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Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:11 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Did... Did Halfred just kill me?!? Seriously now?

Honestly, I thought it'd be Wendall...

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:19 pm
by Enoch
If it helps, I'm almost as horrified as Halfred. Technically I think you're at 0 HP, which isn't dead, and not in need of immediate assistance. Olympia, however, is pretty well-done.

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:22 pm
by MonkeyWrench
if were using the unconscious rules Olympia's at what, -6? Holy hells, and I thought we were supposed to worry about the creatures in the forest but it's our own team mates that try to kill us...

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:23 pm
by Keehnelf
Val is also wearing armor and face down in the pond.

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:24 pm
by MonkeyWrench
So basically...
Val, gurgle gurgle gurgle, blub blub"

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:48 pm
Wendall shivers tensely and bites down hard on his tongue, hard enough to draw blood. He shakes his head in utter disbelief at what has just transpired.

Then he casts one of his spells at the scrags head.

Magic Missile [1d6+1] = 3+1 = 4

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 11:05 pm
by Keehnelf
MonkeyWrench wrote:if were using the unconscious rules Olympia's at what, -6? Holy hells, and I thought we were supposed to worry about the creatures in the forest but it's our own team mates that try to kill us...
That was a pretty crazy round of charging into battle coupled with lots of missile attacks and a nice bit of already-flaming oil. Volatile! That's the word I was looking for.

Everyone gets a little bit panicked when they encounter their first troll at level 1, so it's understandable.

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 11:28 pm
by Enoch
Keehnelf wrote:Val is also wearing armor and face down in the pond.
I was in such a rush to attack the troll I didn't realize that Val went over in the pond. In that case, if I can, I will rush over to drag Val out.

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 11:35 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Keehnelf wrote:
MonkeyWrench wrote:if were using the unconscious rules Olympia's at what, -6? Holy hells, and I thought we were supposed to worry about the creatures in the forest but it's our own team mates that try to kill us...
That was a pretty crazy round of charging into battle coupled with lots of missile attacks and a nice bit of already-flaming oil. Volatile! That's the word I was looking for.

Everyone gets a little bit panicked when they encounter their first troll at level 1, so it's understandable.
Let it be known that Val was perfectly calm until the arrow shot him in the back. :lol:

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 11:40 pm
by Keehnelf
Enoch wrote:
Keehnelf wrote:Val is also wearing armor and face down in the pond.
I was in such a rush to attack the troll I didn't realize that Val went over in the pond. In that case, if I can, I will rush over to drag Val out.

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 11:53 pm
by Enoch
Actually, it sounds like Val was perfectly calm AFTER Thistlebottom shot him in the back, too...

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 12:22 am
by AleBelly
Enoch wrote:Actually, it sounds like Val was perfectly calm AFTER Thistlebottom shot him in the back, too...

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 3:19 am
by Dram

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 3:47 am
by Mister-Kent
Enoch wrote:Olympia, however, is pretty well-done.
Ooh, burn! The body's not even cold yet :( And judging by the flambe she just went through, won't be for some time...

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:53 pm
by Keehnelf
Round Two Summary - Still Trollin' After All These Years (But Not for Long)

Enemy Initiative [1d6] = 1

Niles pulls at his hair in horror at the disastrous effects of his attempt to burn the troll, dropping his torch in the process. It lands in the damp grass and sputters out.

Torch out on a 1-2 [1d6] = 2

He rushes forward to drag the massive woman from the water feet-first, then rolls her over to tend to the worst of the injuries. (stabilized)

Halfred responds similarly, dropping his bow (it is also no longer on fire, just to clarify) and rushing to pull his elf companion from the water. Varas rushes past the troll, giving the creature an opportunity to swipe at him with the two claws left on its right hand. They graze his shoulder lightly and throw him slightly off balance, but he makes it to the torch and manages to get it re-lit, though he is now standing at a distance of almost twenty feet from the troll as a result. (Varas takes 1 damage)

Troll attack [1d20+2] = 14+2 = 16, damage [1d6] = 1

Harold tosses a second flask of oil, this time expertly striking the large creature squarely in the chest, splashing the liquid all over its body and getting a bit on Baxtaw and Dorvar in the impact area as well.

A bolt of purple magical energy flies from Wendall's hands and strikes the creature in the head, leaving a huge furrow along its cheek and removing several teeth.

Baxtaw and Dorvar press the attack with the creature, though only Dorvar's magical axe manages to connect with the creature, carving another deep furrow in its torso before it attempts a counter-attack against the hardy dwarf with its single fully-intact claw. It overcompensates for the dwarf's height, and Baxtaw is able to step in from behind and trip the monstrous thing, sending it sprawling into the water. It scrambles to regain its feet rather than pressing its attack once again with a bite.

Troll claw [1d20] = 1, damage [1d6] = 3

Troll: 8 HP

Actions and initiative!

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:56 pm
by Zhym
Is the troll covered in oil despite falling into the water?

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:58 pm
by Keehnelf
Yeah, falling in the water doesn't un-coat you. Consequently, be careful around Olympia's unconscious body. The water might have snuffed the flames but she still has plenty of unburned oil on her.

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 5:03 pm
by Zhym
How far is the troll now from Olympia, Baxtaw, and Dorvar? Could someone with a torch attempt a melee hit on the troll without risking lighting the others?

I'm not sure if anyone still has a torch, though. Harold has some in his pack, but none of them are lit. The soonest he could light the troll would be next round.

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 5:12 pm
by Keehnelf
Varas is very close by Harold at the moment with a lit torch. And a successful melee attack against the troll would light it.

A fumble would probably light one of the oil-tainted folks in melee combat with the troll, and an odd-numbered miss while tossing the torch at the troll would potentially hit any of Halfred, Niles, Val or Olympia as well--they're not in melee with him but they're almost right underfoot given where folks hit the ground and how far you can drag someone while trying to stabilize them.

Re: Expedition - Valorei/Elves - 2 April, 1 VC

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 5:23 pm
by Zhym
Apologies for posting this in-thread, but it looks like some people aren't updating HP on their character sheets. Harold might rush to heal someone who needs it, but I can't tell who that might be based on the PC sheets.

Harold could grab the torch from Varas and try to light the troll, but at -2 to-hit in melee, it's probably best if Varas tries to light the troll himself.