Hi-Lo (mercantile)

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Re: Hi-Lo (mercantile)

#321 Post by SirOwen »

Avaala the Grey

Avaala allows a slight frown at this point. "HE might love a piece of taffy. But you should ask him, not me. He's very intelligent and speaks excellent Common Tongue."
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Re: Hi-Lo (mercantile)

#322 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Nalissa’s eyes bulge out of her chubby head.

“No WAY! It talks? I mean......he....talks? You must mean, like a parrot? What does he all say?”

The woman unwraps the heavily melted confection, most of its filmy brown paper still sticks to it. She holds it out to Treasure gently.

“It’s delicious. I eat them all the time. Do you want a taste, little fella? Na-Liss-a! NA-LISS-A!!! Can you say that?”

Treasure cranes his neck to look Avalaa in the eyes, not sure how to respond.
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Re: Hi-Lo (mercantile)

#323 Post by SirOwen »

Avaala the Grey

Avaala meets Treasure's gaze steadily. "I don't think she completely believes me, Treasure. Perhaps hearing it with her own ears would convince her? And I don't know. Do you like sweets?"
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Re: Hi-Lo (mercantile)

#324 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Treasure exaggerates a long winded exhale.

"Hello Naditza. As my tall colleague here has already mentioned, my name is Treasure. It is very nice to make your acquaintance, I'm sure."

He snatches the candy from her hand and pops it into his mouth, chewing obnoxiously.

The storekeeper doesn't respond.
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Re: Hi-Lo (mercantile)

#325 Post by SirOwen »

Avaala the Grey

Avaala fights to hold in a laugh, opting to smile very widely. "There, see?" he asks Nalissa innocently. "I think the two of you will get along better and better as the length of time you take calling him an 'it' grows. I wasn't kidding or exaggerating when I said he is very intelligent. I am proud to call him my friend."
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Re: Hi-Lo (mercantile)

#326 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Nalissa doesn't respond, though she does seem much less afraid of the tiny creature after their short exchange.

"Great! So do either of you two actually want to buy something?"
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Re: Hi-Lo (mercantile)

#327 Post by SirOwen »

Avaala the Grey

"Just the pearls I mentioned for right now, thank you. I'll be back for them when Mr. Nehru returns." Avaala turns to Treasure. "What about you? Another piece of taffy? Something else you might need?"
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Re: Hi-Lo (mercantile)

#328 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Treasure smiles again and declines another piece of the candy.

"No thanks. Tastes like paper. Do you have any live rodents back there? Maybe a big juicy tree squirrel?"

Nalissa shakes her head no.
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Re: Hi-Lo (mercantile)

#329 Post by tkrexx »

Lightfinger responds.
No, I still haven't seen Harold around. You sure are concerned about that old man though. I think that's cute.
The Hobbit almost manages to stifle a chuckle. Well, I do owe him my life, and well, being an honorable ThieHalfling, I'd truly like the opportunity to thank him proper, and if possible, attempt some sort of payback. It's really quite simple.
I'm sure the gals in the common house would do your mending and laundry for you, for a small fee of course. You know......I've always wanted someone I could do laundry for......
And the day may come when I'll take up on that, Arte grins and winks, On a day when you're not quite so busy, He nods his head toward the noisy Alordan, seemingly doing his best to thwart the Thief's schpeel, I swear, Mr. Nooroo doesn't pay you enough! For now, I'll settle for lesser hands, but not forever!
We sell sling bullets right here, silly. Did you use all of yours fighting big scary monsters out there in the dangerous jungle?
Again Lightfinger chuckles. Slugs. Bullets. Lead pellets. Things that go bump in the head. Yes, those! I'll be needing a dozen or so. Um, how much will that be?
Aren't you the little charmer. I've missed you too, Arte. Have you heard about all the dwarves that came to town yesterday? Did you see their ugly ship out there on the water?
His eyes wander a moment as he hesitates with his response. I've... Heard stories, He begins, But I'd like the opportunity to look into this myself, as there have been reports that conflict with one another, and I'd see the truth of it before I add any thoughts of my own. You understand, of course...?
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Re: Hi-Lo (mercantile)

#330 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Nalissa smiles some more.

“40 bullets are 2 gold, sweetie. They have to be manufactured and shipped here, you know.”

“Of course I understand, Arte. Be careful if your snooping around the dwarves. I think they mean business. And don’t forget, I’ll be here waiting for you whenever you change your mind, cutie.”
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Re: Hi-Lo (mercantile)

#331 Post by tkrexx »

Lightfinger beams.

Why, thank you, my dear Lady Nalissa! The Hobbit is more than happy to pay too much for his most potent weapon. I'll be around town for a few days, doing a little fact-finding of my own. I might see you around, then! He hurriedly vanishes for m the Hi-Lo, as if on a mission.
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Re: Hi-Lo (mercantile)

#332 Post by Quonundrum »

Andron enters the squat store and pauses to survey the room. Would seem the proprietor of this establishment either does brisk business or is of the usory type. The building is well constructed and furnished, most unlike the others in this town. Approaching the service counter he proceeds to introduce himself to the attendant ...

The peace of Rao be with you, my name is Andronichishche, newly arrived in town. I was told by the good Randall that you offer accommodations? I expect I will be staying for some considerable time if you have any discounts for prepayment.

That said, I am also in need of vellum or parchment, several sheets, and stationary wax if you have them. Randall also mentioned you may provide courier services? Just a simple letter to Niole Dra.
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Re: Hi-Lo (mercantile)

#333 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The hefty brown skinned woman behind the counter looks a fright. She has badly swollen eyes, as if she has been crying a lot, and her thick, dark hair is a hot mess. Her voice cracks as she answers in an unconcerned monotone.

“We have private shacks for rent by the day, week, or month. There are communal buildings where you can rent a cot too, if you can’t afford a shack.” She looks the well dressed young man over momentarily. “You probably wouldn’t like it in there.”

“I keep our writing materials in the back office.....”
She gulps audibly as a tear runs down her face, appearing visibly shaken when she thinks about the back room.

“We can get letters delivered, but it won’t be real fast. “Captain Quark is our courier, and he is usually pretty good at following up on them.”
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Re: Hi-Lo (mercantile)

#334 Post by Quonundrum »

OGRE MAGE wrote:The hefty brown skinned woman behind the counter looks a fright. She has badly swollen eyes, as if she has been crying a lot, and her thick, dark hair is a hot mess. Her voice cracks as she answers in an unconcerned monotone.
As Andron was speaking and throughout the women's reply he paid scant attention to her demeanor, focused as he was on examining the interior of the building and its inventory. Her audible sob at mentioning the back office though immediately drew his attention to the woman before him.

Oh, my dear lady, I must apologize for my rude behavior! You are in distress! Please, ignore my requests for the moment and rest yourself. He motions to an available chair or any object in the room that can be used as such. What ails you so, my dear? Perhaps I can bring you a glass of rum from Randall's? Andron attempts to brush the wisps of hair obstructing her face and offers a kerchief from a shirt pocket, his expression a mix of guilt and concern, for both his callous entrance and the poor woman's plight.
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Re: Hi-Lo (mercantile)

#335 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Nalissa makes an even bigger fuss once she realizes that Andron takes pity on her. She sits back down in her chair sobbing as he tries to console her.

"My boss......he's.......he's gone. Went out into the jungle a few days ago and never came back. He runs all this, not me. I'm just his helper. And frankly, now I don't know what to do. He is the one who knows how all this stuff works, not me. He is the one who sets the prices and handles the orders. If he doesn't come back soon, what am I supposed to do?"

After a bit more blubbering, she suddenly tries to straighten herself out again. "Oh listen to me whining. I'm sorry, sir. How much parchment were you in need of? It is expensive, but we do have some in back. And......and......he probably isn't going to need it anymore." She erupts into another hard crying episode.
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Re: Hi-Lo (mercantile)

#336 Post by Quonundrum »

OGRE MAGE wrote:Nalissa After a bit more blubbering, she suddenly tries to straighten herself out again. "Oh listen to me whining. I'm sorry, sir. How much parchment were you in need of? It is expensive, but we do have some in back. And......and......he probably isn't going to need it anymore." She erupts into another hard crying episode.
Andron takes her hand and pats it consolingly ... Now why would a shopkeeper go traipsing into a dangerous jungle? Even assuming he wasn't alone there must have been a matter of great importance to take such a risk for one unaccustomed to exploration and adventure.

My deepest condolences, dear lady. If it is within my power I will determine the fate of your departed boss, it will help to provide some closure. As to the store, it's very well kept and I suspect that's mostly due to your effort. I think you would be surprised at how much you do know about how the store is run, in fact I believe you could easily tell me every item in this room and its cost. Captain Quark's ship is also anchored offshore and I'm sure he could assist with the shipping manifests and how frequently items are ordered and delivered. I myself have experience with cataloging and inventory management and would be happy to assist in any way I can.

As for my meager needs, I believe five sheets of parchment will be quite sufficient, and one month cabin rental would be very welcome, indeed. Please take your time though, and if you'd like I can review the ledgers in the office, check for anything of pressing importance?

If she assents to his help, Andron will peruse the office papers for any pending business, particularly any shipping orders or expected deliveries from Captain Quark.
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Re: Hi-Lo (mercantile)

#337 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Nalissa looks up at the kind half-elf with the slightest look of hope in her swollen eyes.

"Do you really know something about shipping? Because that is what I know the least about. If you would be willing to help me, maybe the burdon wouldn't be so bad. I know how the store runs, and what everything costs, but I have never dealt with the ships captains before. And to tell you the truth, I don't even want to deal with that horrible captain Bing ever again."

Nalissa leads the stranger through the door behind her counter into a small back office with its own outside door. Sobbing lightly again, she continues.

"This is......was Mr. Nehru's office, and I have kept it exactly the same as it was when he left. The parchment is over here, in this cabinet with the other writing materials. Its a silver piece per sheet, but if you are willing to help me with the captain, I think we could work out a little better deal."

"The cabin log is under my counter, but if you can afford a private shack for an entire month, I definitely have one available for you."
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Re: Hi-Lo (mercantile)

#338 Post by Quonundrum »

I was apprenticed to an antiquary in Niole Dra and I know a bit about shipping and receiving, usually small parcels and mostly receiving, but we've had occasion to send artifacts to other temples in the region. I would be happy to lend whatever assistance I can provide. I'll peruse the ledgers and write up a list of the usual periodic shipments and their costs, that should help with the bulk of the work and at least allow you to keep business moving for normal goods. I will also let Captain Quark know you'll need to speak with him as the current proprietor ... as for Captain Bing, I haven't met him myself but I will ask Captain Quark if he can relay a message to him as well.

A private shack for one month would be excellent, thank you. As for the parchment, I insist on paying the full price for five pages.

Andron should have the necessary coin in platinum and gold and will hand it to her.

Andron will check the shipping ledgers and write up a list on a piece of parchment for her to reference.
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Re: Hi-Lo (mercantile)

#339 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Nallissa stands at the doorway in between the two rooms as Andron searches the desktop of an incredible looking ornately carved mahogany and teak desk.

"Ok, that's 5 silver for the parchment then. A private shack is 20 gold coins for the month. But I might be able to cut you a better deal if you help me with the shipping and receiving issues."

"So, you are from Keoland, then? I have some family in the Duchy, around Waybury."

The outside door to the Hi-Lo opens and the shopkeeper moves back into the other room again to deal with her customer.
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Re: Hi-Lo (mercantile)

#340 Post by Quonundrum »

Twenty gold is quite fair. If you find my assistance to be of help then you may reimburse me for a lower rate if you wish, thank you kindly ... and yes, I am from Keoland but most of my life was spent cloistered in the Temple of Rao in Niole Dra. I have heard of Waybury but had little opportunity to leave the city and explore the countryside.

After Nallissa leaves, Andron will review the ledger and write out the list he mentioned before on a piece of parchment. Upon completing the list he enters the main room and provides her the parchment along with 5 silver and 4 platinum for the parchment and lodging.

Here you are, my lady. I hope this will help with the usual shipping and receiving orders, and noting by Mr. Nehru's exquisite desk I would assume he also keeps more valuable items, some of which may prove dangerous to the unwary ... please exercise extreme caution if you find anything unusual, and do not hesitate to call upon me if you need any assistance.

For now, I shall seek out Captain Quark and ask him to confer with you on the specific procedures for cargo from the ship. I'll also inquire about Captain Bing, but will attempt to meet with him myself and relay any information so you can avoid dealing with him personally. May the peace of Rao be with you, my lady.

Andron pivots slightly at the waist, hands placed both front and back in a formal bow and leaves the store to find Captain Quark.
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