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Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 4:30 pm
by Stirling

Obviously annoyed that he has been assaulted by the goblin and blinded by the light spell.

"Biznelik, we came in peace to talk with you. Dispel this blight and call off your guards or this may only end with ashes all around. Elder Charchannoi was a guest of this tower and under guhra's hospitality. is this how you treat envoys of Gaul?"

Tyrrell, moves the flaming torch from hand to hand to ward off any goblin closing in to melee. He can still listen good though and waits to hear what is happening, the clash of steel upon steel or folk mumbling in tongues casting spells.

Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 7:24 pm
by Marullus
Threatening the wizened goblin's papers with his torch proving unsuccessful, Tyrrell now argues for a peaceful approach with the treacherous creature, holding his torch as a weapon should any approach physically. He hears a scrape of metal as something is picked up and then feels the splash of wetness and the awful reek of stale goblin piss as it soaks his clothing and douses his torch. He hears the clang of a chamber pot being tossed aside, now emptied. Bizlenik laughs riotously.

Carchannoi turns to face the stairway, ordering his three goblin servants to face the guards descending towards him. They dutifully step forward to protect the elf. There is a clanging of shortswords and battle cries as the goblins fall on each other, as much a brawl as a battle. The guards have the upper hand (in this case literally) as they descend the stair - they easily parry the blows of Tog, Fiztee, and Izzibatink and in return they slash Fiztee across his upper arm and they stab Tog mortally through her chest, dropping her to the ground.

Date: 7:03 pm, 29 May 2021
Light Source: Sunlight through arrow slits on the wall (torch extinguished)
Injuries: Tog (dying), Fiztee ( moderately wounded)


Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 6:10 am
by sirravd
How wide is the passageway into Bizzilnek's chamber?

Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 3:02 pm
by Marullus
It is a standard doorframe opening onto the stairwell. Specifically, onto a landing with the stairs then continuing to spiral up and down from it. The goblins have mostly spilled out onto the landing and stairs for fighting. The doorframe has a standard wooden door with no lock.

Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 11:08 am
by Stirling
sounds like the battle is going against us, it might not be the best choice but Tyrrell would make for the trapdoor grate and shin down the rope into the hell pits. We know the goblins don't want to go down there and it may be our salvation and profit lies below. With that in mind Tyrrell will head that way, blindly of course.

Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 8:58 pm
by Marullus
Just to be clear, you'll need to go over/through the goblin melee to get into the stairway, then downward to flee. When you do so, is it a fighting retreat to get past them with full defense, or a full retreat? A full retreat guarantees you outpace them but gives them a +2 bonus to hit you as you go.

Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:42 pm
by Stirling

blinded the cleric can't really outrun, out dodge very much and with armour he is an easy target. I think it very much depends upon how Charchannoi reacts and if Bizelnik can withdraw his guards.

The only other option with all the fighting outside on the stairs is for Tyrrell to run and shut the door (Hodor, Hodor) and keep the three of us in the room away from the ongoing melee (Tyrr, Biz and Charc). Sorry out of spells, cannot heal up Tog. I think that will be his action this round.

Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 4:43 pm
by Marullus
Carchannoi continues to pull back, ensuring his safety from the melee while his charmed companions fight the oncoming guards. Tyrrell blindly (sic) charges the door, trying to slam it shut before any of the goblins can come back through. Two of the goblin guards redirect their attacks at the human - a more tempting target than their goblin-kin - as he comes within reach, but their blows are blocked by the stout wood of the door as it slams upon them. Before it shuts, Tyrrell hears goblins cursing and one collapsing on the stairs - Carchannoi sees that Fiztee has injured a foe while Izzibatink wounded one mortally, Tog still bleeds out on the steps. The four remaining goblins are now blocked from sight.

Successful in heaving the door closed between himself and the melee, Tyrrell is then concussed from behind, a blunt object impacting the back of his head, thrown by Bizlenik within the room. (-4hp)

Date: 7:04 pm, 29 May 2021
Light Source: Sunlight through arrow slits on the wall (torch extinguished)
Injuries: Tog (dying), Tyrrell (moderately wounded), Fiztee (moderately wounded)


Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 9:33 pm
by sirravd
Carchannoi follows Tyrrell down the stairs as fast as we can. "Where are you going?"

Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 10:24 pm
by Marullus
Tyrrell didn't go down stairs. You are now in the room with Tyrrell and Bizilnik with the door closed.

Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 10:30 am
by Stirling

breathes heavily, concussed he dreams of organising firing squads for the Baudhic apostates and trogs with pinned goblins leering at him from their innards and music, Ride of the Valkyrie by Wagner.

Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 7:55 pm
by Marullus
Sorry for the confusion. You are still at positive hit points, so can act normally against Bizlnik (though, you are still blind.)

Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:24 pm
by sirravd
Carchannoi charges at Bizilnik as quickly as he can.

[1d20+1] = 6+1 = 7 [1d8+1] = 7+1 = 8

Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 6:57 pm
by Stirling

will reinforce the door by using a table to drag it across and stop folk getting in.

Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 2:54 pm
by Marullus
Carchannoi snatches up the heavy papwerweight that Bizilnik just threw so he is no longer unarmed, then charges the wizened goblin. Bizilnik throws another item from his table at Carchannoi as he approaches, then squeals, diving under the table and grabbing a stone candlestick. The two scuffle briefly trying to bludgeon each other further. Carchannoi bends to swipe under the table where he would be sure to injure the goblin, but the goblin is quicker, braining Carchannoi with his stone candlestick and knocking him unconscious first. Carchannoi slumps to the ground, bleeding profusely from the head wound.

Tyrrell gropes around the room for heavy furniture, grabbing the nearest table and shoving it against the inward-swinging door, effectively barricading it. He finishes as he hears Carchannoi's heavy body hit the floor and the cackling goblin again skittering from under the table.

(Action for Tyrrell?)

Date: 7:06 pm, 29 May 2021
Light Source: Sunlight through arrow slits on the wall (torch extinguished)
Injuries: Tog (dead), Carchannoi (dying), Tyrrell (moderately wounded), Fiztee (moderately wounded)


Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 8:15 pm
by Stirling

Moving with little grace and frantic he listens at the noise coming from both directions. Outside the metal on metal sword scrap, inside the foul laughter of Bizilnik and the single lurch of Charchannoi hitting the deck. Tyrrell reaches into his pocket and gets a smooth river pebble. Unused to aiming for unseen foes, his attempt at braining the goblin sage misses. Ducking behind furniture at hand he prepares another round of 'cat and mouse'.

Sling attack while light blinded [1d20-3] = 9-3 = 6 [1d4] = 4 damage

Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 3:41 pm
by Marullus
Bizilnik [1d20] = 14 [1d4] = 4

Carchannoi bleeds on the floor, the clash of swords and combat in the stairwell now muffled by the door and barricade. Tyrrell and Bizilnik face each other in the room, the fate of both in the balance. Both duck in and out of cover, throwing things to injure the other.

Tyrrell's sling stone flies wide, clattering off the wall and he ducks behind something he hopes provides protection, his eyes still blind. Bizilnik hurls something again as he crouches by Carchannoi - the object catches Tyrrell hard on the temple. As he drops and his consciousness fades to blackout, he knows that the allied goblins cannot save him... He hears banging on the barricade door, but he is at Bizilnik's mercy. Nobody can save him, or Carchannoi, from the bloodloss that follows.

This is the end.

(Both players die this time... I will leave this thread open for a final epilogue post from you. Then, I welcome new PC proposals on your private forums. :) )

Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 5:06 pm
by Stirling

Strange last thoughts include, 'at least I died with my boots on', anecdotal notes on 'mein kampf' and signing up the organ donor card for the Dwarven Hellpit Medicinal Society.

Re: Expedition: Carchannoi/Goblin chieftainess' dungeon - 24

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:46 am
by sirravd
Carchannoi spits in Bizilnik's rough direction before he fades.