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Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 6:45 pm
by Grognardsw
Luke, human

Seeing the plant man have an easy time of taming big bird, Luke moves forward slowly with hands thrust out non-threateningly to the next nearest chicken. "Easy there foghorn, good boy..."

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:11 am
by max_vale
Frank, Pure Human

Frank will likewise attempt to help Kapok by attempting to lead the 'pacified' chicken-mounts to the safety of Caston's walls....

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:04 am
by Norjax

Luke makes his way west to approach the last, lone chicken-beast. He passes Mysaurus and troops that, along with Bart, are attempting to subdue the former captives who are hell-bent on ramming the walls of Caston.

Luke tries his best non-threatening moves to get close to the rouge rooster, but it keeps moving away from him and then stops at a safe distance. It appears that more than mild manners will be required to tame the birdbrain.

Kapok delivers the second bird to Frank’s station and then moved to Luke’s position, telling his comrade to allow him the honor. Kapok focuses and has extreme success with his empathy projection. The bird-beast trots over, knocks Luke to the ground and playfully “clucks” at him while rubbing its neck against his prone body.

Kapok, WIL roll [1d20] = 20

Frank takes a rope and leads the two subdued chicken beast back into Caston. Some of the wall defenders watch and appear to drool at the sight of the large birds. Frank wonders if guards will have to be posted at their pens?

The former captives have stopped fighting against Bart and those holding them from moving. They still appear to be dazed and do not respond to verbal or somatic commands. Three of the former captives have injured themselves against the walls and Mysaurus orders his troops to apply medical attention and move them into Caston.

Bart tries to remove the collar from his new friend, but it appears to have two lugs that have been hammered together. Removal will require a chisel or saw.

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 2:28 pm
by Grognardsw
Luke, human

"You have a way with mutant fowl, Kapok," says Luke as he pets the playful chicken and gets up.

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 2:31 pm
by Alethan
Kapok, Mutant Plant

Kapok grunts what might be considered a chuckle. "I have a way with anything with a mind. Let us secure these birds in a pen and see how everyone else fared."

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 2:31 pm
by max_vale
Frank, Pure Human

Frank scowls at the 'hungry' onlookers and nods with his head towards the chicken-beasts and calls out in his best 'drill sergeant' voice; "Hey you droolin' knuckle-heads! These ain't for eating; they're for riding.....and if they aren't in one-piece and fit for ridin' when we bunk down for the night; heads are gonna roll; you got me?"

With one last angry glare at the hungry looking types; Frank looks back at his companions and in a quieter voice asks; "You think that will do it; or should we keep a rotating watch to make sure these bird-mounts don't get ate?"

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 3:47 pm
by Grognardsw
Luke, human

After petting his new giddy galliform pal, Luke helps round up the chicken beasts. He picks a few feathers from his new friend, who he names Chickerella.

To Frank, Luke answers: "I reckon Mysaurus will see to their safety, them being a right-valuable resource here in town. Time to clean up then get some healin and grub."

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 4:20 pm
by Alethan
Kapok, Mutant Plant

Kapok nods slowly to Luke's suggestion. He finds a place inside the compound where he can lay down and sits in the warm sunshine for the rest of the day, hoping to recover some of his health.

Re: Episode 3: Caston's Defense

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 5:32 pm
by Broggrim
Bart, Mutant Human,

After putting the collar’d-one down and finding he’ll need tools to remove the bond, he gives it a light heavy handed shove toward the horde of mindless. Spotting their interest with the birds, he remarks,
“Ah! They do look appetizing, don’t they? “, his stomach encourages the sentiment with a growl. The growl is followed by mindfulness of his wounds and fatigue. He prods it again, and continues on to help Mysaurus to coral the horde and then gets some grub and healin’.