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Re: CHAPTER 6: Resupply at Hagalton

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 6:56 pm
by shaidar

"Well, I can remember what my pa put on the crops, I'm sure we'll work something out"

Silvestri has the agriculture skill, that might help.

Re: CHAPTER 6: Resupply at Hagalton

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 5:52 pm
by Urson

That's most excellent, mi compadre! If you'll excuse me, I wanna go get re-supplied.

Belial knuckles off to the general store, buying 30 days of dried rations- jerky, dried fruit, and dried insect meats.

Next stop is the armorer, hoping for a better crossbow.

Re: CHAPTER 6: Resupply at Hagalton

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:02 pm
by Norjax

Hagalton, Day 66

Belial & Frekken go to the Foodstuff Provisions (2) and are greeted by the blue-scaled snakemonn, Sig’Sayg’Ryth. The overwhelming odors of spiced and dried food wet their palates and Sig’Sayg asks, “Hows may I helps yous?” He flicks his tongue in and out, tasting the odors in the air.

Both purchase 30 days of rations, consisting of dried fruit and insect meats. (15gp each)

The two then visit Po Ellol (Arms and Armor 4), where Belial tries his best (INT 8) to describe a “better “crossbow to the kinky-haired proprietor. Po listens patiently, and then responds. “You’ll have to do better than that, friend baboon. Do you want range or reliability?”


Blixx, Denslow and Silvestri walk to the Mercantile (3) and inquire with Nols Ezzan about anti-fungal compounds. Denslow remains outside, concerned his branches may knock items off of the shelves. The plantient browses the tables and bins arranged in front of the establishment, looking for any curio that may catch his eye.

Nols offer up a mixture of powdered pumice and brinkberry root juice that he claims will neutralize any fungal growth. Silvestri confirms that this is a known remedy, and he could make more if provided with the ingredients (Agriculture Skills check required).


May-Jor and Jack continue to discuss happenings inside the Gam’A Zone and make final preparations for the next excursion.


Bart decides to join Frank and Jiminy on the journey north. He reluctantly leaves the drot swyne ‘Bacon’ and the cart, convinced that they will serve a group better than an individual.



Re: CHAPTER 6: Resupply at Hagalton

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 9:02 pm
by shaidar

Silvestri will enquire of master Ezzan as to the cost of a dose of treatment suitable for Denslow.

Re: CHAPTER 6: Resupply at Hagalton

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 9:42 pm
by greyarea
Denslow bellows from outside, Yo Silvestri, I can pay! And make sure it works on milk-caps, those are the worst! He shoos a bird that lands in his branches and then continues his perusal of exterior goods.

Re: CHAPTER 6: Resupply at Hagalton

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 9:47 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Jack just lingers around the general area having little of anything in mind to do until their next journey into the Gam'A'Zone

Re: CHAPTER 6: Resupply at Hagalton

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 4:50 pm
by Urson

I'm thinking more range is best- unless you got one that hits harder and kills the uncool faster.

Re: CHAPTER 6: Resupply at Hagalton

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 3:49 pm
by Norjax

Silvestri asks Nols Ezzan what the fungal neutralizer costs. “12gp per dose.” The proprietor replies. “It must be used within 2 hours of contracting the affliction. It should work on milk-caps just fine”


Belial and Po continue to haggle over a crossbow. “This one here is a heavy, with a maximum range of 240 yards,” Po says. “25 gold coin and the heavy quarrels are 3 gold per ten.” The martial equipment provider then retrieves a second crossbow. “This one uses the same quarrels as the one you currently have, but can shoot out to 270 yards. It will cost you 20 gold.” Po looks into Belial’s eyes, waiting for his decision.

Heavy crossbow 1d8 dmg., long-range crossbow 1d6 dmg.

I’ve brought everyone up to 30-days rations. Character sheets have been adjusted to show trail ration count and current coin.

Please make final preparations before leaving Hagalton. If there are any additional supplies, please purchase those at this time. Once Kurot is outfitted (Zhym’s character) we will be heading out for the Gam’A Zone.


Re: CHAPTER 6: Resupply at Hagalton

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 4:03 pm
by Urson

The winged ape weighs the two crossbows in his hands, a look of intense concentration on his face. Decisions are so grody, you know?

After a few minutes of fretting, Belial chooses the longer- ranged weapon. Much grass, my dude! I hope you make lots of good sales.

Re: CHAPTER 6: Resupply at Hagalton

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 4:12 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Jack decides perhaps looking for more ammo for his weapons is in order again, and goes to be reminded of the cost for crossbow bolts and ammo for the pigmonn blaster.

Re: CHAPTER 6: Resupply at Hagalton

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 6:12 pm
by shaidar
Silvestri will find out how many doses Denslow wants and act as go between for payment.

Re: CHAPTER 6: Resupply at Hagalton

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 6:21 pm
by greyarea
Let's get two doses, says Denslow as he hands 24 gold to Silvestri. Thank you for taking care of this for me.

Re: CHAPTER 6: Resupply at Hagalton

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 6:35 pm
by shaidar
Silvestri smiles at the tree-man, "no worries, my friend, we have to look after each other!"

Re: CHAPTER 6: Resupply at Hagalton

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 9:53 pm
by Norjax

Po begins to hand Belial the long-range crossbow, but hesitates and asks, “I could give this to you for 16gp if you trade in your old crossbow.”

Jack enters Po’s establishment and browses the list next to the counter where Belial and the stocky Po are negotiating:

  • Kaliber 7A rounds, 1gp each.
    Reloading for 5sp each (brass casing required, no guarantees or returns).


Silvestri exchanges coin with Nols and passes the purchase to Denslow, who continues to loiter outside the Mercantile. (-24gp)


Re: CHAPTER 6: Resupply at Hagalton

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 3:33 am
by Mister-Kent
Frekken sends an update letter to his father and folks back in Bayoo, telling them about the crazy sites and sights he and his new friends have experienced. He also indicates that if Frekken and his friends disappear on their next excursion, his father should send "The Enforcer" to learn of their whereabouts. He then scrolls it up and takes it to an appropriate caravan for delivery.

After that, with his new rations and a full quiver of arrows, the frogmonn goes where his allies are gathering. "Well, so long for now, ol' Hagalton," Frekken bids the town. "I hope we're much richer folk when next we return!"

Re: CHAPTER 6: Resupply at Hagalton

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 11:19 am
by GreyWolfVT
Jack buys 12 more rounds for the rifle and departs the shop ready to go now that his funds are even lower.

Re: CHAPTER 6: Resupply at Hagalton

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 4:13 pm
by Norjax

Jack withdraws 12gp and asks Po for 12 Kaliber 7A rounds. The bearded man shakes his head and says, “I’m sorry friend, Constable, but I only have 10 rounds left. You might try Plod Jakee, the artifacts merchant. She might have some, but they will cost you. After all, she knows only the desperate would seek her out for ammunition.” (-10gp)


Re: CHAPTER 6: Resupply at Hagalton

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 4:17 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Jack pays and shows him slugger "Ten rounds is better than none, thank you. Alright how about this one then you got anything for this?"

Re: CHAPTER 6: Resupply at Hagalton

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 4:40 pm
by Norjax

“’Constable!’”, Po exclaims, “You cleaned me out of Slugger rounds last time.” He smiles and continues, “I know that was three weeks ago, so I will forgive your lapse of memory.” (3 weeks game time –ML)

Who is tending the drot swyne and cart now that Bart has departed?

Food for the drot swyne has to be purchased, 12gp for the 30-day journey. Who will help pay for this?


Re: CHAPTER 6: Resupply at Hagalton

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 4:52 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Jack tips his hat "Thanks Po. I"ll pass on seeing Plod I ain't got the coin for steep prices today. Thank you kindly." leaving the establishment Jack heads off to tend to the drot swine & cart.