Crooked Yew and crocked bees.

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Re: Crooked Yew and crocked bees.

#201 Post by Spearmint »

April 30th 1066

Barrowmoor, west of Barrow Mounds. Duchy of Aerik.

Weather: sunshine but cloudy, light breeze.
Conditions: Ben -1hp

The group make some research and notes, carefully avoiding the poisoned treant's rotting trunk corpse.

"We came from the forest. Master wandered in his jurisdiction. I guess he had an innate instinct to know the borders of his dominion." Ash gestures an arm in a wide arc suggesting he means all the forest to the south and west.

"Once a year a conclave is called. Treants came from all over to meet at a sacred grove of the Green Man. The place though had been defiled. Master got sick after and exiled himself here. The blight that took hold of him is a unholy thing."

"We were born with a vocation to serve in nature. But Master is dead. We tend his withering frame but have no other cause."

The gnolemes talk, often over each other. One starts a sentence that another finishes. You gain the above information. It might cause a greater alarm. If one treant got infected at a holy shrine, what happened to the other treants? And where did they go? Who defiled the Green Man grove? The treant was healthy before the conclave. Is another one soon? Will there be another one if all the treants are deceased? And who nurtures the forest in their absence?

Perhaps the bees collect nectar from more than one poisoned treant if your suspicions about that being a root cause of the virus are correct. What ramifications does that have?

thoughts and actions, discussions please.
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Re: Crooked Yew and crocked bees.

#202 Post by Quonundrum »


Moriartus ushers the other members of the group to the grove, introduces them to the gnolemes, and shares what they have learned. "Miss Two-Birds ... I expect you will wish to burn the remains and sanctify the ground. I ask that we camp here until morning, first. We need to know if bees are collecting from the blighted sap. If true though, the source of the disease is very likely the defiled sacred grove of Sylvanus. Mr. Clive said the bees could travel over forty miles in their collection trips and they mainly fly over the Moor. The Wyrdwood is within that range ..."

He collects samples of the blackened bark and the sickly sweet sap into small glass vials. "Mr. Clive may find these of interest." He addresses the gnolemes again. "If we guide you back to the forest, would you be able to then guide us to the sacred grove? Regardless of how the bees are infected, this blight is spreading and must be stopped at the source. Will you join us in this quest?"
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Re: Crooked Yew and crocked bees.

#203 Post by Karaunios »


"But if this blight has propagated itself sae much, I cannae fathom hae are we tae stop it! I'm sorry if I sound like such a pessimist but.. . Well, we have tae do what we can, haven't we?

I fear that the other treants might have spread this sicknes even muir. This thing might have extremely big proportions."

He addresses the gnolemes now.

"Misters, ye have tae join us. We cannae do it without yer help!
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Re: Crooked Yew and crocked bees.

#204 Post by Spearmint »

April 30th 1066

Barrowmoor, west of Barrow Mounds. Duchy of Aerik.

Weather: sunshine but cloudy, light breeze.
Conditions: Ben -1hp

Your study of the tree takes time. Pruning samples and collecting sap, fungal blossoms and rotten bark.

The trio of gnolemes watch your post-mortem analysis and discuss. They agree to accompany you, at least it might give them closure. They move at only half your speed though so a suggestion is made that each gets carried by one of the twins and Barba.

Two-Birds suggests she may know the location of the Green Man shrine. Perhaps not the exactly dead on spot but certainly in the right valley area. Friar John suggests returning to Crooked Yew settlement as the druids there may have more ability to assess and deal with the virus.

Silvanus tradition is to cremate rather than bury. In this case it seems a more logical thing if it can burn away any disease from spreading further.
I expect you will wish to burn the remains and sanctify the ground. I ask that we camp here until morning, first.
Can I confirm you will camp here overnight and burn the dead treant in the morning. Or you can set off away from the creek straight away.

Confirm direction. Barrow Mounds, Helix, Crooked Yew, Silvanus Grove.

actions please
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Re: Crooked Yew and crocked bees.

#205 Post by Karaunios »


"If ye allow, sir," Says the ranger addressing Moriartus. "I think Friar John's right. We should burn the tree tae avoid the sicknes frae spreading. I'd suggest that we rest here and gang tomorrow back tae Crooked Yew. The druid should've some insights. Then, mibbe, can we gang tae the Green Man shrine and see how things are there."

He then slightly bows to the gnolemes. "Thanks for coming with us, friends. I'm honoured."
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Re: Crooked Yew and crocked bees.

#206 Post by Quonundrum »


"I agree, Mr. Dougal. We will camp here until tomorrow morning, burn the remains, and then head back to the Crooked Yew. With luck, we will confirm the infected bees come here. We may cleanse the source, but other treants may be infected. I expect with these samples though, they can develop a method to locate and cure those afflicted."
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Re: Crooked Yew and crocked bees.

#207 Post by Spearmint »

April 30th 1066

Barrowmoor, west of Barrow Mounds. Duchy of Aerik.

Late evening:
Weather: light breeze, some rain.
Visibility: low due to mist, small campfire
Conditions: Ben -1hp

The group set about making a secure camp. An evening meal of combined rations, some scavenged bullrushes and edible fungi, honey from the hive. The gnolemes huddle together and stand still. Moriartus, I am sure being ever inquisitive might study them. It would seem they get some sustenance to keep their golem forms healthy and internal sap osmosis system going by sucking up water and enzymes from the peaty soil as much as any root system might take. They go into a sleep like stasis until 'awoken' when needed.

Set back from the creek and in the mist sheltered and bug free spot you can find, the party set watch, giving time for spell replenishment and religious duties.

I have split the 'random Barrow Moor creature' rolls into 3-hour portions to cover a 6pm til 6'am section.

Up the creek [1d6]=1 [1d6]=1 [1d6]=6 [1d6]=4

During the early evening, a small flock of pink headed, oily black and grey feathered vultures chance by. They are drawn to you and perch on nearby branches or harass you and each other on the very fringe of the camp. They peck at any morsels thrown, even lunging at garments or packs left isolated. However they squawk and bluster and it is not until a few well aimed arrows and sling-stones clatter among them that they fly away.

you can drive them away rather than me rp'ing this encounter.

However, a few hours later, as the moon traverses across the cloudy skies and the night wears in, these creatures return. Emboldened perhaps? Hungry? The small flock of around half a dozen carrion birds descend. They are larger than normal varieties you may have seen used in performing circus or zoo's. Certainly these ugly wrinkled headed critters have a wizened and eerie appearance. Their wings once spread must cover several feet like a billowing black shroud.

On the edge of the mist, somewhere beyond your vision but certainly within audible range, a voice soothes your fears. It is soft and beguiling, entrancing the listeners to come dance under the moonlight.

The wise among you will have heard stories of such hag-like crones that wander desolate places as humanoid 'birds of prey'. Looking at one, you would agree certainly they are not 'birds of paradise'. But as 'love is blind', who can say what the heart sees when the mind is enthralled?

Everyone is forced to fight the beguiling charm. True to fashion, some are more easily led astray as three of the men get aroused by the alluring voice. Barba and Two-Birds are less impressed.

Moriartus & Dougal, saves vs spells and actions please.
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Re: Crooked Yew and crocked bees.

#208 Post by Karaunios »


Saving Throw [1d20]=15 vs 17

Dougal aims some arrows at the first group of strange vultures but his reaction changes drastically when the second one arrives, with the strange singing on the background.
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Re: Crooked Yew and crocked bees.

#209 Post by Quonundrum »


Moriartus focuses on the unusually large carrion birds as they swoop towards the camp. In the same instant his mind starts to consider a magic spell, a melodious, female voice percolates through the everpresent mist and envelopes his senses. A song that soothes the aches and stiffness accumulated from their recent wilderness travel. The sensation was quite brief, however, as a flash of clarity, or perhaps the wisdom of middle age, erupts in his mind. Clarity turns to preparations of a Sleep spell when he recognizes the clarion call of a harpy. He targets the black winged vultures and casts his spell as they enter within range.

Save versus Spells (12): [1d20]=20

Spell Recovery (17): [4d6+1]=12+1=13
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Re: Crooked Yew and crocked bees.

#210 Post by Spearmint »

Barrow Moor. Requiem.

The black winged vultures arrive at the camp, an entourage to the nightmarish Valkyrie who's singing beguiles the gullible and those feeble of mind. The temptress strings honeyed words that stir a man's soul (and loins) and corrupt his heart. A quartet of eager suitors wander into the mist, entranced to hear the harpy and behold her beauty.

The mage and women are not impressed. Directing his spell to counter the harpy song, Moriartus takes out some of the squawking choir. Two of the backing singers collapse, folding heads under wings as they too get affected by mind control. Their sleep deepened for eternity as Barba decapitates each in turn.

Two-Birds faces off against three as she harasses the feathered friends with both ends of her quarterstaff. Despite a solid hit on one, the three vultures are not driven off, keeping their morale (vs 66%) that easy and tasty pickings are in the offing. Ignoring to cannibalise their deceased kin, each attacks one of the song resistant trio.

Moriartus is assailed by the claws and wings of the carrion vulture which nips at his exposed flesh, tearing a chunk from his already lean frame. -1hp

The beguiled quartet walk into the mist and by the sound of water splashing, must be crossing the creek.

initiative Moriartus please.
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Re: Crooked Yew and crocked bees.

#211 Post by Quonundrum »


Initiative: [1d6]=6

Moriartus draws back in pain as one of the vultures rends his bare flesh. He knew they had precious little time to attempt rescuing their entranced companions before losing them amongst the swirling, dense mist of the moor. He was also keenly aware their best chance to do so was enspelling them to sleep ... three vicious vultures yet remained, though. Without himself, however, the women have little chance at two to one odds.

In the urgency of the moment, Moriartus silently beseeches Sylvanus to bolster his memory as he once again casts Sleep upon the vultures.

Spell Recovery (17): [4d6+1]=12+1=13
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Re: Crooked Yew and crocked bees.

#212 Post by Spearmint »

Barrow Moor Requiem

Proving jaw quicker than claw, Moriartus replicates his spell which produces similar results. The final vulture still engaged in beak to blade melee gets stabbed by Barba. With his flock kin all grounded, the injured vulture spreads his huge wings and takes off, veering alarmingly as one wing is severely damaged. It squawks loudly as it heads out of view over the creek. The sleeping ones are despatched with little grace. They would make a nice 'bushmeat' stewpot.

Conscious the harpy might be thinking the same of the quartet of dodo's following her voice, you have decisions to make regarding a rescue attempt.

action Moriartus please
Dougal wanders, eager to push ahead of the lumbering twins and rotund priest. The harpy might be choosy who she can go backstage with and he is intent in becoming 'no' 1 groupie'.
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Re: Crooked Yew and crocked bees.

#213 Post by Quonundrum »


Had to give this some thought. :geek:

Moriartus assesses the tactical situation. His grim countenance communicated to the women his level of optimism ... quite low. "Quickly! Across the creek. Two-Birds, right flank. Barba, left flank. Stay within thirty feet." He gestures to either side and begins shuffling quickly to the water, attempting to move rapidly, but with some modicum of stealth. "If you see the men, do not engage. Fall back to regroup."
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Re: Crooked Yew and crocked bees.

#214 Post by Spearmint »

Barrow Moor Requiem.

The mage likes it when a plan comes together though this one seems a tad frail, a but like himself, up the creek but without a paddle. Two-Birds goes right, stepping into the creek by the willow copse. She stealthily creeps under the boughs and keeps a low profile, sneaking across the creek with fee ripples or noise.

Barba stomps through on the other flanks, cursing the harpy and the foolish men.

Moriartus takes the middle, watching both women and scouting the bank ahead for signs of passage. Thankfully the lumbering twins walk like a bull in a pottery shop and left a trail of bent rushes and muddy prints. Halfway across though the mage is suddenly halted as an arrow shaft whizzes past his ear and a brogue voice calls from the twisted vines ahead.

"Mori mah mukker, caw back or th' neist shaft wull mak' yer neist step yer lest."

While his language my be unclear, his intention isn't. The ranger has an arrow nocked and pointed at the mage, who stands like a sitting duck. While the distance between you is well within short range of the archer, the canny man halts you outside the range of your sleep.

"Aye, ah hae seen yer gifts. Noo uise knowledge and that tae gang camp this nicht 'n' mind me kindly. Mah soul touched by beauty 'n' prose 'n' passion. Ah cannae let ye tak' that, tak' her fae me. She doesn't wish it 'n' neither dae i."

Elsewhere, a soft voice croons, the breeze bringing the haunting melody in snippets of cackling chorus, the mist swirling your vision as much as the vulchling bard's word mesmerise and entice her enraptured thralls.

"@#£ this. Senseless cock brained @#£ Doug"!" Barba stops when you do but figures the harpy getting further away and time of an essence.

action and an initiative roll please

Dougal takes aim
Dougal takes aim
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Re: Crooked Yew and crocked bees.

#215 Post by Quonundrum »


He anticipated this from the harpy. The maimed surviving vulture would have been a clear sign to her of the pursuing danger. Fortune, divinely wrought or otherwise, provided the one whom they desperately need now to further track and rescue the others ... if they can free him first from the harpy's charm. He hold out his left arm towards Barba to stay her own sword arm, but makes no motion with his right, hoping that Two-Birds remains undetected. "Easy now, Mr. Dougal. I actually want to help you. Your words speak clearly of your love for her. A love obviously stronger than the twins or John can offer ... but, where are they? Did she abandon you for them?"

Initiative: [1d6]=1
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Re: Crooked Yew and crocked bees.

#216 Post by Spearmint »

Barrow Moor Requiem


Moriartus holds fire. Unfortunately Dougal doesn't. Compelled by a basic instinct and order to protect, he looses his arrows at the pair in the creek.

With tragic consequences. The first shaft aimed at the mage zips by his shoulder. The second aimed at the silhouetted gladiatrix Barba. The twang of the bowstring is echoed by the gurgle in her throat as the exemplary targeting strikes her critically in the throat.

A twig snaps just behind the ranger. It allows him to dodge in time as Two-Birds flutters almost silently through the long grasses only to make a last false step which means she cannot take the 'surprise backstab' attempt as she tries to cosh the senseless Dougal more senseless.

The pair grapple each other.

actions please
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Re: Crooked Yew and crocked bees.

#217 Post by Quonundrum »


The powerful charm of the harpy, powered by strange, natural magic, is beyond his experience as Dougal is unexpectedly forced to comply with extreme prejudice. Oblivious, from a distance, whether Barba survived the arrow through her throat, he chose the logical next step and casts yet another Sleep spell on Dougal.

Assuming the spell takes effect, he then rushes over to Barba's side, pulling the bottle of royal honey potion from his satchel. Carefully angling her neck, Moriartus slowly pours one of the potion's precious remaing two does into her mouth.

Spell Recovery (17): [4d6+1]=14+1=15
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Re: Crooked Yew and crocked bees.

#218 Post by Spearmint »

sleep might work on Dougal but as he gets punched by Two-Birds it wakes him up!

Barrow Moor Requiem

Barba looks well and truly shafted. The mage cradles her head in the creek, keeping her above water. He carefully snalos the shaft and draws it through her neck, plugging the wounds with rags and tissue before pouring the remains doses of extra healing honey liqueur down her throat. The royal jelly lubricant has an immediate restorative effect and amazingly Barba glugs hoarsely, spluttering blood and expletives.

On the creek bank, ranger and rogue grapple like lovelorn lovers, arms and legs akimbo. Dougal reacts quicker and in bar room brawl fashion elbow smashes the elf across the cheekbones. Two-Birds is used to the 'rough and tumble' and holds her ground well to make the Mercenary Guild proud. She counters with some pummeling of her own. Though her first swing with the cudgel misses the rangers head she gets in a combo of smash on the cranium and back of the head bludgeoning which staggers Dougal backwards.

That 1% difference though is the 'make or break' as the slight fraction means the her bloodied opponent is still standing and with him still grappling one arm he gets in a questionable tactic.

"Can yet mother sew?" he asks the elf maiden before headbutting her squarely on the temple. "Well get her to stitch that!" he says as Two-Birds crumples in his wrestlers embrace.

next actions please
Extra Extra [2d8]=9
Initiative Dougal vs TB [1d6]=3 [1d6]=2
Dougal grapples vs 95% [1d100]=34 damage -12% [1d100]=23. Resolution is arm lock/forearm/elbow smash -1hp
Two-Birds pummels vs [1d100]=22 damage -15% [1d100]=29 Resolution is ineffective bow, strike again.
Two-Birds pummels vs [1d100]=38 damage -15% [1d100]=60 Resolution is 'glancing blow, -4hp, strike again!
Two-Birds pummels vs [1d100]=20 damage -15% [1d100]=75 Resolution at exactly 60% is 'glancing blow, -4hp, strike again!
Two-Birds pummels vs [1d100]=4 damage -15% [1d100]=55 Resolution (by a single % point is glancing blow, -2hp, off balance, attack series ends.

Dougal (-10hp) gets his second grapple action.
Dougal grapples vs [1d100]=27 damage [1d100]=83
Resolution is strangle hold/headbutt -6hp damage.

The result is Two-Birds gets knocked out temporarily.
I think I did that correct? Dougal grapples, he gets two attacks but after the first, the opponent may counter. Two-Birds can choose to pummel using her oak cudgel (rather than a melee attack which would inflict full damage). Her attacks gave her more strike options until the series ended. Unfortunately if she had scored 41% -60%, the last pummel damage would have knocked the ranger out instead.

Mori would know the ranger was out of sleep spell range that round so keep that roll for another time.
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Re: Crooked Yew and crocked bees.

#219 Post by Quonundrum »


Initiative: [1d6]=3

His relief at Barba's revival was cut short by the sickening sound of bone against bone as Dougal brutally headbutts the female elf. Quickly calculating he was out of range for a Sleep spell, Moriartus had little choice but to revert to direct damage against the severely battered ranger before the latter could level his bow. "I am sorry, Mr. Dougal. This will hurt."

Magic Missile: [1d4+1]=3+1=4
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Re: Crooked Yew and crocked bees.

#220 Post by Spearmint »

Initiative Dougal dodge [1d6]=1

Dougal looks agape as the mage gives him the middle finger and triggers an arcane bolt from the blue that sends his head spinning and he hits the ground unconscious.

Barba comes along and sticks an extra boot on him just to make sure.

"What now?" she asks.

Checking the unconscious pair, they will both rouse in a couple of rounds and take another half turn to be 'walking wounded'.

Touched in his head Dougal is still held under the Harpy's sway though she is no longer in the vicinity.

actions please

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