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Re: Chapter 15 - To the Liberated City of Strod...and Below

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 5:17 am
by AleBelly
Kablamicus, not knowing what else to do, tenderly wipes blood from Chet's face. The mage's owl looks on.

Questions arise regarding Chronia's Tear. An unopened door stands in the southwest corner, but Hyde suggests getting out - the party has taken on many casualties.

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Date: 25 Culling, Year 44
Time: 10:28
Conditions: 44F, damp
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Yenny’s bracelet
Injury Status: Galan lightly wounded; Hyde, Dandelion, Angus moderately wounded; Chet dead

Re: Chapter 15 - To the Liberated City of Strod...and Below

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 3:14 am
by Bluehorse

Standing up from Chet, seeing nothing else he can do to help him, he begins to scan the room and the mysterious writing around the room. He moves to look at it closely and then steps back to look at it from far away, then begins looking it over to see if it reveals any messages or clues to it's purpose.

Re: Chapter 15 - To the Liberated City of Strod...and Below

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 8:40 pm
by AleBelly
Kablamicus takes a special interest in the writing. The mage discerns that it's written in a style of magical writing. But aside from the fact that it repeats over and over, he can glean nothing from it.

It occurs to him that he could copy this script if he has parchment and writing utensils. Perhaps someone at the guild or one of the king's advisors could determine more.

Angus continues to deliberate over how best to use Chronia's tear...if at all.

Re: Chapter 15 - To the Liberated City of Strod...and Below

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 10:12 pm
by Zhym
Angus holds the small vial on his hand. He takes a long, sorrowful look at Chet's body.

He recalls Chronia's words when she gave it to him: "When you decide to drink it, think of something that happened in your life you’d like undone. And it will be done. However, the strands of time are fickle – the more complicated the event, the more likely to produce a terrible side effect.” His leathery brow furrows as he tries to figure out just the right event to undo. Entering the room? The bad feller killing Chet? The bad feller getting Chet in a headlock? Kablamicus throwing the dart?

It's a heavy responsibility, trying to fix one thing without discombobulating a whole mess of other things. Does he risk someone else dying by trying to bring back Chet? Big changes have big side effects. Saving one life is never a bad use of a power—but what about the next life that needs saving, when Angus has already used the tear on Chet? Or what if he needs it later to save a hundred lives?

He wracks his brain trying to think of the one event he could undo that would bring Chet back. Eventually, and with resigned sadness, he realizes that there is no clear action to undo that wouldn't put the party at risk or end up with Chet dead anyway.

"Sorry, Chet," he says quietly.

Re: Chapter 15 - To the Liberated City of Strod...and Below

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 12:25 am
by Bluehorse

Begins copying the writing exactly, taking notes one dimensions of the writing and the room as well as where it begins and ends, and how many times it repeats. He also looks to see if there may be any significant markings or architecture on the floor or ceiling.

Re: Chapter 15 - To the Liberated City of Strod...and Below

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 1:04 am
by AleBelly
Kablamicus carefully copies the script, taking various measurements and counts the repeats. Angus cannot convince himself that using the tear will bring about a useful outcome, and with sorrow passes on walking back any of the events from the encounter.

That settled, the party must decide what to do next. Venture further? Return to the surface?

Regardless of their decision, they also need to decide which of the fallen monk's possessions to take:

The most prized is his Fork of Tritherton, a magical pole arm (spetum) that transforms into a trident (+2).
He wears a magical ring on his right index finger.
He has a large sack containing:
A light crossbow with 30 bolts in a 24- and 12-bolt quiver
440 gp, 11 ep, 13 sp, 4 cp
2 first aid kits
A set of thieves' tools
2 1 torches with a set of flint and steel
A bedroll
A waterskin
A dagger

There is also the 340 gp and two jasper stones.

Actions? Also let me know who is taking what.

Date: 25 Culling, Year 44
Time: 10:40
Conditions: 44F, damp
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Yenny’s bracelet
Injury Status: Galan lightly wounded; Hyde, Dandelion, Angus moderately wounded; Chet dead

Re: Chapter 15 - To the Liberated City of Strod...and Below

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 2:40 am
by tkrexx
When he's convinced others of the reptile race are not trying to ambush his tribe, Hyde finally wraps Chet in his dark poncho as delicately as he can, throws his Good Pal over his shoulder and nods to Angus with but a grunt.

Re: Chapter 15 - To the Liberated City of Strod...and Below

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 3:49 am
by Zhym
Angus nods back at Hyde. "Let's get back up top and give Chet a proper funeral."

The ranger isn't mentally prepared to divvy Chet's stuff yet.

Re: Chapter 15 - To the Liberated City of Strod...and Below

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 4:14 am
by Bluehorse

Takes a moment or more at thr bottom of his page to make notes and sketches of their fallen foes hoping to perhaps gleen a clue or two one who or what they are when he delivers his report to the guild.

Re: Chapter 15 - To the Liberated City of Strod...and Below

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 10:31 pm
by AleBelly
OK, I'm going to assume you're grab Chet's body and belongings. And the stuff off the creatures unless I hear otherwise. I'll update tomorrow.

Re: Chapter 15 - To the Liberated City of Strod...and Below

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 7:47 pm
by AleBelly
Hyde carefully wraps Chet's body and heaves the 180 pound load onto his shoulder. Someone else collects the dead monk's possessions in his large sack, and others collect the treasure from the slain foes.

The group, quietly and perhaps a bit sadly, retreat the way they came. They come to a stop just outside the room with falling stalactites. Their danger is not yet over. The party looks at each other as they concoct a plan. Hyde's shoulder, straining under a heavy load, is stained with red.


Date: 25 Culling, Year 44
Time: 10:55
Conditions: 44F, damp
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Yenny’s bracelet
Injury Status: Galan lightly wounded; Hyde, Dandelion, Angus moderately wounded; Chet dead

Re: Chapter 15 - To the Liberated City of Strod...and Below

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 8:43 pm
by Zhym
"I ain't in the mood to rassle with them pointy critters," growls Angus. "Blammus, y'all got anything what can blast 'em all to high heaven?"

Re: Chapter 15 - To the Liberated City of Strod...and Below

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:18 pm
by onlyme
DAndelion thinks of dancing her way past them, but she would prefer they just decline the attempt.

Re: Chapter 15 - To the Liberated City of Strod...and Below

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:52 pm
by Zhym
The description of the room we're in says "Tools, Skeletons." Can anyone remind me what's in here? Is there anything we might use to get past the piercers?

Re: Chapter 15 - To the Liberated City of Strod...and Below

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 10:24 pm
by AleBelly
Zhym wrote:The description of the room we're in says "Tools, Skeletons." Can anyone remind me what's in here? Is there anything we might use to get past the piercers?

Re: Chapter 15 - To the Liberated City of Strod...and Below

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 10:41 pm
by Zhym

Well, I don't see much in there that would help, unless we think we could get some protection by carrying a table over our heads.

Is there any healing left? Looks like we're down to whoever has the most HP left going in and drawing attacks. Or do we sit and fire arrows and sling stones?

How high is the ceiling, and how long is the spetum/trident in its longest configuration?

Re: Chapter 15 - To the Liberated City of Strod...and Below

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 12:03 am
by AleBelly
The spetum is 8' long, and the ceiling is about 15' high.

Re: Chapter 15 - To the Liberated City of Strod...and Below

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 1:39 am
by Nuke66
so they only drop 10' should be easy enough to avoid then

Re: Chapter 15 - To the Liberated City of Strod...and Below

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:38 am
by Bluehorse

Of course! I could blast any one of them into little pieces. Maybe two...

Re: Chapter 15 - To the Liberated City of Strod...and Below

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 2:59 pm
by tkrexx
Torches, Hyde groans under his welcome burden, Toss in torches, them stickas, they go afta heat and movin' yeahh.