Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#21 Post by Marullus »

Sorry for the confusion - there is only one initiative roll for the whole group. That's why one team member can make it and then I let the Expedition Leader choose to re-roll. You don't need to roll for yourself and then also re-roll for Winnie. I'll just use the first roll you made in the roller:
Initiative [1d6] = 6
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#22 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Should have done this already: Sleep [2d8] = 13
And if needed: Mrs. Dash [1d20] = 8, dmg [1d6] = 5
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#23 Post by Marullus »

...and in a moment, the ill-advised ambush by the baboons is over. Willow calls upon the power of Beith, three of the apes stiffening in their tracks, while Winnie invokes her witchcraft, filling the clearing with the heady fragrance of roses and dropping six of them into an enchanted slumber. Nine of the eleven apes lie immobilized at your feet.

Halla and Berra turn with vicious efficiency and skewer one of the baboons attacking them with their spears - their tandem attack laying the creature low (-3, -5). Bianca and Clint both miss with their longswords as their foes collapse abruptly. Grizzly Woman comes to her bear's defense, swinging her tree trunk, but with similar result. Huckleberry, however, roars in response to the ape's challenge. She grabs the last ape standing before her into a hug, snapping its spine and biting its head clean off with her jaws. (Two critical hits: -3,-8) Huckleberry drops back to her paws, licking her blood-drenched maw.

Date: 03 August 2021, 12:24pm
Distance: ~8 miles
Effects: None
Injuries: Halla (severe wound), Berra (moderate wound), Willow (moderate wound), Huckleberry (minor wound)

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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#24 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

As the baboons drop to to the ground, Winnie whirls in a circle to be sure there are no others ready to attack. She relaxes when she sees they are all magically restrained. A few moments of reasoning give her confidence Beith will allow her to mete out violence on these would-be aggressors. She explains herself as she approaches the first of the baboons. They males are aggressive, and they've already shown they will attack without provocation. We would still be fighting were it not for magic, so I am merely preventing further conflict.

She kneels and says a prayer with each baboon, wiping her blade clean between each death. Brother, forgive me for this task. I will bring your death swift and painlessly as I can.
Mother, it is with regret I send your child back to your embrace. Accept his flesh and spirit. Let his body feed plants and animals, alike, and let his soul cross over into your realm, where he can swing and hunt with is ancestors.

Winnie halfheartedly helps search the nearby woods for any signs of valuables the baboons may have gathered while foraging. Before the party moves further into the woods, Winnie lets them know she can cast Sleep and Web one more time today. Then she plucks an eyelash from one of the baboons and recites an incantation. A moment later she vanishes from view.

Cast Invisibility on Winnie.
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#25 Post by Bluehorse »


She puts away her sword once she sees the threat is gone. She cannot watch as Winnie and presumably the others perform the final albeit humane killings. Still, she holds her staff and bows her head, raising her hand in another gesture as she begins chanting softly, the same chant of returning to the elements her and Winnie gave over the long-dead bodies in the tower. Once the bloody work is done she immediately checks on the others, making sure wounds are tended to and everyone is patched up. She compliments both the shieldmaidens, Bera and Halla on their skill and bravery, making double sure they are okay.

To Willow: "That was an amazing spell. I believe our orders could learn much from one another. I am thankful we are traveling together. Are you going to be okay?"

Next, she will move to Grizzly Woman and look up at her, feeling very small, but lifts her chin proudly... or to look up at her... maybe both... Are you okay? You were... brutally efficient. I honestly don't have the words but thank you. May I check your wounds?
What of Huckleberry? Are his wounds serious? Would... would be let me check him?

After that, she will make a point to check on Clint. We made a good show of it, you and I. She smiles a little. I admit that I have only recently tried handling one of these. I may be better off sticking to my staff, but perhaps we could practice with one another at a later time and not lose any limbs over it. Were you wounded at all?

That done she will check on Winnie. "Sister? Are you okay? I'd say the spell worked perfectly. It might well have saved lives here today, just as Willow's craft did. I... I want to tell you, I think you were right the way you handled the baboons in the end.
I... I think it was proper. Are you okay?"
The inflection was different the second time she asked.

To the more woods/survival savvy of the party. "I hate to see the bodies left to waste. Does anyone know if baboon meat is eatable? Maybe we can smoke it tonight over our campfire to preserve it a few days and extend our supplies. Otherwise, I think Winnie, Willow, and I will commend their bodies to Beidth and feed the forest itself."

I know it is probably obvious, but Bianca will help any and all bandage wounds. By chance are there any medicinal herbs or plants nearby she might see that can help act as first aid?
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#26 Post by Marullus »

Bianca searches the surrounding area and finds a small patch of blue tormentil flowers growing.

(they can heal [1d3], or you can turn them to Potions of healing with equipment [1d6+1], or the crone in town can make a potion of extra healing [3d6+3].)

Date: 03 August 2021, 12:40pm
Distance: ~8 miles
Effects: None
Injuries: Halla (severe wound), Berra (moderate wound), Willow (moderate wound), Huckleberry (minor wound)
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#27 Post by Bluehorse »

Marullus wrote:Bianca searches the surrounding area and finds a small patch of blue tormentil flowers growing.

(they can heal [1d3], or you can turn them to Potions of healing with equipment [1d6+1], or the crone in town can make a potion of extra healing [3d6+3].)

Date: 03 August 2021, 12:40pm
Distance: ~8 miles
Effects: None
Injuries: Halla (severe wound), Berra (moderate wound), Willow (moderate wound), Huckleberry (minor wound)
Okay other players... I leave it to a vote from you. How do we want to use these? We could easily turn around and have a proper pair of potions made for good effect or we could go with a quick patch up option and keep moving.
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#28 Post by Alethan »

Before Winnie can kill the three baboons that Willow held with her spell, she stops the witch. We cannot slaughter them all, sister! Our mother doesn't allow it! Besides, they attacked because they had larger numbers. If we let these three live, they will likely run as fast as they can far from here. At the very least, allow me to speak with them. We can move them 100 yards from here and I will release the spell, allowing them to be on their way."
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#29 Post by Zhym »

Clint stands by, looking rock-solid handsome as he does so, and waits for the nice ladies to decide what to do.
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#30 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Winnie nods at Willow's words. I defer to your judgement, sister. She leaves three of the baboons held by Beith's will. She tells Bianca she is shaken, but fine. Perhaps I rationalized my decision to slay them based on my fears. I know we are in their territory, but I just wish they'd have left us alone.

Winnie suggests packing the tormentil flowers for now. I have two potions of healing, and Willow can call upon Beith for healing. The flowers can be used later if we need them, but if we manage to save them, we can concentrate their healing properties later. Likewise, she asks Willow if she will tend to the wounded so the probs can be held onto for another time.
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#31 Post by Marullus »

Bianca picks the batch of blue tormentil for later. Winnie slaughters all the sleeping baboons, while Willow takes the three held by Beith's grace and releases them, whereupon they flee into the forest.

It is only early afternoon and you're about a quarter-mile into the forest proper. Six slit-throated baboon corpses lie at your feet. Bianca suggests butchering and smoking them. Winnie turns invisible.

Date: 03 August 2021, 1:00pm
Distance: ~8 miles
Effects: Invisibility (Winnie)
Injuries: Halla (severe wound), Berra (moderate wound), Willow (moderate wound), Huckleberry (minor wound)
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#32 Post by Zhym »

"Smoked baboon?" asks Clint, looking slightly ill. "I dunno—I mean, they look so much like people..."
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#33 Post by Marullus »

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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#35 Post by Alethan »

Seeing that none of the party was injured, Willow shrugs at Winnie's suggestion to tend the wounded.

"We all seem to be healthy, sister, even the bear."

She waits to see where Bianca wants to lead the party next...
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#36 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Injuries: Halla (severe wound), Berra (moderate wound), Willow (moderate wound), Huckleberry (minor wound)
Willow also is struck in the pandemonium (-5),
Winnie looks at the druid with worry. I fear it was more than just your pandemonium that was injured, sister.

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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#37 Post by Alethan »

Rusty Tincanne wrote:
Injuries: Halla (severe wound), Berra (moderate wound), Willow (moderate wound), Huckleberry (minor wound)
Willow also is struck in the pandemonium (-5),
Winnie looks at the druid with worry. I fear it was more than just your pandemonium that was injured, sister.

OOC: Haha! Sorry, I looked back through the posts and only saw the second round and it sounded like the first one and... and... and... it's been a long day. I thought it was weird, because I did remember being injured, but... Hold on...

Finally acknowledging the group's injuries, including her own, Willow casts healing spells on those most injured...

Casts CLW on Halla [1d6] = 5
Casts CLW on Berra [1d6] = 6
Casts CLW on Willow [1d6] = 3

"That is all I can do for today," Willow says, sorry she was not able to address more of the injuries.
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#38 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

The really embarrasing thing about that is that, in my foggy brain pandemonium and manubrium sounded enough alike that I actually did a quick run down of body parts and bony prominences before the definition of pandemonium clicked in my head. :oops:

Knowing they have no specific destination, she wonders what else they will come across, and if they will just end up lost. The invisible Winnie stays in the middle of the group and is more wary of the tree tops as they continue on.
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#39 Post by Marullus »

Halla, Berra, and Willow feel better with the druid's prayers. The party doesn't jump at the chance to smoke baboon meat. They wait for Bianca to provide direction.

Date: 03 August 2021, 1:20pm
Distance: ~8 miles
Effects: Invisibility (Winnie)
Injuries: Halla (minor wound), Huckleberry (minor wound),
Willow (minor wound)
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#40 Post by Bluehorse »


Once things are ready to resume, Bianca determines a path in the direction they were heading before until they are some 4 miles into the woods. (Shooting for the center of the hex) Once they are so far in, she will begin looking for a trail or other path that can be blazed turning northward to cover the planned terrain they intended to explore. Not sure if her sister is close or not, Bianca ask something that she has always wondered. "So... Winnie... When you blink right now, can you still see?"

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