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Re: Part 1: Northam & Mistlevy

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2019 3:54 am
by Cwreando

Drex follows along as well. Ready to move to the front if a confrontation arises.

Re: Part 1: Northam & Mistlevy

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 3:17 pm
by Dram
Luxor follows the others. Ready to react if the need arises.

Re: Part 1: Northam & Mistlevy

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 9:34 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Through the swamp

The group follows the swamp in the direction the lizardmen were last seen and eventually finds they left a trail. Claw marks on trees and here and there footprints in the mud and muck. Finding a small clearing the tracks head off in a direction that is hard to determine but then then the group doesn't get much of a chance before a shadow falls over the area and everyone looks up to the sky and sees a black dragon. She is death on the night wind. Her jaws can crush steel like a child crushes paper, and her talons are sharp enough to cleave through scale mail like butter. Her breath melts flesh and devours screams before they can even be born in a man’s throat. Beneath her wings roil currents of carrion and decay, which only serves to stoke your fear and awe as you gaze upon this fully grown black dragon.

The dragon swoops down at the group but everyone manages to dive out of the way. You see clutched in one of the dragons talons looks to me one of the stormhammer guards that help you fight off the lizardmen. The dragon drops the man before the group and flies off. Leaving the man before you looking to be about half dead. The dragon flies in a direction that you suspect the lizardman tracks head leading deeper into the swamp. Which is where the legend says the great temple of Ixtupi is located.


Re: Part 1: Northam & Mistlevy

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2019 11:25 pm
by tarlyn

Mist swears at the Dragon, hatred clear upon his face.

"Hurry, let's get after that bastard!!"

The Genasi moves off in the. direction the Dragon flew.

Re: Part 1: Northam & Mistlevy

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 2:19 am
by Rex

Jo will rush forward to the guard and see if he can help him.

Re: Part 1: Northam & Mistlevy

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 3:26 am
by Scott308
Ivaran Liaris

The druid hurries to the guard's side, casting healing magic upon him.

Re: Part 1: Northam & Mistlevy

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 6:47 am
by Cwreando

Drex is in awe but he is perplexed as well, "Why did the dragon not kill the guard? Why didn't the dragon attack us? Is this guard really who and what we think he is? Was that really a Dragon? These are things we need to answer my friends. What do the rest of you think?"

Drex moves over to the guard and examines him to see if he is what he appears to be. Perception check

[1d20-5] = 13-5 = 8 Perception check Base 14+5 so only a nat 20 fails I think

Drex asks the guard, "What happened? Where were you attacked. Did you notice anything odd about the Dragon, it's smell or how it attacked? Did it speak to you?"

[1d20-5] = 4-5 = -1 Insight roll to see if the guard is telling the truth when he is questioned I think this would be very successful insight roll. Insight check base 14 +5 so only a nat 20 would fail.

Re: Part 1: Northam & Mistlevy

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 5:13 pm
by Monsieur Rose

Brock merely ducks his head as the dragon passes over. "Curious. It wasn't attacking. Do you Oh, gods, I hope not. Is it leading us to its lair?" Brock shudders. "What kind of balls does it have to openly invite invasion?"

"We must be wary, friends."

Re: Part 1: Northam & Mistlevy

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 5:38 pm
by Rex

"Its a dragon so I expect very large ones." Jo says with a chuckle.

Re: Part 1: Northam & Mistlevy

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 12:14 am
by GreyWolfVT
Stormhammer Guard the healing does help bring the guard back to consciousness and he takes a deep gasping breath once he has his bearings and wits back he looks around "Oh thank the gods, I thought I was dragon food for sure." hearing the curious talk about him and the dragon the guard looks offended "I'm lucky to be alive. After you left the bitch dragon flew over Mistlevy and attacked us guards. I think those lizardmen that ran off reported to her and she came back to test just how strong a resistance we were. She killed anyone dressed as a guard. I think she used me as a calling card to you. She's a ballsy one, but I think she finds sport in trying to test how strong we defenders are. Unfortunately only the curates and the high priest made it out with the local civilians alive all the fellow guards that bitch dragon killed and ate. It's like the tales of Nyrionaxys we have heard the stories growing up and how our ancestors witnessed her destruction. We all wanted to be like Artos we grew up hearing the tales of the mythic hero Artos, who slew four great beasts to make the lands of Greenacre safe for the ancient druids and their followers to settle. Unfortunately for us and others like us we didn't live up to that legend. But you folk you are like the mighty hero from those legendary tales."

As far as Drex can tell the guard is not lying he has a certain look of hope and a gleam in his eyes that he speaks from the heart. His examination is that yes this is one of the guards that helped them fight the invading lizardmen back in town.

Re: Part 1: Northam & Mistlevy

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 1:00 am
by Scott308
Ivaran Liaris

I am sorry to hear of the loss of your brothers-in-arms. They were a brave group, who gave their lives to protect others. Still, I know the pain isn't any less for their sacrifice. We shall do our best to avenge their deaths.

Re: Part 1: Northam & Mistlevy

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 5:40 am
by Rex

"Agreed, we will do what we can. The dragon will pay."

Re: Part 1: Northam & Mistlevy

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2019 9:11 pm
by Dram
Luxor- She knows were coming and will be waiting. We need to be smart on our approach to this Temple.

Re: Part 1: Northam & Mistlevy

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 12:29 am
by tarlyn
Mist is eager to get after the Dragon but admits caution is the better part of valor in this situation.

Re: Part 1: Northam & Mistlevy

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 6:03 am
by Cwreando

Drex continues, "Did she use a breath weapon at all? Did she use Magic? Did she speak so you could understand her? Did you notice anything unusual? A weak spot on her body. You have done your duty and any help you give us is most important too. Without you we would not be able to prepare ourselves as well. Perhaps we should rest and start fresh tomorrow morn."

Re: Part 1: Northam & Mistlevy

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 6:17 pm
by Monsieur Rose

Brock hears the unfortunate guard compare them to legendary heroes. "Hmm. He's right. We are like legends! We've got this. Let's go etch our names in lore, fellas." Brock seems to look into the middle distance with a slight smile and mutters. "The Sensational Six. No, the Avengers. No, wait. Brock and the Brocketts!"

Re: Part 1: Northam & Mistlevy

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 2:38 am
by GreyWolfVT
Stormhammer Guard "Well she ate some of my fellow men at arms. I think she spit some sort of acid possibly. All I know is it took the flesh off the mans skin and i didn't see any flames."

Re: Part 1: Northam & Mistlevy

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 5:58 am
by Rex

"It sounds terrible." Jo turns to the others. "I think now is time for action, I am for scouting the lair and seeing what we learn. Any other ideas?"

Re: Part 1: Northam & Mistlevy

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2019 4:47 am
by Scott308
Ivaran Liaris

We might as well head out now. Ivaran uses his staff to again cast Pass Without Trace upon the group as they start moving.

Re: Part 1: Northam & Mistlevy

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2019 5:29 pm
by Monsieur Rose

Brock adjusts his pack and follows the twicelings, seemingly lost in thought at the legendary tales that will be told.