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Re: Game Announcements

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 7:25 pm
by Marullus
Marullus wrote:You may notice (or you may not) changes in my posting behavior as I shift some time back to other life needs. Here's what I'm currently committing to:
  • I will give you at least 24 hours, or until all PCs have posted, before I move an expedition forward where possible. Feel free to roleplay between PCs as much as you desire within a "beat" of game time.
  • I may not be able to update all expeditions every day. I will try to ensure that each expedition gets an update every 48 hours as a minimum, including once over a weekend. I'll prioritize updates on two factors: how many PCs are involved (updated first before smaller expeditions when possible), and how much work the update is (if I have to wait to get home to a laptop, vs updates from my phone).
  • I expect that town roleplay is mostly between PCs; I'll only jump in when there's a specific DM need and these come after expeditions, generally.
This time is upon us - I'll be more targeted in my posting to try and keep things moving forward. I am likely to read private forum posts and forget to go back to them later... If I've not replied to something I should have, please bump it after a day or to.

Re: Game Announcements

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 5:35 pm
by Marullus
Updating Rules

I'm cleaning up and clarifying rules about hiring NPCs. This is a key element of Basic D&D and OD&D emulators, but the I want the rules and procedures to be clear. We've had to make a number of things explicit and I'm capturing them all together in the house rules for reference.

First, I'm editing the Retainers v. Hirelings post.

The old entry:
Retainers vs. Hirelings

In LL RAW, the distinction is made between Retainers and Specialists/Mercenaries ("hirelings"). Basically, Retainers are fellow classed characters who can and/or will assist you in a very wide range of activities, while Hirelings do specific jobs, most commonly act as a larger-scale military force, attacking or defending a specific location on the hiring individual's behalf.

-Retainers are paid on a share basis or with wages vastly higher than those paid to Hirelings, and they will gain experience and take risks normally associated with Adventurer-types. I track all of these with their own character sheets, XP, etc.

-Hirelings are paid a monthly wage and basically try to get away with doing as little as possible. They do not have character sheets, do not gain experience points, and will not under any circumstances do anything that smacks of adventuring (high-risk, potentially low-reward activities).

An individual can have a set maximum number of Retainers in their employ at any given time based on their charisma score. This is immutable, unless the character happens to find an item that somehow grants a Charisma bonus. This is also true of Hirelings, but the number is equal to 5x the Charisma score instead. Essentially, this is the number of troops an individual can direct in the field or manage in various posts throughout an area over which they have dominion. Retainers have the same restrictions, and can have their own Retainers if they have the resources to acquire them, or their own hirelings. A Retainer can be assigned command of a group of the PC's hirelings up to 5x the Retainer's Charisma score, as well.

If a bunch of hirelings are left in a position without a PC or Retainer in command of them, they will follow their given orders unless they fail a Morale test, in which case they will abandon their duty and flee to safety if possible. Retainers will act according to the instructions given to the extent that their Morale, Loyalty, and personal motivations dictate.

In some cases, a Retainer may enter a period of indefinite employ of the PC, in which case they can gain the status of either a Henchman or a Vassal (depending on the nature of the relationship and the status of the hiring PC). These arrangements may take many shapes, but primarily will be negotiated within the story. Theoretically, the levels of Morale, Loyalty, and trust in these types of relationships is higher than that of a typical Retainer relationship, and the Retainer has more ability to operate independently according to the PC's instructions and goals.


In the environment of Gaul, taking on Henchmen, especially if either the PC or the Retainer has more than a handful of hirelings, can be politically tricky, since that could be seen as constituting a military force and hierarchy outside of the Duchy itself. The Duke does not want rivals to his authority over his territory. However, acquiring these resources, as well as property, are a good way to find yourself with some position within the noble hierarchy of the Duchy.


In order to recruit a Retainer, three conditions must be met. First, they must be "friendly/helpful" to your character. (This condition is automatically met in the Mercenary Camp, but otherwise is determined with a reaction roll which may be modified by the PCs actions.) Second, you must be able to communicate with them. (Alignment language is sufficient, but may cause a penalty in step three.) Third, you must be able to make a compelling case for what the job entails and method of pay which is meaningful to the retainer. Once all three conditions are met, then the Hiring Offer roll is made by the DM with appropriate modifiers based on the roleplay.

Advancement of Service NPCs

For NPCs that provide services based on class abilities, I am adopting the following rule: The NPC will gain 1xp for each gold piece they earn in pursuit of their activities, not including materials cost. This XP gain will only apply to activities specifically predicated on their class's distinct abilities or roles (i.e. casting spells, scribing scrolls, and performing research, performing prayers or religious services, etc.)

This will allow the PCs to expend money on services and allow the services to expand over time without requiring NPC service providers to adventure to keep pace.


I am not extending this rule to PC service providers because of the possibility of manipulation, with PCs on both sides of a given transaction that creates value (i.e. each GP of loot spent on services becomes worth 2xp in total rather than just 1).
The new entry:
Retainers vs. Hirelings

In LL Basic, the distinction is made between Retainers and Specialists/Mercenaries ("hirelings"). Basically, Retainers are fellow classed characters who can and/or will assist you in a very wide range of activities, while Hirelings do specific jobs, most commonly act as a larger-scale military force, attacking or defending a specific location on the hiring individual's behalf.

There are a few categories based on their skill and the use that the PCs intend for them when hiring:
[*]Commoners/Laborers - These are 0-level characters that perform simple functions. They only work as Hirelings. They are hired for a specific task (care for the mounts, labor on a job, etc.) and as Hirelings will not undertake adventuring risks (and receive no XP). They are paid a specific wage that is daily, weekly, or monthly. They have a morale of your CHA value -2.
[*]Skilled Hirelings - These are classed characters (usually 1st level) that perform specific tasks like commoners (guarding, hunting for food, etc) and also serve as Hirelings. They perform their tasks (and receive no XP). They are paid a specific wage that is daily, weekly, or monthly. They have a morale of your CHA value -1.
[*]Retainers - These are classed characters who are hired to share in the adventuring risks and rewards with (and under the leadership of) a player character. They work for a share of the treasure/rewards of an expedition (half-share minimum of treasure, though some demand more) and also receive a half-share of XP (non-negotiable). They have a morale set by your CHA value (no modifier). They check morale at the end of each expedition (p.47) to see if they'll ever work for you again. If successful, you can attempt a new recruiting roll before your next expedition. Since they gain XP, retainers can grow with a PC in level and capability. (The difference between a skilled hireling and a retainer is the role they are hired to fill. Many named NPCs can fill either role.)
[*]Henchmen or Vassal - These are retainers who are offered (and accept) permanent employment associated with a PC who has permanent land holdings/dominion (i.e. seneschal who runs your estate, a foreman who runs your business, a loyal squire attendant). These are explicitly Retainers and always receive a share of profits, not a wage, which is negotiated as part of their hiring/promotion. They gain a half-share of XP if on expedition and receive XP as Service NPCs (below) when not on expedition. These arrangements may take many shapes, but primarily will be negotiated within the story. Theoretically, the levels of Morale, Loyalty, and trust in these types of relationships is higher than that of a typical Retainer relationship, and the Retainer has more ability to operate independently according to the PC's instructions and goals. They have a morale of your CHA value +1. They no longer check morale at the end of each expedition/month, and check only for extreme RP circumstances.

Those four categories specify if they're acting as Hirelings or Retainers.
  • Retainers are paid on a share basis or with wages vastly higher than those paid to Hirelings, and they will gain experience and take risks normally associated with Adventurer-types. I track all of these with their own character sheets, XP, etc.
  • Hirelings are paid a monthly wage and basically try to get away with doing as little as possible. They do not have character sheets, do not gain experience points, and will not under any circumstances do anything that smacks of adventuring (high-risk, potentially low-reward activities).
An individual can have a set maximum number of Retainers in their employ at any given time based on their charisma score. This is immutable, unless the character happens to find an item that somehow grants a Charisma bonus. This is also true of Hirelings - they can have a direct number of hirelings with them based on their CHA score, or a number equal to 5x the Charisma score which are associated with their property/dominion. Essentially, this is the number of troops an individual can direct in the field or manage in various posts throughout an area over which they have dominion. Retainers have the same restrictions, and can have their own Retainers if they have the resources to acquire them, or their own hirelings. A Retainer can be assigned command of a group of the PC's hirelings up to 5x the Retainer's Charisma score, as well. Each step away from a PC reduces their direct loyalty (morale) of that employee to the PC by 1.

Joe the Knight has been given command of an old Keep and told to defend it by the ArchDuke. He has a CHA 10 so is allowed 4 retainers and a base morale of 10. He hires on a Seneschal to run the estate (always an NPC home, provides leadership for NPC domestic issues) and 20 heavy infantry to guard his territory (4x5 = 20 hirelings). With a qualified henchman on his estate, the property generates income (which the henchman receives a full share of.) Joe the Knight can still hire up to three retainers to go his expeditions with him (as the Seneschal is a Henchman who takes up one slot). His Seneschal operates with a morale of 8. The patrol guards have a morale of 6 out on their own. His three adventuring retainers have a morale of 7.

He captures three watchtowers and needs to now man them as well, receiving a title of Lord and expanding his domain under the ArchDuke. He hires another retainer as a Guard Captain, and that captain hires three Lieutenants to man each watchtower. They all have average Charisma. Each lieutenant mans his watchtower with 20 infantry. Joe the Lord now commands a force of 80 men-at-arms. He stops at a watchtower and gives commands to the guards there as their liege, but they work for a lieutenant who works for the captain, who works for him... they're loyalty to him directly is Morale 5.

If a bunch of hirelings are left in a position without a PC or Retainer in command of them, they will follow their given orders unless they fail a Morale test, in which case they will abandon their duty and flee to safety if possible. Retainers will act according to the instructions given to the extent that their Morale, Loyalty, and personal motivations dictate.


In the environment of Gaul, taking on Henchmen, especially if either the PC or the Retainer has more than a handful of hirelings, can be politically tricky, since that could be seen as constituting a military force and hierarchy outside of the Duchy itself. The Duke does not want rivals to his authority over his territory. However, acquiring these resources, as well as property, are a good way to find yourself with some position within the noble hierarchy of the Duchy.


In order to recruit a Retainer or Hireling/Group of Hirelings, three conditions must be met. First, they must be "friendly/helpful" (Reaction level) to your character. Second, you must be able to communicate with them. (Alignment language is sufficient, but may cause a penalty in step three.) Third, you must be able to make a compelling case for what the job entails and method of pay which is meaningful to the retainer. Once all three conditions are met, then the Hiring Offer roll is made by the DM with appropriate modifiers based on the roleplay (p.46).

In the wild, Reaction Rolls are made for encounters and modified for RPed actions (usually with a CHA check, see below). In town, each IC location has its own Reaction level.
  • The Mercenary Camp counts as a default of Friendly. Any PC can try to recruit help through them.
  • Most townsfolk are a default of Indifferent. PC actions determine if a group is advanced to Friendly for any given period of time.
  • Some townsfolk, such as Guards and Town Officials, default as Dubious.
  • With the addition of the new town-sites, some groups specify conditions where they are friendly and thus allow recruiting. (See the Frogmorton House and the Dwarven Foreman for examples.)
Advancement of Service NPCs

For NPCs that provide services based on class abilities, I am adopting the following rule: The NPC will gain 1xp for each gold piece they earn in pursuit of their activities, not including materials cost. This XP gain will only apply to activities specifically predicated on their class's distinct abilities or roles (i.e. casting spells, scribing scrolls, and performing research, performing prayers or religious services, etc.)

This will allow the PCs to expend money on services and allow the services to expand over time without requiring NPC service providers to adventure to keep pace. I am extending this rule to PC service providers as well. Since PCs must devote game-time to any service activity (researching other PC's magic items, scribing scrolls, etc.) and it keeps them from adventuring, they may benefit from 1xp per 1gp received for the service.
Key clarifications:
  • Anyone can lead a number of Retainers based on CHA and Hirelings based on CHA (separately, not combined). Leading "5x that number of hirelings within your territory" requires that you have dominion/deed over a territory.
  • Retainers are competent - they can operate independent of the PC (such as a seneschal who runs your household, a foreman who runs your business, etc.). The maximum retainers is still in effect, no matter where they are. Retainers make tests (per the book) to see if they remain in your service after each expedition, or for any month of employ where something bad happened.
  • Henchmen are retainers given heightened responsibility over your affairs. You must have property/dominion for them to associate with. They gain a +1 morale and no longer make retainer checks to leave your service.
  • Under "Advancement of Service NPCs," I am now extending it to PCs. Since PCs must devote game-time to any service activity (researching other PC's magic items, scribing scrolls, etc.) and it keeps them from adventuring, they may benefit from 1xp per 1gp received for the service.
I also documented the Social Encounter rules, moving them from the Game Announcements to the House Rules thread.

Re: Game Announcements

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 5:24 pm
by Marullus
I think I'm caught up on administrivia. If I've missed something you're waiting for, please bump it so I see.

Re: Game Announcements

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 12:19 am
by Marullus
Merry Christmas!

I am traveling up and down the Eastern Seaboard from now through Monday. I will update from my phone as I am available. Everyone take time and enjoy with family, friends, and loved ones.

You've built 7,165 posts into this world!

Santa Clause (the patron saint of grammar) gives all active PCs 500xp. :) I will update next week.

Re: Game Announcements

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 8:18 pm
by Marullus
Thank you!

First, I want to say thank you for participating in this adventure. We just reached our one-year mark! It was a year-ago tomorrow that I opened the Tavern for in-character activity and the first player characters entered the game world.

Since then you've made 9,477 posts in this game! (That's 2,312 since I last gave a bonus at Christmas!) Every character currently active in an expedition will again get a 500xp award. (I'll add these a bit later, but be happy about them now. :) )

I am excited to be approaching the 10,000 post mark for the game. My birthday is the first weekend in May. If you reach the total by then with IC posts, I'll figure out a prize. :)

Second, this is one of those busy weeks for me when I need to avoid distractions to meet my deadlines. :oops: I am going to try to avoid the game this week until after I've finished my work. :? Please forgive me and fear not - I'll return in May to my normal posting habits and resume activity on all the expeditions.

Third, we have weird calendar abnormalities with groups in different months, and I noticed that we skipped over the Midsummer's Eve festival (Sun's Crest) on our calendar! While I intended to target this at the summer solstice, the northern clime of these lands made me realize another celestial conundrum. Full night never arrives between June 2 and July 11 - the entire night is Nautical Twilight and it lasts over a month.

SO... I'm going to open a festival thread. We're going to bend some reality, and assume everyone is able to participate in it (even though we don't know how current expeditions are going to end). We're going to say "it happens during the days of the Sun's Crest" and you can go have fun with it. This allows you to have freeform RP with each other while I take my hiatus.


Re: Game Announcements

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 1:44 pm
by Marullus
Since we have house rules for dropping below 0 HP and having three rounds to stabilize and be saved before death, I find the "save or you die" one-roll solution for poison attacks to be disproportional. It bypasses our "Save vs Death" rules for self-stabilization.

I'm going to allow two checks. The first (Save vs Poison) determines if the poison incapacitates you or is shrugged off (per LL Basic rules). The second (Save vs Death) determines if it is then fatal, or recoverable with long-term injury (per the house rules for death/dying).

I've modified the house rules page from this:
If the character is reduced to -1 HP or lower in combat or via other means, the PC has only three complete combat rounds to be attended to by another character before they are on the quick slide to death, taking -2hp for each full round (-2 at the beginning of the second, -2 additional for -4 at the beginning of the third, then time is up). No check is required to stabilize a character, but they must be provided for afterward according to the rules above, with the exception that they do not recover consciousness until their HP reaches 0 through normal or magical healing (see below for more details). If they do not receive attention during the combat round following their reduction to negative HP, the player may elect to attempt to self-stabilize. This requires a Save vs. Death roll at a penalty equal to the number of negative HP the character has. If successful, the PC stabilizes (but must still be cared for later), but will suffer a long-term injury based on the nature of the wound inflicted. The exact nature of this can be negotiated between me and the player OOC based on the circumstances and the severity of the injury.
To this:
If the character is reduced to -1 HP or lower in combat or via other means, the PC has only three complete combat rounds to be attended to by another character before they are on the quick slide to death, taking -2hp for each full round (-2 at the beginning of the second, -2 additional for -4 at the beginning of the third, then time is up). No check is required to stabilize a character, but they must be provided for afterward according to the rules above, with the exception that they do not recover consciousness until their HP reaches 0 through normal or magical healing (see below for more details). If they do not receive attention during the combat round following their reduction to negative HP, the player may elect to attempt to self-stabilize. This requires a Save vs. Death roll at a penalty equal to the number of negative HP the character has.

Saves vs Death - A Save vs Death is modified by your CON modifier. The number of +/1 hit points received each level also applies to your Death Save. (CON 13-15 get a +1 bonus to the roll, 6-8 CON get a -1 bonus to the roll, etc.) Also note that sworn followers of Gwanwen receive a bonus on these rolls and that the "well fed/rested" savings throw bonuses also apply. If successful, the PC stabilizes (but must still be cared for later), but will suffer a long-term injury based on the nature of the wound inflicted. The exact nature of this can be negotiated between me and the player OOC based on the circumstances and the severity of the injury.

Poison - If the book describes a poison as fatal, it operates this way under these rules: If the Save vs Poison is failed, the character is reduced immediately to 0 HP and incapacitated as the poison takes effect. This is the same as being unconscious from any other injury above. They then also make a Save vs Death (as above) to find if they die, or live with a long-term injury.

Re: Game Announcements

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 3:55 pm
by Marullus
So, the Coming of Scatha is now a storyline affecting the town and timeline! :)

I expect this to be a long-term offering.
  • Anyone who wants to propose an action be taken when the Dragon comes to claim its first maiden on July 1st can propose it in the EVENT: The Coming of Scatha thread, and all ideas will be resolved there together.
  • Anyone who wants to plan an expedition to deal with Scatha should do so normally in the Tavern threadand on the normal clock.
  • Anyone who wants to make a new PC for the game who is inspired by the opportunity to face a dragon for immense reward is encouraged to do so! They can all arrive in town by the current timeline (the word went out on June 10th backdated, so they're fine arriving with a caravan on July 15th, the current date.

Re: Game Announcements

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 5:22 pm
by Marullus
  • This game has now been running for a year and a half.
  • You've made 12,723 posts.
  • We just had our first characters reach fifth level (and several more right behind), marking the transition from an all-low-level sandbox to a mixed Low/Mid-level sandbox.
All active PCs get a 750 xp Bonus!

Thank you all for being part of this grand sandbox adventure. :)

As you tackle bigger challenges, a mid-level game allows you to bring home more coin and have greater impact on the developing civilization you are in. What are you building in the gameworld? Are you a magic user that needs a place to do magical research? When you reach 9th level, will you have a place to attract followers to? If you meet your end, will you be remembered?

The gameworld is getting bigger. As you homestead outwards, you create new centers of play. (See Beith's Watch, Frogmorton Ford, Idmi d’dum, and the soon-coming White Tower) You can have PCs that operate out of these locations as well as in Gaul, expanding the map and discovering more. You can have multiple PCs, participating in multiple avenues.

If you enter now with a new PC, you may begin with this 750 xp bonus. Or, begin a Cleric for one of the gameworld's religions and begin at Level 2 with 1,565 xp.

You've found many avenues for further adventure! The immediate goblin threat may be initially broken, but there's enough bands remaining that newly entering characters can continue to address the problem. You've also found:
  • A dragon which now roams this land; the location of its home and hoard already known.
  • A Dark Forest to the north, filled with mysteries and creatures unknown to the rest of the world.
  • Ruins of a city to the west, promising undead threats from its Necromancer king and also from those creatures which have found a home there.
  • Ruins of a city to the east beyond the river and on the Yoldessi Plains, with gargoyles and creatures of magic from three millennia past.
  • An orc civilization with three tribal factions which lives on the Flamerock Mountain to the north beyond the Dark Forest..
  • A Frogmen civilization which lives in the swamps at the river nexus to the northeast.
  • Incursions along the river from Ogre bands, now taking interest in the ArchDuke's land.
  • Rumors of dwarven ruins yet to be discovered, delved by the lost clansmen of the greatest dwarven king of lore, and containing treasures from the ages before which they discovered and desired to seal away.
  • Proof that this northland is the legendary home of the greatest willworkers ever to exist, the ones who caused the cataclysm five millennia ago and caused the dark age from which the southlands are now emerging.

Re: Game Announcements

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 4:09 pm
by Marullus
Posting THACO
(THAC0 = To Hit Armor Class 0)

You guys are going up in level, so it is no longer an easy calculation for me to assume you all have the base level 1 value of THAC0 19. Figuring in your attribute bonuses and magic items, it is a lot of math for me to look up on all your sheets during each round of combat.

I need your help.

Can you please calculate your THACO each time you level and post it in your roll (i.e. update your macros)?

  • Consult the table on page 60 of the LL Basic rules for your base attack bonus by class and level. (Everyone is THACO 19 at 1st level; Dwarves, Elves, Fighters and Halflings go to THACO 18 at level 3. Clerics, Thieves, and Magic Users go to THACO 18 at level 4. Advancement varies after that.)
  • Figure in your attribute bonus by subtracting it from your THACO. (If you have 13 DEX, lower THACO by 1 for missile weapons. If you have 13 STR, lower THACO by 1 for melee weapons. Lower it by 2 if your score is 16, or by 3 if it is 18.)
  • Consider if you have any racial, class, or other special bonuses. (Halflings get +1 ranged, for example)
  • Then account for if you are using a magic weapon. If it is a +1, +2, or +3 weapon, lower the THACO for that weapon accordingly.
So, if you are a Level 4 Halfling with a 16 Dexterity wielding a non-magical shortbow, that is 17 -1 - 2 = THACO 14. Post your roll as "Shortbow (THACO 14) [1d20] [1d6] damage"

Make sense?

If you don't do this, it is more likely I'll arbitrate incorrectly and you'll miss a roll when you actually should have hit. Help me to help you. :)

Re: Game Announcements

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 4:21 pm
by Marullus
Merry Christmas!

The annual day of celebrating Cinter Klaus, the ultimate chaotic good demi-god, who breaks into homes in violation of law to deliver unmerited gifts to children as a sign of his grace.

We also recognize reaching 15,149 posts which is 2,426 since last game award!

All active PCs will gain 750xp and one potion of healing! Please mark the potions into your inventories. :)

Re: Game Announcements

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 5:56 pm
by Marullus
Compiled rules from across the book and clarified, now that more folks are getting horses....
Mounted Combat:
When mounted, you gain double damage [2d6] if wielding a lance on a charge. Only mounts with battle-familiarity or war horse training will charge towards combat. Normal mounts will not charge. A charge must be at least 20 yards away. (PCs may only double damage on a charge if mounted and wielding a lance. (p.53) Monsters may charge any time they have the outdoor distance. (p.61) PCs may brace a spear or polearm against a charging monster for double damage. (p.61))

When charging, a war horse can only run, but in subsequent close attacks the horse and rider may attack simultaneously. (p. 82) A warhorse does two hoof attacks for [1d6] each, only against a single foe. (Non-war-horses will only defend themselves if cornered, not attack in normal combat.)

Two-handed weapons cannot be wielded from horseback.

A war horse needs to check morale when it is successfully wounded. A mount with battle familiarity needs to check morale when it is directly attacked (whether wounded or not). A normal mount or pack animal checks morale whenever in the presence of combat.

Mounts and pack animals all have Armor Class (AC) 7. There is one type of barding - leather-and-plate, which weighs 60lbs and lowers to AC 5. (p.17)

Pleased read more about mounts, tack, speed, and encumbrance here: viewtopic.php?f=353&t=5467&p=245719#p245719

Re: Game Announcements

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 7:52 pm
by Marullus
Just a reminder for all spellcasters...
All characters will be required to state their own idiom when they reach second level, but may declare it sooner at their option.
So, please specify what your "idiom" is. You get three words or phrases which are how other wizards will see your magic. They're also roleplay cues for you to work with in describing the physical manifestation of your spells. Southern Wizards often have "symbology" and "ideal forms" in their idioms. An enchantress might have "a whiff of perfume." An elf might have an element (fire, earth, air, water, light, darkness). Necromancers usually have "negative material energy." Clerics often have "positive material" and all have the mark of their Deity (Baudh, Gwanwen, Eruanna, Beith, etc), but can also choose a dominant aspect of their deity to focus on as well.

You can also choose D&D schools (evocation, divination, transmutation, conjuration, abjuration, necromancy, enchantment, illusion, etc).

Also, please read and be familiar with house rules on magic:
On Magic
Magic and Magic Items
Transcription: Or, the Subtle Art of Spellomancy

Re: Game Announcements

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 8:52 pm
by Marullus
New locations opening up! New memorials/constructions in town!

Please check out the Goode Dogge Artefact and Curiositie Shoppe in the town of Gaul.

Also an available resource, the Stone Chapel in the dwarven settlement offers unique access to northern lore that has been discovered.

Secret and mysterious, the newly grown Witchwood has some fun role-play happening.

The White Tower: A new settlement at the eastmost point of exploration. The roads between Gaul and here are patrolled, with wagons running daily for those who wish escort. The White Tower is a place of Baudhic pilgrimage, offering contrition and healing to even the most grievously afflicted of Gaul. (Updating soon)

Memorials and Tributes:
Foxy's Betrothal Archway. It is a fine piece of stone work and craftsmanship which may be found at the end of the 'Lovers Lane' in a snug tree covered grotto behind the Baudhic Cathedral. The keystone of the archway displays the relic of Foxy's very gauntlet still grasping in melted fingers the charred lance with which she valiantly charged the dragon Scatha to defend the honour and maidenhoods of the maidens of Gaul. Under the archways the young suitors should lay down a gauntlet of their own and in return the maidens take a lock of their hair as a sign of their betrothal for marriage.

A sign over the doors reads, The Stancell Green Honorary Latrine: Leave your own Marked One in comfort and style, designating the new, fancy, and exceedingly comfortable six-stall outhouse behind the The Golden Tooth Tavern. (Honorarium paid for by Lord Commander Bremen)

Re: Game Announcements

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 9:59 pm
by Marullus
Expedition can begin from I'didum, Beith's Watch, or the White Tower in addition to Gaul.

Gaul still determines the current date stamp - check the Golden Tooth Tavern (and add days to your personal stamp as you spend time moving between locations if needed.)

You can post in any of the tavern to kick off your expedition and I will begin time/travel from that locale. Each of the location's also counts as a "safe return" to conclude an expedition as well. Proprietors with wares/food/lodging ate added and will continue to expand with time.

Re: Game Announcements

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 8:46 pm
by Marullus
We have 17,387 posts in this game. :shock: :shock: That's the BIGGEST game on this website!

That puts us at 164% larger/more content than the second largest active game on this site.

That also makes us the largest game EVER on this site (even considering Completed, Archived, and Abandoned). I only see four games that broke 10,000 posts. The previous leader was Keehnelf's West Marches game (our predecessor) which had 16,123 posts.

...Thank you ALL for being so awesome. :D

I'm still one month shy of our two year anniversary, but I'd like to award all active characters another 1,000xp bonus (leveling occurs upon return to town).

Re: Game Announcements

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 3:02 pm
by Marullus
Superseded below.
Trying out these rules. Please discuss in OOC thread. I got some questions recently as PCs are exploring their investment and expansion opportunities.

Also, you're coming up on winter... In the north, that will likely give more downtime opportunity.
Marullus wrote:Non-Class Skills

Non-Class Skills are skilled abilities honed and offered by those who don't take up the dangers of adventuring. PCs can also learn and undertake these trades, achieving success as amateur s and hobbyists compared to the professionals. A NPC typically works faster (at the speed of plot, as decided by the GM) and do not need to test for success against normal uses. With a test, however, they can achieve exceptional success for things beyond the capability of others (rare materials, harnessing latent characteristics of a material, etc).

Characters can choose to start with some exposure to other fields of work, whether from family business, previous occupation, or hobby. If a character chooses to skip this for more training in their class, they can take 1,000 bonus XP.

Characters can learn new skills by finding teachers in game. They need to achieve Friendly status with the practitioner and then accept their terms of apprenticeship (which vary). After a month of full-time work they can attempt an INT check to acquire the skill.

Skills can be used in related situations by rolling an appropriate skill check. This has narrative flexibility. Examples: Jewelers can assess gem value, Masons can study stonework, huntsmen can track or set snares.

If your skill produces goods, you can manufacture them at half cost with a skill check (modified for complexity) and time (specified per skill).

Starting Picks:
  • Humans pick two.
  • Halflings get Baker/Cook and then pick one.
  • Elves get Huntsman, Gardner, and Herbalist.
  • Dwarves get Blacksmith, Jeweler, and Mason.
Professions available:
Animal Trainer

Details per skill will be on this thread:
Non-Class Skills

Re: Game Announcements

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 5:51 pm
by Marullus
Pick professions
Per the rules outlined above (and in the house rules thread), please let me know your choices for each character. Just post them on your character sheet threads in your private forum and I'll move them into the top post for record keeping.

These give you some breadth for your concept. You can feel free to invoke these narratively in gameplay (they'll help scope the non-class things you can accomplish or use to get insights. Explain how it works and I'll give you an answer or ask for an attribute roll).

After private thread discussions, here's the current list of professions (master copy still on the house rules thread):
Starting Picks:
Humans pick two.
Halflings get Baker/Cook and then pick one.
Elves get Huntsman, Gardner, and Herbalist.
Dwarves get Blacksmith, Jeweler, and Mason.

Professions available:
Animal Trainer
Further detail will be post in the non-class skills thread as it becomes needed. (I'll use that to keep track of going rates of pay and things you can accomplish, so I don't lose track or get inconsistent.)

Re: Game Announcements

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 6:14 pm
by Marullus
Marullus wrote:New locations opening up! New memorials/constructions in town!

Please check out the Goode Dogge Artefact and Curiositie Shoppe in the town of Gaul.

Also an available resource, the Stone Chapel in the dwarven settlement offers unique access to northern lore that has been discovered.

Secret and mysterious, the newly grown Witchwood has some fun role-play happening.

The White Tower: A new settlement at the eastmost point of exploration. The roads between Gaul and here are patrolled, with wagons running daily for those who wish escort. The White Tower is a place of Baudhic pilgrimage, offering contrition and healing to even the most grievously afflicted of Gaul. (Updating soon)
Now that groups are returning to "town phase" and regrouping, I want to take a moment and re-emphasize this. We have a lot of players, each with multiple PCs, and their valiant efforts have expanded the gameworld! There are different taverns throughout the game where different flavors of roleplay could occur... players generally have several weeks of timeline to catch up when they return from expedition: Pick a favored locale for each PC and feel free to spread out the roleplay according to the desired feel. There are different aids and clues that I'll give based on where you are AND the proximity of each town to the next makes adventuring our of some places easier than others. (It takes 1-2 days on the IG clock to move from town to town, so 'setting out' from an outflung town makes it easier to get deeper into the unknown.)

The current taverns and locales are:
  • The Golden Tooth Tavern in Gaul. Bustling hub of the capital city. (sets primary timestamp for all locations)
  • The Dwarf Hall of Idmi d’dum. Good place for dwarf-centric roleplay, close enough to Gaul at the center of things. Dwarf culture has some of its own rules and norms.
  • The Winged Hind Tavern in Beith's Watch. A cozy outpost tavern poised on the edge of the Dark Forest to the northwest; the settlement is of Beith followers and so consists of nature-worshipping druids, witches, and substance farmers.
  • The Golden Scales Tavern of the White Tower. A rough tavern serving the military outpost of this religious bastion. Located across the river to the east-northeast, the White Tower is ruled by a religious order, the Knights of Baudhil, which declares alliance with but not subservience to the Archduke of Gaul. The most convenient place to launch explorations north or east (avoiding the forest).

Re: Game Announcements

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 1:51 am
by Marullus
What do you do with downtime?

The game clock progresses ahead - characters often find themselves with several weeks of "downtime" to rest and catch up with when they arrive back in town. Also, Winter is Coming. The dark, freezing times of the Northlands can discourage above-ground expeditions and it is possible to weather it quickly with some town time as well.

First, pick a town and tavern or locale. You need to post in some IG location that you're staying there. Use an OOC tag to note the length of time paid for and show you subtracted the coin.

Second, decide how well you eat. You can have poor, fair, or good meals and this can offer a bonus to savings throws when you go out again. Make sure you note this bonus in your first post of your next expedition.

Roleplay. As with everything, engage and roleplay. Once you've decided where your guy is hanging out, interact with other people there. Feel free to interact with NPCs, too - I'll have them give helpful hints and story hooks when feasible. Remember, though, that the "town is not the adventure." Check the Expedition Planning Thread and also plan OOC for when your next expedition is going to set out.

Break ground! Construct a lasting structure in the world! What to do with all that heavy and immobile gold you hauled back from the dungeon? Use it to build something! Check these rules to make your own shops, strongholds, towers, or other holdings. Player creativity welcomed... this is how the gameworld expands and civilization grows in the Northlands.

Pick non-class skills and work an occupation. Each character knows a few things beyond their adventuring skills. Check these rules to pick them and add them to your character sheet on your private forum. If you have four weeks of downtime you can seek to work within your trade. You can pursue working for an NPC in the trade, establish your own shop competing with him, or move to an outlying town and build your own shop without competition. (Profits vary accordingly.)

Magic Users and Elves: Research magic items! Any PC willworker can use these rules (1 test per week) to study the properties of unknown magic items. A valuable service, for certain.

Magic Users and Elves: Create new Spells! House rules allow anyone to work on their own unique spellcraft, not just those of high levels. Use these rules to develop your own unique flavors in your magic. Be inspired by printed spells from other D&D books (share them to make approval easier), or invent your own.

Re: Game Announcements

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 1:42 am
by Marullus
At 5:30am tomorrow morning, I'll be off to the airport and vacationing with my family for the week. I don't expect to be online until next weekend and will catch up in the week after.

The Demon Hole expedition and the Ghost Trial expedition both returned; we have several new PCs who joined the game. I've given the option for Bianca's quest into the North Woods to return. (Baxtaw's group hasn't found the dragon yet, so they're still going! :) Earc's group can take a break and roleplay in Idmi'd'dum with others if they like, since they can easily resume as "part III.")

Please use the IC threads for the various locations. Enjoy roleplaying amongst yourselves; develop some new relationships and share information IC among PCs. Use IC and OOC planning to establish what the new parties and expeditions will be.

I'll launch all new expeditions when I'm back next week.