Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#241 Post by OGRE MAGE »

What little is left of this mission can continue over here. :D Thanks!

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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#242 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Starday, 20th of Goodmonth
Late Afternoon
Hot, Humid, Sunny, Sandy

Just under a mile up the beach to the east of town, The Knife sits at the edge of the jungle, drying himself and what’s left of his gear in the hot sunny breeze. His possessions have become a bit leaner, and the outcome of his mission and his crew remains a complete mystery to him, but at least he was alive. He got away while he could, running in the face of insurmountable odds. He silently wondered how many more times he would need to do that in his time here when he suddenly hears a twig snap behind him.

He looks up to see a freshly dried Keyon heading in his direction.
Paladin wrote:Keyon gathers his meager possessions and moves carefully toward his fellow rogue. Once close enough--if TK hasn't already spotted him--he will send a quiet "hssst" and wait for the gnome to notice him. If TK seems amenable to the idea, he'll approach and find a seat.

"Glad you made it, mate. Forgive me for endangering you with that ploy under the dock. I'd not have done it, but I was desperate and running out of options. Shall we stick together at least long enough to make it to civilization, or do you prefer to go solo?"

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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#243 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Jernau35 wrote:Once he realizes that Keyeon is close by, The Knife emerges from cover to talk things over and make a plan.

"Ah! Keyeon! Good to see you. We were wondering if we would ever see you again." The Knife then addresses his scabbard. "Weren't we?...Oh stop sulking! He's apologized hasn't he?" He turns back to Keyeon apologetically. "He's still upset about that thing under the dock. We were almost out out of there. Still, never mind, you're right, it was a sticky situation, not many options. The important thing is that we all made it out of there".

"You're quite right, we should stick together from now on. Never know what's in this jungle. Now, while we head back in, do me a favor and keep your eye open for a decent size branch or something. I left my lucky walking stick in the water under the dock and my trick knee is playing up. Something about 6 feet long would be great..."
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#244 Post by Paladin »


The formerly dashing, now quite bedraggled, young elf flashes a tired grin. He gathers his tousled hair into a neat ponytail and ties it firmly before straightening his clothing and brushing the sand off.

"Perfectly understandable. What a day this has been, hey?" He thinks back over the last few hours. "Poor Jinx." His grin fades to a more somber expression. "What of the other girls? Did you see what became of them? I hated to leave them, but ran out of options. If the dwarves have them, something must be done. I'll not let them be shoved into some dank mineshaft."

Keyon glances toward Quark's ship and his eyes narrow. "I suppose our chances of getting that reward have lessened somewhat," he says with a resigned sigh. "And I left my gear aboard. If those miscreants didn't make off with it when they took our comrades."

He nods at the mention of a walking stick. "Perhaps I'll cut one for myself, as well. What think you, my we tempt fate and ask for our gold? Heaven knows I could use it now. Or make for Beachtown?"
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#245 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Keyon’s sword and anything that was in his stolen pack is now gone, if you’d like to adjust his sheet accordingly.

It’s minutely possible that submerged items could still be recovered, so those items can be separated from your lists, but don’t need to be deleted just yet.

Since I’m not sure who was carrying Jinx’s remaining unclaimed gear, I will rule that it was left in Quarks dingy.
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#246 Post by Paladin »

I knew he'd lost it, but Keyon didn't yet. I just haven't made it to the inventory yet. But I shall today. :D
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#247 Post by Jernau35 »

[b] The Knife[/b]

[dialog]"Well, we can at least ask Quark for it. The worst he can do is say no...yes alright I suppose the actual worst he could do is clap us in irons or order his men to shoot us down like dogs, why do you always have to be so negative? Now you've made me forget what I was going to say...Ah yes![/dialog] The Knife smiles at Keyeon.

[dialog]"We did complete the job he asked us to do. He has the ray. And if he has any sense he would have handed the ladies over to the dwarves. No reason to get his ship damaged and his men killed over something that is none of his concern"

[dialog]"He's a businessman. If he won't give us all the money, maybe we could negotiate for part of it".[/dialog]

[ooc] Sorry, my phone doesn't want post the different kinds of text :roll: [/ooc]
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#248 Post by Paladin »


The elf chuckles at his very reasonable companion. "You are an imminently practical man, my friend." He angles their direction of travel toward the ship, eyes peeled as they walk for dwarves or other unpleasantness.

"But I suffer from a deep adoration of the fairer sex. And one in particular. I can't abide the lady believing I abandoned her to her fate." He pulls a wry smile. "Though I do believe gentlemen of your particular bent live longer."

Unless TK has other suggestions, Keyon heads toward the ship.

Realized after I posted that this is my second post. Oops. If I jumped the gun, please do scratch this and I'll adjust accordingly.
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#249 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Starday, 20th of Goodmonth
Late Afternoon
Hot, Humid, Sunny, Sandy

After a good long while of drying out in the sun, the much lighter duo decides to do what’s right by their crew and for the girls they abandoned, so they go attempt to get their money from the Captain.

Sneaking back into the edge of town is easy enough for the trained pair, and they do so without incident. When they arrive, they spend a few moments at the tree line near the cooking fires, watching the movements around town. They don’t see any of the dwarves at all, and nobody in Beachtown appears to be all that shook up about their recent invasion.

Looking out to the ship again, the long bamboo dock appears empty. Keyon shades his eyes and notices that the Fate is already making preparations to set sail.


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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#250 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Paladin wrote:Realized after I posted that this is my second post. Oops. If I jumped the gun, please do scratch this and I'll adjust accordingly.
If you’re just adding dialogue, I don’t mind if you make more than one post, as long as you aren’t stringing together several consecutive actions.
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#251 Post by Paladin »


All this is provided they can reach the dock without incident. If that is not the case, I'll adjust as required!

" we go." If the coast remains clear, Keyon will head to the dock and hail the ship. He raises a hand and pauses within speaking distance. "Captain," he says in greeting. "I don't care to bring you more trouble, and you have my apologies for the trouble we did bring. I wish only to retrieve a few things and be out of your hair, if you're willing. And find out what happened to the three ladies."

If Quark seems amenable to speech, he will continue. "Did those dwarves happen to leave my things? Or any of Jinx's old gear on the boat? I swam beneath the dock hoping to draw them away from you all, but was only partially successful." He shrugs as his brow furrows. "I did try, Captain. Forgive me, sir." He winces as the wound in his shoulder throbs, holding a hand against it and applying pressure till the spasm passes.

Keyon ponders his next question carefully. "We did bring you your ray, if nothing else. Alive and intact when relinquished into your care. If you will hold to your end of the bargain and pay the sum agreed upon, I will find my former comrades and see that it is distributed fairly. You have my word on that."
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#252 Post by Jernau35 »

The Knife

The Knife does his best to look contrite and remorseful. "My apologies too, Captain. My reasoning was that by leaving your vessel,
it would no longer provide those blasted dwarves with a reason to harass you and your crew".
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#253 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Soul Survivors
Starday, 20th of Goodmonth
Late Afternoon
Hot, Humid, Sunny, Sandy

The pair of thieves risks being caught by exposing themselves as they walk down the long empty dock to the ship. Quark sees the pair coming and stops them before they can board. He listens to their pleas, but still refuses them entry.

“There’s nothing for ye here. The dwarves took anything ye left behind! They took the girls too! There was nothing I could do for them! And there is nothing I will do for you!”

The captain appears to turn away, ignoring any more demands from the unlikely duo. Then he stops again with a pained expression and asks a question that has bothered him since this started.

“So which one of ye idiots though it’d be a good idea to start firing on 100 dwarves, then?”


Keyon 4/6
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#254 Post by Jernau35 »

The Knife

The Knife pauses for a moment before answering. He eyes the deck of the ship for any signs of a trap: sailors handling ropes or nets close by, or loitering for no apparent reason when they should be preparing for departure. He slowly takes a couple of steps back before he presents his explanation.

"Captain, though it was foolish it was done with the best of intentions. As we approached the town, we heard screaming and saw dwarves chasing frightened young women.. At the time we didn't know there were so many of them. Several of us took shots, thinking we were saving those ladies from a terrible fate. And, I will confess, I was one of them. If helping the innocent costs me a stack of gold, then it will be a price worth paying."
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#255 Post by Paladin »


The elf raises an eyebrow and shakes his head. "And I thought you a man of your word. We made a deal. Our end was kept. Regardless of what else happened." He scowls darkly. "We risked our necks and lost Jinx getting your damn fish. I wrestled a ray in the shallows to tear her free of his bite only to have her die in my arms the moment we reached the shore. For you!" He glares at Quark with stormclouds in his eyes. "So you can take it back and get your payment. And you can't part with a few gold in return?"

He draws a deep breath and exhales slowly. "I told them not to shoot," he says more quietly. "Brandy was spoiling for a fight. She put an arrow through a dwarf's eye and that brought them after us. Elnaerel followed her lead." He looks down at the dock between his feet. "I told them I'd row them to shore and let them out to fight their battle while Feanol and I brought your quarry back."

His gaze snaps back up to find Quark again. "But at the last moment, they refused to leave the boat." He shrugs. "I rowed back out and came here. Whatever the actions of others, I kept my word. Truthfully, I assumed the guilty parties would make themselves known as the dwarves approached and face the consequences of their haste." Again, he shrugs. "I never thought they'd run or try to fight." Keyon sighs. "At the last moment, and after trying my hardest to draw the dwarves' attention to me beneath the dock, I took a stab to the shoulder and saw no alternative but to swim away and seek the means to rescue the ladies from these Stoneguts. And now they think me a coward who fled to save his own hide."

If Keyon hears the others coming, I'll add this:

As he speaks of his former comrades, a familiar voice calls across the dock. He half-turns, shading his eyes to look for the source of the noise.
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#256 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Soul Survivors
Starday, 20th of Goodmonth
Late Afternoon
Hot, Humid, Sunny, Sandy

Even though The Knife is making the most sense, his speech is ignored once Keyon begins his long explanation. The Captain listens to it all, but doesn’t seem too impressed.

“Aye, I believe the ladies do think ye a coward. In fact, it’s a hoot that ye should judge me at my word, when I heard at least one o’ them saying twer yerself who first started spinning tales of the dwarves taking slaves, almost encouraging them to attack. Is any o’ that true, sailor?”

The captain notices the others coming back up the dock and breaths a heavy sigh of relief. “I only recognize 2 a yer friends. It ain’t looking good fer the other’n. I suppose her fate weren’t yer fault though, eh ladd?”

Elnaerel, Feanol, a huge human dressed in full armor, and a beautiful elf woman are now nearing the end of the dock.
Ahlmzhad wrote:Feanol calls out "Keyon! Knife! Hold!" Waiting for their reaction.

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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#257 Post by Paladin »


Keyon snorts derisively. "It's an easy judgment to make, Quark. You're an oath-breaker, and that you cannot deny. Conjecture is not spinning tales, and I encouraged nothing. At least I did something to try and aid my friends. You stood by and watched them taken. Keep your gold, then, you stingy bastard. I hope that ray is dead and rotting in the sun."

Keyon turns to the approaching group, eyes flashing, and shakes his head. "The old git loves to blame me for his own cowardice. Especially now that he has his payday secured and doesn't want to pay us what we're owed. Perhaps you'll have better luck with him." He moves aside and gestures grandly for them to proceed, finding a piling to prop against and watch the show. He takes in the newcomers with interest, the massive human and beautiful elven woman.
He itches to explain what happened to his comrades, but perhaps there'll be time later. For the moment, his anger bleeds away and he's simply pleased to see they're all right.

"I'm glad you're free," he says quietly. "I tried."

Sir William Narramore

The knight looks from the angry young elf to his diminutive companion, then beyond them to the ship preparing to make sail. He says nothing, only absorbing the sights and sounds and looking at the gaping holes in the dock where they were recently torn up. As he has no part in the affair, Narramore simply stands behind the ladies, one hand resting easily upon his sword hilt and the other hanging at his side.
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#258 Post by Ahlmzhad »


Feanol nods to the Keyon and the Knife, then looks at the Captain "Well sir, our return was interrupted but we have now returned to claim our pay for the Ray."
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#259 Post by Jernau35 »

The Knife

The Knife listens as Keyeon talks them out of their payment as quickly as he talked the dwarves into attacking them under the dock. He groans inwardly and covers his face with his left hand.

He just says the first thing that comes into his head, without thinking. How does he do it? Oh! I wonder if it's a curse? The Knife hurriedly takes a step away from Keyeon.

Then he marshals his thoughts and waits for a suitable moment in the conversation with Quark to make an interjection.

"Captain, if I may? Putting aside my well-intentioned foolishness, I would like to mention that I was the person in our little group that spoke against returning to your vessel. I pointed out that there was little you could do to protect us and that all we would do was endanger your ship and crew."

"And in fact, if you recall, I almost immediately got off your ship so that the dwarves would have no reason to threaten you."

"Now, you and my comrades might think I'm a coward. But I was the one who got away unnoticed and unmolested by the dwarves. They had no idea where I was. I was perfectly placed to follow them and perform a rescue when they least expected it."
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#260 Post by Karaunios »

Elnaerel eyes Keyon and The Knife. "I'll take your word and assume you were planning to help us later, as I saw your actions as we were fighting the ray and how you behaved at Jinx' death." She then stares at the captain with an earnest look. "Yes, our companion died fighting to get you that thing, and we also put ourselves on the line.

You understandably ended up having us to the dwarves, not wanting to risk your hide, after you promising the exact opposite, as Keyon pointed out.

We fulfilled our part of the deal. Now we expect our due payment."
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