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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:03 am
by Shonuff
Fonklin waves the clerics off and he waits until the room is clear. Fonklin Nods at the mention of the sixth dwarf and points out the door. He walks you to the broken open doorway and points to the other side of the walkway, at the roofline of the neighboring warehouse. Atop the eaves, you notice a huge bloodstain, along with bits of what you can only assume is flesh in the protective snow catchers.

"Mellie died up there, torn to shreds as the assailants were escaping. We guess she heard a sound from in the warehouse, and came out onto the balcony to check on the guards, She must have ran right into the thieves as they were leaving. We found bits of her..along the entire roof of the warehouse."

Fonklin touches his holy symbol on his necklace and looks to the ground, taking a moment of silence to honor the dead.

He snaps out of it and he smiles to you all. "Well now..shall we proceed to the ever enjoyable equipping stage of this endeavor?" He motions across the walkway toward the warehouse.

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:58 am
by Stonjuz
"Excellent work group, and Fonklin, your guards all fought bravely. I shall honor your request for keeping this heist as secret as possible , but know that I will immortalize the event in symphony score to present to you someday.
Yes, the gear. "

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 6:34 pm
by Endeavor
"Hmm...Mellie may have presented an alternate point of view and more information that might have helped us had we conjured her soul projection..." Arjiri says to Fonkyshines "...but nevertheless, let's move on. Unfortunately, I'd fallen under the circumstance of low Temple funds when it came time to purchase my equipment from the various vendors around town; a truly crap-laden spot to be in. Oh excuse my language!" she follows with guffawing at her own sarcastic apology and moves on along to the warehouse with the rest of the group.

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:08 pm
by NJWilliam
While walking to the warehouse, Trarth pulls out the parchment with the list on it and writes some more on it, whistling a little bit as he does.

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:13 pm
by Computer +1
Simmon has barely spoken since entering the room. As the questions were asked and answered his look became increasingly grim.
At the mention of gearing up he rolls his eyes and scowls.
Getting equipment? Hardly worth the effort now. We are severely outmatched. We as a group couldn't have pulled off a theft as such and now we seek to find those that did. Pray that if we do who will be resurrecting us to ask three questions?

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:36 pm
by Endeavor
"Cadet!" Arjiri states in a laughingly loud militant tone "Surely you are more brazen than that dredgingly sad tone of ill-omenship?" and she claps her hand on his shoulder and looks him in the eyes and with a joking tone: "Please, in the name of Nimbos, fish that nutsack out of your coinpurse and let's yield a successful enterprise that benefits us all". She laughs and pats Simmon on the back, trying to elevate his spirit regarding the mission.

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 8:27 pm
by Rotten
Murdock is happy with the information gathered from the departed Dwarves. "That octopus pendant should be easy to spot. And half man, half animals, if anyone has seen that around town, they won't be forgetting it."

He's looking forward to the free shopping trip. Finally, a long bow, he hopes.

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:03 pm
by Shonuff
Fonklin walks over to the sky-way and walks across coming to the doors to the warehouse. He pulls out a key and begins to unlock the doors. He opens them and walks into a small room. After you are all inside, he squeeze behind you all and re-locks the doors. He then moves through you all again, apologizing as he steps on a foot or touches a butt. Finally, he comes to a door on the other side of the small room and smiles. As he pushes open the door, you are hit with the smell of cedar wood, oil and iron. You walk through the door and are standing on a balcony , 30' above the warehouse floor.

Inside the warehouse is a massive storeroom of more goods and boxes and crates than could fill 7 full galleons. Shelves upon shelves line almost every inch of the warehouse. You see dozens of dwarves running around within the warehouse beneath you as they are taking inventory, moving crates and shouting instructions. Fonklin looks to you and asks for the list he's taken note you've been writing. With his other hand he moves his hand to his mouth, whistling and then waving over a strange dwarf. The dwarf is suspended in a harness, two wires holding in aloft on a gridded framework on the ceiling overhead. The dwarf slides across the framework, dangling underneath and stops short of the balcony.
"Aye Fonklin, what'ya need?" in dwarven.

Fonklin gives the list to The dwarf and with a nod, the hanging dwarf speeds off, shouting orders to the dwarf pickers below him.

Fonklin begins to walk around the balcony as it bends around the room and runs along the wall of the warehouse. at the end, is a spiral staircase. "Follow me, please."

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:08 pm
by Computer +1
Simmon mutters to himself
Add some whiskey to that list, after all we have seen I need a drink.

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:28 pm
by Endeavor
Arjiri follows into the warehouse, excited to finally get some armor which provides a decent grade of protection (plus who knows what else <dripping saliva>)...

She drags the squirmingly irritated Simmon behind her, pinching him in his various regions as sort of a MUSH MUSH MUSH and promising him good whiskey, glancing at Evan and his 150 proof backpack as backup.

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:52 pm
by NJWilliam
Here's what Trarth added to the list while walking:

Imitation set of disks
Use of a ship on the docks for headquarters
good looking pirate duds for six (one female)

And the list from before, at least what Trarth wrote on it:

drawing of disks
incapacitating toxin
bullseye lantern & oil
long bow, quiver, 20 arrows
knockout poison
blindfolds & hoods
silk rope
map case
healing potions
armor/bracers that a mage can wear

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 1:12 am
by Stonjuz
"Not sure if my songs can counter silence, although of late they have been inspiring it. If silence be the play during the arresting battle, perhaps potions of cure wounds are in order."

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 1:57 am
by Shonuff
Imitation set of disks will take a few days.
Use of a ship on the docks for headquarters hahaha! and have you six steal the boat? no. we'll let you use a empty shop.
good looking pirate duds for six (one female)6 pairs.done
saps 6 saps, done.

And the list from before, at least what Trarth wrote on it:

drawing of disks here.
incapacitating toxin 3 vials of Myconid syrup, 3 vials of aboleth slime
bullseye lantern & oil done
rations 3 crates of food and three barrels of water sent to empty shop above.
long bow, quiver, 20 arrows your choice, long or composite long. both available. sheaf or flight..your choice.
weaponblack 12 jars, 3 doses each (6 doses total for each person)
knockout poison wtf is the difference with this and incapacitating?
wristcuffs/shackles six sets of manacles. three sets thumb screws.
blindfolds & hoods 6 blindfolds, 6 hoods
silk rope 50' long
lassos lassos..6 lassos on 60 30' ropes
parchment 10 sheets
map case steel tube wrapped in ostrich skin
quills 3 ostrich feathers.
ink6 vials
healing potions we can give 6 cure light wound potions.
armor/bracers that a mage can wear ....?? here..leather bracers. non magical
waterskin 1 waterskin....
grapnel one three pronged grapnel
backpack simple traveling backpack.

Fonklin laughs, looking at the pile o' things they've accumulated. "without the crates of food and barrels of water, looks like a bit over a hundred pounds... 45 pounds of rope and lasso alone."

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 2:07 am
by Stonjuz
"So to incapacitate a bovine man, a cattle prod? either that or a crossbolt between the eyes,and for the eagleman, a net? and the octopus?, no clue. Salt maybe?, like a slug.?
Sorry I'm no help with understanding genetically altered zoological combat.
On the other hand I do know alot of OLD pirate songs."

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:26 am
by Endeavor
OOC: Is it a general request process aimed at the 'Warehouse Genie' or are we surveying the goods and choosing what we think suits us best? :?:

[player addition: Just in case, Arjiri, aiming high, asks for:
  • The finest quality (enchanted if possible) plate, chain, or splint mail
  • A flail and/or sling of better quality than the mediocre crap she is wielding
  • A backpack of some sort to put these twin War God tomes in, with an extra-planar holding quality if available
  • Gloves and/or boots that are enchanted in some way to provide for faster and more precise movement
  • Any enchanted accessories that might yield protective auras (i.e. rings +5 or better :lol: etc.)
  • Any available wands that can be activated by divine magic users
  • ...and, of course, potions, potions, potions ]

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:46 am
by Rotten
Ooc- only two of us need lassos. I believe.

Composite long bow for me.

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:04 am
by Shonuff
All of the items are laying across a workbench table by the time Fonklin escorts you down the staircase to the floor. As you arrive, they have the pile of items i put in red, and if I put options, both are there for you to pick.

[player addition: Just in case, Arjiri, aiming high, asks for:[/color]
  • The finest quality (enchanted if possible) plate, chain, or splint mail HAHA.. yeah you can get any NORMAL, non magical armor.

    A flail and/or sling of better quality than the mediocre crap she is wielding You can get Normal ones
    A backpack of some sort to put these twin War God tomes in, with an extra-planar holding quality if available a normal pack is offered. no holding bags.
    Gloves and/or boots that are enchanted in some way to provide for faster and more precise movement keep dreamin level 1 noob.
    Any enchanted accessories that might yield protective auras (i.e. rings +5 or better :lol: etc.) no.
    Any available wands that can be activated by divine magic usersfresh out.
    ...and, of course, potions, potions, potions No wands.. they offer healing each.

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:32 pm
by Stonjuz
Surely the Dwarves must be second guessing themselves on this bunch.
Is there anything they insist we have? besides the badges.

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:50 pm
by Computer +1
Simmon takes the offered bracers with a nod of thanks.
Do they even offer enough protection to lower my AC? If so do they interfere with spell casting?
He also takes a potion of healing, two vials of ink. two quills, the parchment, map case and the drawing of the discs.
He rolls the parchment and the drawing and puts them in the map case which he in turn puts in his backpack along with the ink and quills. The healing potion goes in his spell pouch.

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 1:36 pm
by NJWilliam
Trarth, pleased with the pirate type outfits, sets about sorting through them and putting his pirate gear together. While a bit curious at the mage taking double ink and quills, he figures he must make a lot of mistakes that he needs to correct.

He also takes: a sap, 2 jars of weaponblack, 1 blindfold, 1 hood, 1 manacles, 1 thumbscrew (which he seems take a particular liking to), 2 parchment sheets, 1 lasso, 1 potion of healing, 1 ink vial.

He then starts making similar groups for each remaining party member and says,"Not everyone can get ink since the Mage took two, and there's likewise one of the three quills left. Quills ain't pricey, an' I think were some back at the meetin room at the Blackened Dragon, so I'll grab one from there if I need another."