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Re: The Garage

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:48 am
by Bloodaxe
Chance , Whitey, Tucker and Lester work to clear out the Biters in the nearby area. You clear out several creatures that are close to the garage, while trying not to attract attention. It goes well for awhile until a Crawler hiding under a car grabs Lester, he falls down and gets hurt. Whitey is able to smash the creature in the head before it is able to do more damage, but you call a break on the zombie smashing and go back inside. The area around the garage is clear now anyway.

The zombie fighting Lester rolled a 5 and caused 1 Health damage before being destroyed. Lester is down to 1 Health.

Re: The Garage

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 1:44 pm
by ybn1197

"Lester man, you have got to be more careful out there." Tucker checks his leg to make sure there is no broken skin from the attack.

Re: The Garage

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:56 pm
by AleBelly
Chance returns to the garage. His face shows more confidence despite his concern for Lester.

He sits, pondering.

"What do you think that missile was aiming at? And should we get going? Maybe there will be a missile fired back in retaliation..."

Re: The Garage

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:44 pm
Chingy enjoys a few kills and retreats back to the garage.

First zombies and now pinchy missiles? I'm telling you man, this shit ain't right! We need to move on and soon! We gotta find some more survivors if there are any, build up our group a little. Now......I am one big bad ass motherfucker that don't take much shit, and you can bleedat! I've always got by on my own and I ain't afraid of too many people, but think about this. If we are out scavaging for weapons and shit, what the hell do you think every other Tom, Dick, and Javier is doing right now?

Let me also say this.......we are gonna encounter other groups out there that are going to want to take what we have, and they may outnumber us by a lot! Everyone of us better be damn sure we are ready for that shit, if you catch my meening.

Re: The Garage

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:55 pm
by saalaria
steve - Trucker

"I agree with Chingy - we've got to get tooled up, be ready to fight our corner. No one else is gonna do it. It's law of the jungle now man, strongest survive,"

Re: The Garage

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 2:44 am
by badams30
Uncle Lester

Lester rubs his leg and lets out a quiet string of expletives. Once he's calmed down he shakes his head and says "I ain't got what I used to. Never been a scrapper, but I'll be damned if I let those things get the best of me."

Lester listens to the talk about splitting and meeting others and he sighs and says "Probably right, but we need to be careful. There's probably some antsy and paranoid people out there. If we're gonna do this, let's hit the sporting goods place and get some gear first. Maybe some more ammo, something more appropriate than some tire irons and wrenches. Were going to need machetes and sh#$ like that to use. Bats or axes at least..."

OOC: I think we need to square our weapons situation away, then we go wherever. That's just me.

Re: The Garage

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 12:52 pm
by AleBelly
"What about a police station?" asks Chance. "Lots of weapons there, maybe even some SWAT gear that you couldn't get at a sporting goods store."

Re: The Garage

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 2:54 pm
by ybn1197

"The police sounds like a good idea, but I'm concerned that it will be swamped with either biters who went there before they turned in order to get help or other survivors like ourselves doing the same thing. What about WalMart? They will have all manner of sports gear as well as firearms and ammo."

Re: The Garage

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:09 pm
by badams30
Uncle Lester

Lester shakes his head at the mention of the police station. "I don't know, fellas. Police and National Guard Armory are in Allentown, and let me tell you, that place was crawling with biters. When I went lookin' for Norm's mom there, I didn't see nothin' other than them damn things. I was lucky to get back alive. I don't think we should be tackling that place... not with less than a company of infantry..."

He taps his finger on the table and says "But the mall is on the outskirts, enclosed, and there is a sporting goods store inside with guns and ammo." He gets a sly smile and says "If we want to try and snag some better guns, lets start with the mall, and then we could look for some military checkpoints or something as we head to the hospital or wherever. Just an idea..."

Re: The Garage

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:50 pm
Chingy nods his head in agreement to what Lester is saying.

When should we check out that mall? You feeling up for it yet pops?

Re: The Garage

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:47 pm
by Dram
Whitey- I'm with Lester the mall may be the safer choice.

Re: The Garage

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 2:13 am
by badams30
Uncle Lester

Lester smiles and says "I'm sorry to hold you back boys, this old guy aint' what he used to be. Gimme a day of rest and I'll be in fightin' shape. In the meantime, we can prepare today. Sound okay, fellas?"

OOC: I've only got 2 health, and I'm at one now, so let me get a day of rest and I should be good to go. But from this point onwards, I think ol' Lester is going to do his fightin' with some guns...

Re: The Garage

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:14 am
by saalaria
Steve - Trucker

"I can live with a restday. We got coffee and shelter so i aint missing nothing. No one else has got anything pressing to do have they?"

Steve keeps an eye outside now and again and warns if anyone or thing comes close.

Re: The Garage

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 12:31 pm
by badams30
Uncle Lester

Lester eases himself to a seated position to rest, coffee in hand. "Let's get the plow on the Ford today, and gather what we need for the trip to the mall. We can leave at the crack of dawn tomorrow, eh?

OOC: Lester will gather his gun, tire iron, all his ammo, and some basic tools to load in the truck for the trip. He'll also take some food for Blackie, as he'll join us this time.

Re: The Garage

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 3:53 pm
by AleBelly
Chance will gas up his car if Lester let's him, and assist with the plow, relaxing as best he can during periods of low activity.

Re: The Garage

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:42 pm
by Bloodaxe
saalaria wrote:Steve - Trucker

"I can live with a restday. We got coffee and shelter so i aint missing nothing. No one else has got anything pressing to do have they?"

Steve keeps an eye outside now and again and warns if anyone or thing comes close.

The night passes quietly. The wind is howling.....wait...that's not wind! Moaning......
Steve sees a huge horde of zombies approaching. Hundreds! You don't think the garage is there target, they are just moving like an undead tide.

You hear gunshots in the distance, then a piercing scream....cut off short.

Then the stomp of many , many feet....and moaning....the constant moaning.....
They keep coming.

Re: The Garage

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:42 pm
by badams30
Uncle Lester

Lester tries to calm Blackie to keep him quiet. He says at a whisper "Okay, boys. we may have to bail if this gets too bad. Let's keep quiet and real still, and maybe these things will pass. If not, let's get ready to roll out quickly. Hurry up and everyone take some stuff and put in the vehicles. If we have to bail, I'll lead with the plow." Lester clenches his fist and says with a snarl "I'll be damned if one of them sonofabitches is gonna get this band. Mark my words."

OOC: Lester quickly packs his guns, ammo, and food into the ford, along with an extra first aid kit and some clothing. He remembers to stow plenty of Blackie-chow for the ride.

Re: The Garage

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:11 pm
by saalaria
Steve - Trucker

Steve keeps quiet, weapons close at hand, but as quiet as the proverbial grave

Re: The Garage

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 10:10 pm
by Dram
Whitey- Keeps very quiet he packs all of his belongings in the back of the truck except for his golf club and pistol. He will help load the vehicles.

Re: The Garage

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:10 am
by Scott308
Derek- Journalist

Derek will move slowly, trying to be as quiet as possible as he helps load the vehicles.