Rp Gaming Thread I

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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#221 Post by Rotten »

Murdock accepts the Dwarven emblem, displaying it on his outer shirt. "I will wear this on these grounds, but prior to returning to the street, I shall put it away. This work involves much secrecy and I shall only display it if necessary. It is good to see you again. We will be working on a couple of leads we've already learned about as soon as we inspect the scene and gather some equipment."

Murdock deliberates with the group and formulates the following questions for Fonklin,

"Remind me how long ago the theft occurred. This is an impressive wall and gate you have here. Are you aware of how it was breeched? Did they go over it, through it, through the gate or an unknown way? Perhaps a magical means?"

"Has the crime scene been left undisturbed or have your people returned to it and resumed working, potentially destroying any clues left behind. And lastly, are there any copies or forgeries of the disks?"
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#222 Post by Computer +1 »

Simmon's head pops up as Murdock finishes asking the questions
And I have one more question. What are the plans on the discs? We don't need technically advanced details but a basic knowledge is important if we are going to be able to identify the real items from a fake.
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#223 Post by Shonuff »

Fonklin nods a "as you wish" to Murdock but raises a finger to interject a statement or two.

"As you will master Murdock, But know skulking and investigating may take you into places the City Watch may not want you in. Those badges are the only things that will keep you from being killed on the spot while entering...shall we say, sensitive locations."

Fonklin listens to the questions and answers them in turn.

"The walls were overcome, and we were assaulted two days ago. The assailants used magic to levitate over the walls and snuck over the bridge from the warehouse. They assaulted seven guards, killing three family men on guard duty." The opulent dwarf adjusts his ring as he puts it back in it's rightful place on his pudgy finger.

"We have not touched the doors or the room where the discs were held. The bodies have been taken to be respectfully buried, but we have a cleric of Torun Urt, who can speak with the dead and allow you all to speak with them as well."
Fonklin looks to his superior and the silent dwarf in the middle (wearing a platinum headband) nods once, making Fonklin look behind him and sna his pudgy fingers. A servant dwarf takes off into the building as Fonklin turns back to you, gaining your attention again.

"There are no copies of the discs that we've created, but by now there could be dozens of poor forgeries. No one can read what is on those discs, unless you are dwarven, perform Runic magic and a part of this guild."

Fonklin looks to his obvious quiet superior, who nods again towards Simmon. Fonklin clears his throat and speaks in a lower tone.

"The Discs are a set of alchemical, magical, and mathematical equations that will allow certain effects on living beings and unliving objects never before seen since the Age of Enchantment."
the Previous Age, 420+ years ago

Fonklin watches his superior and the other dwarf move into the building as the guards hold the doors open. The opulent dwarf turns back to you with a nervous smile, and asks:

".....Shall we?" his arm swings toward the door.

You are led into the main building, passing dozens of closed and guarded doors. each turn you seem to be getting lost in a maze. Finally you come to a spiral staircase and rise to the second floor.

You may talk and ask questions as you are walking.
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#224 Post by NJWilliam »

Trarth asks Fonklin, "What else, if anything, was taken?"
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#225 Post by Stonjuz »

observ 13.5 [1d20] = 14)read 15% [1d100] = 34) Lore 5%[1d100] = 72) local hist(18)[1d20] = 11
Fascinated at the massive construction, Evan still tries to take it all in. He knows a bit of the local history but never dreamed of such sights. He adjusts the pin to his right-side chest area.
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#226 Post by Bhart »

Mouse pins the badge on in plain sight. He follows along silently at the back of the group. His cap clutched in his hands he try to take it all in as the others ask thier questions. The thief examines thier surroundings with care thinks about how he might try to break in to this place.

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#227 Post by Endeavor »

"The Discs are a set of alchemical, magical, and mathematical equations that will allow certain effects on living beings and unliving objects never before seen since the Age of Enchantment."
the Previous Age, 420+ years ago
Arjiri's ears perk up slightly upon hearing the disclosure of potency that the discs could potentially offer. Her mind moves to visions of acquiring such power for her church, either with the discs themselves or with their effects. She ponders Fonklin's previous statement regarding what it would take to activate their formulas and this jars her back to a more reasonable train of thought.

"How will we know that we are not dragging copies, concealed proudly for all the world not to see, right to your doorstep and therefore wasting time on both our ends, Master Glittershine?" she inquires, moving with the current pace of the group. She wonders for a second if there is a big gem glued into his fat bellybutton where you couldnt even see it; she laughs inwardly.
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#228 Post by Computer +1 »

Simmon nods his head in agreement. Surely there must be something recognizable on the discs that would be hard to copy that could clue us as to whether or not it is a fake. Some insignia, symbol or marking?
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#229 Post by Computer +1 »

Shonuff wrote: "There are no copies of the discs that we've created, but by now there could be dozens of poor forgeries. No one can read what is on those discs, unless you are dwarven, perform Runic magic and a part of this guild."
Can a human learn Rune magic? Could Simmon?
learn it? yes. use it effectively? no. dwarves are the only ones who can craft the runes successfully to cast spells onto to use the saved spells in runic magic. So you'd need a few enslaved dwarven artisan masons or stonecutter mages....in a sweatshop...making you stones.
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#230 Post by Shonuff »

Fonklin laughs a bit nervously with a quick glance to his superior. He wipes his brow and pockets the kerchief.

"You don't think we'd give you brass badges for fancy dress alone, do you? When you have the disks, the badges will hum when placed against the disk's surface."

"Books, some rare metals and some tools, but other than that, nothing else of importance was taken. Our main goal is the disks.. the others are incidental."
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#231 Post by Computer +1 »

Simmon plucks at the badge pinned on his chest. Ahhhh an elegant solution for identifying...
He trails off in thought for a moment. The books, tools and rare metals, are they components to unlocking the formula inscribed in the discs? That is to say, do you believe we are hunting thieves looking for profit or persons capable of using the information inscribed?

A dwarven sweatshop!! Awesome!!!

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#232 Post by Endeavor »

Arjiri notices the awkward glance from Fonklin to his superior, and while she nods in full comprehension of the keying between the badges and the discs, she is now doubly suspicious of the badges.

"Homing beacons of some sort"
she thinks, directly followed by something like "I cant wait to drop it into an outhouse hole" as she fingers the badge with a falsely relaxed expression.

The mention of the valuable books and tools that can be acquired and already chalked up to a loss by the dwarves does prove appealing to some degree to her.
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#233 Post by Rotten »

Murdock is impressed with the Dwarven ingenuity, "An impressive trick with the emblems. Shall we procede to the crime scene and then to the task of talking to the dead. The trail grows colder by the minute."
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#234 Post by Shonuff »

Fonklin and the others lead you up the spiral staircase and around a corner. On the second floor, you walk down a wide hall, which the other end is a now open broken archway, with two doors laying on the stone floor. As you approach, you see dried bloodstains on the stones. Many dwarven guards are all standing still along the ahllway, and six of the dwarves stand guard on the skywalk past the broken archway. As you approach, you can smell the scents of melted stone, magical sulphur and blueberries?!? You turn left into a broken doorway with a lasted door laying inside the room.
General observation roll, + spellcraft prof check if you have it.
You see blood splatter across the floor, bookshelves and workbenches. There is a golden and brass round table (X), with carving tools and mallets, with paper plans on the workbench beside it.

Fonklin walks to the table and grabs a rolled up parchment. He turns and hands it to you with a nod to it.
Fonklin watches the other two superior dwarves turn and leave back down the hallway. Half the guards who escorted you up the stairs follow the dwarven leaders, leaving Fonklin with you. The opulent dwarf visible sighs and relaxes, motioning you to open the plans.


Fonklin says " The badges are the guard badges of the disks. The six men we are currently burying downstairs wore those badges when they guard the disks, which is why they were made from the same imbued metals... hence the hum." Fonklin pulls a small flask of liquor from his belt and downs a swig before continuing.

"The books and plans taken with the disks had nothing DIRECTLY to do with the disks. they were alchemical plans on transmutation and the divine magic merged with engineering to merge two different objects. .. like melding stone around wood, or infusing wood with iron to strengthen.. things of that nature. There are formulas of such things...altered to fit our plans on the disks, but nothing can be derived from one with the other, or vice-versa."

Fonklin steps back and lets you all walk around the scene and inspect what has not been touched.
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#235 Post by NJWilliam »

While Trarth looks around, taking everything in, he asks, "How large are these disks and how much do they weigh, about?"
Sebastian, A Candle in the Darkness
Ulrich, Tales of The Troll Company
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#236 Post by Stonjuz »

observ 13.5 [1d20] = 16The whiskey bard is now having trouble concentrating on the crime scene after Fonklin samples from the flask. Evan wonders about the history of the flask-maker and considers requesting the guild hall for one just like it.
He silently remembers a saying that one of his family's slaves, his long dead lute teacher, once said, "No bluesman travels the road without blade & flask, no sir." Evan blinks a couple of times and brings his attention back to the room's detail.
Last edited by Stonjuz on Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#237 Post by Endeavor »

Arjiri looks around, but it seems she generally doesnt notice too much. [1d20] = 18 She's no dummy, but definitely not used to crime scenes and not sure what to look for. Hearing that the also-missing books contain some information on clerical magic, she is indeed further interested in locating them (and does understand that in all likelihood they would pertain to clerics of Dwarven gods; perhaps they can find a use for such tomes at her Temple, if not barter them out for more useful ones).
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#238 Post by Rotten »

Murdock examines the scene for bloody footprints or other obvious signs of clues, torn clothing, bits of armor, hair, flesh left behind. He notes 5 splats of blood and wonders how many dwarves perished here and will ask Fonklin. He's looking for specific flesh types that can be tied to a specific race, i.e. drow flesh, dueregar flesh. If there are bloody footprints, he will try to determine if it is demi-human, animal or monster. He will examine the destroyed doors to see if any evidence remains as to their destruction. He will make a mental note to keep his nose tuned for blueberries, magical sulfur and melted stone. He will ask the direction of entry into the building and follow any bloody footprints towards where they exited.

Observation - need 11.5 [1d20] = 12

Afterwards, he will indicate that he is ready to speak with the dead dwarves.
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#239 Post by Computer +1 »

Simmon follows the Dwarves to the room and begins to examine the scene

Observation (18) = [1d20] = 1

Spellcraft (16) = [1d20] = 5
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Re: Rp Gaming Thread I

#240 Post by Bhart »

Mouse quietly looks around...

[1d20] = 12 (Perception=13)
OOC: I think you gave me a -1 bonus for my observation proficiency before?

Seeing the condition of the rooms he murmurs to himself "Well we know these were no professionals. This here is a simple brute force smash n grab. So messy...sloppy way to work."

The little thief crouches down looking closer at the blood stains. He cocks his head to one side thinking for a moment then raises his hand in the air. "Uh excuse me your dwarfship sir...Uh um...well I was wonderin' and well someone prolly already asked this but do you know if yer boys got any good shots in before they went down? I mean I'm...well... I'm wonderin' if there was any blood on their weapons? If there was well we might be lookin' fer a guy with a limp if ya get my meaning" he stammered while he nervously tugged at his lower lip.
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