(CLOSED) Zirus' Little Adventure

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Re: Zirus' Little Adventure

#201 Post by thesniperknight1 »

[Caiden Cross – Human Rouge 0] (HP: 10/10) (AC: 13)
Action: Ninja 101

Caiden nods, "If I know anything it would be how to shoot an arrow and embrace the shadows, are you sure your friends will trust me by just saying your name? Well, I suppose we don't have any other choice, I am heading to the tower", Caiden tries to be one with the darkness, embracing the ground to take advantage of the slope to hide his movement and utilising his toes to hide the sound making his way to the tower's entrance.

Walk in Shadows: [3d6+2] = 6+2 = 8
Move Silently: [3d6+2] = 13+2 = 15
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Re: Zirus' Little Adventure

#202 Post by Sol »

[Zirus - Lizardfolk Aspiring Cleric 0] (HP 13/10) (AC: 16)
Actions: Keeps an Eye on the Orcs

Zirus says a prayer to aid the human's efforts. Then he turns his eyes again to the Orcs in order to see what they do next.
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Re: Zirus' Little Adventure

#203 Post by Antman9 »


Grognork sits patiently petting his buzzard behind the large boulder while Zirus and Tobias keep watch on Caiden and the Orcs.

Caiden moves east, crouching and crawling, remaining as low as possible below the crest of the low hill where the tower sits, while occasionally looking back at Zirus for reassurance that the Orcs have not moved. Zirus continues to give him the go-ahead the entire way. At times his path brings him dangerously close to the edge of the cliff, his heels occasionally kicking loose rubble over the edge. After several tense moments Caiden comes to the doorjamb and steadies himself for a peek. He is rewarded with a brief glimpse of a hulking fur laden minotaur as it passes by and a Dwarf badly bruised and beaten, sitting along the NE wall on a crate of some kind mumbling to himself. Caiden steadies his nerves, after all he doesn’t know these people any better than those Orcs outside, and opening the door just enough to pass through, roughly an additional foot, steps through the wooden portal.

Everyone please move their next post to the "Eddistone Point" thread after my Summary post of Caiden's entry to the tower. Thanks.


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June 24th

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