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Re: OOC Discussion

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 10:36 pm
by Zhym
I can't give everything away before the next round is posted! :D

Re: OOC Discussion

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 12:00 am
by GreyWolfVT
I'm really considering real dice the roller really likes to give me really low rolls.

Re: OOC Discussion

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 12:11 am
by Zhym
Says the first person to roll a hit this round. :p

Re: OOC Discussion

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 12:54 am
by GreyWolfVT
yeah after what 3 or 4 tries? honestly think the roller is evil until someone complains about it knock it and wow it suddenly gives a decent roll lol.

Re: OOC Discussion

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 4:18 am
by Zhym
Two misses, in this combat.

Re: OOC Discussion

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 2:22 pm
by GreyWolfVT
yeah but you see when we complain about it it apparently starts working better.

Re: OOC Discussion

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 3:19 pm
by Zhym
I'm going to write his up all official-like in the rules thread when I have time, but now that we have an illusionist in the party I thought I'd give you all a quick summary of how I'm going to play illusions and disbelief. These rules apply to both characters and monsters.

Saves vs. illusion are not automatic. They are triggered by something seeming wrong with the illusion. Often, this will be the lack of a sense component. For example: an illusory fire that gives no heat or a phantasmal monster that makes no sound might trigger saving throws. The more believable the illusion, considering all the circumstances, the more likely a saving throw will not be allowed.
  • For monsters and NPCs, this means I will only roll a saving throw if something about the illusion is off (no sound when there should be, sounds when there shouldn't be, details aren't quite right, etc.).
  • For PCs, this means that "I disbelieve!" alone is not enough to get a saving throw. You'll need to say what it is about the suspected illusion that doesn't seem right. I'll take role-playing into account here. For example, if you say, "I don't think there should be a wall here. I disbelieve!" I will either refuse a saving throw or allow one at a significant penalty. If, however, you say something like this, a save is more likely: "Grod knows walls and Grod knows dungeons. Grod knows that no one builds a hallway to nowhere, because it's a waste of effort. Grod suspects the wall is fake. He tries poking his spear through the wall."
You disbelieve illusions by acting as if they aren't there. If you want to disbelieve the ancient red dragon bearing down on you, you do it by standing your ground, forgoing any dexterity bonuses or saving throws (why would you dodge if you think it's not real?). If you believe a room full of treasure is an illusion, you have to poke and prod the stuff you think may not be there. In short, disbelief means acting as if you really think the suspected illusion isn't real. Of course, that may mean unfortunate results if it is real.

Re: OOC Discussion

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 3:26 pm
by GreyWolfVT
I always disbelieve in an illusion ;)

Re: OOC Discussion

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 3:44 pm
by greyarea
I usually look in shocked awe and then clap with the audience.

Re: OOC Discussion

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 8:07 pm
by Storm11
Sounds good to me. Am not a big user of illusions for combat purposes. Illusionists have much better combat magic than force spells imo and it always causes problems. So you won't see me using them thusly very often.

Re: OOC Discussion

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 8:11 pm
by Dram
Works for me sounds reasonable.

Re: OOC Discussion

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 8:46 pm
I don't think we are supposed to be able to rest peacefully ANYWHERE in this place but, we have to either try it or just move on and find another spot.

Re: OOC Discussion

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 9:06 pm
by GreyWolfVT
yup. We're in the home of the as I understand it of the largest evil in Ravenloft at this time. So of course it won't be easy.

Re: OOC Discussion

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 5:09 pm
by Cwreando
I'd say that for a caster and not being able to rest is a pure death sentence in here. While resting poses a challenge it should be doable otherwise once casters use their spells they are done.

Re: OOC Discussion

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 5:12 pm
by Zhym
Just because you think you should be able to rest in the castle does not mean it is easy (or maybe even possible). You're basically in a haunted house that's home to an incredibly powerful vampire. Why you expect to get a good night's rest in that place is beyond me.

In other words: the world does not adjust to fit your needs.

OTOH, the illusion is a clever idea. Done properly, it might even work. Who knows? :D

Re: OOC Discussion

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 5:36 pm
by Storm11
I think personally we should wait about half an hour and see if the wraiths return.

Then if not you should bed down and Aggrippo and Castran will keep watch and the spellblade will cover the whole party if they huddle near one another, with an illusion of us as Strahd zombies milling about whenever Castran hears someone sleeping move or snore.

Re: OOC Discussion

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 10:46 pm
by Cwreando
Let's give it a try. What level is good berry so I can put on Roberts list to memorize.

Re: OOC Discussion

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 11:06 pm
by GreyWolfVT
he used to have it. I had used it when I was running Robert. ;)

Re: OOC Discussion

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 8:32 am
by Storm11
It is a second level spell.

Along with flame blade and reflecting pool etc

Re: OOC Discussion

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 1:50 pm
by GreyWolfVT
I also was able to convince the DM to allow the log of everburning spell that Robert used on a torch once.