Expedition - Blackjack/Logging Trip- 02 May 2021

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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Logging Trip- 02 May 2021

#201 Post by Marullus »

Using the raft as partial cover (-2 AC), the group launches a volley at the unsuspecting Bullywugs. Amistad launches his javelin with bravado - it didn't have a prayer of making it a third of the way to the foe. Alcide's arrow flies true once again, however. The first creature lets out a croak and spins once as he falls, startling the others. The warning is too little and too late for them, though, as Earc's mystical energy comes over them, the other three dropping unceremoniously into the mud. None of them are left standing to act.

Day: 05 May 2021
Time: 8:16 pm
Light: Dreary, overcast sky.
Status: All healthy

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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Logging Trip- 02 May 2021

#202 Post by Spearmint »

Blackjack Amistad

"Quick, while they sleep, we must despatch them. Lookout for more landing Earc."

Amistad will run to the sleeping trio by the bank and start setting throats. Do they all croak it? We have to be wary of more frogmen about.

Take the spears, they will come in useful. And remember to search their bodies this time.
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Logging Trip- 02 May 2021

#203 Post by Alethan »

Earc Orctongue

Earc keeps an eye out for more hopping frog things while Blackjack searches the bodies.

Later, when he gets a chance, he makes updates to his notes regarding the crawlers and the grumble bear and the hopping frog things.

Traveling now, so can't update the document with the notes. Will do that next week.
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Logging Trip- 02 May 2021

#204 Post by Marullus »

Amistad and Alcide make quick work of the sleeping frog-humanoids, looting and leaving four dead bodies upon the riverbank while Earc keeps watch over the effort. The rain begins to quickly wash away the blue-black blood of the creatures. They find that each wears an eelskin belt with a pouch made of some kind of animal bladder, and each carried a long spear and a few javelins, made out of a hard bamboo-like reed. Their pouches yielded a total of 13 silver coins, each rough-cast without ornament, and a waterproof eelskin scrollcase.

You retreat back to your raft lean-to as night falls and, after a fitful period of watch without more creatures emerging, get some rest. Your night watches pass uneventfully, allow you to wake with the dawn and get underway. Earc is able to refresh his spells after some quality time with his books, and you are on your way about 7:00am. (Subtract 4 man-days rations total, 3 if you don't feed the prisoner.)

It is more pleasant and easily-paced now, the wider river a bit more placid as it winds across the plains, first southwest then bending back on a southeasterly course. Blackjack steers the raft at the same speed at which Alcide and Earc lead Pingu on the shore. You can shout to each other and keep each other within view as the hours pass. The rain continues unabated; it is at its worst when you set out for the morning, a soaking downpour as you get underway, but lightens to a drizzle for spaces of time as the day wears on.

You travel most of the day, stopping for a light lunch, and continuing on until about 3:00pm. Your hopes rise as you see chimney smoke and a roofline on the horizon ahead, knowing your destination nears, just a few more hours away. After long hours of poling absently, Amistad is broken from his reverie by an unexpected sound - that of the creature lashed to the front of the raft beginning to hum. Amistad's hackles rise just as the entire raft bucks, hard, a blow from underneath lifting it partially into the air. Earc and Alcide witness the bucking of the raft but are likewise caught by surprise.

(Blackjack - I need a 1d20+4 dex check once more. Then, I need initiative and actions for round two.)

Day: 06 May 2021
Time: 3:00 pm
Light: Dreary, overcast sky.
Temp: 59 degrees, wind 10-13 SSW
Status: All healthy.
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Logging Trip- 02 May 2021

#205 Post by Spearmint »

Blackjack Amistad

Earc, take all the goodies with you, Amistad will just take a long spear. I still get the impression that this humming fellow is actually summoning something to aid him? Or does he just hum when he thinks he is going to die?

skill roll [1d20] = 1 plus 4. Nice to celebrate an otherwise fumble score :D

The Morlock is chained to the front of the raft. I appreciate it is only partially tied together, a bit ramshackle. Actually read somewhere that an ad hoc raft like this could be sold for 3gp per square foot, so it is technically worth more in water than out? Anyway I think after the bucking Amistads' first reaction would be to fall and lie flat on the raft, trying to stablise it and balance any weight out. He will also be watching the Morlock as probably that creature can see the water in front and if it is a big fish or crocodile is trying to knock him off to eat. A hidden boulder, once past would not be such a danger. I guess his action would be to keep low and guide the raft out of any rapids, shoal of piranhas. He has a throwing axe on his belt in case he needs to chop at a flopping tentacle or cut through any rope or chain.

Initiative Roll [1d6] = 2
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Logging Trip- 02 May 2021

#206 Post by Alethan »

Earc Orctongue

What in the hells is that, Earc asks, searching the water to see if he can figure out what hit the raft. He readies a dart, in case he spots something to throw it at...
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Logging Trip- 02 May 2021

#207 Post by Marullus »

Amistad's reflexes channel his ancestors, swift like a cheetah as the raft beneath him heaves. He drops low, not only stable on the platform but poling hard to shift the raft's course starboard into the shallows and towards Earc and Alcide. Earc and Alcide scramble to ready themselves for what comes next, both grabbing for their missile weapons, but wary lest they hit their companion in a melee.

Large, webbed hands grab the raft and heave, It lands on the edge of the raft, making it tip again but Amistad is prepared, his balance steady. It towers over him at eight feet tall, its grey, rubbery hide and lank, grasslike green hair smelling of rotten fish, teeth and claws yellow and dripping as it lunges forward. Earc recognizes, unmistakably, that is what his books talked of as a river troll.

(Raft will beach on the shore next turn, as Amistad got a critical success, simplifying the combat by making it stationary. I need Earc's missile weapon attack first, then I'll resolve the melee. Attack rolls from you both, please.)
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Logging Trip- 02 May 2021

#208 Post by Spearmint »

Blackjack Amistad

Amistad will take a step forward on the raft, hoping to impale the troll and push him off the raft.

Spear melee attack [1d20+1] = 8+1 = 9 and damage [1d6+1] = 1+1 = 2
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Logging Trip- 02 May 2021

#209 Post by Alethan »

Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Logging Trip- 02 May 2021

#210 Post by Marullus »

The troll roars, just a moment pause as Alcide's arrow whizzes past its head. Earc pulls out the blow tube and launches a dart at the beast - the small barb pierces its rubbery flesh on the left side of its neck and it doesn't even notice.

The troll lunges at Amistad, a flailing of claws and wicked teeth. Amistad tucks and rolls on the raft, the troll touching only air. He strikes upward with his spear and fails to connect as well. Then the troll stumbles, dropping to one knee, then falling prostrate on the raft, unmoving.

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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Logging Trip- 02 May 2021

#211 Post by Spearmint »

Blackjack Amistad

Is the raft next to the riverbank now? I think just pushing the creature off back into the river my wake him from sleep and running him through with the frogspear might not be enough damage.

Feeling a bit like 'the executioner general', Amistad shouts, "Quick, off with its' head!" and calling Alcide to grab the battle-axe from the horse and decapitate the creature. Amistad us poised to strike with the smaller throwing axe if it moves before Alcide arrives.

How far to the hobbit mill? Of course it would be very interesting from a scholar point of view to find out how long the dart poison lasts if that is what he succumbed to, (has the humming Morlock stopped?). I would also be interested to know if regenerating trolls, when decapitated, regenerate both body and head...do you get double trouble. Which section grows back? Chop the head and burn it?

Earc, you are the scholar? What do you think?
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Logging Trip- 02 May 2021

#212 Post by Alethan »

Earc Orctongue

After Blackjack decapitates the troll, Earc says, "Quick! Let's drag it ashore, douse it in oil, and burn the thing, before it regenerates!"

Once the troll is dragged ashore, Earc uses three vials of oil on it and lights it up.
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Logging Trip- 02 May 2021

#213 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Noooo!!!!!! Do you know how many warptokens a Skaven Moulder will pay for that much troll blood!? Enough to purchase a Tardis, at least!

Huh? I'm mixing settings and genres? Oh. :oops:
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Logging Trip- 02 May 2021

#214 Post by Spearmint »

Alcide had to fetch the battle-axe for a big chopping swing, not sure a smaller throwing axe will critical enough on a troll to chop all the way through in one go.

Anyway, Blackjack Amistad agrees with the pyre. Chop a bit extra wood and burn him good. Damp wood though is going to smoke lots, still we are clear of the forest and just over the hill from the ford. So maybe the smoke will alert any guards around not creatures. Three in the afternoon, we could make the ford by early being, hopefully get welcomed in and out this rain.
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Logging Trip- 02 May 2021

#215 Post by Marullus »

So what's the action? Does Earc douse it with lamp oil, or do you chop the wood for a proper pyre? (If you light him first, you then can't move him onto wood easily.)
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Logging Trip- 02 May 2021

#216 Post by Spearmint »

Keep the head seperate from the body, douse and burn straight away. No telling when the sleep poison will cool off and the troll will start manifesting. Who knows, the body might start to burn and run into the water to put himself out? So plenty of oil on the head.

Any wood might be quite wet and smoke a lot. Since we are clear of the forest, it might be fine, maybe signal any guards at the ford over the hill. Just after 3.00pm now, Can we make it by 7.00pm?

If the troll starts to burn and not get up to run around or the head start screaming, then push out again and get to the ford asap.

Did Earc get chance to look over the Bullywugs scroll?
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Logging Trip- 02 May 2021

#217 Post by Marullus »

Amistad and Alcide get the woodsman's axe and hack the troll's head from its body, rolling it off the raft and onto the riverbank where Earc douse it with three vials of lamp oil and sets it alight. The smell of burning, rubbery flesh is atrocious. Some quick work gets together sticks and driftwood, and Amistad approaches to move the smouldering, unmoving parts onto the wood. The troll's head sizes the opportunity, latching it's teeth onto, and through, Amistad 's arm. His limb almost severed and gushing blood, Amistad passes out from shock and bloodloss almost immediately. Still on fire, the troll's head gnashes it's teeth once more in satisfaction before charring and lying still for good.

(Amistad at -1 HP and needs stabilization. You are two hours from the halfling Ford.)

Round 2: land on bank. Chop Neck with axe.
Axe [1d8] = 6
Round 3: douse and ignite.
Fire [3d6] = 6
Round 4: burn
Fire [3d6] = 10
Round 5: regains movement, heals
Troll attack [1d20] = 6 [1d20] = 9 [1d20] = 18
Amistad/Earc/Alcide [1d3] = 1. Damage [1d10] = 8

Fire [3d6] = 7
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Logging Trip- 02 May 2021

#218 Post by Spearmint »

I would laugh if it wasn't so serious. I did expect the body to rise flapping in pain before jumping in the river with the head shouting comically , " over here,".

Must be that long frog like tongue which latched itself around me and pulled me closer. Should be okay to continue if the blue herbs work, right?
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Logging Trip- 02 May 2021

#219 Post by Alethan »

Earc rushes over to Blackjack and uses the herbal healing tincture on him, glancing at the troll head fearfully all the while.
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Re: Expedition - Blackjack/Logging Trip- 02 May 2021

#220 Post by Marullus »

Tormentil [1d3] = 1

You use the herb and are able to staunch the blood flow and bind it securely. Amistad falls into a deeper but more restful sleep. You treat him for shock, and after 15 minutes you feel more confident that you can move him securely on the raft, but someone else will need to pole and steer.

(0 HP: He'll wake in six hours and can move after a day of rest (his first 1d3 of healing).

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