Barrowmoor: Exploration and Ecdysis.

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Re: Barrowmoor: Exploration and Ecdysis.

#321 Post by Spearmint »

Raust search and random results.

The body of the lizard is covered in fattened Rot Grubs, mangy wriggling critters that feast upon fresh blood. You do well to steer clear of them. They must be kept as a delicacy by the Snake-men. There is actually little to find, the crates and jars full of unusable goods except one jar that contains some strange, dried Arachnid body parts.

Raust identify glands vs 17 [4d6]=16

You succeed in identifying two of the organs as Flagelliform glands, the organ that helps produce the spider web threads. Often harvested that can be expended by forcefully squishing them which causes a web of sticky threads to erupt. They are still fresh and operable as an entangling device should you wish to play spider to some Orphidian flies.

Orphidian menace vs 1-2 [1d6]=3

Searching over, the group pool various finds. Isvand offers to lead, Raust sneaking in his shadow. You pass Venwynn who guards the head of the passage. As it turns the corner you find yourself deafened by the sound of rushing water which erupts from the rock wall to your left. The water drops a rope's length or more into a bubbling pool below that churns furiously before lapping on the shore of a pebbly beach that leads to two other cave entrances. Sickly green smoke comes from one, floating upon the water and rising up to perfume the cave with a heady scent.

The passage descends on your left, a thin, meandering ledge that traverses the contours of a larger cavern. A few tarry firebrands light the interior along the way. Descending into the cavern deep, a large camp has been erected at the bottom. Within you see more than two dozen Orphidians hunched around campfires, preening weapons or working with tools.

Orphidians dressed for rituals come and go from the nearby clouded area, swaying rhythmically though the sound is drowned out by the rushing waters.

One sound is not drowned out though. A horn sound like a hunting call echoes from the passages behind you. A fiery arrow passes above your heads warning you that the humanoid Snake-men from the first rock-pool cavern are approaching in numbers.

You have a choice, limited as it may be. Stand and fight the incoming wave of Orphidian humanoids and risk being pincered in the passage by any of the Warcamp alerted to your presence. Or sneak below, though not through the camp; that might be impossible for all except the invisible. Descend the waterfall and bypass the camp, straight into the ritual cave and a confrontation with The Mistress.

next actions please. add a dexterity check with your action please.

A current map:


For inspiration:
Orphidian Caves interior
Orphidian Caves interior
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Re: Barrowmoor: Exploration and Ecdysis.

#322 Post by Marullus »

Raust shows the stealthy hobbit the spider glands, explaining fervently how to squish them and project the webbing strands onto a foe. Such a thing would be useful for the small man to do once having snuck close. She gives them to Isvand if he wishes.

Her head perks up and her nostrils flare as she hears the horn. I am the hunter, not the prey, she thinks. Her decision is immediate, she knows her quarry is the Mistress and the green-glowing cave her destination. She calls upon the essence of Herne, wiping the cavern floor and enchanting her feet for her way forward, that she might come upon the Mistress as a proper Huntsman. She then clambers down to the water to make her way directly to the glowing cave.

If 'Pass without Trace' provides benefit to minimize splashing or aid progress through water...

Raust Dex Check (13) [1d20]=4
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Re: Barrowmoor: Exploration and Ecdysis.

#323 Post by Spearmint »

checks are made using a [4d6] vs ability score usually, which may be adjusted +/- d6 by environment conditions, help, injury, magic, etc.
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Re: Barrowmoor: Exploration and Ecdysis.

#324 Post by Marullus »

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Re: Barrowmoor: Exploration and Ecdysis.

#325 Post by redwarrior »

Isvand will accept the spider silk pods and slide them into his pouch for later use.

Dex 16 [4d6]=10
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Re: Barrowmoor: Exploration and Ecdysis.

#326 Post by sastaz »

Realizing the only way to go is to slide/sneak down with the others, Gerdal pulls her familiar chameleon Harkazz close and mutters a few words, suddenly blending into the background. The snakemen will surely smell her up close, but at least if she makes a tumble down and they hear her, they won't be able to see her from up above.

casting chameleon skin

Retain lv 1 spell vs 15 [4d6+1]=13+1=14

With that, she starts descending the waterfall with the others...

Hard DEX check vs 12 [4d6]=14

Hakazz can Spider Climb at will, so he'll be fine. I think you decided that Spider Climb was not transferrable to Gerdal yet, though. At least not on level 2.

Loot so far:
  • veneered walnut vanity box that contains six Sardonyx and Agate rocks
  • scaly parchment tied with a ribbon of fur (Slow Poison & Resist Fire)
  • splinters of crystal shards worth a few gold each
  • obsidian knife fitted into a hilt of softer green malachite stone, carved into a squat priestly figure
  • large skull with lid filled with fungal gen (healing potion?)
  • two Flagelliform glands that produce spider web
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Re: Barrowmoor: Exploration and Ecdysis.

#327 Post by Spearmint »

The Orphidian Caves

A long rope is hastily looped around a crevice and secured by a grapnel. The team swing into action, kicking off from a ledge to the other side of the chasm and descending the rocky outcrop of boulders. The water is flowing heavy and fast, it creates a thunderous noise that drowns out your cries and for those who slip on the rocks or lose grips in the rope, the waters threaten to drown those who plunge headlong into the waters below.

Isvand goes first. The bear cloak a sudden weight upon his small frame but the dark pelt hides him in the shadows. He descends part way before waving the next to follow.

They have to hurry for humanoid slitherers are approaching from the exterior caverns. Raust goes next, perhaps not catching the rope as it is swung back, she slides down the face of the waters rather than across and the sodden hemp becomes difficult to grip. She falls from half the height to plunge into the churning eddy at the bottom. The waters break her fall and just like Isvand, has found, her bearskin cloak soaks to its skin, swelling sodden and heavy. She spins under the waters, holding her breath and fighting against the maelstrom sucking her down.

Luckily she is unarmoured and can cast the cloak off to lighten her load and inch her way to the pool side rocks.

Venwynn follows, Traeliorn, then Gerdal. She has not lizard like ability to stick to rocks or rope and tumbles also. Unlike Raust , she hasn't the strength to lift herself free of the roiling waters but Dale is right behind. He dives headfirst from the rocks, foolishly perhaps for he may hurl himself into an unseen rock. His dextrous dive means he can grab a hold of Gerdal before she starts taking in water. Spluttering you are pulled to the rocks.

Ricardo & Pasquel make their descents with ease. While they are concentrating upon the task, one of the ritual worshippers is drawn by the first sudden splash in the pool. He slithers towards the waterside, looking at the ripples but as Raust is submerged, she remains unseen. Still he continues to peer at the waterfall and gasps as legs and arms flail in head over heels fashion with Gerdal's drop.
actions please.

while Gerdal is being rescued from drowning, Isvand and Raust may act.
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Re: Barrowmoor: Exploration and Ecdysis.

#328 Post by redwarrior »

Isvand, upon seeing that the creature has seen the party members in the water, sends the boomerang flying in it's direction. Unfortunately, he's still off balance from the sodden cloak, which he tears off. He barely gets free of it in time to catch the boomerang on its return journey.

Boomerang attack [1d20+2]=3+2=5 Damage [1d4+1]=3+1=4
Bommerang recovery target 16 [3d6]=15
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Re: Barrowmoor: Exploration and Ecdysis.

#329 Post by Marullus »

Raust whispers to summon her God's attention, imbuing her spear with the ferocity of the hunter.
Round 1: Cast shillelagh. Turns from 1d6 spear to instead by a 2d4 weapon with +1 enchantment.

Round 2: she will act to attack the curious scout and silence him if others haven't already done this. Otherwise, her focus is to cast Entangle on the group of visible snakes in the glowing cavern, advancing if she must to target them.
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Re: Barrowmoor: Exploration and Ecdysis.

#330 Post by Spearmint »

The Orphidian Caves.

Dale brings Gerdal, spluttering profusely, over to the shore. An Orphidian, attracted to the pool and the two falling figures that have made a large splash is about to sound an alarm. He turns tail, literally but is pierced in his throat by a well aimed shaft from Venwynn. -12hp falling prone and hoarsely beginning to croak his warning. His lisping voice is swiftly silenced with a deadly smack from an enhanced Shillelagh staff. Raust emerging from the waters as deadly as a leviathan to snatch her prey. -6hp

The last two of the group descend by the waterfall rope. Isvand catches his boomerang. The assault upon the ritual cave now in full motion.
The Ritual Cave

The cave is roughly squared with a pillar of rock holding up a domed roof in the centre. On three sides of the pillar are blazing firebrands that must be tarred in a waxy substance rather than oil for they burn as large candles and give off the baleful green luminous light that swirls with fragrant, heady smoke.

The entrance of the cave is littered with bones and skulls that drape as trophies, attached to long vines and dangling roots that screen the interior of the ritual cave from the rest of the cavern. Just past the vine curtain are a number of Orphidian devotees, seated upon their coiled tails, hands raised in ecstasy and mouths jabbering aloud in unearthly praises. They have scaly faces streaked in bloody marks and each has a naked torso running with blood. In hands they wield wicked flails of iron spiked balls on long chains and they busy themselves, flagellating into a frenzy, offering their blood and allegiance to their patron Kali and her Mistress intercessor.

As the group sneak closer, you see behind you in the upper cavern reaches the flaming firebrands of searching Snake-men. It will not be long before the dangling rope and your presence is detected. Those in the lower camp begin to slither up the long traversing path from their site towards the calls.

No time to lose, 'a good day to die'. Raust narrated invoking her Entangle spell which seems a good choice to snare several praying creatures.

for inspiration.

Orphidians: Save vs Raust's Entangle spell 16+ [1d20]=9[1d20]=9[1d20]=5[1d20]=8[1d20]=5[1d20]=14

to be fair, I think that with a little prestidigitation, the druid can snare those entangled and leave a slim path to one side for others to sneak by.

As the archers pierce those entangled with arrows, Dale severs a few grasping roots to clear a path free of roots. "Go. Go now. Kill her." he shouts to the characters as the encounter rushes towards a climatic end scene.

In the far reaches of the cave, spread across boulders used as an altar, a long snake uncoils itself, hissing profusely. "Sisters. I augured your destiny. Come bow to your Queen ... sisters of blood and bone.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Kali R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn, Kali".
a soft voice echoes charming but insidious words in an abyssal demonic tongue. Words that echo around the chamber void, the figure not clearly seen until you enter fully but whose voice is eerily chilling, inviting you forward.

best of luck ...

next actions please. Isvand, you can spend a round to attack an entangled Orphidian with a +2 advantage to hit due to their restraints. Or you can pass by into the inner sanctum of the ritual cave. Gerdal and Raust, affected by the entrancing words are drawn into the cave.

Raust and Gerdal: save vs paralyzation vs 10+ [1d20]=1 [1d20]=2 not paralyzed physically but weakened mentally. effect to be determined next update.
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Re: Barrowmoor: Exploration and Ecdysis.

#331 Post by redwarrior »

Isvand looks longingly at the entangled targets, but chooses to follow his teammates to see what is happening there.

I'm assuming he can't attack the priestess/mistress this round
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Re: Barrowmoor: Exploration and Ecdysis.

#332 Post by Spearmint »

Yes you can attack though you cannot see the large snake or 'Mistress' clearly. Describe what you want to do and I will narrate the outcomes.

Gerdal and Raust are drawn in but not charmed, at least not devoid of some of their own will and volition.
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Re: Barrowmoor: Exploration and Ecdysis.

#333 Post by redwarrior »

Isvand runs after his companions and throws his boomerang rapidly, not really hoping the hit the targets that he can't see clearly, but maybe at least distract them a bit from whatever they're up too.

Boomerang attack [1d20+2]=8+2=10 Damage [1d4+1]=1+1=2

Bommerang recovery target 16 [3d6]=11
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Re: Barrowmoor: Exploration and Ecdysis.

#334 Post by Marullus »

Raust remains fixated on her Hunt, on the end of this Mistress, on vengeance for the circle of Herne. She shakes her head and snarls as she feels the magic at the entrance niggling at her emotions, grounding herself in her anger to shake it off. She snarls, literally shaking her head. She signals the others to warn of the danger, warning them to shoot the snakemen without crossing the magical barrier.

The snakemen snared in her tangling roots, the plants sharing her rage as they writhe and constrict, she moves forward single-minded past them to reach her quarry. She summons power to her sight with eldrich words. Scanning the room as she enters. This is the Mistress in her own lair - the source of her power must be present. Raust seeks to identify its emanating, a tell of the Mistress perhaps as she seeks to protect it as she is attacked. And attacked she is, Raust coming at her forcefully with her enchanted spear...

Cast Detect Magic, look for the source(s) of the Mistress' power and which are most important to her. Pass the entangle. Attack with Shillelagh.

Raust Shillelagh [1d20+1]=18+1=19 [2d4+1]=7+1=8

Mystery Roll [1d20]=14[1d20]=1
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Re: Barrowmoor: Exploration and Ecdysis.

#335 Post by sastaz »

sorry for the delay guys, somehow I thought Gerdal was being somehow semi GM controlled.

Gerdal, her pulse rising as she realizes she's more or less out of choices, prepares herself for battle, forming a protective barrier around herself.

casts shield

"This is our chance, Raust, Isvand, let's get her before reinforcements arrive."

Retain lv 1 spell vs 15 [4d6+1]=12+1=13

After that she draws her Kali kopesh and gets ready for combat.

"Now, let's see how favoured you are, beast."
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Re: Barrowmoor: Exploration and Ecdysis.

#336 Post by Spearmint »

The Ritual Cave of the Mistress.

The group have pushed their luck and then pushed it some more. Sneaking by the lower caste of humanoid Orphidians, ambushing those who guarded the way to the interior caverns, slaying the morphed ex-priest of Herne, skinning the chefs and descending the waterfall more or less undetected. Entangling those who worship gives passage for some to access the inner sanctum of the Mistress ...

Her long crimson and black scaly tail uncoils, slithering in graceful fashion, yes Her tail. For the snake you see, a python-esque serpent twice as long as a man is tall, supple in musculature and glossy sheened scales. The most startling and yet darkly beautiful feature is her bulbous head, hooded as a cobra but human featured, high fey cheekbones and eyes that twinkle as dark stars, lips of luscious red that talk smooth words. But it is her gaze which is most haunting.

"Usurpers who come to unseat the Queen. Sisters at war for who will tame the Moor." the spirit Naga lisps, her words copying the Kali warning given to Gerdal during her augury. The voice swirling around your heads as much as the heavy scent of cloudy perfume in the baleful light. Swaying lithely, the Mistress Naga reveals herself and the druid and sorceress are halted in their steps, initially awestruck by her gaze and perceived charisma.

Until a lesser spotted halfling breaks her enthralling gaze by clattering a boomerang that wings itself noisily around her head and causing some momentarily distraction, even though it missed, it proves enough to break any paralyzing hold she has over Raust and Gerdal. Both come to senses and both save themselves from succumbing to her insidious charm.

Gerdal: save vs paralyzation vs 13+ [1d20]=13Mystery Roll [1d20]=14[1d20]=1 just use 1st macro. vs 10 using Wisdom bonus.

Gerdal invokes a warding Shield an invisible barrier against physical attacks, the druid Raust spearheads the party attack.

the Shillelagh affect can only be cast once per day. The detect magic cast does not initially provide any pings of arcane radiance before you encounter the Naga herself.

-3hp Raust stabs the creature.

Spear [1d6]=3

Her initial response is to strike out, cobra fast, suddenly manifesting a truer hateful and grotesque visage, a face of anger and pain, a mouth of venomous teeth.

Mistress bite attack: [1d20]=3 [1d3]=3

Missing, she hisses, "Kali fh'tagn cthulti bha'hindi" she curses out, roughly translated as a taunt about 'female dogs'.

Beyond the sanctum, the cries of acolytes and NPC's are heard as the Orphidians struggle to break free of the grasping roots before they too become a dangling trophy upon a curtain of vines.

Your reinforcements occupied with slaying the host, it is down to you to conquer. Mistress intones more words a spell upon her lips.

next actions please

Mistress Naga
Mistress Naga
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Re: Barrowmoor: Exploration and Ecdysis.

#337 Post by redwarrior »

Isvand Sends the boomerang flying again, this time with deadly intent, but he almost trips as he sees the woman's TAIL!, Causing it to go wide again. Once he regains his footing, he manages to catch it on its return trip. Barely!

Boomerang attack [1d20+2]=2+2=4 Damage [1d4+1]=3+1=4
Bommerang recovery target 16 [3d6]=13
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Re: Barrowmoor: Exploration and Ecdysis.

#338 Post by sastaz »

Gerdal knowing well the level of focus required to weave a spell goes all out on disturbing the naga queen without causing that much damage. The serpent's song however cause her to lose focus herself and she can only maintain the flames for a single round.

casts burning hands

"Gaaah! Charge her, we must disturb her!"

Retain lv 1 spell vs 15 [4d6+1]=15+1=16
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Re: Barrowmoor: Exploration and Ecdysis.

#339 Post by sastaz »

Isvand should be able to circle around her for a sneak attack oportunity, right? Or does the ruleset require the thief to be explicitly "hidden", not just out of sight?
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Re: Barrowmoor: Exploration and Ecdysis.

#340 Post by Spearmint »

Surprise Backstab are just that, via an element of surprise, that gains an extra to hit bonus and us fine usually via move silent or hide in shadows skill checks.

A rear attack could be made by anyone attacking at the rear though this generally assumes a humanoid figure.

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