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Re: Barrow Mounds: Under the Vulture's Shadow.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 5:19 am
by gurusql

"I defer to the expert, I want to get out of the tomb without it collapsing again."

Re: Barrow Mounds: Under the Vulture's Shadow.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 7:07 am
by Karaunios


Re: Barrow Mounds: Under the Vulture's Shadow.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:14 am
by Quonundrum

"If we return with the proper equipment and supplies, could it be done safely?"

"In light of that, I suggest we use the daylight we have to harvest suitable bones from the mammoth field, build the travois, and prepare for departure after dawn tomorrow."

Re: Barrow Mounds: Under the Vulture's Shadow.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 7:14 pm
by scottjen
I's say it's a bust. Let's get some shut eye, and get out of this place come the morn.

Re: Barrow Mounds: Under the Vulture's Shadow.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:19 pm
by Quonundrum

"Very well. We will stay here until tomorrow morning, allow Mr. Marcel and Miss Two-Bird's to further ministrate to the wounded, then search the mammoth graveyard for bones and other material to build the travois."

"In the interim, I intend to study the remaining tablets. If I can translate enough runic characters, I may be able to read the plaque. I believe there may be another, hidden chamber, possibly beyond that wall."

"This barrow was obviously constructed for a person of great wealth or status, yet every corpse we discovered, the priest, the guards, even the mummy, were dressed in only common cloth wrappings."

Moriartus will translate the remaining tablets and continue adding to the Runic to Common table he started in his journal. As a precaution, he first casts Protection from Evil.

Spell Recovery (17): [4d6+1]=12+1=13

Re: Barrow Mounds: Under the Vulture's Shadow.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 1:53 am
by Spearmint
I believe there may be another, hidden chamber, possibly beyond that wall."
interesting you think so.

Homeward Bound:

May 12th 1066.

Windy, light rain outside.
Light: Visibility on Moor low, restricted to 60'ft radius.
Lanterns: (Rickford)

Moriartus & Dougal & Two-Birds full health
Fydmar -3hp Cadeweed -3hp
Marcel -4hp
Rickford full health, Duval -2hp.

Having assessed the danger in the collapsed Oval Chamber, the group make no attempt to recover the squashed bodies under the earth and rubble pile. A narrow path is cleared between the two angled entrances so the wall between the two stone pillars which bears the runic tablet hooks and inscription is tested for secret doors.

Unfortunately Two-Birds is unable to call upon the benefits of her racial investigation skills and if any secret doors are built into the wall, they lie beyond her detection.

You are glad she is up and about, back to health though both her and Marcel are without further divine aid.

The team have stayed one extra night in the confines of the Mummy Barrow. Guards watching dutifully lest dangers emerge from below the dark stairs or inwards from the exterior. The night is slept fitfully but without intrusion. After the healing administration and final search in hope of discovering a secret location, the decision is made to vacate the barrow. Each person takes a prize with them, a bronze jackal with ruby red eyes, a hardwood lectern that exalts the wisdom of learning, antique amphora containing rare spices and oil.

Exiting the barrow you head the few hundred yards westwards, locating the stone cairn with the cryptic puzzle then trek southwards towards the field of mammoth bones.

Pitching your wares in a safe spot among the bones, the idea to craft an ad-hoc travois or dog sled is decided. While the two hirelings ward the group, everyone sets about gathering material to suit the task.

ok. So I would like everyone to describe how they would build a basic travois or sled. What materials (mammoth rib or leg bones, there are no tusks exposed) they might use and how they hold it together. Then add a 4d6 vs their wisdom or intelligence score to see how successful they might be.

Re: Barrow Mounds: Under the Vulture's Shadow.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 3:47 am
by gurusql

Remembering that he is building this for a halfling, he will do the following.
  1. Find bones mostly straight, about 6-8 feet in length.
  2. Gather four 1.5-2.5ft cross poles (bones again), tapering in size (biggest at the base to smallest near the top)
  3. Lay the two large bones down with a 2ft overlap on the narrower end, creating an (X) shape – The small part of the X should be the width of my arms with the longer part of the X being wider.
  4. Using his rope, lash the front overlap (X) binding the two large bones
  5. Taking your longest cross pole (2.5ft), lash the cross pole to your spaced apart long bones, creating a full Isosceles Triangle
  6. With your triangular frame intact, start spacing out your remaining cross poles along the frame with at least 6" distance between each cross pole
  7. Once you have the cross pole spaced out to proper, equal lengths, tapering in size from biggest at the base (2.5ft) to smallest (1.5ft) at the top near your overlap (X), work the rope down lashing as you go
  8. Using spikes and small hammer make the small end easy to carry and the long end smooth like a ski
4d6 Check against INT (11) - [_4d6]=(5+1+1+1)=8

Double all the sizes for a human.

Re: Barrow Mounds: Under the Vulture's Shadow.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 3:57 am
by Spearmint
that's excellent, more than I anticipated. So if you all keep that standard up I will add some XP rewards too.

Re: Barrow Mounds: Under the Vulture's Shadow.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 5:53 am
by Karaunios

Dougal will lend a hand with the travois.

Re: Barrow Mounds: Under the Vulture's Shadow.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 5:30 pm
by Quonundrum

His primary concern is returning with the amphora intact and the bumpy ride on a travois is not well suited for this objective. He tries a simple approach by searching for three long, straight bones, at least five feet in length. From these, three equally spaced short lengths of rope, about two feet long each, are tied equidistant on each piece of bone. One amphora is tied to each rope such that they are allowed to hang freely while two people carry the bone across their shoulders.

So, three bones with three amphora each per two bearers.

Re: Barrow Mounds: Under the Vulture's Shadow.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 1:38 am
by scottjen
Methinks a ladder-like structure of bones tied with rope, with as long as we can find for the legs. Then we can hang sacks or items from the "ladder", or tie things to the top. Those of us of similar ...ah... heights then pair together to carry so it's not lopsided. (Shrugs) But the other ideas are fine too. Maybe a combination?

Re: Barrow Mounds: Under the Vulture's Shadow.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 2:17 am
by Spearmint
May 12th 1066.

Windy, light rain outside.
Light: Visibility on Moor low, restricted to 60'ft radius. Lanterns: (Rickford)

Moriartus & Dougal & Two-Birds full health
Fydmar -3hp Cadeweed -3hp
Marcel -4hp
Rickford full health, Duval -2hp.

It takes the full morning to securely search the Mammoth graveyard to find suitable bones from the clusters of exposed skulls, ribs, spines and legs. Despite a search in hope, no inkling of undiscovered mammoth tusks are found which would add to the trove and certainly serve as runners for a dragged sleigh.

You are able to gather several curved thin ribs and longer leg bones and between ideas set about creating the travois and yoke carrying devices. For Fydmar the task might be a reminder of his kinsman Greybeard who built a similar frame to drag his deceased son back for burial. You wield the elder dwarf's axe with a special reverence for the task and crafting.

Ropes are cut, tied, knots splayed and bound and rebound again until you accept that you have done your best considering the material and dangers at hand and can do no more. The travois is loaded up with the three brass jackals. They are heavy but hollow and figuring worth more as a whole than just taking the eye gems out. This can be pulled by Cadeweed or Fydmar in turn.

Dougal teams up with Marcel, Rickford and Duval likewise. Each takes one end of a large bone to shoulder hoist the burdens of dangling amphora jars, Moriartus bears the lecture across his shoulders, leaving Two-Birds to lead the way and switch places with the weary as the trek sluggishly tramps homewards.

With your burdens and going slow to avoid mishaps, drops, frequent stops to adjust packs and poles, I doubled the usual time it takes to trek and therefore you are exposed to double the wandering encounter risks ...
Several hours and two flasks of oil burned in the lantern before you emerge, tired and ragged, heavy laden and dirty on the westward trail that leads from Helix. Another hour plus and you finally collapse outside the Brazen Strumpet.

Warm food, hot baths, fresh laundry and soft beds await inside.

Congratulations it was a hard expedition with some tough encounters and decisions. I appreciate it didn't quite go to original plan but you survive to venture another day

I will do a round up summary of experience points awards and also list any treasure which you can discuss how to distributed and also plan any follow up roleplay in the village.

any actions and comments please

Re: Barrow Mounds: Under the Vulture's Shadow.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 3:26 am
by Spearmint
Summary of Expedition Rewards

I awarded the group as follows:

Repatriate Greybeard and his sons. 100xp.
Turn it kill 20 Zombies: points doubled for critical battle and amazingly four players going to exactly 0hp and a near TPK. 1440xp.

Kill Mummy, 1350xp
Kill Barrett 50xp

Recover tablets and copy inscription. 110xp

Total: 3050xp divided by full shares to Moriartus, Dougal, Fydmar, Cadeweed and half shares to Marcel and Two-Birds. Rickford and Duval signed on for no xp but 1/2 treasure share.

The four's players all gain benefits of +10% prime requisite bonus and a bonus +200xp participation award, covering exploration, teamwork, creative ideas and

Total 610+61+200 = 871xp each.

Please acknowledge and adjust totals in sheets. I believe that some of you may also level you having crossed the 2,000xp threshold. Roll new hp in your forums and update skills and spells as necessary.

Re: Barrow Mounds: Under the Vulture's Shadow.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 3:32 am
by Spearmint
Treasure Trove

Let me know if I have missed anything out.

Three brass jackal statues with ruby eyes.
Nine amphora jars
Three broken Runic tablets.
One carved hardwood lectern in the shape of an owl with outstretched wings.

Re: Barrow Mounds: Under the Vulture's Shadow.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 3:43 am
by gurusql
Just short of the 2000 goal, but recorded!

Thank you!

Re: Barrow Mounds: Under the Vulture's Shadow.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 3:45 am
by Spearmint
Check out ways to earn more xp via group tributes and memorials. Or pay the bard to sing a song lauding your adventures.

Discuss here any group actions.

Re: Barrow Mounds: Under the Vulture's Shadow.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 3:56 am
by gurusql
Great idea once we sell the goods.

Thank you!

Re: Barrow Mounds: Under the Vulture's Shadow.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 6:47 am
by Karaunios
That's what I would say: sell the stuff and distribute the coin. Would advise to change coins for gems, for weight purposes.

Re: Barrow Mounds: Under the Vulture's Shadow.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 4:10 pm
by Quonundrum
Only two tablets were recovered. Moriartus read one that imparted a bless effect on him.

Couple other treasure items? Bowl and brazier?
The bowl, made of burnished bronze us thick and heavy, detachable from the stand which itself is a model of detailed craft work.
Can sell the gold in the torc?
... a torc of finely designed hammered gold and a symbol of an ancient deity ...

Re: Barrow Mounds: Under the Vulture's Shadow.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 1:03 am
by scottjen
I am for selling anything we can. My pockets are nigh empty.