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Re: Chapter 17: The Island of Death

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 9:44 am
by Yrkoon

The barbarian moves forward to defend Garrin and Loche, stopping two paces short of the sarcophagus. His sword is raised, ready to cleave whatever unclean appendage emerges from the shadow. In the flickering torchlight, his eyes gleam with ferocity.

Re: Chapter 17: The Island of Death

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 5:01 pm
Xorxen moves north towards the door to check it over, touching nothing along the way.

Re: Chapter 17: The Island of Death

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 5:27 pm
by Urson
Zahra joins Loche, tense as a bowstring and ready to attack whatever shows its face from the big sarcophagus.

Re: Chapter 17: The Island of Death

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 2:41 am
by DadsAngry

"Do not condone disturbing the dead."
Mako goes and investigates the room to the south.

Re: Chapter 17: The Island of Death

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:46 pm
by ravenn4544
Amethu studies the coffins for any clues or runes of their contents. "Caution, indeed..."

Re: Chapter 17: The Island of Death

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 2:46 am
by Inferno
The Island of Death, The Underground City, Beneath the Great Pyramid of Xuthalhotep
Lost City of Khemsa, Forgotten Kingdom of Verulia, Great Eastern Desert, the World of Hyboria
Day Ten. Afternoon?, 23rd day of the month of Yuluk, 1279th year of the Age of Aquilonia


Escaping the ghastly chamber of the living eyes, the invaders of the Island of Death flee into a dank crypt, thick with the malignancy of primordial necromancy.

Xorzen silently finds the northern door devoid of dangers.

Suddenly, the disembodied voice of Mako warns against disturbing the dead as he invisibly enters the southernmost chamber. Its ceiling has long ago collapsed, revealing the fungi-plagued cavern roof above the blasphemous geometry of the temple. Among the ageless broken stones at his feet writhe the verminous slithering of gigantic feral rats!


Diseased, black, and warped by the all-corrupting presence of Zargoth, the man-sized horrors sniff the air, catching Mako's scent!

Behind the conjurer, his companions ignore his warning and ascend the steps toward the largest sarcophagus. Amethu the learned sorcerer-priest reads the debased hieroglyphs of fallen Verulia on the wall above it.

They venerate the high priests of Zargoth with unholy orisons:

"That is not dead which can eternal lie
And with strange aeons even death may die."

Each profane sarcophagus is emblazoned with a hauntingly familiar design:


Loche fearlessly slides his blade in the crack between tomb and lid, and suddenly the slab is pushed open by unseen hands within!

Something dead rises from its grave!


Instantly, from the other eight sarcophagi comes the deep sound of stone grinding against stone. With sickening realization, the explorers know every accursed tomb is opening wide!


Map Detail:
One square = 10 feet.



PC Status:
Amethu: Verulian Grand Magus Cleric/Magic-User 3/2: Move: 9", AC: 4, HP: 14/14, Spells: 2/7 1st lvl, 1/3 2nd lvl, Lantern on ground
Cruloc: Cimmerian Northman Barbarian 3: Move: 12", AC: 4, HP: 31/45
Garrin: Argosian Atlantean Paladin 3: Move: 12", AC: 3(1), HP: 14/26, Laying Hands: 1/1, Torch
Loche: Pict Savage Thief 4: Move: 9", AC: 5, HP: 24/25
Mako: Khitan Easterner Illusionist 4: Move: 12", AC: 7(5), HP: 12/12, Spells: 2/3 1st lvl, 2/2 2nd lvl
Xorzen: Verulian Osoran Monk 3: Move: 17", AC: 6(4), HP: 10/16
Zahra: Verulian Amazon Fighter 4: Move: 12", AC: 3, HP: 19/29, Light spell on javelin

PC Magic:
Protection from Evil (Garrin): -2 to AC and +2 to saving throws against evil, in a 10 foot radius around Garrin.
Healing Mists of Osorus (Garrin, Kiri, Loche, Mako and Xorzen have breathed of the mists): All lost HP recovered with 8 hours of sleep. Wakeful rest, or sleeping less than 8 hours, enables recovery of 1 HP per hour. Duration: "months."
Invisibility (Mako): Target: self.
Slow Poison (Amethu): Target: none yet. Duration: 134 rounds.
Light (Mako): Target: Zahra's javelin. Duration: 30 rounds.

Player Resources:
The Struggle To Survive (the story so far)
Mysteries Strange and Deadly (player clues and notes)
Hieroglyphs (the story so far, in images)
An Age Undreamed Of (maps and realms of the World of Hyboria)

Re: Chapter 17: The Island of Death

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 9:36 am
by Yrkoon

Cruloc, a black exhilaration seething through his veins, turns to face the dead apparition!

(Versus W1)
Attack w/ longsword [1d20+2] = 10+2 = 12
Longsword damage vs. S/M [1d8+3] = 7+3 = 10

Re: Chapter 17: The Island of Death

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 2:23 pm
by DadsAngry

Mako quickly dumps the 15lbs of hallucinating mushrooms at his feet, turns, and runs into the sarcophagus room headed to the exit at the opposite end.
"There are too many. We must flee!"

Re: Chapter 17: The Island of Death

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 4:00 pm
by Urson
Zahra thrusts her glowing javelin into the body of the horror rising from the sarcophagus (W5).

att [1d20+4] = 15+4 = 19 javelin [1d6+3] = 3+3 = 6

Re: Chapter 17: The Island of Death

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 5:15 pm
Xorxen doesn't wait around to see what is making the noise, instead opening the door into the next room to provide an escape route for the others if once it becomes necessary.

If the area beyond is clear, the masked monk enters and attempts to lure the closest apparitions towards him so they don't move in to attack the main group.

Re: Chapter 17: The Island of Death

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 10:29 pm
by Bluetongue

Tries to stab at the rising figure but his unfamiliarit with the larger blade tells as he prods uselessly into the sarcophagus.

Loche longsword attack [1d20-2] = 7-2 = 5 damage [1d8+1] = 4+1 = 5

Re: Chapter 17: The Island of Death

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 1:56 pm
by ravenn4544
Amethu will stand firm with his ancient staff held high. "Behold! A priest of Uthoth has returned! Begone! Return to your graves forever more!"

Turn undead [1d20] = 12

Re: Chapter 17: The Island of Death

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 4:45 pm
by Inferno
The Island of Death, The Underground City, Beneath the Great Pyramid of Xuthalhotep
Lost City of Khemsa, Forgotten Kingdom of Verulia, Great Eastern Desert, the World of Hyboria
Day Ten. Afternoon?, 23rd day of the month of Yuluk, 1279th year of the Age of Aquilonia


Deep in the burial vaults of the Island of Death, the adventurers awaken gigantic charnel-house rats, and dead that rise from their graves!

"There are too many. We must flee!" Mako's ethereal voice cries as he drops the mushrooms of the underground city at his feet. The feral rats greedily swarm upon the offering, and feast!

Unseen, Mako flees to Xorzen who opens the northern door. Through another strangely unlocked portal stands revealed an antechamber of the same blasphemous geometry that permeates the ageless stones of the unholy temple. It holds only stagnant pools of water, the fungal infestation that casts an eerie pall, and another door.

Behind them, in the unhallowed ground of the profane crypt, shrouded dead emerge from sarcophagi inscribed with the Eye of Zargoth!

The occultic symbol stirs a memory within Xorzen. (Please roll an Ability Check vs Int on 1d20)

Zahra drives her glowing javelin into the opening tomb behind her, impaling a veiled cadaver that does not die (W5)!

Alarmed by the unquiet dead, the swords of Cruloc and Loche betray them! But their attacks cause the burial veil of the vast horror (W1) to fall away. Revealed is a bloated, living corpse whose dead flesh is infested with eyes!


The stench of death overpowering, Garrin holds forth his holy symbol and shouts, "Back! The power of Mitra commands you!"
Amethu cries, "Behold! A priest of Uthoth has returned! Begone! Return to your graves forever more!"
Only three of the heinous things shrink back to their tombs! (W7-9. And PCs may attempt to turn again)

Six former high priests and priestesses of Zargoth slowly descend upon the adventurers! Loche narrowly evades a deadly attack (from W1). But Zahra is gripped by another cold dead hand infested with eyes (W5)! The supernatural strength of the dead crushes her arm (3hp damage) and where she was touched, her skin tingles and burns!


Map Detail:
One square = 10 feet.


Behind the DM Screen:


PC Status:
Amethu: Verulian Grand Magus Cleric/Magic-User 3/2: Move: 9", AC: 4, HP: 14/14, Spells: 2/7 1st lvl, 1/3 2nd lvl, Lantern on ground
Cruloc: Cimmerian Northman Barbarian 3: Move: 12", AC: 4, HP: 31/45
Garrin: Argosian Atlantean Paladin 3: Move: 12", AC: 3(1), HP: 14/26, Laying Hands: 1/1
Loche: Pict Savage Thief 4: Move: 9", AC: 5, HP: 24/25
Mako: Khitan Easterner Illusionist 4: Move: 12", AC: 7(5), HP: 12/12, Spells: 2/3 1st lvl, 2/2 2nd lvl
Xorzen: Verulian Osoran Monk 3: Move: 17", AC: 6(4), HP: 10/16
Zahra: Verulian Amazon Fighter 4: Move: 12", AC: 3, HP: 16/29, Light spell on javelin

PC Magic:
Protection from Evil (Garrin): -2 to AC and +2 to saving throws against evil, in a 10 foot radius around Garrin.
Healing Mists of Osorus (Garrin, Kiri, Loche, Mako and Xorzen have breathed of the mists): All lost HP recovered with 8 hours of sleep. Wakeful rest, or sleeping less than 8 hours, enables recovery of 1 HP per hour. Duration: "months."
Invisibility (Mako): Target: self.
Slow Poison (Amethu): Target: none yet. Duration: 133 rounds.
Light (Mako): Target: Zahra's javelin. Duration: 29 rounds.

Player Resources:
The Struggle To Survive (the story so far)
Mysteries Strange and Deadly (player clues and notes)
Hieroglyphs (the story so far, in images)
An Age Undreamed Of (maps and realms of the World of Hyboria)

Re: Chapter 17: The Island of Death

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 5:44 pm
by Bluetongue

Dodging out of the grasp of one creature, multi-faceted eyes like an ocular gibbering.

Seeing comrade Zahra grasped and potentially stung into paralysis, the savage draws his dagger and hacks at the offending hand with a critical blow, ideally amputating the limb from the undead in the tomb.

[url= ... acid=16405]Loche jewelled Dagger attack [1d20+2] = 20+2 = 22 damage [1d4+2] = 1+2 = 3[/u

Re: Chapter 17: The Island of Death

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 5:24 pm
by Urson
Zahra shrieks- not with fear, but with fury- as the thing grabs her. She attempts to shrug out of its grasp as she uses her javelin like a spear again, thrusting at the Thing that holds her. (W5)

att [1d20+4] = 17+4 = 21 javelin [1d6+3] = 2+3 = 5

Her muttered curses sound like the low growl of a big cat as she fights.

Re: Chapter 17: The Island of Death

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 7:27 am
by Yrkoon

Attack w/ longsword [1d20+2] = 6+2 = 8

"Ach! More eyes!"

Cruloc attempts to avert his gaze from the crypt-borne horrors, but in doing so, spoils his aim.

Re: Chapter 17: The Island of Death

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 11:57 am
by ravenn4544
Amethu can barely get his staff ready for an attack (W3)- and then the eyes... a golem of eyes!?!

To Hit (THACO 20): [1d20+2] = 7+2 = 9
Staff of Uthoth - Damage: = S/M/L: [1d6+2] = 1+2 = 3

Re: Chapter 17: The Island of Death

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 6:20 pm
by DadsAngry

Mako steps to the side, out of melee range, and watches Xorxen draw the creature further into the room. He moves in behind the creature with his staff ready to help if needed.

Re: Chapter 17: The Island of Death

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 2:16 am
by SocraticLawyer

Re: Chapter 17: The Island of Death

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 2:44 pm
Intelligence Check (9) [1d20] = 12

Xorxen suddenly remembers where he has seen the round symbol on the coffins before. He pulls out the unholy symbol found on the high priest they killed earlier and presents it forcefully to the undead following him, trying to move it back into the main room again.

"Return to your grave", he says forcefully, for good measure.