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#261 Post by hedgeknight »

Vargr1105 wrote:Except for AD&D2nd, where weapon speed is an integral part of the initiative system (and don't ask me how it works because I don't know), WS is only used to resolve Initiative ties in melee. In AD&D Weapon Speed is weapon length. OSRIC just called it weapon length and did away with the numerical value, I do not know why. It is easier to have a numerical weapon speed scale than debate weather a Spontoon is longer or shorter than a Flamberge. Then again, for most weapons it is easy to eyeball it. Spear longer than sword longer than gladius longer than dagger, etc
I used to play in a FtF 2E group and the DM used individual initiative with weapon speeds and casting times as modifiers. It took me a few sessions to get used to it, but once I was able to sort it all out in my mind, I liked it. And it made sense in combat > a thief using a dagger should be able to attack faster than a fighter using a two-handed sword. At the beginning of every round, all of us players would roll a d10 and add or subtract our modifiers while the DM did the same for whatever we were fighting. The 2E rules are in the DMG on pages 55-57.
I currently do not use these optional rules in my 2E game, but...I've been thinking about it since we started and after this discussion, I am seriously considering it. Guess I need to run it by my players first, right AQ? ;)
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#262 Post by AQuebman »

hedgeknight wrote:
Vargr1105 wrote:Except for AD&D2nd, where weapon speed is an integral part of the initiative system (and don't ask me how it works because I don't know), WS is only used to resolve Initiative ties in melee. In AD&D Weapon Speed is weapon length. OSRIC just called it weapon length and did away with the numerical value, I do not know why. It is easier to have a numerical weapon speed scale than debate weather a Spontoon is longer or shorter than a Flamberge. Then again, for most weapons it is easy to eyeball it. Spear longer than sword longer than gladius longer than dagger, etc
I used to play in a FtF 2E group and the DM used individual initiative with weapon speeds and casting times as modifiers. It took me a few sessions to get used to it, but once I was able to sort it all out in my mind, I liked it. And it made sense in combat > a thief using a dagger should be able to attack faster than a fighter using a two-handed sword. At the beginning of every round, all of us players would roll a d10 and add or subtract our modifiers while the DM did the same for whatever we were fighting. The 2E rules are in the DMG on pages 55-57.
I currently do not use these optional rules in my 2E game, but...I've been thinking about it since we started and after this discussion, I am seriously considering it. Guess I need to run it by my players first, right AQ? ;)
As long as Oggle can still be a badass myrmidon flailing with 2 longswords like a maniac i'll be happy.
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#263 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Vargr1105 wrote:
ragnboneshopper wrote:Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think most AD&D games actually worry about weapon speed at all. Maybe if it's needed to decide who goes first, and even then I think most people use weapon reach to decide simultaneous attacks, based on the set to receive a charge rule.
Except for AD&D2nd, where weapon speed is an integral part of the initiative system (and don't ask me how it works because I don't know), WS is only used to resolve Initiative ties in melee. In AD&D Weapon Speed is weapon length. OSRIC just called it weapon length and did away with the numerical value, I do not know why. It is easier to have a numerical weapon speed scale than debate weather a Spontoon is longer or shorter than a Flamberge. Then again, for most weapons it is easy to eyeball it. Spear longer than sword longer than gladius longer than dagger, etc
I'm in a game on Dragonsfoot where the DM uses a modified and much simpler version of weapon speed, and that's seriously the first time weapon speed has made sense to me -- the first time I've even seen it in action on a regular basis.
What edition?
And his system is really awesome, actually, because it lets you pile on extra things you want to do in a round (within reason) but each one costs initiative.
I do the same thing by adding initiative segments. Drawing a weapon adds 1 segment to your Ini, getting up from a prone position adds 2 segments, etc.

But regardless, I have changed my mind. I think we should keep Initiative in Aqua's DCC game as it is.

Hey Vargr, I had never connected the dots between weapon speed and length being exactly equivalent, but I see what you mean. The dragonsfoot game I'm in is 1e, and yes, basically the idea is to add segments for actions like drawing weapons, taking a potion out of a pack before using it, etc. What you roll for initiative is the base segment of your action, while attacking with natural weapons/fists adds 0, weapons add from 1 to 3 based on length/type, movement has a cost, and so on. The ftf games I've played in just ignored all of that unless, like I said, the necessity to break a tie came up. For myself, I really appreciate the level of strategy that adding segments based on combat actions brings to the game, but I don't personally like to bother with it when I'm running a combat. :P

I'm fine with keeping initiative as-is, and listing the initiative order without the spoiler box helps a lot actually, but I still think changing to round by round initiative would speed things up. For my own DCC games, I'd rather houserule a few things on spell duels, which I've yet to see happen, and gain what I think is an overall better flow of combat in keeping with the DCC vibe. (shrug)

A question, Aquebman, to clarify: are you saying that Rolfo could move through the squares occupied by party members and also through squares occupied by beastmen? By my reading, the DCC rulebook isn't clear on moving through occupied spaces, so I just want to be sure if this is how we'll be running from now on or if you're making a one-time exception. Thanks! :D
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#264 Post by AQuebman »

ragnboneshopper wrote:
Vargr1105 wrote:
ragnboneshopper wrote:Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think most AD&D games actually worry about weapon speed at all. Maybe if it's needed to decide who goes first, and even then I think most people use weapon reach to decide simultaneous attacks, based on the set to receive a charge rule.
Except for AD&D2nd, where weapon speed is an integral part of the initiative system (and don't ask me how it works because I don't know), WS is only used to resolve Initiative ties in melee. In AD&D Weapon Speed is weapon length. OSRIC just called it weapon length and did away with the numerical value, I do not know why. It is easier to have a numerical weapon speed scale than debate weather a Spontoon is longer or shorter than a Flamberge. Then again, for most weapons it is easy to eyeball it. Spear longer than sword longer than gladius longer than dagger, etc
I'm in a game on Dragonsfoot where the DM uses a modified and much simpler version of weapon speed, and that's seriously the first time weapon speed has made sense to me -- the first time I've even seen it in action on a regular basis.
What edition?
And his system is really awesome, actually, because it lets you pile on extra things you want to do in a round (within reason) but each one costs initiative.
I do the same thing by adding initiative segments. Drawing a weapon adds 1 segment to your Ini, getting up from a prone position adds 2 segments, etc.

But regardless, I have changed my mind. I think we should keep Initiative in Aqua's DCC game as it is.

Hey Vargr, I had never connected the dots between weapon speed and length being exactly equivalent, but I see what you mean. The dragonsfoot game I'm in is 1e, and yes, basically the idea is to add segments for actions like drawing weapons, taking a potion out of a pack before using it, etc. What you roll for initiative is the base segment of your action, while attacking with natural weapons/fists adds 0, weapons add from 1 to 3 based on length/type, movement has a cost, and so on. The ftf games I've played in just ignored all of that unless, like I said, the necessity to break a tie came up. For myself, I really appreciate the level of strategy that adding segments based on combat actions brings to the game, but I don't personally like to bother with it when I'm running a combat. :P

I'm fine with keeping initiative as-is, and listing the initiative order without the spoiler box helps a lot actually, but I still think changing to round by round initiative would speed things up. For my own DCC games, I'd rather houserule a few things on spell duels, which I've yet to see happen, and gain what I think is an overall better flow of combat in keeping with the DCC vibe. (shrug)

A question, Aquebman, to clarify: are you saying that Rolfo could move through the squares occupied by party members and also through squares occupied by beastmen? By my reading, the DCC rulebook isn't clear on moving through occupied spaces, so I just want to be sure if this is how we'll be running from now on or if you're making a one-time exception. Thanks! :D
I think for now i'm going to keep initiative as is just because it seems debatable and you all seem very good at getting your actions in it's usually me finding the time each day or every other at minimum to make a big update and push everything out there. I don't think the initiative will make much of a difference, go ahead and declare actions early and if you trust me to play them out the way I think is fair I can do that to keep things flowing. You can always call me out if something was misunderstood of course.

The DCC book says if you are in or pass within the reach of a monster then leave it's reach without withdrawing you take a free attack. So to make maps that are small like this work i'll say you can move through foes but at the cost of being hacked at by every creature you leave the melee with.

As you can see on the map I scrunched the imprisoned people in the same square as the beast creature just because it makes combat work better and it makes sense to me the beast creature's are hauling prisoners on their shoulders or tied closely to them. Otherwise the entire map's square are taken up with prisoners and there's no room.

This is likely my bad design flaw as the module doesn't specify number of prisoners etc.. I just imagined a lot.. at least one for each beastman so that's why there are so many. Also as an FYI if you attack a beastman with a prisoner your not risking hitting the prisoner unless your using an AOE spell or something like that. The beastmen can still fight while holding prisoners they will just take a small negative.
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#265 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Woohoo! Drown those beastmen! How awesome is a first-level character calling up a water elemental? May the good rolls keep coming... :D

BTW, I've got no problem with AoO's, that's standard, but just wondered if moving through enemy-occupied spaces would be allowed after this ziggurat battle...
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#266 Post by Vargr1105 »

ragnboneshopper wrote:Woohoo! Drown those beastmen! How awesome is a first-level character calling up a water elemental? May the good rolls keep coming... :D

I do have to admit it's the biggest HOLY SH*t! moment in the campaign so far.
ragnboneshopper wrote:BTW, I've got no problem with AoO's, that's standard, but just wondered if moving through enemy-occupied spaces would be allowed after this ziggurat battle...
There's attacks of opportunity on DCC? Aaawww... :?
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#267 Post by AQuebman »

Vargr1105 wrote:
ragnboneshopper wrote:Woohoo! Drown those beastmen! How awesome is a first-level character calling up a water elemental? May the good rolls keep coming... :D

I do have to admit it's the biggest HOLY SH*t! moment in the campaign so far.
ragnboneshopper wrote:BTW, I've got no problem with AoO's, that's standard, but just wondered if moving through enemy-occupied spaces would be allowed after this ziggurat battle...
There's attacks of opportunity on DCC? Aaawww... :?

Glad you guys enjoyed the water elemental. Divine Aid is one of those totally open abilities so I thought it would be cool and fitting for what Uriel was asking for and made it happen.

Attacks of opportunity sort of exist, they don't really talk about them in the book at all other than mentioning leaving melee without withdrawing will draw an attack. I could see not doing them at all if you guys wanted to it's just a system i'm familiar with so I was okay with handling that.
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#268 Post by Vargr1105 »

AQuebman wrote:Attacks of opportunity sort of exist, they don't really talk about them in the book at all other than mentioning leaving melee without withdrawing will draw an attack.
That is not an AoO, that rule is present in classical D&D too. An AoO is when everyone has a magical radius around them which grants them the ability to strike at someone wizzing by, even if you've already attacked, and even if you're standing with your back to the wizzer...or not, because there is no facing in 3E and folks have 360º vision around them for some things, but not for others (like sneak attacks).

Humor aside, AoOs change the combat dynamics immensely. I'm glad they aren't present in DCC. But attacks for crazy retreats without withdrawal are fine with me. :)
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#269 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Well, I would define this as an AoO with more stringent (and sensible) parameters, but yes, the DCC rule limits the extra attack to when you outright flee while in direct melee with another combatant. But I would agree that it's AoO done sensibly, the old school way, as it was before the label AoO got attached to it and game design removed itself from concern with verisimilitude. Just seems reasonable that someone could back up a little, give up the offensive, and concentrate on not drawing an extra attack. I don't need a rule for it, because it just makes sense. Maybe the distinction between flight and fighting withdrawal is too hard to program into a video game, so I guess maybe it's hard for video-game-emulating designers to imagine it any other way than, "you moved next to someone on the chessboard, and then you moved one square away from them -- whack!" ;)
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#270 Post by hedgeknight »

Vargr1105 wrote:An AoO is when everyone has a magical radius around them which grants them the ability to strike at someone wizzing by, even if you've already attacked, and even if you're standing with your back to the wizzer...
If someone is wizzing or taking a wizz...I don't want to be near them. Splash effect and all, you know? It's just gross to be wizzed on. ;)
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#271 Post by AQuebman »

Vargr1105 wrote:
AQuebman wrote:Attacks of opportunity sort of exist, they don't really talk about them in the book at all other than mentioning leaving melee without withdrawing will draw an attack.
That is not an AoO, that rule is present in classical D&D too. An AoO is when everyone has a magical radius around them which grants them the ability to strike at someone wizzing by, even if you've already attacked, and even if you're standing with your back to the wizzer...or not, because there is no facing in 3E and folks have 360º vision around them for some things, but not for others (like sneak attacks).

Humor aside, AoOs change the combat dynamics immensely. I'm glad they aren't present in DCC. But attacks for crazy retreats without withdrawal are fine with me. :)
Like I said they are sort of there.. in circumstances where you blow past an enemy he's going to get a free swing or a giant might get his free attack at a further distance considering it's size but otherwise that's about it. I consider moving through two guards on a narrow passage a situation where your essentially entering and then trying to leave melee. If you guys wanted to change the way that works though i'd be okay with it i'm not real worried about how opportunity attacks work. So basically any engage then disengage with a foe will cause an attack but i'm not going to hamper spell casters or bow users and make them take AoO's for attacking/casting in melee or anything silly like that. DCC doesn't have facing either so it has the same issue but luckily without those silly stringent opportunity attack rules.
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#272 Post by AQuebman »

ragnboneshopper wrote:Well, I would define this as an AoO with more stringent (and sensible) parameters, but yes, the DCC rule limits the extra attack to when you outright flee while in direct melee with another combatant. But I would agree that it's AoO done sensibly, the old school way, as it was before the label AoO got attached to it and game design removed itself from concern with verisimilitude. Just seems reasonable that someone could back up a little, give up the offensive, and concentrate on not drawing an extra attack. I don't need a rule for it, because it just makes sense. Maybe the distinction between flight and fighting withdrawal is too hard to program into a video game, so I guess maybe it's hard for video-game-emulating designers to imagine it any other way than, "you moved next to someone on the chessboard, and then you moved one square away from them -- whack!" ;)
3.5 was built around the 5 foot step action that was their idea of moving a square away.
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#273 Post by AQuebman »

Moving forward tonight with the assumption Goratrix wants to use his mighty deed to get an extra 5 feet of length from his spear thrust. Children calm down. :lol:
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#274 Post by AQuebman »

apologies for the delay my wife loves to steal all of my D&D time. Tonight it's happening an update, please post forward for any actions you'd like to take or even a tree of actions based on what happens if that makes you happy. Again apologies.
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#275 Post by Vargr1105 »

AQuebman wrote:apologies for the delay my wife loves to steal all of my D&D time.
I can set you up with a good divorce lawyer. :lol:
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#276 Post by AQuebman »

Vargr1105 wrote:
AQuebman wrote:apologies for the delay my wife loves to steal all of my D&D time.
I can set you up with a good divorce lawyer. :lol:
lol can they cure corruption or at least absorb it? :D
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#277 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Ha ha, might need that lawyer if your wife reads this! :lol:
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#278 Post by AQuebman »

ragnboneshopper wrote:Ha ha, might need that lawyer if your wife reads this! :lol:
lol Nah she still gets my weekends as she proved again this weekend. Update coming tonight!
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#279 Post by AQuebman »

Okay I lied update tonight. Between a boatload of things to do at work and it also being the annual summer "husband better clean the damned house when he gets home" month my time has been strained. My deepest apologies to all of you for the slower pace lately I will do everything I can to pick it up asap.
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#280 Post by Fearghus »

lol, you panty-waist. We should start calling you Cinderella. ;)

I'll be at Gencon this week/end. I'll have my laptop for work, but might not be able to post until Monday.
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