Quest #8 "Bring Me The Sea Monsters Head"

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Re: Quest #8 "Bring Me The Sea Monsters Head"

#241 Post by ravenn4544 »


Bow in hand and ready to face the monster once again. "I am nimble and have some strength to me - I will plan on using my bow unless in-close work is needed with the nets or my blade."
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Re: Quest #8 "Bring Me The Sea Monsters Head"

#242 Post by ChubbyPixie »

"Avalaa's plan of delaying the attack until the creature is ensnared is undeniably a sound one. And I hope the creature is, indeed, susceptible to being Sleeped," says Chauncey "If so, we have little to fear. If not... we must be on our toes... with our 'heads on a swivel,' as it were." He ponders for a moment, then adds, cryptically. "Does anyone have a spare sword I can borrow?"
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Re: Quest #8 "Bring Me The Sea Monsters Head"

#243 Post by ChubbyPixie »

SirOwen wrote:Jaxsen Reiter

Jax, hearing Marge's praise for the men, as well as her statement that they provided food for the hive, instantly puts him on good terms with them. He raises a hand from his water yoke in warding, and says, "You may want to stand back. I have some rotten ogre corpse all over me, and the smell is quite terrible." From the look of him, it is very likely true. The young man is covered in various colors of noisome ichors. Nonetheless, a beaming smile comes out from under it, and he waves at the men.
Regarding the newcomer approaching with the water gatherers Chauncey breaks off and stands erect, begins to say something, then takes a brisk step backwards, out of the offensive smelling zone preceding the stranger like a wave. Eyes watering, he swears he can see cartoon stink lines emanating from the man. "Ahem... you have something on your face... just here," he says, generally indicating his entire figure.
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Re: Quest #8 "Bring Me The Sea Monsters Head"

#244 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Jaxsen laughs at Chauncey's comment. "Yes. I'm covered. Back at the river, I was afraid of harming the drinking water supply, or being attacked by those small, vicious, tropical river fish I was told about before I left my old hive. Here, I am more worried about attracting Scraggly, so I must wear this... test... until I can get back to the hive's beach. But thank you for your humor. It makes this easier."
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Re: Quest #8 "Bring Me The Sea Monsters Head"

#245 Post by Urson »


If ya got spare clothes, we might be able ta use those. I suspect Scraggly likes stink bait as much as most water creatures. Make sure ya got somebody watchin' your back while you get cleaned up, too.

Luther's carrying a full load of rope, nets, and shovels, ready to set the trap. When the group arrives at the intended trap location, the first step is laying out the net and getting it secured to trees along the treeline.

IF the ropes can't be secured to trees because of the distance from the treeline to the water's edge, Luther will start digging to set up deadman anchors. Each one needs a 6' section of log, wrapped with a loop of rope and buried at least 4' deep. ... man-anchor
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Re: Quest #8 "Bring Me The Sea Monsters Head"

#247 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

The young monk shakes his head slowly at Luther's comments. "Other than one set of ceremonial clothes, which I should not wear unless they are called for, I have no other clothes than these."

Jax considers Monocar's suggestion. "Well, if there are free clothes in the hive stores, then you may certainly use these for bait. But I would prefer to get back to the hive first. I do not care for the idea of being covered in filth, smelling like a rotten corpse AND being naked all at once." He thinks it through for a moment. "If Marge will get me a set of clothes when we get back, I can wash off and change into them, and still retain the scent on these."
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Re: Quest #8 "Bring Me The Sea Monsters Head"

#248 Post by Bluehorse »


Chuckles. "good point. But yeah, that all sounds like a good idea. We're just doing prep work today. We hope to trap scraggly tomorrow. Hey, have any of you seen him sculking about lately? It'd br good to have an idea where else he may be lately, get a range of beach rather than one spot in case we need to go... well... trolling for him." it's unclear if Monocar really realizes he made a pun or not.
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Re: Quest #8 "Bring Me The Sea Monsters Head"

#249 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Marge starts poking around in the preparations being made.

"Ya! We seen ol' Scrags just yesterday! Followed us for a bit, but didn't come out of the water."

She sets her water buckets down for a spell, telling the others to take a quick break while she investigates the groups plan.

" I like the net idea, but I can see a big flaw in your plan. You just gonna trip the big bastard with all this rope, er what? Seems to me that you better elevate these lines you plan on pulling over it. The thing is like ten feet tall, you know. Pulling the ropes across the sand ain't gonna do nothing but trip him up."

She starts pointing out strong branches that the pulling ropes could be tossed over to actually raise the net up in the air as it is being pulled.

In all the commotion, nobody noticed that Jack was running up the beach to join in on the adventure. Unlike a normal person, he doesn't take the nice hard packed trail through the sand, instead running from the water to the trees through the soft sand in a zig-zagging pattern with the energy of the eternally young. When he finally sprints up to the group, he has something interesting to tell all of you.

"Hi Luther! Where's Littlefingers? He said he was coming out to find you guys! We went venturing yesterday. ALL day! We found stones that were really mean dwarves. And we found Bert and Ernie! Well, mostly only Ernie!"
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Re: Quest #8 "Bring Me The Sea Monsters Head"

#250 Post by Urson »

The ranger looks at the net, and Marge's suggestions. I'm s'posed to be the expert in traps around here, but I think you're right, ma'am. So we'll anchor the landward side, and leave the seaward free to hoist over him. He begins filling in the hole he'd been digging, looking just a touch embarrassed that Marge had seen such a big flaw in their plan.

How 'bout we stretch the net out parallel to the treeline and pile it- with some seaweed and trash on it, so it looks like a pile of crap washed up at high tide? Then when we pull the ropes, it unfolds up and over his nasty ass- Luther pauses, realizing there are ladies present. Nasty self, and we've got him.
Archers, find yourselves good vantage points so you have a clear line of sight.

When Jack comes boistering up, Luther smiles and gives him a one-armed hug.
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Re: Quest #8 "Bring Me The Sea Monsters Head"

#251 Post by tkrexx »

Lightfinger pants trying in vain to keep up with Jack.

You... You scoundrel! He scolds the Lost Elven Boy, wagging a finger and trying to catch his breath, We didn't go "Venturing," you snuck off, and I followed you! But we did learn a few things, The Halfling turns to Luther. Bart's dead... Or was it Bernie? Killed by that Captain Ping. We gotta watch out for that guy, he's a bastard! And Dwarves! We found the Dwarves! But I don't want to find them again. They captured a new, inexperienced party and took them to their mine. Slave labor, I gather. What is that smell? His gaze wanders until it fixes on Jaxsen. Who is that, and why does he present such a revolting odor? Am I seeing this correctly? You are trying yet again to trap the Troll? I'm not especially educated on Trolls, mind you, but I doubt they are so stupid as to fall for another trap. He nods his head sideways at the stinky one. Just leave him alone here for a while. He'll attract all sorts of carrion. He waves both hands to dispel his statement. Just tell me what you want me to do.
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Re: Quest #8 "Bring Me The Sea Monsters Head"

#252 Post by Storm11 »

Saracen watches the proceedings from the tree line.

When he sees the elf boy and the halfling return he moves out to greet them.

”I hear trolls aren’t the sharpest swords in the wrack, but I don’t think they are complete imbeciles either. Scraggly is probably watching us right now and seeing everything we are doing? I think it’s unlilely he is going to just wander into the trap you know.”. The holy champion shrugs.
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Re: Quest #8 "Bring Me The Sea Monsters Head"

#253 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Storm11 wrote:Saracen watches the proceedings from the tree line.

When he sees the elf boy and the halfling return he moves out to greet them.

”I hear trolls aren’t the sharpest swords in the wrack, but I don’t think they are complete imbeciles either. Scraggly is probably watching us right now and seeing everything we are doing? I think it’s unlilely he is going to just wander into the trap you know.”. The holy champion shrugs.
"Hmmm..." says Chauncey, scanning the water just off shore for any movement or sign of peeping trolls. "A fair point, Saracen. He may be wary. He may. Still, I doubt he's encountered a net such as this, remote as we are. Unless the settlers have been net fishing previous to our arrival, which seems unlikely given their general state of malnourishment. Anyway, how smart can he be? I'll bet he won't be expecting a tree powered, spring loaded net trap." He beams, looking proud, then looks to Luther. "Ahem. Can we do that?" He makes motions with his fingers resembling what he imagines bent trees springing up would look like. "Tie the ropes to some secured young trees? 1, 2, 3, cut the ropes and...?"
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Re: Quest #8 "Bring Me The Sea Monsters Head"

#254 Post by Urson »


Luther nods to Saracen. You could be right. If you have a better idea, I'd be glad to listen. His words may be a bit aggressive, but his tone makes it clear that he welcomes any ideas.

I doubt we could do that, Chauncey- at least, not here. That sort of trap usually needs to be in the forest itself, not on the edge.
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Re: Quest #8 "Bring Me The Sea Monsters Head"

#255 Post by Bluehorse »


Gets to work making pikes. His axe a comfort in his hands as he sends chips flyinging each time he smacks the wood with it, then gets to work smoothing the places people will be handling, but leaves a majority of them rougher in case Scraggly wants to pull himself down the length. Once they are safe to handle, he goes to work making a long tappered point on each. He will make more than enough in case they are needed--at least two for each of the more marshal types in the party. He will also take some time to make four shorter and more slender ones for Jack and Lightfinger... but hopes they will be more like novelty items for later than nessicary. "Okay... here we go everybody. You two as well... i made enough for everyone likely to use one to have two. One for using and another for backup. All that is left is how do we arrange them and ourselves. I can offer a few quick lessons on how to use one for those that are not proficient with a spear..." he turns and winks at Chauncy when he uses the big word.

so i know i Man Mountain Monocar can't make then proficient in a day, but i thought maybe playing out some training and tactics according to the plan could helpfully grace us with less minus signs on our rolls if our illustrious DM choses to smile on such preparations.
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Re: Quest #8 "Bring Me The Sea Monsters Head"

#256 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Urson wrote:LutherI doubt we could do that, Chauncey- at least, not here. That sort of trap usually needs to be in the forest itself, not on the edge.
”Oh... yes, I suppose that’s right. I’ll just stick to the spells, then,” says Chauncey, as close as you’ve seen him to sheepish. He soon regains his composure and scuttles over to give some equally inexpert advice to Monocar as he sharpens the pikes. ”Nice use ofthe word ‘arrange,’ sir. Do you suppose these will go all the way through the beast? Like a piece of cheese on a skewer? One can imagine, if we were to do so from different angles, we might render him... or her... quite immobile from the pikes alone! I’m picturing a giant, bloody, vicious game of pick-up-sticks.”
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Re: Quest #8 "Bring Me The Sea Monsters Head"

#257 Post by Bluehorse »


Grins at Chauncy. "That's the idea. Make every direction a bad option. I don't know that they will skewer him all the way through, but once we have him stuck, we can put a foot on out end, and drive it into the ground. Then the dirt is doing the work to hold him in place from that direction. I figure if we can get a few in him and secured like that, it won't be any different than when we hunt pigs back home. I also figure even if he can heal, if the stick is still in him, it isn't going to close. Give it a jiggle and we are keeping him bleeding."
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Re: Quest #8 "Bring Me The Sea Monsters Head"

#258 Post by SirOwen »


Listening to the ideas for increasing the height of the net before it covers the troll, and looking at Monocar cut the long pikes, Avaala has an idea. "Just another possibility for raising the net. What if the corners of the waterside end of the nets were tied to long sticks running towards the trees. We drive some short stakes at the treeside end of the sticks, so they catch the ends of the sticks and have the sticks tied off on the waterside end. The idea is when the ropes are pulled, the sticks catapult one side of the net over the troll, while the 'bottom' of the net is still at his feet."

Is this idea getting across? It's easy for me to picture, but maybe harder to evoke with words.
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Re: Quest #8 "Bring Me The Sea Monsters Head"

#259 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Jax walks over to Marge. "That small one chatters a lot, but he does make a point. I need to get back to the hive and wash myself. It smells very bad, and it's getting... sticky." He gives her and the rest of his team room from his stench, and bends to pick up his yoke again. "Oh, and don't let me forget. After I wash, we wanted to go to Raythan's house. And would you please get me some of those free clothes the man mentioned?"
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Re: Quest #8 "Bring Me The Sea Monsters Head"

#260 Post by tkrexx »

Lightfinger pauses his toils.

Save your stench, good Sir, The Hobbit advises, Until the trap is completed, then wash yonder. I honestly do believe it could draw our quarry in.
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