TREEHOUSE (tavern)

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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#301 Post by Xaxyx »

Glansandi Storeyja

"A constable," Glansandi says to Randall between mouthfuls of stew, "is a person responsible for overseeing the safety and defense of a securable area. Beachtown, in this instance. That means fending off any would-be threats from outside of the town, as well as ensuring that there's no trouble within. As a tavern keeper, I suspect you may have a particular appreciation for that second part." Taking up the mug of grog, he tastes it cautiously, trying to determine how much alcohol content it might have. To the same purpose, he keeps an eye on Jombo, giving him a stern glance should it seem as though the young man intends to drink too deeply from his cup.

"To that end," Glansandi continues, "we're looking to increase our numbers. Should you be approached by any young men or women seeking employment, you might consider sending them our way. Serving as a town guard may not be as glamorous as the adventurer's life, traipsing through the jungle seeking danger, but it provides steady pay, a free room, and combat training." Glansandi raises his voice just a bit as he mentions that last part, hoping perhaps the two men seated nearby overhear.
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#302 Post by tomlowshang »

Gwethglersinwen Larendirina

Gwen cups her hands around her mouth as if to call out to the constable, but changes her mind. Decorum and etiquette, she reminds herself.

Muttering about lack of consideration for short people, Gwen clambers over the fence, and ascends the ladder into the treehouse. A sudden idea causes her to pause on the first step and look at the base of the tree trunk.

OOC: Are the tree's roots buttressed or completely hidden underground? Trying to determine nutrient depth for Gwen's other task. :)

In the treehouse, she approaches the Elf constable but keeps Randall in sight. She bows slightly and says, "Constable Storeyja, my name is Gwethglersinwen Larendirina. Master Wes," she indicates below them, "is investigating an affliction that has distressed the tree. He suspects something in the treehouse may be the cause, and requests your assistance to inspect the upper level."
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#303 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The stew is made up of mostly diced chunks of tubers like yam and sweet potato mixed in with some salty, fishy tasting broth. It isn't very good, but it is definitely filling. The grog on the other hand is a mystery drink. You can taste a hint of strong rum mixed in with the pasty liquid, but the alcohol content seems fairly mild. It isn't delicious, but it is pretty effective after you have had a few.

Randall listens to Glansandi explain himself before responding.

"Oh, yesa! Mi undastan all dat ferry well. Mi glad to meet you den missa con-sta-bull. I ope ya enjoy you meal and jink. Let ol' Randall know if der is anyting him can do ta elp."

Once the linguistically challenged barkeep figures out what you are asking, he has one more thing to offer. "Ya know who ya need ta get? Dat big missa Monocar. Dat guy need some arma an wepon affa his get loss in da jungle. I bet him be willing ta elp ya boat out."

Once Gwen comes in to address the constable, Randall goes off back to his work behind the bar.

The two other men inside the tavern definitely pick up on the Constable's attempt at recruitment. Neither shows any interest at this time.
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#304 Post by OGRE MAGE »

tomlowshang wrote:OOC: Are the tree's roots buttressed or completely hidden underground? Trying to determine nutrient depth for Gwen's other task. :)
The roots are exposed somewhat on the sea side of the tree, likely from the tide that goes in and out regularly. They look healthy enough and nothing strange is noted about the trees root system, other than the fact that it is growing solely in sand and only a few feet from the salty water of the Azure Sea.
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#305 Post by Xaxyx »

Glansandi Storeyja

As he continues to eat his stew, Glansandi listens to Lady Gwethglersinwen's words carefully. Sipping the grog, he decides that the beverage won't overly impair his faculties.

"We will accompany you," Glansandi says to her, "Under two conditions. The first is that you permit us to first finish our meal, as I sense that your matter is not pressing, and we will be able to provide better assistance on full stomachs." He takes another sip. "The other is that you first acquire permission from Randall, who I assume, as the owner of this establishment, is also master of the upper level. I suspect that these two tasks can be accomplished at the same time." With that, he spoons himself another hearty chunk of stew.
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#306 Post by LtTibbles »


Greff mulled over the Elven Constable's open offer, he was new to the island, after all galavanting headlong into the jungle would most likely end with him dead by the end of the week. Perhaps getting his bearings in town would be in his best interest.

After finishing the rest of his stew and made his way over to the Constable standing at attention he addressed the man.

"Sorry for disturbing your meal sir but I couldn't help but to over hear that the guard was in need of men...I'd like to offer my services.

My name is Greff I hail from the city of Jume where I served in the local militia for quite a number of years as a scout. Before that I worked as an armorer alongside my father and brother. I believe I would make a fine addition to the guard I'm disciplined and am not overly fond of the drink sir."

He is dressed in chainmail and a set of worn leathes along with a dirtied tan cap. Though you can't see his hair under the cap his well grown beard seems to suggest that it is a dirty blond color. His eyes have slightly dark bags under his eyes and lines are beginning to show onn his face.
Last edited by LtTibbles on Thu May 24, 2018 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#307 Post by Xaxyx »

Could you provide a description for Greff, please? I don't see him in the character sheet thread.
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#308 Post by LtTibbles »

Thought I forgot something, I've edited my first post above and also posted my sheet in the character sheet thread
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#309 Post by Xaxyx »

Glansandi Storeyja

"Well met," Glansandi says to Greff, looking the human over. Nodding, he gestures to a nearby chair. "Glansandi Storeyja. Our man here is Jombo." He takes another quick swig of his grog. "The pay is one gold per week, and free quarters provided, both arranged through Mr. Nehru, proprietor of the Hi-Lo. Patrol the area, protect the populace. And some weapons training to keep our skills sharp. Some construction too, once proper arrangements can be made." He thinks for a moment as he swirls his stew. "A scout's eyes will prove handy when monitoring our perimeter," Glansandi says, "and perhaps eventually we can look into putting up a smithy. Likely that will have to wait, as the town's lack of defensive structures is the greater urgency at the moment."
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#310 Post by LtTibbles »


Greff sits himself down at the table. "The pleasure is mine fellas.I did notice the towns defenses seemed a bit bare given some of the rumors I had heard, talk of the undead springing from the ground, how long has that been going on?"
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#311 Post by tomlowshang »

Gwethglersinwen Larendirina

Gwen simply nods when she hears Glansandi's conditions and moves away when Greff approaches. Gwen moves around the perimeter of the platform and pretends to take in the view, which also allows her to examine the ceiling from different locations around the room.
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#312 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Gwen takes her leave of the Constable once Greff approaches. She casually walks around the perimeter of the tavern, taking in the view, but more importantly, looking around at the ceiling. She sees that the structure is sturdy enough, but the construction over all is quite poor. The whole thing looks rather hastily built. She sees no signs of foul play however, and notices nothing else out of the ordinary about the place. (other than the fact that there is a huge tree growing right up through the middle of the bar)

In one corner of the place she sees the ropes and trapdoor that Wes mentioned to her. There is a closed trap door in the main floor that leads down to the beach. There is a wooden cart hanging just under the first floor that is attached with ropes, one on each corner. The cart must be used as an elevator or dumbwaiter to get any heavy items up or down easier. The ropes disappear up into small holes in the ceiling, indicating that the pulley system that runs the mechanism must be hidden above the wooden plank ceiling.

Other than the odd cart system and the huge tree trunk, everything else seems fairly normal around the tavern. The views from the elevated platform to the south that overlook the beautiful Azure Sea are absolutely breathtaking. If it weren't for the shoddy construction and the defilement of nature, the little elf would feel right at home up here.
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#313 Post by Xaxyx »

Glansandi Storeyja

Scraping at the bottom of his bowl of stew, Glansandi frowns ever so slightly. "Rumors," he says as he glances at Greff, "are not facts. And we deal in facts. Mr. Nehru had seen fit to assign some of the local adventurers with investigating this supposed undead business, but they evidently abandoned the search. Thus, as far as I am aware, nothing has come of it. Still, it's a matter that bears investigating, perhaps once we've better established ourselves with the townsfolk."

He reaches for his mug of grog, but pauses briefly. "And while I am rather casual with the men I supervise," he says, "I would appreciate it if you would address me as 'Constable', particularly when we're on duty." He then downs the last of his drink, carefully placing the mug back down on the table.
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#314 Post by LtTibbles »


"Yes,of course Constable." The Ranger shifts a bit trying to get comfy in his chair. "So as for dealing with facts what have been the local goings on around town, anything I should know to look out for sir?"
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#315 Post by Jernau35 »


The druid approaches Randall at the bar. "Randall, my friend Gwen", he indicates the elf as she walks around the bar, "and I are concerned about this tree of yours. Have you seen the top part of it lately? It looks rather unhealthy. Would you mind letting us up above to take a look at it? As you know I'm a follower and servant of Obad-Hai, who watches over the natural world, and Gwen is, well, an elf. Y'know what they are like about trees, eh?" Wes smiles and winks at Randall. "Hopefully we can cure what's wrong and get this old tree back to normal again, before it falls over and takes your whole business with it!"
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#316 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Randall smiles his usual carefree grin at Wes as he starts to speak of his tavern. By the time the druid is finished, his normal smile has become a sour looking frown.

"Whayasay bout mi rum bar? Der is noting matta ear! Mi don't see no problem wit dis tree. O N make sure we dina urt da tree when we build dis place."

He watches Gwen wandering around the place a little bit before finishing.

"Who dat, anyway? Ya gwan cum in ear an say bad tings bout mi place juss cause some likkle elf get her feeling urt? Der is noting up der. Juss da pulleys fer mi cart an starge is all. We dinna do noting to urt da tree, it juss look a likkle rough from all da salt wata it drink. Juss like when sum fool drink too much a mi grog."
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#317 Post by tomlowshang »

Gwethglersinwen Larendirina

Gwen smiles and says to Randall, "I'm Gwen. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier. That was very rude and I hope you'll forgive me, Mister Randall."

"As Master Wes as says, the tree is very sick. It seems that you've noticed already but decided it is nothing to worry about. However, you should be concerned. If the tree dies, what happens to you? Where will you go? How will you live? Your family's life is connected to the tree's life now."

Gwen asks Wes, "Is it possible that salt water could damage the top of the tree and not the trunk and roots?"
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#318 Post by Xaxyx »

LtTibbles wrote:Greff

"Yes,of course Constable." The Ranger shifts a bit trying to get comfy in his chair. "So as for dealing with facts what have been the local goings on around town, anything I should know to look out for sir?"
Glansandi Storeyja

"Aside from this supposed zombie incursion," Glansandi says to Greff, sitting back in his chair, "Mr. Nehru expressed some concern about a sudden influx of a particularly unfriendly clan of dwarves that has been arriving recently. They don't cause trouble, I'm told, but simply run off into the jungle somewhere for gods know what purpose. My suspicion is that they've struck a vein and are greedily mining their claim. Just something to keep an eye on, perhaps, particularly if their well runs dry, as it were."

Glancing over his shoulder, Glansandi looks over to where Gwethglersinwen and Wes are speaking with Randall. "And then, apparently, there's the matter of the tavern's attic," he says. "I'm not sure what sort of problem those two seem to think they've found, but I did promise we'd accompany them once they've managed to get Randall's permission."
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#319 Post by OGRE MAGE »

tomlowshang wrote:Gwethglersinwen Larendirina
Gwen smiles and says to Randall, "I'm Gwen. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier. That was very rude and I hope you'll forgive me, Mister Randall."

"As Master Wes as says, the tree is very sick. It seems that you've noticed already but decided it is nothing to worry about. However, you should be concerned. If the tree dies, what happens to you? Where will you go? How will you live? Your family's life is connected to the tree's life now."
Randall looks back at Gwen suspiciously but with no intentions of confrontation.

"Oh yesa! Ello der Gwen. Nice ta meecha! Is no problem."

"Randall got no fambly ta worry bout, but dat don't mean mi don't love dis tree. Da salt wata has turn da leafs a likkle bit dull, but dat don't mean noting."

The dark skinned barkeep walks over to the center of the tavern to where the trunk of the massive tree pokes through the floorboards. He raps on the trunk hard with his knuckles before continuing.

"See dat? Dis ting have no problem! It as ealty as a oarse."

The trunk and branches that you can see do indeed seem fairly healthy. But the slight graying of the leaves is still noticeable.
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#320 Post by tomlowshang »

Gwethglersinwen Larendirina

Gwen joins Randall near the tree trunk and says, "If you live alone, you may have more living space than anyone else in town."

"Have you thought of dividing up the space and starting an inn? Or consider making a deal with the constable to use the upper floor as a watch tower. Although, he would want to inspect everything first, of course, to determine the upper floor's suitability."

"However, my concern is with the health of the tree and I'm glad that you care about it too. You seem certain that it is saltwater causing this," she indicates the discoloration on the leaves. "The problem is much more severe at the top of the tree, of course."

"You haven't explained how you concluded that saltwater is the cause. What makes you an expert on plants? Have you seen this problem before?"

If there are any leaves within reach, Gwen examines one closely.
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