slime!" he cries, smacking the murky water hard with his mace. The water splashes high into the air—higher than you would expect. The splash turns into a wave that curves over the side of the boat and smacks into Malibran with the force of a giant's fist (-12 HP)! The wave retreats back into the water below.

As you stop rowing, the water around your boats returns to normal. The current draws you forward again.


Status: Malibran (H LG C20[13](Pholtus)): 78/90; Khogeki (H LN M17): 78/78; Odilo (1/2E NG MU17): 54/54; Xale (D NG C14[9](Dalt)/F13): 62/75; Risdac (Giant NG MU17): 52/58; Tanner (H CG F19): 107/107; Rool (H LN T20): 85/85; Hallagad (H LG P15(Pelor)): 93/93
Effects: None
Light Sources: Continual light coin (Tanner); Continual light dagger (Odilo)