Yarl in Charge

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Re: Yarl in Charge

#281 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl spits in his hand and takes Diamond's to seal the deal. Lets kill that piece o' shit ex of yers and then make some money. he says. He will move with Diamond back outside.

Once outside he will tell the Rats about the new plan. If you want to speed things up, he instructs they need 10 men in total to go fight. He announces the new partnership with Diamond and how it should prosper both parties. He will tell the Rats this is the chance for vengeance against Sticks. Yarl is going and he will want dependable hands along with him. before they leave Yarl will want to make sure his wounds arent a problem and will ideally eat something. I dont know Yarls current hp but if he can manage a heal then he would like to do that before scrapping again.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#282 Post by hedgeknight »

Computer +1 wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 3:26 pm Once outside he will tell the Rats about the new plan. If you want to speed things up, he instructs they need 10 men in total to go fight. He announces the new partnership with Diamond and how it should prosper both parties. He will tell the Rats this is the chance for vengeance against Sticks. Yarl is going and he will want dependable hands along with him. before they leave Yarl will want to make sure his wounds arent a problem and will ideally eat something. I dont know Yarls current hp but if he can manage a heal then he would like to do that before scrapping again.
Back outside, Yarl lays out the plan with Diamond Urchin. Some of the Rats nod in agreement, while others scowl and grumble their dissent. No surprise here for either kingpin, as the men who came with Diamond Urchin are just as surprised by the news as some of the Rats. None of the Rats or the Brampton crew revolt, but they are definitely not pleased.
Diamond Urchin could care less. "Alright girls, I'll be seein' ya in a couple o' hours at the Lantern. Heal up, eat up, drink up, take a shit, find someone ta fuck, whatever it takes ta git ya ready ta rumble."
She nods at Yarl and then takes her men back down to the river where their skiff is tied off. Oak watches her go, then he and Trueshot explain what's going on with the barge.
Outside, Oak and the others are standing around keeping a close eye on Diamond Urchin's crew, when Trueshot pulls Oak off to the side. "I think we have a situation on the river, behind your parent's place. We've detained a barge there, but the crew is refusing to give us our cut. They are insisting the Faithless promised them safe passage into the Gate. You wanna come help me deal with it?"
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#283 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl understands the scowls but is relieved that everyone seems to be moving along with things. Doesn't seem like there is a whole lot of choice, if the Rats refuse then they might not get another shot at Sticks and who knows how willing Diamond will be to work with the Rats once her feet get settled.

Yarl does not get a chance to enjoy any relief when he hears about the barge. He immediately wants to storm down there and bash heads but he can't just run off where there is so much to be done.

True, you take Oak and a few hands and sort it. You two figure out how to play it. If they look soft then crush em an' take it all. They look hard then say you is gonna help em out and take only a smaller cut. One way or the other they pay, Rats own Rivington not the Faithless.. Yarl looks around I got shit to do here settlin' the Den, managing the crews and getting ready to rumble.

Yarl moves to look for Judas to discuss Rat business.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#284 Post by hedgeknight »

Computer +1 wrote: Tue Aug 02, 2022 7:40 pm True, you take Oak and a few hands and sort it. You two figure out how to play it. If they look soft then crush em an' take it all. They look hard then say you is gonna help em out and take only a smaller cut. One way or the other they pay, Rats own Rivington not the Faithless.. Yarl looks around I got shit to do here settlin' the Den, managing the crews and getting ready to rumble.
Yarl moves to look for Judas to discuss Rat business.
Trueshot and Oak head back to the river and find the barge there and the disgruntled men who run it. They are from Elturel, up river, and are not taking kindly to being stopped on their way to the docks of Baldur's Gate. After a few minutes of shouts and threats, Oak is able to ascertain that these men are shipping salted trout and fresh beef from the lands around their city. Oak bargains with them, alongside Trueshot and some of the other Rats, and the bargemen agree to give a barrel of salted fish and a barrel of fresh beef in exchange for passage.
As the barge pulls off, Trueshot watches them go and then turns to Oak.
"We need to start a fire for the beef and pass out the trout. The Rats haven't eaten in at least a day or so. What do you think?"
Yarl meets with Judas and Fingers and several other Rats and lays out the plan for the morning. The Rats are exhausted and have many questions about the plan to help Diamond Urchin.
"What if it's another trap?"
"What if the Fist is waiting for us?"
"What if the bitch don't follow through?"

And so forth and so on.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#285 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl listens to the grumbles and questions before finally speaking up. Look, I hear ya all. I do. Truth is we can’t trust no one but each other but I figure this is our best shot get revenge on Ol’ Sticks and get ourselves settled. Fer now that means Diamond needs to play nice.. Yarl looks at his Rats. Once we git down there shit is gonna fly loose. I aint sure what the odds are so I aint gonna force no one. I am goin’ so I can kill that fucker Sticks and every Faithless cunt I see. Easton, and all the rest we lost, deserve it. Who else want in?
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#286 Post by hedgeknight »

The Rats grumble a bit until Trueshot and Judas step forward. Fingers follows and then so does Pax, Dancer, Skipper, Money, Slick Will, and Bobbi. "Looks like we got us a team," Judas says. He glances over at Oak, who has been strangely silent for most of the day. "Ya coming with us, Oak?"
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#287 Post by dmw71 »

"I think I'm going to sit this one out, guys." Oak replies after a thoughtful moment. "I'm not sure my heart is in the direction this one is heading."

"I'm sorry."

As I mentioned in my PM, I'm just not feeling as invested in this 5e game as I initially was... so this seems like a good place to drop out.

Sorry, guys!

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Re: Yarl in Charge

#288 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl nods at Oak, I appreciate what ya’ did Oak. This is Rats business anyway.
His focus returns to the Rats and the logistics. We got a bit of time before we meet up. Get in a meal, True has some barrels of fish and meat. Rest up, sharpen knives. We kill Sticks’ tonight.

Yarl himself will look to eat then see if he can get any healing.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#289 Post by hedgeknight »

Trueshot shakes Oak's hand and some of the other Rats offer their goodbyes. Judas watches Oak go and then turns back to Yarl, giving him a hunk of jerky to gnaw on. "The beef will be cooked up in a few minutes. Several have already tasted the salted trout. We're ready to put the nail in this coffin, so to speak, kingpin. I just hope the Urchin keeps her word."
Computer +1 wrote: Sun Aug 14, 2022 3:25 pm Yarl himself will look to eat then see if he can get any healing.
Where are you looking for healing?
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#290 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl steps in close to Judas so no one can overhear. Judas if this all goes to shit. Sticks’ gets the drop, Urchin pulls somethin’, whatever, you get yerself and the Rats out. Leave me. All this shit has been on me, I will give ya as much time as I can. He pauses a moment. Let hope it dont come to it but if it does… I cant let any more of us die. Get em out.

Would Yarl have a place to go? Church? Temple? Creepy potion maker?
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#291 Post by hedgeknight »

Judas swallows hard and nods, "You got it, Chief. Let's just go in and do what we do best and get out. The quicker the better."
"Ain't that what that whore said when she saw your tiny prick, Judas?" Fingers calls out, much to the delight of some of the other Rats standing around.
Judas turns three shades of red and most of them angry. Then he takes off chasing after Fingers, promising to cut off more than the digits on his hand if he catches him!

Trueshot laughs and watches them go, and then turns to Yarl. "See you in a couple of hours, boss. Gotta go pay my respects to a lady friend of mine. Never know, might be the last chance I get."
He gives Yarl a wink and a grin and saunters off into the outskirts of the Rivington community.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#292 Post by Computer +1 »

Trueshot leaves and Yarl feels a momentary bit of sadness. He doesn’t have anyone to visit or even anyplace to go. The Den was the only home he had and he doesn’t even have a single coin left of his belongings.

He looks at the assorted Rats around him. They are a pretty fucked up family but they are all he has got.

He gnaws at the jerky and walks over to wait with the others for the meat to cook.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#293 Post by hedgeknight »

Ready or not, the Rats converge on the docks behind their burned out Den and prepare to float into town. The looks on the faces of those who went last night is not lost on Yarl > some are afraid, while some are grim - determined to get revenge for Eston and their home. Today, one way or another, this rivalry with the Faithless comes to an end!
Trueshot has two skiffs ready to go and the Rats pile in, five to a boat. Fog hangs low on the river and will offer some concealment as they push off and drift toward the docks of Baldur's Gate.

Alright man > I'm going to stop here.
What I'll need to know is where the Rats plan on landing. At the docks? Next to the Low Lantern? North of it? South of it?
Back in a few weeks.
~ Hedge
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#294 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl gets in the boat and broods. He feels a familiar icy calm. One way or the other this is going to end. Yarl's entire worthless life on the streets has been the same thing over and over. Kill or be killed. He looks over at the Rats with him, the closest thing to family he has ever known. He thinks about Slymorn, Eston and all the others who have died the last few days. Yarl knows that he is going to give everything he has to take down as many Faithless as he can including Old Man Sticks'.

Make for the docks are his only instructions. Judas knows what to do if things go south. There isn't anything else to say.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#295 Post by hedgeknight »

hedgeknight wrote: Thu Aug 11, 2022 2:43 pm The Rats grumble a bit until Trueshot and Judas step forward. Fingers follows and then so does Pax, Dancer, Skipper, Money, Slick Will, and Bobbi. "Looks like we got us a team," Judas says. He glances over at Oak, who has been strangely silent for most of the day. "Ya coming with us, Oak?"
Oak watches the two skiffs pull out from the docks and into the river's current. No one really blames him for sitting this one out, but a few wonder whether they will ever see him again. Yarl broods as the skiffs drift downstream, fog covering their passage. The sounds of the docks ring out through the haze and the skiffs are expertly guided toward them, docking posts coming into view under the shadow of a large ship turned festhall, the Low Lantern.
Three members of the Harbor Hands meet them as they dock. The ruffians are well known for fleecing anyone coming to port. A familiar face appears out of the fog; a studded club resting easily across the back of his shoulders.

Harbor Hand Haim.png
Harbor Hand Haim.png (138.97 KiB) Viewed 524 times
"What brings you Rats out of yer holes? Heard yer Den got burned down last night. Shame."
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#296 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl moves to face the Harbor Hands. He gives them a look over before saying, Haim nod of the head Boys another nod. Yeah, been busy ending the fuckers that crossed us. He looks at the crew, In fact we got some shit to take care of right now so we'll be seeing ya.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#297 Post by hedgeknight »

Haim gives a nod and then jerks a thumb at his boys and they step away. Both skiffs dock and the Rats spill out. The Low Lantern is docked a mere 20 feet away.
Low_lantern.jpg (219.71 KiB) Viewed 516 times
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#298 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl gives a nod of appreciation to Haim and his crew. He really didn't want to have to deal with any more bullshit before the fight.

He looks over at the assembled Rats and feels a pang of regret that he doesn't have a god to ask to look over them. "If there is a god fer thieves, cut-throats and gutter rats, well, look over me crew and keep em' safe" he thinks to himself.

Yarl looks and tries to locate any sign of Diamond or her crew. He starts moving towards the Lantern, sword and club in each hand.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#299 Post by hedgeknight »

Lots of people are coming and going along the docks. That and the fog somewhat mask the Rats as they approach the Low Lantern. Two thugs standing near a stack of crates gives Yarl a hard look...and then a cowled figure appears alongside the two men; a dwarf-sized figure. The figure cocks its head and looks up at Yarl...and he sighs somewhat in relief to behold Diamond Urchin. A handful of cowled figures are behind her and she jerks her head...a summons to her fellow Kingpin.
Yarl walks over and she says, "Good to see ya, boy. Yer fellow Rats ready fer a rumble?"
"Boss," one of the two men who Yarl first saw, speaks up. "Boss we saw a tab...tabach...a cat man head into the Lantern not more than two minutes ago. He said he had a score to settle with Amrik. He said..."
The man stops talking and his mouth drops open. "I-I just heard his voice...in me head! He says the upper deck and tavern deck are loaded with the Faithless. He's headed downstairs to meet up with Amrik."
The man shakes his head and looks around him, breathing hard, his eyes wide with fear.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#300 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl looks at the thug incredulously before turning to Diamond. He drunk or somethin'?
Yarl waits for a reply before continuing, So Diamond what yer plan? We all charging through the front? Can't imagine there aint another way out, we better make sure this all ends today...
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