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Re: Welcome to Restenford!

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 2:27 am
by badams30
So it sounds like the general consensus is to check on the rat issue. In the meantime, Holger is heading to the abbey with Daregold in tow. Holger has mentioned meeting at the Dying Minotaur later. Unless you tell me of other actions in the meantime, I'll assume you meet at the inn later. If you want to explore or do something else, just post and we'll take care of it.

Arturo hears you chatting and before withdrawing into the guildhouse he says "Good luck. Captain Sig is pretty easy to find at the docks. Just ask for him. As for Pelltar, you are correct, it would be quite advantageous to be in his good graces - he's basically second only to the Baron. He lives a stones throw to the south (pointing to a house several yards away to the south, nearly behind the guildhouse.) He has a tower in the Baron's castle on the hill, and of course his home. From what I hear, he pays well, and is a fair man to deal with. I've only spoken to him on a couple occasions, but he's been quite friendly."
Holger and his Halfling companion set off for the Abbey, which is visible from any part of the town. Crossing the river bridge, they are at the modest structure in about 10 minutes at a slow walk. The abbey is built from local sandstone and is sturdy and unremarkable. The only real distinguishing features are the markings and carvings near the double doors denoting this as a sanctuary of the church of Law and Order. Adjacent to the abbey is a rectory, constructed of the same sandstone as the abbey. several young men in brown robes are in front of the building pulling weeds and tending to the hedges.

The abbey appears to be roughly 30x60, and entering the double doors, you see a large main worship area with pews to the right and left with a wide center aisle leading to the front of the abbey with a plain marble altar and two wooden chairs (with candles and typical worship accoutrements on the altar) and a rotund bald man in holy robes walking toward you down the center aisle. His eyes survey Holger's attire and he spots the paladin's holy symbol and with a knowing smile he says "Welcome, Constable, warrior of St. Poul. What brings you and your companion to us today?"

Re: Welcome to Restenford!

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 2:49 pm
by sonofotho
Arduro - Human Cleric of Otarr

ooc: If Holger and Daregold are checking out the Abbey, should Azhug and Arduro check out the rat gig? Then we meet up at noon at the Dying Minotaur and compare notes?

Re: Welcome to Restenford!

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 8:31 pm
by spanningtree
OCC: Azhug and Arduro heading to the rat gig to get details works for Azhug.

Re: Welcome to Restenford!

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 2:30 am
by badams30
The odd duo of Azhug and Arduro head toward the docks area to seek out Capt Sig. It's late morning, so the docks aren't very busy, most of the fishermen are out on the water, and the majority of activity comes from 2-3 docks that receive and send freight to the boats waiting in deep water outside Restenford.

The stevedores and workers around the docks are a rough and rowdy bunch, but the presence of Arduro and the physique of Azhug command attention and respect. After asking about, a stooped and toothless dock worker points you to a man sitting on a pile of fishnets, he's apparently mending a torn net. He's a gaunt man of probably 50 years of age, wearing dirty trousers and a tanned leather coat covered in fish scales and dried fish entrails and blood. He watches you approach and he takes a long pull from a previously unseen pipe and with a raspy voice he chuckles and says "Aye there, yer an interestin' lot, aren't ya?" He points his pipe at you and says "Sorry boys, but my nets are a' busted. I aint's got no fish today." Your curious glances give the grizzled fisherman pause and with a squint gaze he says "Ahhh, you boys don't look like you be wantin' the seas bounty. I'm Captain Sig, is there somethin' I kin be doin' for you?"

(in order to keep things moving, and presuming you are asking about the rats...)

When you mention the rats, Sig drops the net he's mending and stands up, nodding vigorously. "Ah, I'm glad to see you boys. You aren't here to laugh at ol' Sig, are ya? Yes. One of them damn rats bit my Molly. I was in the house and heard my girl scream, and when I ran out in front of the house and I sees this BIIIIG rat over my little Molly, and I think I scared it, and it ran off toward that ol' building at the end of the road. I been tellin' the guard about the #^$% rats, and they laugh at me, say I'm hittin' the sauce. But I'm tellin' ya, that rat was nearly as big as I was, never seen nothin' like it. My poor Molly is scared, won't leave the missus' side. The guard won't help, If I was half the man I was 10 years ago I'd go after the thing, but I just can't do it. I'm scared for my family, and my neighbors are scared too." He looks at you with pleading eyes and says "Me and my neighbors aren't people of means, and we've pooled our meager coin. I've had a few guys come to see me, but no one will help ol' Sig. All we gots is 125 gold. It's all we can muster. You find and kill this rat, and we'll be grateful. And we can tell the damn guard thanks for nothin.'"

The Capt stands nodding, looking at you both with a mixture of hope and resignation.

Re: Welcome to Restenford!

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 4:24 am
by sonofotho
"Captain Sig, we can definitely help you out with your rat problem," Arduro replies with a smile. "Azhug and I represent a group who are looking for gainful employment and this job sounds like something right up our alley."

Arduro tries to get the particulars of where the rat(s) have been seen and any other bits of info to take back to the group at the Dying Minotaur. He suggests that they return later that day once Azhug and he can collect the other two.

Re: Welcome to Restenford!

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 1:36 pm
by greyarea
Greetings. I am Holger and this is a new friend, name of Daregold. I hope to check in with the man in charge, to talk of my mission and to discuss dreams. Can you lead me to him?

He gives three gold coins in tithe.

Re: Welcome to Restenford!

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 7:08 pm
by spanningtree
Azhug - Fighter

Agreed, we can help with a rat for that kind of coin! We shall get our party together and investigate. Azhug will walk with Arduro back to the inn: One can bet there are more than one...

Re: Welcome to Restenford!

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:22 am
by connivingsumo
greyarea wrote:Greetings. I am Holger and this is a new friend, name of Daregold. I hope to check in with the man in charge, to talk of my mission and to discuss dreams. Can you lead me to him?

He gives three gold coins in tithe.
Daregold sweeps into a deep bow, "Daregold Oakfeets at your service. Sadly, I am a bit short on coin at the moment, but I came to gift my time; whatever you may need, sweeping, washing, whatever I can do to help."

Re: Welcome to Restenford!

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 6:29 pm
by badams30
The Abbey - Holger and Daregold

The portly cleric nods politely and accepts your tithe. "Thank you. My name is Almon. We aren't used to seeing a constable out here. But I am happy to meet you." And winking at Daregold he says "And pleased to meet you as well." With a sigh he says "You'd be wanting to speak to the Abbot, but he is away on church business at the moment. I expect his return in the next week or two, depending on his itinerary. However, I usually attend to the day to day operations of the abbey and the services to the flock. I'd be happy to assist you in any way I can."

The Docks - Azhug and Arduro

Capt Sig smiles a weary smile and says "I appreciate yer help, eh. We've been a bit worried, and the guard seems so busy that they just dismiss us." He points southward across the river (toward the small shack labelled F on the map) and he says "That's my home. The crossroads next to it leading to the abbey? That's where my gal got bit. The rat took off down the road to the south east, not sure where he went. But my neighbors over there (pointing to shacks E, C, B and A) have seen it too, they think it might be living the trees near the burnt guard house." He shrugs and says "I went down that way with some of the boys, but we didn't see nothin'. I found the guard and they came by a couple of nights and then we aint' seen em' since." The Capt scratches his chin and says "We're grateful fer yer help. And to be sure, the guard will probably thank ya too. Once they see ya killin' the rat." The Capt smiles and fishes in his pouch for a moment and pulls out a few coins, 25GP total. Handing it to Azhug he says "I trust you boys. Here's an advance on yer payment, just take care a' that rat, willya?" If you need me, I'm usually here, or at my house in the evening. Be careful, ya hear?"

If you have no other questions for Capt Sig, You were going to go to the Dying Minotaur, correct?

Those at the abbey: Feel free to ask the Curate whatever you need. He seems to be talkative and open.

Re: Welcome to Restenford!

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 8:16 pm
by greyarea
Holger says, Well met, Almon. I will return to speak with the Abbot when his business concludes.

You are a man of the cloth and have a wise eye about you. Tell me, what things are happening here? Is the town well? Is the Baron a good man, in your priestly opinion? Do you have any concerns about happenings?

Re: Welcome to Restenford!

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 9:27 pm
by spanningtree
Azhug - Fighter

Azhug takes the coins: Thank you for the coin and trust. We won't let you down.

OCC: Yes, they were headed to the monitor.

Re: Welcome to Restenford!

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 2:20 am
by badams30
greyarea wrote:Holger says, Well met, Almon. I will return to speak with the Abbot when his business concludes.

You are a man of the cloth and have a wise eye about you. Tell me, what things are happening here? Is the town well? Is the Baron a good man, in your priestly opinion? Do you have any concerns about happenings?
Almon looks slightly uncomfortable at the question about the Baron, but he says "Yes, the Baron is a good man. He's got quite a job, keeping this place safe and secure, and while he's not the most experienced, he has surrounded himself with some capable people. Oddly enough, we have been hearing more rumors of odd goings-on in the area nearby, but nothing too extreme." Almon squints as if he's trying to remember something and then he says "It's probably nothing, but I've heard tell of the dead walking on Bone Hill. But no one goes out that way anyway. If you are around here long enough, you'll hear about it. Don't get roped in by that talk. That place is about 20 miles to the west, and well beyond the protection of the garrison." He points a finger at you and with a stern tone he says "Don't you be going there, now." Almon quickly changes the subject and says "The town is doing well, plenty of newcomers such as yourselves. The Baron has been offering land or homes to those who perform services for him. He has been known to solicit adventurers for special tasks, or to simply augment the garrison. You take my advice - get in the good graces of the Baron and his Captain, and you'll go far here."

Almon pats you both on the shoulder and says "It's nice talking to you. I am sorry, but I must be on my way.. with the Abbott out, I have to make my rounds to the sick and those in need of prayer. Thank you again for your donation. Stop by for services sometime, and I'm happy to provide any help that I can. Be safe now..."

You can ask the Curate one or two questions as he departs, but otherwise he bids you good day.

Re: Welcome to Restenford!

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 3:48 pm
by connivingsumo
Daregold: Thief
The Halfling stays within earshot - to drop eaves - but 'appears' to wander around randomly to memorize the layout of the grounds, or stepping just inside to pray and/or have a look around.

Daregold has no ill intention, but thought the layout of these grounds and facilities might be a good thing to memorize.

Re: Welcome to Restenford!

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 4:00 pm
by sonofotho
spanningtree wrote:Azhug - Fighter

Azhug takes the coins: Thank you for the coin and trust. We won't let you down.

OCC: Yes, they were headed to the monitor.
Arduro - Cleric

"Easy coin, don't you think? I've seen giant rats before. We can definitely handle them, assuming we can find them of course."

Arduro begins whistling a tune as he thinks about the coming 'hunt'. Otarr would surely approve.

Re: Welcome to Restenford!

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 8:44 pm
by badams30
Holger and Daregold - at the Abbey

As Holger concludes his talk with Almon the Curate, Daregold wanders about, taking in the layout of the abbey. It's pretty wide open with only a couple doors and curtained areas, and there is a small locked coffer about 20' from the door up the main aisle, it appears to be secured to the table it sits on, flanked by dozens of small burning candles and many unlit ones. (It appears to be a donation area, and you can presumably light a candle for a prayer request. Pretty common for a church of Law and Order.)

As Holger bids Almon farewell, the Curate pats him on the shoulder and says "Good luck, and keep me appraised of whats going on. Oh, and if I were you, I'd introduce myself to Gelpas, the Captain of the Guard. He's a fair man, and a loyal follower of the Church. You'll want to be on his good side if you'll be staying or operating around here."

If nothing else for the Curate, you depart to meet at the Minotaur. Next post coming soon with everyone at the Inn of the Dying Minotaur.

Re: Welcome to Restenford!

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 2:35 am
by greyarea
Holger thanks Almon,I will keep the church in the loop. I will introduce myself as soon as we take care of some business..

Come on, Daregold. To The Dying Minotaur

Re: Welcome to Restenford!

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 7:46 pm
by connivingsumo
Daregold: Thief
greyarea wrote:Holger thanks Almon,I will keep the church in the loop. I will introduce myself as soon as we take care of some business..

Come on, Daregold. To The Dying Minotaur
"Yes Mr. Holger, absolutely!" the Halfling's feet spin in an effort to catch-up to Holger. He turns at the waist and offers an energetic wave, "Good Bye Mr. Curate Almon!!", yelled with a smile.

Re: Welcome to Restenford!

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 1:50 am
by greyarea
Faster, Daregold! We must not tarry to The Dying Minotaur, says the paladin as he hurries along.

Re: Welcome to Restenford!

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 2:24 am
by badams30
The Inn of the Dying Minotaur

Both groups wrap up their business and arrive at the Inn at the same time - literally meeting as you approach the modest inn, a two story building with a large painted sigh on the exterior - the image of a minotaur's head with his tongue sticking out, eyes closed in an obvious defeated pose. As if that wasn't clear enough, the sign reads "The Inn of the Dying Minotaur".

You enter the building via a double door into a 35x45 common room with a long bar that stretches about 35 feet along the west wall, plus a little over a dozen tables of various sizes about the room - the most interesting feature being a large stuffed minotaur head on the north wall - at this time there are no other patrons here. As you enter, a tall, skinny middle aged man in a leather apron waves at you and approaches, a wide grin on his face. "Hello there! Welcome to the Minotaur! Please - make yourself at home! "

As you choose a table, the man motions for you to sit and he says with a flourish: "I'm Gelicuff, the innkeep. Welcome! I don't recognize you fellas, but thanks for coming in. What can I get you to drink? I'd recommend some of the Dolm Ale, it's good and only 1SP per tankard, but we've got wine and other drinks as you request. Delores has a roast and some grilled fish with vegetables if you are hungry, 2SP for all you can eat!" He pauses to take your order and chuckles as he says "Take your time, boys! and let me know if I can help you in any way!"

The inn seems welcoming enough, and you also see a sign on the wall that says "Rooms for rent - 18-24 SP per night, long term available first come, first serve." The smell of good cooking and wood smoke wafts from a split door to the far east wall.

Re: Welcome to Restenford!

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 6:33 am
by sonofotho
"Good day, Mr. Gelicuff!" Arduro replies politely. "A round of Dolm Ale and food for me and my companions, if you please. We have important business to discuss."

Once settled at the table with their drinks, the cleric proposes a toast to the new fellowship. He then relays the information from Capt Sig and the rat job, asking Azhug to fill in the blanks.

"Don't know about you boys, but I'm ready get started on this rat hunt. What say you?"

ooc: So a total of 12 sp for the ale/food?