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Re: Back To The Mines! 1

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 9:22 pm
by Tamerlaine
alver wrote:Cedric steps to the left side alcove and tries to open the door, pushing and pulling.

If this is an ambush, better to know early. If this is a trap, nice knowing you guys :)
With all the trash talking, I'm going to rule that Cedric has enough time to try both doors before the arrows started flying but not before he can find cover. The door to the east is stuck, the one to the west appears locked.

OOC: Sorry, I almost missed this.

Re: Back To The Mines! 1

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 5:44 pm
by Antman9
Raynor Kjarr: Human Fighter (HP: 8) (AC: 3/4/4 - Banded Mail, Shield)
Action/Status: Takes on an Air of Seriousness

Those little ratlings mean business I see. Well, Let’s see what the puny little twerps are made of, shall we? They have the advantage with those spears and bows, should we try to draw them back into the tunnel, or charge them?” Raynor calls out. “We’ll be exposed if we try to cross that bridge. If we keep the shield those twerpy archers will pick us off before we make it all the way across, and those spears will get a free stab at our arses if we do make it across with it. We either draw them into the tunnel, retreat, or charge. I can guess what Ganeg wants to do,” Raynor says with a chuckle from behind the safety of the makeshift shield/door. “Ganeg, what say you?!

Re: Back To The Mines! 1

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 1:19 am
by VonAlric

Growling at the chance of action, Ganeg assess things. I hoped that they would send over more than two to fight. Glad they are bad at shooting. Knew I should have brought a crossbow. Sounds like someone got hit behind me.

Ganeg moves back slowly to the shield while yelling to his foes in Kobold. "Just as I thought, you poor excuses for rats can't hit! Maybe I should bring in the gnomes that came with me to teach you how to shoot, you wannabe elves! How about your leader come over here and face me?" As he gets back to the left of the shield, he answers Raynor. "If the group of us were dwarves with crossbows, I'd say let's stand. We need advantage here. Either of those doors open?"

Re: Back To The Mines! 1

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 12:58 pm
by Pulpatoon
Sister Parthenope to Ganeg: "I will hector the vile things if you would like to try the doors."

To the Kobolds, she yells, "Wicked beasts! You stand exposed before the Crushing Wheel of Justice! You fling your pitiful arrows, afraid to come forward and fight, for you know that you are like one who walks upon a slippery precipice, exposed to the abyss. Not one among you has the courage to meet us in combat. So you cower and shake and wait for some vile deceit to deliver you from the Wrath of Righteousness! But I say to you, You shall be cast down! In your cowardice! In your deceit! In your sin!"

Re: Back To The Mines! 1

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 4:57 pm
by alver
Adrenaline kicks in and Cedric jumps back toward the shield ignoring the arrow sticking out of him.

He tries to squat somewhere behind the cover and wheezes, "Get them with magic Igneos!"

Popping his head up for a second, he throws a rock at the phalanx of kobolds.

Thrown rock to hit: [1d20+2] = 2+2 = 4, damage: [1d3] = 3 I just arbitrarily chose 1d3 as rock damage. Sling bullet is 1d4

Cedric Noakes: AC 6, HP 2/7

Re: Back To The Mines! 1

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 3:40 am
by Tamerlaine
Cedric's rock toss goes wide and lands nowhere near one of the lizard-dog men on the other side of the chasm.

It's looking grim...

Just as the partying about to suffer another volley of arrows, there is a loud BOOM followed by the screech of old hinges as a huge door in the shadows behind them slowly swings open. Warm light spills out and the party witnesses a small form emerge. Bent over, it drags a bad leg while holding onto a small staff. The kobolds on the other side part as the thing inexorably makes its way halfway across the narrow bridge. The same height as the others near it, the figure is wrapped in dirty tattered robes with a hood drawn over its head. It stops and holds onto its staff with both scaled hands as if taking a moment to collect itself.

Then it speaks. The voice is in heavy accented common. "If it is not too late, I come to parley. Who speaks for the rest of you?"


Re: Back To The Mines! 1

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 12:27 pm
by Pulpatoon
Sister Parthenope clears her throat and is clearly intending to present herself as the obvious choice for parley.

She is much obviously not the right choice, being constitutionally incapable of compromise. Some other PC should definitely beat her to the punch.

Re: Back To The Mines! 1

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 8:06 pm
by alver

"Wait!" the halfling whispers loudly. "How come they wanna talk? They wanna screw us over somehow."

"Maybe we pretend to talk and like move the shield real slow to that door there," he points to the eastern door. "It's stuck but you can bash it down Raynor."

Re: Back To The Mines! 1

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 3:33 pm
by Antman9
Raynor Kjarr: Human Fighter (HP: 8) (AC: 3/4/4 - Banded Mail, Shield)
Action/Status: Stalls

Raynor peers around the side of the shield/door and begins to speak, hoping to stall for a bit, "I am Raynor, son of Gavin, son of Timon. Who are you, and what would yer terms be? Mister...?"

Re: Back To The Mines! 1

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 6:18 pm
by Pulpatoon
Sister Parthenope bores her steely gaze into the back of Raynor's neck as he dares usurp her role as the Just and Rightful Voice of the Mission. However, she reluctantly decides not to start shouting over him, and instead whispers to the others, "Keep the shield between us and the archers. We cannot trust these kobolds to respect the rules of parlay."

Re: Back To The Mines! 1

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 5:44 am
by Tamerlaine
Antman9 wrote:Raynor peers around the side of the shield/door and begins to speak, hoping to stall for a bit, "I am Raynor, son of Gavin, son of Timon. Who are you, and what would yer terms be? Mister...?"
The small robed and hooded figure replies. "Raynor, son Gavin, son of Timon...I am Grey Tail, priest of the great Kurtulmak and advisor to Iron Tooth, Chief of the Gut-Rippers. Here, I speak for him. There are no dwarves here anymore. The halls have been plundered long since of all gold and gems. The Gut-Rippers came long after and here we have found a home. Other things live here in the halls, think the Gut-Rippers small and weak. But we defend our home against all and fight without mercy against our foes. Ask yourselves, do we keep fighting and dying? Or do we find some common ground that benefits us both?"


Re: Back To The Mines! 1

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 1:28 pm
by VonAlric

"Ray, if you want to move forward to parlay, I'll stand beside ya. Sister, I'm a practical dwarf. I've no use dying today, got things to do. I'm not happy about this situation but we should use it to our mutual advantage. They want us to do something they either can't do or won't do. It may allow us to accomplish some of our goals. Let's hear what they propose."

If Raynor moves forward, Ganeg will move along side as his second and be ready to defend if things don't work out.

Re: Back To The Mines! 1

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 3:31 pm
by Pulpatoon
Sister Parthenope adjusts her grip on her mace. She looks dubious, but willing to be swayed. "Do they foreswear Wickedness and Sin and pledge themselves to Justice? Will they take down their grisly trophies and allow the remains to be sanctified by Holy Rite?"

Re: Back To The Mines! 1

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 3:59 pm
by alver
Cedric twists and turns to reach the arrow and break the shaft. He somehow manages that without passing out from the pain and mutters quietly, "I ain't gonna search for no frickin common ground with those pukes, they shot me with a frickin arrow..." His grumbling isn't loud enough to disrupt the negotiations however.

Please go ahead with the talks

Re: Back To The Mines! 1

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 4:46 pm
by Antman9
Raynor Kjarr: Human Fighter (HP: 8) (AC: 3/4/4 - Banded Mail, Shield)
Action/Status: Agrees to a Brief Parlay

Raynor nods to Ganeg and then to the Sister, "Not sure how much wickedness they'll be willing to forswear, but I'll give it a shot." Raynor says with a wink.

He hands control of the shield/door over to the Sister and steps out with shield in one hand, his other on the hilt of his sword. Sticking close to Ganeg, he moves half the distance to Grey Tail, keeping a sharp eye on the Kobold archers, and says, "We have heard your request to parlay and accept for now. What common ground do you propose Mr. Grey Tail?

Re: Back To The Mines! 1

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 3:58 am
by Tamerlaine
Antman9 wrote: We have heard your request to parlay and accept for now. What common ground do you propose Mr. Grey Tail?

"My people have many enemies throughout the mines. They see us as small and weak, none more so than the goblins below. The Bloody Skulls they are called. They constantly test our outermost boundaries. We are poor but the Bloody Skulls have treasure. My king is offering safe passage to the goblins below if you help us in our fight against our enemies."

"What word should I take to my king?"

Re: Back To The Mines! 1

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 2:17 pm
by VonAlric

In Kobold: "Allow us to confer for a moment."

Ganeg steps back and motions for Ray to do likewise. "If we want to see more of what is here, we may need to have safe passage. One thing I hear is that we need to secure safe passage below and back up as needed. Words better matter here. Also, should we ask for one of them as a guide or not?"

Re: Back To The Mines! 1

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 5:13 pm
by Antman9
Raynor Kjarr: Human Fighter (HP: 8) (AC: 3/4/4 - Banded Mail, Shield)
Action/Status: Confers with the Party

"I agree Ganeg. A guide would be extremely beneficial, granted we don't get it killed." Rayor chuckles a little then goes back to a more serious tone. "If we can come to a truce with these Kobolds, it would make both our lives easier. I just worry that they might try to take advantage of us at some point, so we'll need to maintain a sharp vigilance in that regard. What say the rest of you?"

Re: Back To The Mines! 1

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 6:25 pm
by alver

"Yeah, sure!"

Cedric Noakes: AC 6, HP 2/7

Re: Back To The Mines! 1

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 11:36 pm
by Pulpatoon
Sister Parthenope: "What did they say about letting us claim the remains of the dead? Their souls demand succor in the Holy Rites!"