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Re: Quest #37 "Black Metal Examination"

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 12:02 pm
by Darklin2

I agree with Elnaerel. We are banged up and spells are used up for me. Getting back to camp will be hard enough. We can always come back.

Re: Quest #37 "Black Metal Examination"

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 6:00 pm
Just Nasty
Sunday, 28th of Goodmonth
Early Morning, Warm, Humid, Very Buggy

It is agreed that the slaves at the bottom of the mine might not be in very good shape anymore, but Elnaerel voices concern for them all the same.

Grimm reminds the others about the very special item he now carries, though his unseen voice doesn't sound completely convinced either.

After the short skirmish on the trail is over, the group and their new charges return to investigate the carnage. There they find 2 huge lizards at the edge of the jungle, still strapped with crude leather tack, but their riders are nowhere to be seen. In the center of the trail they find what remains of the battle, and it isn't much. 8 splotches of pulp in the dirt that might have been dwarves at one time is the only evidence of combat they find.

Looking around frantically for any of these remarkable rock monsters, Chauncey sees the backs of the small band of boulders heading up the trail, not in the direction of the mine, but back towards the main loggers trail. :?


Chauncey (MU4) AC:8 12/26 CL, RM, DM 1st:0/3 2nd:0/2
Waesfaren Rhey (DR5) AC:7 33/43 1st:4/6 2nd:2/5 3rd:2/3
Greedy Grimm (F2/T3) AC:5 15/15 (Invisible)
Darklin Sylvanas (F2/MU2) AC:4 15/15 CL, RM, DM 1st:1/2
Elnaerel (CL2) AC:3 10/18 1st:0/4

Re: Quest #37 "Black Metal Examination"

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 11:48 pm
by Jernau35

"Do you think they'll go all the way down the trail?" Wes enquires of Chauncey. "They could kill every Stonegut on the way if they do. We could follow along. But we'd be in trouble if they turned around".

"Those lizards have given me an idea though. Elnaerel, you and Narramore were trying to capture lizards to the south of here, correct? Then the Stoneguts captured you and brought both of you to the camp. So there's a trail leading back to where you were captured."

Wes pauses for a moment to let everyone see where he's going. "If we go that way, I've heard there's a trail from the grasslands back to Beachtown".

Re: Quest #37 "Black Metal Examination"

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 7:53 am
by Karaunios

A grunt from the dwarf can be heard and maybe interpreted as a "Finally some sense." He stomps once with his foot on the ground at the same time. "Let's go then."


The cleric lowers her gaze as she remembers how this ominous day started. "Yes. The lizard pen must be somewhere to the south of here. I think following the rocks hidden and from a distance might be our best bet, yes.

Thank you for healing me, Wes. Probably the Shalm is more merciful than I've heard after all."
A faint smile appears on her face, but quickly disappears.

Re: Quest #37 "Black Metal Examination"

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 1:43 pm
by ChubbyPixie
Examining the scene on the trail with interest, Chauncey observes, "They left the lizards alive. Trolls or demodands would have killed everything. They seem specifically focused on dwarves. This intrigues me," he says. "Still, perhaps you are correct, Grimm, and it would be foolish to risk approaching them. Wesley, is this trail, then, a 'short cut,' in your estimation? On the chance they are not focused on dwarves, it may be in our interest to get to the camp first and warn any hapless residents to 'clear out,' as it were..."

Re: Quest #37 "Black Metal Examination"

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 2:36 pm
by Karaunios

"Maybe not only dwarves. Maybe even humans and elves. I'll venture they hate everything they've seen in their mine, destroying their home. I don't they can make the difference between thrall and Stonegut.

I say this also in the hopes that you don't get too gullible and try to approach them. Because I'm not getting any close! Not sir! What if they can smell me?

Let's get out of here and put the thing in a safe place back in town."

Re: Quest #37 "Black Metal Examination"

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2022 4:32 am
by Jernau35

"Not a short cut, no", says Wes. "Even if it were shorter in miles, it runs through the jungle and along the beach. The main trail back to Beachtown would be faster."

"And on top of that, I doubt our new friends here are in any shape for a fast march".

"But following the main trail means we'll surely meet the rock folk at some point along it's length. The other trail may be safer, though there might still be Stoneguts guarding the lizards out that way..."

Re: Quest #37 "Black Metal Examination"

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2022 4:51 pm
by ChubbyPixie
"I suppose we can only hope for the best, then..." says, Chauncey, an unusual hint of concern creeping into his voice.

He adjusts his jorts, which are askew after all the jostling and monkey intrusion and prepares to head out. Turning to examine the hole cut by Mr. Wrenly, he observes: "This is becoming a recurring issue. Would that I possessed a spell for repairing mundane objects!"

Re: Quest #37 "Black Metal Examination"

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2022 9:44 pm
So, back the way you came then?

Re: Quest #37 "Black Metal Examination"

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2022 2:26 am
by Jernau35

"If we go down the trail after the rock folk, I'll volunteer to go ahead to track them." Wes motions to the grey parrot on his shoulder. "I've trained Regan here to fly to Chauncey. If you see him coming back, it's a sign the rock folk are coming back up the trail".

He looks up and around into the branches above. "Of course the best scout to have would be Chwee. The phanaton know everything that's going on from here to Beachtown. Chwee! Are you up there?" Wes calls out.

Re: Quest #37 "Black Metal Examination"

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2022 5:48 am
by Karaunios

"I can go with you, Wes. I'm still invisible after all, and price myself on being rather stealthy, he, he. At least for a dwarf." He scratches his beardy chin. "I hope they don't have an ability to smell dwarf. Except if it's only evil bastard dwarf. I don't count in that case." He can be "heard" smiling.


"If you can do that without putting your life at much risk, Wes, then, please, by all means. I just have to warn you, though, the place where the Stoneguts hold their lizards is partially surrounded by jungle. When we tried to rescue them, twelve of the dwarves came out armed with crossbows and took us prisoners. I advice we go into the jungle and try to advance through the wilderness at some points in order to avoid the rock creatures AND in order to spot any hostile dwarves... I'm sure there's survivors and they'll scatter around in small camps once the rocks' frenzy has passed. Or maybe they'll try to reunite. I don't think they'll stop causing problems. They're just less dangerous.

Anyway, if we could get those lizards in our way back to town... So much the better. But that'll depends on what we'll find asking the way."

Re: Quest #37 "Black Metal Examination"

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2022 12:20 pm
That sounds like two different directions so far.

Re: Quest #37 "Black Metal Examination"

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2022 5:54 pm
by Jernau35
Since there was no clear majority for the option Wes suggested, I assumed everyone was fine with the main route.

Main trail: we take our chances with the rock people. Maybe they're not dangerous, or they never spot us.

Lizard trail: dwarven guards. (maybe something from the jungle too?) At least we know we have a chance against a dozen dwarves.

If we travel off-trail we'd move really slowly...unless (lightbulb moment :idea: !) we could use the lizards to break a trail.

Re: Quest #37 "Black Metal Examination"

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2022 8:52 pm
by ChubbyPixie
Chauncey was all set to follow the Lizard trail (I thought we had agreed the main was too dangerous).
I like the idea of using the Lizards to break trail, though, if that can be done.

Re: Quest #37 "Black Metal Examination"

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 1:04 am
by Darklin2

Why not use the Rock men as blockers. if we follow them they will take out any Dwarves we see. We could even jump in and help. Maybe that would show them we are no threat to them, The Enemy of my enemy is my friend theing,

Re: Quest #37 "Black Metal Examination"

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 6:58 am
by Karaunios

"I'm not going through those rocks, sir! They smell dwarf!" Says the dwarf believing his just made up theories as if they were proven truth.


"I would say it's better to rescue the lizards and open a trail with them, and avoid the rock beings. Since we now know the Stoneguts usually have crossbowmen in hiding, we can proceed with care. It's the less risky way, I'd say."

That's 4 for lizards vs 1 for rocks.

Re: Quest #37 "Black Metal Examination"

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 2:17 pm
A Rocky Redemption
Sunday, 28th of Goodmonth
Late Morning, Warm, Humid, Very Buggy

After what seems like days of debate, the group decides to move back towards the mine in hopes of taking the less traveled route back to the beach.

With Wes leading the way through the jungle, his movements are no longer hampered by the thick vegetation. However, the others are not so lucky, still finding the long trek arduous despite their trailblazing druid.

By the time the party has returned to the edge of the mine clearing, they see the rock creatures scattered about everywhere now. They appear to be going from building to building, smashing any remaining structures into smithereens, kicking any remains down into their mine.

The area needs to be skirted if the group wishes to remain unseen, facilitating an even longer trudge through the untamed jungle.


I am assuming that you will continue towards the lizard clearing but wanted to stop here in case there were any last wishes for the mine area.

Chauncey (MU4) AC:8 12/26 CL, RM, DM 1st:0/3 2nd:0/2
Waesfaren Rhey (DR5) AC:7 33/43 1st:4/6 2nd:2/5 3rd:2/3
Greedy Grimm (F2/T3) AC:5 15/15 (Invisible)
Darklin Sylvanas (F2/MU2) AC:4 15/15 CL, RM, DM 1st:1/2
Elnaerel (CL2) AC:3 10/18 1st:0/4

Re: Quest #37 "Black Metal Examination"

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 10:19 pm
by Jernau35

"Elnaerel, from what you've told us, I gather there must be Stonegut guards at each end of the grasslands? One set at the corrals and another set on the trail to the beach?" asks Wes. "If that's the case, we should probably avoid the trails. The guards at this end may have run into the mine, but surely the others will be still be there."

"If we start here we can make our own trail through the trees. I can move through the undergrowth easily. If I go first and lead one of the lizards by it's bridle, it'll make the trail easier for the rest of you to follow."

"We can stay about a quarter-mile away from the other trail. The regular noise of the jungle should cover our passage, especially if we go slow through the part where we think the guards are. Once we get closer to the clearing we might get more light through the trees to move faster."

Re: Quest #37 "Black Metal Examination"

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 5:54 pm
I don't mean to nitpick too much here, as this isn't necessarily important, but if humans have a hard time getting through the thick jungle, how do you think the much larger lizards will do?

Or are they druids too?

Re: Quest #37 "Black Metal Examination"

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 6:40 pm
by Jernau35
I was thinking that being bigger, they would find it easier to force their way through from sheer body weight. It's not unknown for large animals to inhabit the rainforest:

Sumatran Rhinoceros: ... imals.html

African Forest Elephant: ... t-elephant

Asian Elephants: ... n-elephant