Spider Silk

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Re: Spider Silk

#221 Post by Darithe »

Sigrid quickly checks her pouch for some more food speaking again in a gentle tone to the creature in Trollkin, "We don't have much but we of course are willing to share. Also there are some bees not far from here with an abundance of honey. Some of the best I've ever tasted," she licks her lips to bring home that point. "We can show you the way if you like."
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Re: Spider Silk

#222 Post by Urson »

Mai Ronin
Mai's nose wrinkles in disgust at the great beast, but she holds her place, sword held low.

You will please to hold your attack, Golgarth. You may still be correct- but let us save our strength until we have decided that battle is the only option left us.
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Re: Spider Silk

#223 Post by Spearmint »

April 30th 1066.

Quarrel in the quarry:

Weather: Cloudy, light rain.
Light: Torch carried by Solly. Lantern by Mai.

Conditions: Golgarth -2hp, Sir Dewey -5hp

The tension is high in the party as false moves and attacks could be critical. The ogre too may sense that. Superior in size and strength but outnumbered. The honeypot in all this the offer of some fresh and rich tasty bricks of honey in the cabin office a short walk away.

Ogre reaction to Sigrid [1d100]=98

"Honey nice. Eat honey now, meat and blood later if honey not good."

The ogre at least seems more convinced about the offer than Golgarth who could probably thank his militant god Cromm that his attacks missed rather than continued the fight.

Cadeweed and Cosmo disappear into the foilage to follow at a distance and watch proceedings, the ogre ignoring them in favour of the warpainted valkyrie Sigrid who he holds his hand out too.

Sir Dewey, Mai & Solly follow behind, wary of any sudden change in the ogre's behaviour.

The giant beehive is literally a hive of activity. The worker bees must each be over a foot long, the soldier drones larger. How big the Queen might be is anyone's guess. Those flying to and from the forest soon recognise impending danger and begin to cover the entrance holes around window panes and a chimney stack. Each seems to vibrate their wings very fast and turn in little dancing circles, communicating in nature's way to warn the hive of trouble.

The ogre seems unfussed by the swarming bees and goes to approach the cabin, swatting a few irritants with his club. The party with him though are not as thick skinned and become bothered by bees who dart about in anger.

initiative and actions please
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Re: Spider Silk

#225 Post by Urson »

Mai will withdraw, having no interest in dealing with giant bees.

I don't have access to my home system,
so I' ll need to wait for any die roll.
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Re: Spider Silk

#226 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Sir Dewey

The Knight does his best to leave the bees to the Ogre, defending the others and only attacking when necessary. "Leave them to him. Stay back."

He mutters to the nearby Sigrid. "We may have to run. Be ready."

Morningstar: [1d20]=6 He spends too much attention fending off the bees.
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Re: Spider Silk

#227 Post by gurusql »


Cadeweed does not get near the bees and stays in the undergrowth.
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Re: Spider Silk

#228 Post by Darithe »

When the creature offers his hand, Sigrid places another of her meals in his hand, letting him lead the way and not getting any closer. She follows along near Sir Dewey and nods at his instructions, "I am quite a good runner, one of the best in my village. And I have no doubt I can outrun you, umm I mean the creature."
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Re: Spider Silk

#229 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Sir Dewey

The Knight almost chokes as he hears Sigrid and laughs. "I'm sure you could, even if I would try to outpace you. But I'm more of a first in, last out kinda guy."

He continues his focus on the bees.
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Re: Spider Silk

#230 Post by Urson »

Mai (just for clarification)

Mai will stay back, knowing that the bees won't attack without some provocation. She waits calmly, listening to the gentle hum of a happy beehive, and hoping it doesn't turn into an angry ZZZEEEEE!

Init: init [1d6+1]=5+1=6
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Re: Spider Silk

#231 Post by Spearmint »

I think this is the only description of the office cabin hive so far:
The office cabin is the only one still 'lived in'. As you can hear a slight humming or buzz coming from inside. The cause is easily noted by the sporadic coming and going of large (cat sized) bees which flit through the broken portals and out into the surrounding forest. You can prudently evade exploring the interior of the office cabin in favour of not exciting a bee nest or take a risk to search for any wealth hidden from emperors and commoners alike.
April 30th 1066.

Quarrel in the quarry:

Weather: Cloudy, light rain.
Light: Torch carried by Solly. Lantern by Mai.

Conditions: Golgarth -2hp, Sir Dewey -5hp

The ogre approaches the hive, the bees begin to swarm over his body. Crawling, stinging, irritating. The ogres peers through one of the cabin windows and then grabs the wooden lintel and frames holding the roof up. His giantish strength no match for the derelict cabin and he rips off several planks and scatters roof tiles to smash across the stony ground.

The hive hundreds buzz in anger and fear. Mini swarms form of large bees, each focused on the survival of the nest. Whilst smaller drone types triage the hive, larger soldier ones form into little cadres and begin to zoom around in all directions. While some attack the ogre, others fly in all directions across the castle ground to harass other perceived threats.

Each of the party, despite your intentions to hold back attract a few of the bees. Golgarth swats one with a splat. You have some decisions, to flee the scene across the open ground to the forest or chalk tunnels, seek refuge in another cabin, help the ogre raid the hive, fight off the bees.

actions everyone please.

Drones and Soldier bee
Drones and Soldier bee
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Re: Spider Silk

#232 Post by Urson »

Mai Ronin
Mai holds her ground, standing still.
IF the bees attack, she will fall back, trying to avoid killing any of the bees.
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Re: Spider Silk

#233 Post by gurusql »


Cadeweed will attempt to continue to hide in the brush. If the bees attack him he will retreat.

Hide in Shadows (30) [1d100]=16
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Re: Spider Silk

#234 Post by Bluetongue »


"Never mind stirring up a hornet's nest, they are killer bees. At least I think they mean business."

The cleric tries to swat another bee that buzzes him but his hammer is just too slow paced and heavy. Thinking if the ogre starts dismantling the cabin much more than a whole swarm may form. I will retreat in the direction on the bunk room cabin we stayed in. At least we can shut doors and seal ourselves in.

Golgarth Warhammer melee [1d20]=8 damage [1d8]=3 stun chance % dam+1 per level [1d100]=84
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Re: Spider Silk

#235 Post by Nordbo »


continues to rely on the cover the foliage offers, while silently contemplating: "Spiders, ogres and bees ? Could one write a boisterous ballad on this theme ? Methinks perhaps not."
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Re: Spider Silk

#236 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Sir Dewey

"Time to go!" The knight pulls Golgarth back and calls to Mai and Sigrid. "You may get the chance to outrun me. Fall back!"

He tries to get the others to leave while shielding their retreat. "Golgarth, my friend, I vote for leaving the area. But if you want to hole up in the cabin, I'll have your back."

Sir Dewey is only defending this round.
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Re: Spider Silk

#237 Post by Urson »

Mai takes the term 'fall back' literally. She backs away from the disturbed swarm, attacking only if one of the gigantic bees is clearly intent on stinging her.
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Re: Spider Silk

#238 Post by gurusql »


Cadeweed will begin to fall back, hoping to remain undercover.
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Re: Spider Silk

#239 Post by Darithe »

Falls back at Sir Dewey's instructions. She is pondering what her next action will be if they are attacked. She quickly goes over in her mind, the spells that she has ready.
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Re: Spider Silk

#240 Post by Spearmint »

April 30th 1066.

Quarrel in the quarry:

Weather: Cloudy, light rain.
Light: Torch carried by Solly. Lantern by Mai.

Conditions: Golgarth -2hp, Sir Dewey -5hp

Falling back is the general consensus. Swatting a few bees aside, the group retreat. A cabin was suggested, so was leaving the quarry floor entirely. The chalk tunnel mouth looks the most inviting place. Solly heads that way, waving his firebrand torch to signal to the group. The flames frizzle a bee's wings, the insect plummeting to the ground. You are still harassed by drone and soldier bee alike, the creatures releasing a pheromone scent which causes others to rally to threat. Though by far the greater threat to the hive comes from the ogre.

He is occupied with tearing the cabin roof and grabbing a huge wedge of honeycomb. The soldier bees swarm him, several stings pin his thick skin, which while not impervious to the bee attacks, seems better suited to dealing with the poison than most. He takes a second fistful of honey and some large white chrysalis larvae, letting go of the roof joists which slam back down like a desk lid closing. With his sugary prize to feast upon and the swarm eventually getting the better of the persistent thief, the ogre also retreats to the forest fringe. He sits on a fallen log to munch his delicacies and brush away the multitude of stingers. Large red boils mark the ogre.

Once the twin threats have gone, the drones return to repairing the hive and perhaps even electing a new queen?

The group can take a few moments to reset themselves and appraise their situation. You are in the chalk tunnel mouth and can return to spider silk gathering, watch the ogre to see where he goes so as not be surprised by him in the future, explore the ledge about the waterfall area or the dark, fetid tunnel at the junction.

next actions and group decision please

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