Rp Gaming Thread I

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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#241 Post by Shonuff »

Fonklin relaxes a bit and is seemingly more at ease, now that his supervisors are gone. He replies to Trarth's question:

"The three disks weigh about as much as a medium targ shield together..about fifteen stone."

Evan sees nothing that stands out at him, his mind on whiskey and barrels.. until he walks past a bloodstain from one of the fallen dwarven guards. You notice something in the blood. You dig it out, and find the top three inches of a broken feather. the thing covered in drying blood. You find the bit of another feather on the stone next to the blood. it is thick and feathery (haha) and feels as if from a large avian.

Arjiri sees nothing of interest as she peruses the room, listening to the words of books and other things stolen. Your eyes freeze and lock on a book on the bottom shelf, titled "Nimbos & Jhudsui: Twins of the Same Storm" it is about 120 pages thick and wrapped in hardened leather wrapped in lizard hide.

Murdock squats down and inspects the footprints. From your astute observation, you can tell the footprints are dwarven boots backpedalling, probably wounded and trying to hold off their advance...but failing. THe blood looks dwarven, but there is piles of rocks, and in them you spot something out of the ordinary. Fur. Clumps of brown thick tough fur.
Fonklin answers Murdock too. " Aye, six dwarves dies in this attack, two more fell from the balcony to their death also."

WOW! Your eyes immediately being to piece together the scene...
It seems the dwarves were in mid guard change when they were attacked. The assailants blasted open the doors to the bridge and rushed in. Who or what ever opened the doors, charged foreward taking dwarves into battle, while others blasted the door to the disk room open with magic. The scent of sulfurous discharge tells you of evocation magic, and possibly a magic item or spell. ON the rubble at the door entryway, you find the 2'' tip of a horn, bovine, and a few clumps of tough brown fur. IN the blood smear of one of the dead dwarves, you find lizard skin and a dewclaw. The dwarves in the room were suprised and didn't get to move much before being taken out. Blades and arrows, alont with horns and claws were the weapons of the day...and the blueberry scent means possibly silenced via spell.

You also get down and squat, looking under the table, and notice a large chunk of what looks like citenous armor..like a crab shell. Also along the top of the brass holding table and long the length of one of the legs, are small suction cup circles, akin to a squid arm.
Simmon's eyes light up and starts pointing "Here! and Here! and Here! something There! and lookit that!" lol nice rolls

You find a scene of battle, and you see that there was enough of a fight to leave marks. You notice along the doorjam of the disk room, tufts of fur in the wood splinters, along with what looks like...leather?
Fonklin turns to Mouse:
"I was told there was a battle, this was a swift attack, but my boys did get in enough good hits that some of them would not survive...but they still had enough life juice in them to escape." Fonklin spits on the floor in a symbol of disgust.

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#242 Post by Endeavor »

(OOC: Yes, Woot! to Simmon's sicknin' rolls.)

After the intial site investigation, Arjiri reminds herself to make a point of touching on the religious/delicious book she had the luck of catching sight of. She thinks of various offers to Fonklin for negotiationg the book's perusal or ultimate "release".

She pays careful attention to the members in the group, especially the cadet, who perceived a much more accurate (to say the leeeaaasst) breakdown of the crime scene.
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#243 Post by Rotten »

Murdock is surprised and puzzled by the diversity of clues left behind. Feathers, fur, tentacles, horns. What monstrosity is this? Or what band of creatures like this can be found cooperating with eachother. Druidic magic? Minotaurs? Owlbears? Perhaps even lyncanthropes? It doesn't explain everything even it is was. We need to talk to the dead Dwarves. Good job everyone, a keen bunch, especially Simmons here."

Murdock examines the animal remains, wondering if he can identify any specific animal from his hunting days.

Hunting (7) [1d20] = 4

Survival, Woodland (15) [1d20] = 2

ooc-not sure if they would apply, but I'm giving it a shot.
Last edited by Rotten on Sat Nov 10, 2012 1:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#244 Post by NJWilliam »

Trarth watches the others examining everything and figures they have it pretty well covered. He nods as his companions proceed.

He raises one eyebrow as he turns to look back at Fonklin, "now were those other items stolen from this area also?"
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#245 Post by Endeavor »

(OOC: Simmon never made a point of sharing anything he observed, so are we jumping the gun by commenting on another's observations, or are we just assuming it was shared informtion?)
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#246 Post by Stonjuz »

"Had they survived the attack, I suspect their fate would be the same. Dwarven discipline can be deadly. Wagonmasters that I have met in the past have inflicted neardeath punishment merely for the accidental dropping of cargo. Dereliction of duty, whether brave or not, reprimands surely would be harsh. Anything else to learn of this?"
Bending to pick up the intact feather he tries visualizing it in clean form and gives a quick appraisal, perhaps a trinket shop would pay for it and its mates.bloody appraisal (15) [1d20] = 10
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#247 Post by Computer +1 »

Yeah, you guys were all naughty for reading Simmon's private information. He will share it all but in his own time.

Once in the room Simmon goes silent. He slowly dissects each individual area and detail with a focus only a wizard can manage. For some places he looks not once, not twice but multiple times before he seems satisfied. If anyone tries to speak to him he gets a very firm look and a wave of dismissal. After each facet of the room has been inspected to Simmon's personal liking he coughs to get everyone's attention.

I am sure you all must have seen the obvious clues left behind. For example by the positioning of the bodies and the amount of dead I surmise that they must have been in mid shift change and taken by surprise. By the sulfurous scent in the air I believe that a form of evocation was used. A fireball would be the most common spell with the necessary effect and force to blast the door open. Whether or not a actual mage was present we cannot be certain but based on the noise of the explosion and by the sound of the fighting I surmise that a silence spell of some kind must have been at work. I mean, no alarm was raised and these poor unfortunates died unaided. He nods his head at his own deduction. Yes indeed. The smell of blueberries may indicate a silence spell. I hope we are not dealing with two different persons of magical ability but... He looks around the room. We have the tip of a bovine horn, brown fur, lizard skin, a dewclaw, citenous armor and these small suction marks on the table. He points to the table top. A interesting puzzle indeed.

He nods to himself in satisfaction and begins to walk through the room once again trying to see the whole scene in his head.
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#248 Post by Bhart »

Mouse just tugs at his lower lip while he rocks back and forth. Thoughts of wizards and monstrous nightmare monsters flash through his mind. "Hnnn no this is not good man. If they got wizards and pet monsters what can we do?" he murmurs to himself. The little half elf shifts from foot to foot humming a tune that learned as a little kid. Humming it always helped calm him for some reason and brought back memories of the little dark haired girl he learned it from.

He considers quitting for a moment, but then he remembers the amount of the reward and calms down.
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#249 Post by Shonuff »

Fonklin watches each of you in time, and stops and watches Arjiri. He smirks and looks to the bookshelf and his smirk becomes a full smile.
"You want that book, lass? Take it..it's yours. Bottom shelf means not used as much, so it won't be missed. There is another on the end, which is it's mate. 'Jhudsui and Hek-Ra: Two Sides of the Same Bloody Coin.' Take them both."

Murdock ( i guess) ...stops and inspects the animal parts in the middle of the crime scene.
Horn: Bovine..bull.
Feathers: possible raptor, or large predatory bird..or maybe cocktrice.(haven't seen one of those, but you've heard stories)
Tentacle (missing) but suction cup marks..possible sea creature..Gothmoor is a port city.
Chitinous: crab shell? turtle shell?

Fonklin keeps smiling when he turns to Trarth. "Aye, the other items were taken from here." The opulent fat dwarf points to the space on the bookshlef with bloodstains, and the workbench next to the brass table.

Evan checks the feather himself and decides it wouldn't fetch much, since it's only a section of a feather, not an intact one.

Fonklin motions to the two dwarves at the doorway and one leans out to the hallway. three robed and chainmail clad female dwarves come into the room and begin chanting and praying. Fonklin motions for you all to clear their path and do not interrupt them. Soon, the room drops about ten degrees colder and the misty shape of a dwarf appears, his head almost severed, sitting on the bloody neck in a sickening awkward way. His eyes are wide and he is lookign around in shock terror. Slowly his eyes refocus and he looks to you all.

"w-wh-where am I? Where- Where is my mom?" His youthful voice marks him as a younger dwarf. possibly around 21 in human years. "What happened to me?" His voice gurgles at the end, as a bit of ghostly gore drops from the two bloody stumps of his neck are still not evenly matched up.

The Clerics look to Fonklin and he whispers to you "You may ask him three questions..." Fonklin stops, and then adds: " ....His name was Duren." As the boys name is whispered, his misty body almost solidfies more for a moment, as his head turns sickly on the stump and he eyes Fonklin and you all.

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#250 Post by Endeavor »

Arjiri listens intently to Simmon's observations and logs his commentary in her mind with a 'hmmmm...', followed by the thought of 'kids got a noggin on 'im for sure!'

She as graciously as possible accepts the twin volumes on War Gods from Fonklin, and even does a joking curtsy as thanks with her cape, mocking the physicality of a proper feminine thank you. "The Temple of Nimbos thanks you, Milord, and you can be certain that these will find their way into the hands and before the eyes of many who would indeed find their content intriguing."

She makes a point to herself to read them during her two week "vacation" from the temple, when free time makes itself more plentiful.

She proceeds as witness to the summoning of the dead dwarven guard, and reinforces being very specific with how the questions are phrased and what the possible answers could be (leave little room for wriggling about information-wise; pigeon-hole the questions)...

(OOC: gotta go Im being nagged :lol: )
Last edited by Endeavor on Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#251 Post by Stonjuz »

Evan begins to lightly play Krakenbeard's Fifth Symphony hoping to calm the guard with positive memories from his life. Respecting the fallen's honor, he will not try to magically alter any outcome.
Just soothing, yet dramatic music. (14) lute-Krakenbeard's 5th [1d20] = 16 :cry:
Evan soon realizes that the poor quality of the instrument prohibits any of the proper lower registry from being heard and he ends the piece prematurely.
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#252 Post by NJWilliam »

Since there's three dwarves to be questioned, I'm going to take a chance on the first, there seems to be a general agreement on the point of the questions, and we can move this along
Trarth nods to Fonklin, and turns to address Duren,"Duren, I'm sorry to say you were killed while guarding the disks, and your guild's clerics have brought you here to answer questions so we can find and avenge your murderers and the thieves who stole the disks from the guild.

"Duren, what is your report to the guild on what happened during your final guard duty?"
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#253 Post by Shonuff »

Duren begins to look around and his eyes go wide, he looks to his chest, where a trio of gaping gashes show his broken ribcage and his organs. He looks up and touches his lips, realizing he isn't breathing. He gasps for air as a fish out of water would, but then shakes his head, oblivious to Trarth

"PIKEMAN DUREN!" Fonklin shouts in an authoratative tone so deep is startles even yo all, coming from the opulent dwarf "ANSWER THE QUESTION."

Duren snaps to attention and looks to Fonklin and nods. "Aye sir."

"We were in mid change of guard duty, me, Robuk and Sendvol were taking our shift, when in mid sentence, we couldn't speak. The air got still as a grave, and we looked to each other as the doors silently blasted inward. We were attacked by men who were beasts. Men who took upon the aspects of beasts." Duren pauses and looks to Trarth for a second, before continuing. "They swarmed over us. half a dozen, they came with claws, swords and horns. I gutted the first one but not before he clawed me and killed Robuk. I staggered back and fell over loose rocks. I ....I don't remember much else."

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#254 Post by Endeavor »

"Aspects of beasts?" Arjiri quietly mouths, her brow furrowed.

[OOC: druid shapeshifters is my first thought, as they can transform a part of their body without altering the rest, but no ideas otherwise...]
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#255 Post by NJWilliam »

Trarth approaches closer to Duren, making sure his pin from Fonklin is clearly visible to him. When he nears the dead dwarf, he squats down to be closer to eye level with Duren, and begins to closely examine Duren's wounds, trying to determine what he can about what caused them - man made weapons or natural (or unnatural) beast parts.
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#256 Post by Endeavor »

(OOC: Trarth maybe roll observation (just in case) for the wound inspection)
Arjiri waits for Trarth's examination to finish and looks at the soul projection of Duren dead-on ;) : "Pikeman Duren, contracted by Master Fonklin, we seek to find your assassins and bring them to justice. We were given these keys to help do so." She touches the badge and simulatenously turns her head partially toward Sparkles looking for some support or a nod of some sort to solidify their identities with the spirit guard.

"I would ask of your further aid in this process of vindication: perhaps there were some qualities, or even a single quality in either one or the whole lot of your murderers, that you were either familiar with or you found distinctive enough to leave an impression on you, other than the fact that they took on beast aspects? scars? combat style? something that reminded you of a particular guild maybe?"
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#257 Post by NJWilliam »

Trarth's observation just in case: Observation (need 13-): [1d20] = 6
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#258 Post by Shonuff »

The particular wounds on Duren are gaping slashes into his leather armor and fllesh and musce. severing bone and sinew. The gaping holes look akin to a raptor's claw , as if a giant Wyvern or Eagle gashed at his chest and tore out muscle and bone. The wound is a normal animal wound with a huge claw.
Arjiri waits for Trarth's examination to finish and looks at the soul projection of Duren dead-on : "Pikeman Duren, contracted by Master Fonklin, we seek to find your assassins and bring them to justice. We were given these keys to help do so."She touches the badge and simulatenously turns her head partially toward Sparkles looking for some support or a nod of some sort to solidify their identities with the spirit guard.

Fonklin nods and points to the badge, reaffirming Arjiri's statement.

Duren nods to her questions and answers: "I saw a symbol of tentacles. at least eight adorning their clothing, so i surmise it must be a squid or octopus. As for distinctive fighting styles, they rushed us so fast, the blast of the door and the smoke and chaos.. I had no time to register a guild or insignia. Their humanoid faces wore images of rage and glee." Duren gulps and looks to Fonklin and then back to Arjiri. " I tried my best. I stabbed one right under his arm with the eagle claw hand. I - I am sorry."
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#259 Post by Shonuff »

( to speed things along)

Fonklin commands the clerics to raise Erkin and Volku, the two guards inside the room.

Erkin tells you he saw nothing, as billowing smoke entered the room, followed by a shower of rocks and rubble, knocking him off his feet. He stood to the image of a man with one huge eye, and one small eye, and he was frozen stiff. As he stood there, the man pulled a sabre from his belt and began hacking at Erkin until his fainted from over a thousand cuts. The man was human looking, the parts that were not animal like, and he ran on dog like feet/paws. (high ankle, backward looking dog legs). He didn't see anything else, and the wounds on Erkin look like they were made with a blade.

Volku was last to die. He also saw the smoke pour from underneath the door and stood to investigate, he was hit by the entire door as it flew from the hinges and pinned him against the bookshelf. With a cracked rib and a concussion, he watched, bleary eyed, as three men entered the room, one went to Erkin and dispatched him with a glare. The second, hulkingly huge, with bull horns atop his helmet, stomped to the disks and retrieved them.

The third assailant, actually floated in, or scuttled on robe covered legs. His hood hid his face, but as he approached the workbench, Volku made out tentacles coming from the robe and moved across the bench, picking up random objects and putting them inside the robe. The three then turned to dispatch the other men in the room, as they all were paralyzed, mid move. Finally, then went to leave, but the bull sized man lifted the door and booted Volku in the face with steel shod hooves until his neck and skull were in the shape of the bookshelf behind him..he saw nothing else.
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#260 Post by NJWilliam »

The guards having been questioned, and hopefully having gathered any final words they wished passed on to their clans and loved ones. Trarth leans against the table pulls out a piece of parchment and a piece of charcoal and draws on it, waiting for the clerics to withdraw.

When they once again have Fonklin free of superiors or dwarven clerics, Trarth looks up at Fonklin and says,

"I believe you said six dwarfs died. We spoke with three killed by the thieves, and two you said fell to their deaths. How did the sixth meet his end?
Trarth is drawing the sunburst with eight tentacle arms of the Eight Arms, assuming he knows what that looks like, I think his scribe and social class background gives him a good chance of knowing it. Here's a just in case roll: Just in case: [1d20] = 6 He isn't showing it to anyone yet, but also not hiding it.
Uh, what part of anything "I" typed in the Rp thread told you anything about a SUNBURST? Check where that came from and who it came from.. just trying to keep you from going down a red herring path when you mistakenly picked up some trivia from the OOC thread. (yes it kinda fits, but none of you are from the southern coast, so the symbol you speak of was never seen, nor was it spoken by the dwarves. Someone pulled that from my campaign guide. Just..FYIng you.
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