UE Issue #5: The Melting DAGGER

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Re: UE Issue #5: The Melting DAGGER

#281 Post by gurusql »

Military Affairs Department in Joliet, Illinois
3:28 PM Local Time – Wednesday, October 28th, 1987

Wind Dragon: DEX 20, DEF 20, END 46/46, STUN 9/38
Eclipse: DEX 20, DEF 21/25, END 46/46, STUN 29/29
Azir: DEX 18, DEF 27, END 56/56, STUN 47/56
Sidestep: DEX 18, DEF 20, END 50/50, STUN 37/37

Rook teleports away taking the second trauma case to a second hospital.

Azir clears herself from the craft preparing herself to land a few seconds later. She lands ahead of the falling ship.

Eclipse tries to hold the craft with this mind, but there are two other forces that both challenging the strength of Eclipse. That is the strength of gravity and the orange beam.

One side note, the TK is 35 STR so is only the first 7d6 (of the 10d6 rolled).

Eventually the two forces over power the Eclipse's strength. When the ship falls a thunderous collision ensues upon impact of the craft with the ground. There is a symphony of twisted metal and reverberating thuds. The affect of the far from a total loss because of Eclipse slowing it down.

Wind Dragon finally reappears from the burning building with the wind dragging to unconscious people in white coats. He gets them to the area that Sidestep left from.

The orange beam and anything connected to it disappear.

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Re: UE Issue #5: The Melting DAGGER

#282 Post by Rex »


Azir rushes to the ship wreckage to see if she can salvage anything.
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Re: UE Issue #5: The Melting DAGGER

#283 Post by shaidar »

Eclipse heads over to the building to help with the evacuation.

(There might be metal beams or such that he can support or move to help get people out. Or rescue people in a lift. That kind of thing)
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Re: UE Issue #5: The Melting DAGGER

#284 Post by Rook »


Sidestep assists the hospital staff as needed with the patient he’s just brought over before focusing on returning to the scene to get someone else.
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Re: UE Issue #5: The Melting DAGGER

#285 Post by gurusql »


The Crusaders swiftly responded to the scene with the transportation of the latest team member, Sidestep. Sidestep was critical in getting the most critically injured to the hospital quickly.

Azir, with a sense of urgency, took charge of securing the formerly concealed craft, ensuring that it posed no further threat. Her expertise and decisive actions played a crucial role in preventing any additional complications.

Meanwhile, Eclipse helps Wind Dragon in need of assistance. The valiant hero had heroically extracted two scientists from the epicenter of the explosion, but the toll on his own well-being was evident. Eclipse, not hesitating for a moment, got the medics to administer breathing treatments to Wind Dragon, exemplifying the camaraderie and mutual support that defined the Crusaders' team dynamic.

In the midst of chaos, the heroes assumed a leadership role, orchestrating a coordinated effort to contain the damage. Their collective skills and determination became the driving force behind the minimization of the destruction caused by the explosion. Working hand in hand with local authorities, the Crusaders demonstrated the power of collaboration, turning a potential disaster into a testament to the resilience and efficacy of their superhero prowess. Although the day is long, nothing notable or dramatic happens the rest of the afternoon.

The following day, Peter McGinley summoned the team to the John C. Kluczynski Federal Building, specifically the 38th floor, for a crucial debrief. As all six of the current team assembled (Azir, Eclipse, Sidestep, Grimm, Umbra and Wind Dragon), Sidestep receives the standard communication equipment, perhaps foreshadowing the importance of their upcoming discussion.

Peter reveals that the mysterious base they encountered was the operational site for Project DAGGER (Dimensional Asymmetry Gravitational Gateway Engine & Reactor), a covert initiative centered around the development of a Faster Than Light (FTL) engine. Unfortunately, the prototype engine was destroyed, but the courageous efforts of Wind Dragon and Sidestep saved the program's most senior scientists from a potentially devastating setback. Despite the setback, the recovered craft, though missing key components, still boasted a next-generation engine that surpassed the capabilities of the original DAGGER design.

During the evening, Peter had a conversation with Knight Light, confirming that the 1-meter-tall bald humanoids observed were indeed members of the Binary Brotherhood—an extraterrestrial group not seen on Earth since their small-scale attacks against American supers in 1982 and 1984. (See summary level details here.) The team now faced the perplexing question of why these aliens have resurfaced.

Peter continues, "We previously did not know that the Binary Brotherhood had this cloaking technology that both this smaller craft you recovered and perhaps another craft (the source of the yellow and orange beams) had as well. However, this has lead us to perhaps solve a mystery that we did not know was out there. This newfound information led the team to solve a mystery unbeknownst to them—the identification of a small, seemingly uninhabited island in the South Pacific. Recent readings from an obscure NASA weather satellite hinted at the possibility of a secret cloaked base belonging to the Binary Brotherhood." This only introduces a new layer of intrigue and urgency to the situation.

This entire adventure is taking place in the background of the upcoming elections. Over the next month up to an additional 15 states could be joining the United States.

I will pause here for an action or reaction from the team
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Re: UE Issue #5: The Melting DAGGER

#286 Post by Rex »


"Is the next move to go after their base then? If so we are going to need some major support."
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Re: UE Issue #5: The Melting DAGGER

#287 Post by Rex »


"It almost seems more of a military operation, maybe with us acting as support."
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Re: UE Issue #5: The Melting DAGGER

#288 Post by shaidar »


"It seems clear that the brotherhood didn't want us to get into serious space travel, they want this plane for themselves. This must be linked somehow, but I'm not sure how. Mind Control, duplicates? We know the president and the canadian prime minister had that private chat in the lift. We need to know more. Do the military stand a chance against the brotherhood? Would it be worth trying to sneak onto the island to do some reconnaissance."
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Re: UE Issue #5: The Melting DAGGER

#289 Post by Rook »


This all seems very shady. I’d be surprised if these aliens don’t already know that you know about their hidden base of that is what it is.
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Re: UE Issue #5: The Melting DAGGER

#290 Post by gurusql »

Agent McGinley

"Hum, not the reaction I expected. I expected with the number of supers that these Binary Brotherhood folks kidnapped that you would want this. Azir, I operate from the point of view that there are no join operations with the military it is GOSH's or a military operation. And a frontal assault by the military did not seem like the best option in my thinking, especially when they don't know the location of base yet. Right now, it is a theory that I happen to have come up with. Also if I bring in the military, I assume I will get over ruled.

Sidestep, what is shady from your point of view?

Eclipse, interesting thought that they do not want us to have space travel. One minor note it was the VP Bush that met with the Canadian PM."
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Re: UE Issue #5: The Melting DAGGER

#291 Post by Rex »


"I am not opposed to going it alone, but seems we need at least reliable transportation. In and out, that just seems more of a military type thing then civilian."
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Re: UE Issue #5: The Melting DAGGER

#292 Post by gurusql »

Agent McGinley

"Sidestep perhaps now would be the right time to talk about your range."
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Re: UE Issue #5: The Melting DAGGER

#293 Post by Rex »


Azir turns to Sidestep, "How far can you teleport? Also, how many of us at once?"
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Re: UE Issue #5: The Melting DAGGER

#294 Post by Rook »


Finding the hidden base now when we thought the brotherhood had gone for so long seems like they want us to investigate this place or perhaps it’s to distract us from something else entirely.

Without pushing myself I can teleport about 1000 km and I can take someone with me. It sometimes takes me a few moments to see the right landing spot but with the right maps and satellite assist we shouldn’t have much of an issue.
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Re: UE Issue #5: The Melting DAGGER

#295 Post by Rex »


Not sure about much satellite assist in our time line.

"Potential issue if we need to get out fast but otherwise very manageable."
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Re: UE Issue #5: The Melting DAGGER

#296 Post by shaidar »


Up until know Umbra has been quietly listening, "My friends, this is very worrying. I do not see any option but to go take a look and then we can decide what to do once we have more information. This may be a trap, but if it is not then it is the only chance we might get of learning what they are up to."
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Re: UE Issue #5: The Melting DAGGER

#297 Post by gurusql »

Agent McGinley

"I don't want to push you into anything, is this we you all agree on?" he says point at Umbra and referring to his last comment.
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Re: UE Issue #5: The Melting DAGGER

#298 Post by Rex »


"We need to go I think. But if so we need to be prepared for a trap, particularly since our escape plan is not ideal."
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Re: UE Issue #5: The Melting DAGGER

#299 Post by shaidar »


"Forewarned is forearmed, as they say. I don't think we have a choice, we need to find out what is going on."
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Re: UE Issue #5: The Melting DAGGER

#300 Post by Rook »


I agree. I can’t think of anyway to get more information than to investigate the site.

As far as the satellite assist - I wasn’t imagining anything as silly as what movies imagine these days, but the first Landsat was launched in the early seventies. They make a dozen or so orbits a day so there would probably be relatively recent pictures that would be useful to identifying a good place to teleport. Also to rule out the presence of a massive alien army - or at least an uncloaked one.
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