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Re: Back at the Keep...

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 7:52 am
by Spartakos
Recovery of HP through natural healing requires a full day of rest; since you're arriving towards the end of the 18th, you will need to spend the 19th resting. Assuming you want to head out in the morning, the earliest you'd leave would be the 20th of Shining. This would also allow Eglistrum to use Detect Magic on the 19th, and have his combat spell ready again on the 20th. Does this work for everyone?

Natural healing on 19th of Shining:

Geert heals 1 HP (up to 3 out of 4)
Henry heals 3 HP (up to full)
Cormac heals 3 HP (up to full)
Since that leaves only Geert injured (lightly), Henry can apply his spell to bring him up to full as well.

Natural healing for Geert: [1d3] = 1
Natural healing for Henry: [1d3] = 3
Natural healing for Cormac: [1d3] = 3

Henry, I'll let Old Sham fill you in on what he knows about potential hirelings. But when you ask Oliver the tavern-keeper about it, he gives you a sharp look without his usual smile. "Listen, if you want to risk your own necks poking around in those caves, that's your business...but you've got no business trying to get any of the youngsters around here all starry-eyed with tales of adventure, and dragging them off to take a spear in the guts and wind up in a goblin cookpot." He pours Henry a fresh drink, but is in a sour mood the rest of the night. You do notice him occasionally glancing at the longbow he has hung up over the bar, with a melancholy look in his eye.

Lardo asks around a bit about meeting the Castellan, but is assured that such meetings--and indeed, even visiting the inner bailey--are a rare occurrence. If he has news or something of import to the Keep, he is urged by soldiers and citizens alike to see the bailiff, Dame Joanna Dark, who has general charge of the outer bailey. Her offices are in the Bailiff's Tower, the southeastern corner of the fortress.

(Of course, as Lardo himself witnessed, the Keep's officers do sometimes come down to the tavern for a drink; if he wished, he could wait and see if anyone noteworthy showed up in the evening, either on the first night back or the next day.)

Henry and Lardo are sharing a room; accommodations for the rest of you?

Re: Back at the Keep...

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 1:18 pm
by Gelatinous Q
Somewhat miffed by the feudal bureaucracy, Lardo will gather up Henry and pay a visit to Ms. Dark's offices in the Bailiff's Tower. "C'mon, Henry," he says. "I need you to help me keep my temper with these brocaded beancounters."

Re: Back at the Keep...

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 2:17 pm
by badams30
Brother Henry - Cleric

Henry smiles and happily gathers himself up for an official visit with Lardo. "Splendid idea! Let's go! And remember, sometimes these official types aren't as quick of action as we are, so don't get too frustrated. I'm here to help! Now let me say a quick prayer to Cybele for some guidance."

Henry pauses to thoughtfully pray, then he's ready to accompany Lardo.

Re: Back at the Keep...

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 2:48 am
by KingOfCowards
badams30 wrote:Brother Henry - Human Cleric

Henry will get a private room for Lardo and himself if they are available. He'll also use his daily allotment of healing to get the party up to full strength.

He'll also introduce himself to Sham and ask him (and the innkeep) if they know of any possible torchbearers or porters and where I might be able to find some at.
Old Sham knows a few likely lads that would fit the requirements. His favorite would be Roy, the barkeep's son. "He's a cocky sonabitch, but his da was a good shot with the bow if the tales be true, and he might be too. If you prefer someone who won't give you any lip, you could ask the blacksmith's son or that pretty boy of Ralf's.", he kindly explains in between sips of his ale.

Re: Back at the Keep...

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 2:56 am
by Zhym
What are the options for accommodations and how much are they? If it's posted, I haven't been able to find it.

Re: Back at the Keep...

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 3:36 am
by badams30
Zhym wrote:What are the options for accommodations and how much are they? If it's posted, I haven't been able to find it.
If you go back to the first page of this thread "Back at the Keep" and look at the first post, it has descriptions of establishments and costs on it...

Re: Back at the Keep...

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 3:39 am
by Zhym
Ampersand Mxyzptlk Kerfuffle Humperdink Wongdoodle Biddleshaft the Third will stay in the common room.

Re: Back at the Keep...

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 5:08 am
by ragnboneshopper
Geert, if he overhears Lardo and Henry talking, will accompany them to see the Dame of the Keep. Otherwise, he's looking for the same connections on his own and probably ends up there anyway, uninvited, trying to make up for his flirtatious grinning and fun-making at her expense from before with a mock-serious tone. Otherwise he rests up for the next trek to the caves, offers to share his room if a comrade prefers to save some cash, and helps in considering other resources that could be useful, hirelings or otherwise.

"Jes' someone else to help guard the camp and maybe one to hold the lamp would be jes' fine..." Puffs on his pipe, drains a tankard, and grins like a king at Aggie eating the table scraps he hands her now and then.

Geert's also wary of any newcomers to the place during the party's absence.

Re: Back at the Keep...

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 6:37 pm
by Spartakos
badams30 wrote:
Zhym wrote:What are the options for accommodations and how much are they? If it's posted, I haven't been able to find it.
If you go back to the first page of this thread "Back at the Keep" and look at the first post, it has descriptions of establishments and costs on it...
I also did a breakdown of simplified options for both room and board (to keep the copper-counting to a minimum):

Minimal upkeep is eating simple meals and sleeping in the common room. Cost is 1 gp per day.
Modest upkeep is sharing a private room with 1 other and eating hearty meals. Cost is 2 gp per day.
Good upkeep is having your own private room and eating fine meals, with plentiful drink as well. Cost is 4 gp per day.

I'd suggest picking a base upkeep, and then noting anything in addition to it. To those who've played my DF game, I intend to be a little more strict about minor expenses in this campaign, so please note deductions for various expenditures (drinks and the like)...a little red OOC note saying "1 sp deducted" or the like. I saw this method used to good effect in the Westmarches game I played in.

Now, on to actual happenings!...

19th of Shining, bright and early

Lardo and Henry, accompanied at the last minute by Geert the halfling, stroll through town square and then down to the gates, where they head for the corner tower where the bailiff keeps her offices. There are no guards on the door, which is slightly ajar, so they simply enter. Within, the room is well-lit by oil lamps and sunlight from the arrow-slits. A skinny man in robes, presumably a scribe, is scribbling away in a large ledger at a desk to the left. Towards the rear of the room is Dame Joanna herself, light glinting off her embellished armor as she studies a scroll. When you enter, she looks up, her pale features fair, but unsmiling. She bids you have a seat and asks your business. When Lardo produces the (somewhat fragrant) head of the orc chieftain, her eyebrows raise but she makes no other comment at first. She examines it closely, prodding a bit with her dagger, then looks to the party and says, "A fine kill...I assume he held some rank with one of the tribes? Would you care to tell me how you gained this, and why you wished to show it to me?"

(Based off your previous statements, I felt safe in having you show her the head, but anything further is up to you guys.)

Also...Geert, before you leave you notice two of the mercenaries who were here before you left are still here, eating breakfast in the common room. In addition, you see a man you haven't before, though he can't be a stranger, for he wears a surcoat over his plate-and-mail with the Keep's emblem. He is tall and sober-looking, with a shaved head and the very dark skin of those people who hail from the Chalice, or further south. He wears a very long and highly-adorned sword at his hip, its hilt of gold and the grip wrapped in some kind of vivid green lizard-skin. He is eating breakfast and talking with a pair of Keep soldiers, both in mail and tabards.

Re: Back at the Keep...

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 12:17 pm
by Gelatinous Q
Lardo affects the grimmest and most earnest countenance he can muster. "We took him and a dozen others every inch as brutish in the caverns a mere day's march from your fair keep. We lost two of our own in the doing. We are reprovisioning for another sortie to make your lands safe, and we seek our lord's backing." He pauses for dramatic effect. "I suppose you could say we are selling peace of mind, milady. A good night's sleep must be a precious thing knowing what could be at your doorstep when you wake in the morn."

Re: Back at the Keep...

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 1:46 pm
by badams30
Brother Henry - Cleric

Brother Henry politely nods toward Dame Joanna and winces a bit as the head is produced, but he composes himself quickly and says "My friend Lardo speaks the truth, Ma'am. Our initial foray into this place was costly, the lair was trapped, and the beasts were very crafty, but we slew this brute and his equally fearsome mate, plus many others. But there are many more about the locale, and we're keen to end the threat. Despite the loss of our two friends, Cybele shines on our quest." Henry smiles and defers to let the others speak.

OOC: What exactly do we want? Manpower, equipment, or whatever the Keep could provide? Henry will wait to see what direction the negotiations take before he chimes in again.

Re: Back at the Keep...

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 2:23 pm
by Gelatinous Q
badams30 wrote:OOC: What exactly do we want? Manpower, equipment, or whatever the Keep could provide? Henry will wait to see what direction the negotiations take before he chimes in again.
OOC: Horses, men, a cash reward, the odd potion or scroll in the keep's treasury that could help our cause, whatever they're willing to part with. We may get the bum's rush but it's worth a shot.

Re: Back at the Keep...

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 11:00 pm
by Spartakos
Reaction roll (with Dame Joanna): [2d6-1] = 11-1 = 10

Dame Joanna seems unmoved by Lardo and Henry's description of the dangers they faced. "The Caves of Chaos are surely a stronghold of wickedness, I'll not deny...yet only a fool would go there and not expect deadly peril. I know all too well the risk those vile monsters pose, which is why we of the Keep face them on our terms, not theirs. If you seek to return to the Caves, I acknowledge your courage, but likewise your recklessness."

"I am not in the habit of showering rewards on any bravo who kills a mere handful of orcs. It will take something more notable to prove your mettle, beyond that of common treasure-hunters."
She flicks a hand at the rotting head. "Dispose of that, if you please. If you seek a bit of encouragement in your future endeavors, try this; I am vexed by the recent caravan raid, and would fain teach the goblins and hobgoblins a sharp lesson. I'll pay a bounty of 1 ep for each goblin slain, and 1 gp for each hobgoblin, with a bonus for any leaders you kill or capture. No heads necessary; an ear apiece--the right one--for each kill will serve as proof for bounty. For leaders, they should have a standard or other symbol of their status." With that, she bids you a good day.

Re: Back at the Keep...

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 7:59 pm
by Scott308
Eglistrum Paharis

Eglistrum will take a private room for the stay here at the keep (8 gp subtracted) for privacy when learning spells, but also so that nobody that wasn't in the party might see their spoils of war. Sometime on the morning of the 19th, he will gather up the rest of the party and have them accompany him to his room, where he will cast Detect Magic and check everything they brought back from the caves (well, everything but the orc's head) to determine if there was anything magical in the haul.

Re: Back at the Keep...

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 6:34 am
by Spartakos
None of the items you brought back from the caves radiate magic, with the sole exception of the hand axe that Ampersand is toting, that belonged to the orc chief. As noted before, it is a throwing axe with excellent balance, particularly considering the broad and heavily hooked blade. The steel head is engraved with clefs and musical notes in intricate patterns, and the ashwood haft is carved with various runes.
(similar to this, but with the differences I noted)

Re: Back at the Keep...

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:13 pm
by Gelatinous Q
After Dame Dark finishes her proposal, Lardo gives Henry and Geert a sideways look as if to say She's lowballing us. He starts to say something but bites his tongue, gingerly swaddles the chieftain's head and puts it back in his backpack. "C'mon, Brutus," he says to it, "I'll stand you a drink on goblin futures."

He'll also scan the bailiff's offices discretely for any objects of interest.

OOC: Back outside, he'll make for a store to purchase a sling and 20 bullets (-2 gp) and a block of salt (-?) for preserving the orc head.

Re: Back at the Keep...

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:48 am
by badams30
Brother Henry - Priest

Seeing Lardo getting irritated, Henry quickly comes to Lardo's side, patting him on the shoulder reassuringly and he says with a big grin "A fair bounty, ma'am... to be certain. We'll see what we can do about this matter, and in short order you'll have your fill of ears." He bows politely "May the blessings of Cebele be upon you and yours." And he leads Lardo toward the door, smiling broadly at Geert.

OOC: Perhaps we take some time to look into this raid and see if we can find something out, kill some bad guys and curry some favor with the iron lady?

Also, I don't want to belabor this stay in town, so Henry will actively try to recruit two porters/torchbearers. He'll offer each 1GP up front, and he'll offer to buy them some reasonable attire and equipment after a successful foray and return. He'll leave the recruiting of muscle to the others.

Re: Back at the Keep...

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 3:29 pm
by Zhym
Ampersand Mxyzptlk Kerfuffle Humperdink Wongdoodle Biddleshaft the Third cools his heels in the tavern with a mug of ale the size of his head while he waits for the others to finish their business and head back out.

This is why I hate returning to town. It always seems to take a month to get back to adventuring again. :)

Re: Back at the Keep...

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 6:09 pm
by Spartakos
Henry asks around about wanting to hire some brave souls to accompany you on another venture, and receives an enthusiastic response from two locals...Kal, son of the town blacksmith and Kyle, the son of the local traders, approach him as he is walking back to the inn from the chapel. Both are in their late teens; though Kyle is older, Kal is taller and more heavily muscled. The two youths are eager to see some action and excitement, besides having heard tales of gold and jewels for the taking. They appear a little downcast when they hear you're only offering 1 gp, though...Kyle plucks up his courage and says, "I don't know...seems awful dangerous for just that. Could you maybe give us a bonus, if you find a lot of treasure?" The boys assure you they don't expect anything close to a full share, but a handful of coins would be more worth the risk (and more in fitting with their imaginings of the adventurer's trade).


Cost of living: so far, the following have noted what they're doing:

--Henry & Lardo: sharing a room (deduct 1.5 gp each, if you haven't already)
--Geert: has a room (deduct 2-4 gp, if you haven't already)
--Ampersand: in the common room (deduct 1 gp, if you haven't already)
--Eglistrum: has a room (deductions noted)
Everyone else, please note what accommodations you're seeking, and deduct appropriate money.

Also, for Lardo, the salt will cost you 1 sp per lb. I'm honestly not sure how much to preserve a head, how does 5 lb. sound?

Did you wish to sell any (or all) of the non-monetary items you acquired? Who is doing the selling?

Re: Back at the Keep...

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 10:52 pm
by Gelatinous Q
Spartakos wrote:Also, for Lardo, the salt will cost you 1 sp per lb. I'm honestly not sure how much to preserve a head, how does 5 lb. sound?
I'm fine with that.