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Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2022 2:48 pm
by Hotgoblin
Muldgarr steps and looks at the sword in amazement...the flames are tantalizing!

He slashes the air with the sword getting a feel for it as he awaits the creatures to come to him!

Attack w/Long Sword [1d20+1]=7+1=8 Damage [1d8]=2

Initiative [1d10]=9

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2022 8:35 pm
by hedgeknight
Below the Chimney...One More Room, One More Battle!
Initiative Order: Bruug (2), Sai (5), Ghouls (7), Cassius (8), Kranston & Muldgarr (9), Ogre Mage, Dorin & Farkus (10)

The burly Orc finishes his spell...and there is really no effect...although, the armor and swords heroes carry are quite warm to the touch.
Sai reacts quicker than his companions, flinging two daggers at the Orc, hitting with the first, missing with the second.

Slavering and hungry for fresh meat, the two ghouls rush to attack! Montego smells the rancid flesh of the creature as it claws and bites at him.
But his armor saves him...for now.
Ghoul Attack: [1d20]=12, [1d20]=8, [1d20]=17

The second ghoul flings itself at Cassius, hoping to make a meal out of the archer, but its claws nor its bite can find his tasty Elven flesh!
Ghoul Attack: [1d20]=11, [1d20]=12, [1d20]=16
Blades thirsty for blood, Cassius hacks and jabs at the ghoul that is trying to eat him, raking his sword across the beast's ribs and chest, slicing it to the bone!

Not wanting to hurt his friends, Kranston snaps out of his songwriting reverie and attacks the ghoul that is trying to eat Montego, delivering a solid whack on the side of the creature's head!
Muldgarr is amazed at the flames dancing across the blade of his new sword, and tries to help Cassius out, but his sword hits nothing but air.

"YOUR MASTER WILL BE DEAD!!!! AND SO WILL YOU!!!" Montego hollers, trying to bull his way past the undead and to the Orc, but the beast is clawing all over him and his sword and he cleaves the creature nearly in half, killing it instantly!

Dorin and young Farkus can only watch as their companions hack and slash at the creatures of the night. Adelphocleas turns to face the previous chamber, hoping nothing approaches from behind...

Dorin and Farkus:

Cassius(32/32; AC 0):
Kranston (17/17; AC 5)
Montego: (35/35; AC 1)
Muldgarr (1/11; AC 6):
Sai (22/25; AC -1):

Bruug: down 3
Ghoul 1: dead
Ghoul 2: down 10

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2022 10:52 pm
by Hotgoblin
Muldgarr moves in behind Montego and concentrates on the black sword to see if it has other powers that he can wield.

Attack w/Long Sword [1d20+1]=6+1=7 Damage [1d8]=2

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2022 11:17 pm
Montego rushes in to attack the orc but stumbles over the dead ghoul.

Attack w/ 2 Handed Sword [1d20+3]=1+3=4 Damage [1d10+5]=5+5=10 :?

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 1:11 am
by Darklin2
Darklin2 wrote: Mon Dec 27, 2021 7:59 pm
hedgeknight wrote: Fri Dec 24, 2021 9:55 pm
Darklin2 wrote: Fri Dec 24, 2021 6:47 pm So who is busted up the worst? I have 6 cure spells that I can dish out. Who is cut up the worst?
I haven't added the normal healing from a full night's rest (1 hp + CON bonus), but here are the stats from the last battle round in the woods:

Adelphocleas - down 12 hp
Cassius - down 9 hp
Kranston - down 7 hp
Montego - down 15 hp
Muldgarr - down 19 hp...but no longer dying
Sai - down 8 hp
Dorin - down 14 hp
Farkus - down 11 hp
Clint - down 7 hp
Rusty - down 13 hp...but no longer dying
Will bust out the cure moderate wounds first.
Muldgarr [1d10]=10

Montego [1d10]=7

Dorin. [1d10]=3

Cure lights left.

Adelpo [1d8]=8

Cassius [1d8]=2
Kranston [1d8]=4

Sia [1d8]=4
Muldgarrs Hp are incorrect in the foot now. He was healed for 10.

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 5:11 pm
by Monsieur Rose

He barely feels the warmth of the blades as he focuses solely on the abomination before him. Cassius twists and bends in a flash, striking again and again at the remaining ghoul.

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 9:45 pm
by Darklin2

Casts Magic Missile at Bruug.

[1d4+1]=1+1=2 Magic Missile

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 12:51 am
by ChubbyPixie
Kranston suddenly internalizes that he is standing within easy arm's reach of an inhuman monstrosity that until this moment he doubted existed. It rattles him and spoils his attack.

Attack with Quarterstaff (THAC0=19): [1d20]=7, Damage s/m/L: [1d6]=2

Can such a creature even be killed?... he wonders.

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 5:45 pm
by hedgeknight
Below the Chimney...One More Battle...for Your Lives!
Initiative Order: Bruug (2), Sai (5), Ghouls (7), Cassius (8), Kranston & Muldgarr (9), Ogre Mage, Dorin & Farkus (10)

The large Orc (Bruug) invokes another spell and a flaming scimitar springs from his hand! With it, he waits for Montego to charge in and then slashes at the ranger, but misses. However, Montego's armor and sword are very hot, blistering his flesh!
Heat dmg: [1d4]=2
The same thing happens to Cassius and Muldgarr; their weapons and armor burn them mercilessly.

Sai hurls a magical missile at the large Orc, while the remaining ghoul leaps at Kranston, ripping flesh with tooth and claw!
Ghoul attack: [1d20]=7, [1d20]=16, [1d20]=19 Ghoul damage: [1d3]=2, [1d3]=1, [1d6]=4
The filthy talons and teeth of the creature immediately begin to poison Kranston's bloodstream. The bard feels his muscles tighten and he finds it difficult to move, spoiling his own attack against such a creature.
(Need a save vs. Paralyzation for Kranston)

Cassius ignores the blisters on his body and palms and strikes at the ghoul, lopping off an arm and then driving his blade into the creature's neck! It drops, twitching in death...for the second time in its existence.

Having no foe to attack, Muldgarr pushes past Cassius and into the large room, followed by Dorin and young Farkus. Muldgarr attacks the large Orc, black flames dancing on his sword, but the sword is deflected by the Orc's skin!
"Come to return my sword, eh?" the Orc says with a chuckle...which is cut off by Dorin's attack! His axe bites deep into the Orc's gut, ripping a bloody swath! Dorin attacks: [1d20+1]=20+1=21 [1d8+1]=6+1=7 Crit damage: [1d8]=6
Beset on three sides, the large Orc brandishes its fiery scimitar and prepares to deal more death!

While Montego, Cassius, and Muldgarr quickly plan their next actions, their weapons and armor grow hotter and hotter! Actions!

Cassius(30/32; AC 0):
Kranston (12/17; AC 5)
Montego: (33/35; AC 1)
Muldgarr (9/11; AC 6):
Sai (22/25; AC -1):

Bruug: down 18
Ghoul 1: dead
Ghoul 2: dead

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 8:29 pm
Knowing that if he dies, he needs to take this monster down with him, Montego grits his teeth through the searing pain of his hot armor and attacks again, trying to behead the pompous orc.

Attack w/ 2 Handed Sword [1d20+3]=11+3=14 Damage [1d10+5]=7+5=12

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 4:09 am
by Hotgoblin
Muldgarr attacks the Orc with burning hands, wielding its own sword against it.

Attack w/Long Sword [1d20+1]=18+1=19 Damage [1d8]=4

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 4:32 pm
by Monsieur Rose

His body warm but not unbearable from the heat of his splint mail, Cassius watches the large ranger tough it out as it's clear Montego's weapons are as hot as his own. He bears down and pulls his toughness reserves from the fighting ring to continue one more round.

Before the ghoul's arm hits the ground, Cassius is moving and trying to surround the large Orc, slashing at him in an attempt to end this.

Longsword 1 (18): [1d20+3]=12+3=15
Longsword Damage (sm): [1d8+7]=3+7=10

Longsword 2 (18): [1d20+1]=2+1=3

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 9:49 pm
by Darklin2

This needs to end.

He draws his sword and raises his shield and starts slipping forward through the on lookers to get to Bruug.

If I can get there.

[1d20+1]=2+1=3 Long Sword Attack Swing and a Miss.

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 1:59 pm
by ChubbyPixie
"Aaagh...nnnnnnnnnfft! Grrrrrrrrrrnnnnn!" shouts Kranston, pensively, as his muscles seize up completely...

Save vs. Paralyzation (13): [1d20]=2

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 11:47 pm
by hedgeknight
Below the Chimney...One More Battle...Paralyzed with Fear?
Initiative Order: Bruug (2), Sai (5), Cassius (8), Kranston & Muldgarr (9), Ogre Mage, Dorin & Farkus (10)

The hulking Orc calls upon the dark gods of the Orcish people and attacks with his flaming blade...hitting nothing but air, as Dorin ducks under the attack! Bruug attack: [1d20+1]=3+1=4 [1d4+6]=2+6=8
Montego can barely hold his sword, but he grits his teeth through the blinding pain and delivers a mighty blow against the Orc, cutting to the bone! Across from him, Muldgarr cries out in agony and yet drives his sword deep into the Orc's ribcage!
Cassius is suddenly beside Muldgarr, the pain blistering his body, his breath coming in gasps, but the big Orc falls to its knees, his sword cleaves its neck nearly from its body in a spray of blood and gore!

Heat metal dmg: [2d4]=7

Dorin raises his axe...and holds his attack, realizing the Orc is dead.
Behind him, Farkus calls out, signaling all is clear.

The heroes of the Border Watch have won the day...again.

*Cassius, Montego, Muldgarr > you are in extreme pain; roll a saving throw vs. Spell please.

Cassius(23/32; AC 0):
Kranston (12/17; AC 5)
Montego: (26/35; AC 1)
Muldgarr (2/11; AC 6):
Sai (22/25; AC -1):

Bruug: dead
Ghoul 1: dead
Ghoul 2: dead

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 2:48 pm
Montego calls out in pain as he drops his sword and immediately starts doffing his metal armor.

Save vs. Spells (16) [1d20]=18 Totally nails his last roll of the game! :mrgreen:

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 2:51 pm
by Hotgoblin
Muldgarr let’s go of the Orc’s sword and leaves it the enemy’s rib cage!

Save vs Spell (17) [1d20]=11

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 9:33 pm
by Darklin2

Moves in to bandage and use healing prof. on any able. Bandaging everyone but addressing fresh injuries first so HP can be replaced.

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2022 1:50 pm
by ChubbyPixie
A permanent grimace on his face, Kranston teeters and falls stiffly to the ground…

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 3:01 pm
by Monsieur Rose

He stands victorious over the body for a moment, then reality sets in, and he yelps and drops his blades. He scrambles to unstrap his precious armor, scratching away at the clasps.

Save vs Spell (16): [1d20]=14