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Re: Game Announcements & Status

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:32 am
by Argennian
Status Update: 7-04-12 Happy 4th of July!!

- Action Thread 1: posted general action resolution for Round 11 but still need updates from some potential attack rolls and saving throws before finalized.
- PMs: Went out for Bog and Thalion.
Note: Still need to exchange PMs for: Emm and Lauranna, Griffo and Caelvanna.

~ Please hold off posting your PC's declared action(s) for Round 12 until you have received a PM (if noted above)

- Standard Disclaimer: Please keep private message information/intel via pm unless anounced In Game..

- As always, any questions/clarifications needed, please don't hesitate to post 'em in the OOC/Questions? thread or just shoot me a pm!

Re: Game Announcements & Status

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:55 am
by Argennian
Status Update: 7-10-12

- Action Thread 1: posted action resolution for Round 12.
- PMs: Went out to all PCs currently off the trail.

~ Looking to move forward with Action Resolution for Round 13 by Wednesday evening!

- Standard Disclaimer: Please keep private message information/intel via pm unless anounced In Game..

- As always, any questions/clarifications needed, please don't hesitate to post 'em in the OOC/Questions? thread or just shoot me a pm!

Re: Game Announcements & Status

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 12:05 am
by Argennian
Status Update: 8-04-12

- Action Thread 1: posted main action resolution for Round 18*.
- PMs: Going out to all PCs currently off the trail. Will need a few updates to finish off though

*~ Still need a post from Xaxyx for Round 18 before updating

- Standard Disclaimer: Please keep private message information/intel via pm unless anounced In Game..

- As always, any questions/clarifications needed, please don't hesitate to post 'em in the OOC/Questions? thread or just shoot me a pm!

Re: Game Announcements & Status

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 2:46 pm
by Argennian
Status Update: 8-18-12

- Action Thread 1: posted updates to the last action post for Round 21 to include updated posted information.
- PMs: Still have 2 pms that I'm waiting on for things happening off of the trail (SocraticLawyer, Nuke66) I really need these before I can move that part of the action forward but will be posting the main action thread by tonight regardless.
- Initiative for Round 22: still need Nyctos to roll a d6 for the party!

(* I'll send out pms this am to folks and see if we can't get sorted today. Appreciations again for everyone's patience and continued inclusion!)

- Standard Disclaimer: Please keep private message information/intel via pm unless anounced In Game..

- As always, any questions/clarifications needed, please don't hesitate to post 'em in the OOC/Questions? thread or just shoot me a pm!

Re: Game Announcements & Status

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:03 am
by Argennian
Status Update: 9-11-12

- Action Thread 1: closed this thread and created the Action Thread 2. (The encounter "ended" after Round 26 and will be calculating all particulars.)
- Action Thread 2 : I submitted the first, post-encounter action entry. Everyone's current HP are updated at the bottom, so please confirm.
- PMs: Wasn't able to finish these as work ran late again. I'll finish these up and send out tomorrow tonight.
- OOC/Questions? Thread: I edited a few of my posts there. I wanted everyone to have a chance to read my last post and feel free to comment openly or via pm.

Need to Update
- Party Treasure & Kills thread: I will add up the results of this massive encounter during the week and get it posted. Once all items that were acquired are assessed, I'll calculate each character's XP. (Don't want to give too much away but everyone will definitely have enough XP to make 2nd level! :))
- Non-Player Characters, Groups & Organizations of Note thread: I will be adding Capt. Billings and his crew (as you meet them). I will also be updating the various NPCs stats as learned/when changed.
- Game Posting/Pace: I'm currently revisiting this and will likely be asking for folks thoughts/opinions/votes/etc on how they'd like to see things handled going forward. I'll be sending pms out about this but as always, feel free to comment and/or discuss openly.

- Standard Disclaimer: Please keep private message information/intel via pm unless anounced In Game..

- As always, any questions/clarifications needed, please don't hesitate to post 'em in the OOC/Questions? thread or just shoot me a pm!

Re: Game Announcements & Status

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 2:08 pm
by Argennian
Status Update: 9-14-12

- PMs: All but one player has responded to the PMs that I sent out. I need more time to be able to respond to these and formulate a consensus of folk's concerns and some of the issues stated. I appreciate the time that folks took to answer these, in both honesty and detail, and I want to be able to respond to all of them before we move ahead too much further.
I will make a summary of these and post that over the weekend.
- Action Thread 2: Although we are still waiting for a couple of responses, I'll be moving the action forward sometime over the upcoming weekend.

Need to Update (still need to complete the following and will update over weekend)
- Party Treasure & Kills thread: I will add up the results of this massive encounter during the week and get it posted. Once all items that were acquired are assessed, I'll calculate each character's XP.
- Non-Player Characters, Groups & Organizations of Note thread: I will be adding Capt. Billings and his crew (as you meet them).

Re: Game Announcements & Status

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:29 am
by Argennian
Status Update: 9-23-12

- Summary Report: I completed and posted this in the OOC/Questions? thread. Feel free to respond there if you'd like, or shoot me a pm if you want to respond but don't want to post it.
- Action Thread 2: Just completed a new post as the party makes its way out of the tangled treeline and onto the beach.
- Rules & Requests thread: I've cleaned up/editted some stuff here and there but made distinctive updates concerning alignments, posting & pace.
- Party Kills & Treasure: posted the current totals for the Encounter on the Coastal Trail. Not all XP and items found are listed, as they've not been assimilated yet.
(Note: things that are picked up by individuals, unless done so openly, will not be listed here)

Need to Update
- Non-Player Characters, Groups & Organizations of Note thread: Still need to add Capt. Billings and his crew and will do some completely when the party returns and regroups on the ship.
- Character Experience: I will calculate and post this when the party is able to safely reach the ship and regroup (which should be this upcoming week)

Re: Game Announcements & Status

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:15 am
by Argennian
Status Update: 10-23-12

- Party Kills & Treasure: Current totals now confirmed for the encounter on the coastal trail. Although some of the items recovered have not been scrutinized or even seen by the party, they will be assumed to be so during the voyage and so their XP be applied. XP breakdown notes listed at bottom of page.

- Character Experience:
Total base XP for encounter on coast trail: 2,316xp
With 10% bonus: (262xp) if applicable: 2,578xp

~ go ahead and add the 10% bonus to your xp, if applicable. If your character levels up, go ahead and roll Hit Points for 2nd level in the OOC/Questions? thread. Please update current character inventory of items, spells, etc.

- Non-Player Characters, Groups & Organizations of Note thread: Capt. Billings and most of the crew of the Seahawk, as well as some of the party from the trail have been listed. More will be listed as identified/learned during the voyage.

Re: Game Announcements & Status

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:21 am
by Argennian
Status Update: 10-26-12

Latest Updates
- Hit Points for 2nd Level: If you haven't already done so, please notate your new Hit Points for 2nd level when you can. Please update both your Battle Sheet and Character Sheet and post the roll link at the bottom there.

- Spell Rosters: For all casters, please update current spell roster on Battle Sheets.

~ As always, please post or pm me with any questions or clarificational needs!

Re: Game Announcements & Status

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:10 am
by Argennian
Status Update: 11-21-12

Happy Thanksgiving All!

Latest Updates

- Diving, Falling In & Swimming: I updated the Rules & Requests thread with rules & mechanics concerning these from the 1E Wilderness Survival Guide. I put them between Ability Checks and Spell Components. Please calculate and note that info as it pertains to your PC. I feel this is important to have detailed and assimilated, as the party will be on a ship in the open water for the next 2 weeks and folks should know where they stand, mechanics-wise.

- Training: The next action post will cover training in game. PCs will officially make 2nd level by training, studying, meditating, etc. with various npcs during the voyage. In some cases, characters will be training with more than one npc. I'll produce an outline in regards to how many days it will take to complete but everyone will be able to complete their training during the voyage.

- Players AFK/MIA: As most if not all already know, dmw71 and Thalion have been out for a while. In addition, Nyctos has not been around the boards in over two weeks. Not sure of his or the others status and have pms out to each of them. In the interim, I'll continue to npc them and we'll figure out what to do in regards to rolling hit points and other such topics.

~ As always, please post or pm me with any questions or clarificational needs!

Re: Game Announcements & Status

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:54 pm
by Argennian
Status Update: 02-01-13

Latest Updates

- Next action post / Making 2nd Level: The next action post ended up being rather more lengthy and complex than originally projected. With work busy again at the end of this week, I just didn't have enough time to get that and in turn the indiviual pms completed. Although somewhat dependent upon the those, I do have the game timeline sorted far enough ahead to be able to say that almost all the folks here will have officially made 2nd level to that point.

***** Please update all character and battle sheets to reflect achieving 2nd Level! ******

- PMs ~ For those that have not yet received them, the pms going out will involve aspects of specialized training as the timeline progresses and some other game background/intel.
Note: If you've received your pm, please hold off on posting until such time as I can get the other pms out and the next main Action Thread post completed. (projecting to be done by Friday pm/Sat am)

- OOC Thread: Need everyone to respond in the OOC thread to confirm where their gear and sleeping locations are on the ship. I'll show what I have so far based on previous posts but please let me know if this needs an adjustment prior to the next action post.

- New Players: The backstory/background and pre-adventure for our 3 new players is now underway via pm!
In Game: They're obviously heading towards that rendezvous with the party and when that happens, I'll update and we'll start a new Action Thread.

As stated before, we have: a (h) paladin, a (human) ranger and a (halfling) thief. When we get to the right spot In Game, I'll make it formal and bring them in with a welcome aboard announcement! :)

~ As always, please post or pm me with any questions or clarificational needs!

Re: Game Announcements & Status

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 7:15 pm
by Argennian
Status Update: 3-31-13 Happy Easter!!

- Party Encounters: Kills, Treasure & XP: Finally posted updates for Encounter 2 (the giant squid attack) and Encounter 3 (mermen ambush). I know that Encounter 3 just concluded and there's still some further In Game scrutinizations that need to take place on some of the gear and items recovered. I'll get that updated and posted soon.

- Updating Hit Points: if you haven't already, go ahead and roll a 1d8+1 for consuming the home-brew curatives that were dispensed and update your PC's hit points accordingly. I'll go ahead and update on my end as I see them.
Note:If your character is still down a large amount (such as in Bogdan's case), you can see Shanny and Jennynia down in the infirmary for another shot of the healing brew. These brews are like huge, high-end whiskey shots (or scotch, vodka, whatever you fancy!) and because of that, only 2 per 8-hour period can be consumed before alcohol-consumption modifier penalties apply! :)

- As always, any questions/clarifications needed, please don't hesitate to post 'em in the OOC/Questions? thread or just shoot me a pm!

Re: Game Announcements & Status

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 4:52 pm
by Argennian
Status Update: 10-10-13

- Party Encounters: Kills, Treasure & XP: finally got all of the island encounters notated. I also went back and cleaned up the previous posts in addition. You all still have treasure that was acquired previously but not identified. Some of that will be identified shortly. Once that happens, I will update previous posts and make an announcement when completed.
- TOD: I made corrections to the TOD listed in the action posts. I had incorrectly been showing the recent action going down on Day 1 on the island when it was actually Day 2.

Training/XP: we'll be getting the training thing sorted here shortly In Game, that way everyone can get their next level(s) officially and update. You can notate XP shown in the encounters thread but I will be sending out pms to each and every player regarding their totals, which could include individual awards for good role-play, strategizing, teamwork, etc. :)

- As always, any questions/clarifications needed, please don't hesitate to post 'em in the OOC/Questions? thread or just shoot me a pm!

Re: Game Announcements & Status

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:57 am
by Argennian
Status Update: 01-08-2014


Current Character Level/Stats: I know I still need to get out individual XP PMs but figured I'd at least post the basics here to make sure that everyone is confirmed before we get into the upcoming action! :)
(Note: please let me know if you have questions or spot any discrepancies!)

Name: Bogdan
Gender/Race: male half-orc
Class/Level: Fighter3 (Swordsman)
Thac0: 18
Saving Throws: updated as 3rd level fighter!
Additional Weapon Proficiency: gained 1 (applied to achieve dual specialization)
Weapon Specialization: dual spec in longsword: +3 to hit/+3 damage, 3/2 Attacks per round (2 attacks on odd rounds)

Name: Caelvanna
Gender/Race: female Wild elf
Class/Level: Fighter3 (Swordswoman)
Thac0: 18
Saving Throws: updated as 3rd level fighter!
Additional Weapon Proficiency: gained 1 (applied to specialization to increase ROF)
Weapon Specialization: in short bow: +1 to hit/+2 damage; increased ROF to 3 arrows/round!

Name: Emm Hildebran
Gender/Race: female human
Class/Level: Druid3 (Initiate of the 1st Circle)
Thac0: 20
Saving Throws: no change until 4th level
Additional Weapon Proficiency: not until 4th level
Weapon Specialization: n/a
Available Spells*: five 1st level, four 2nd level, two 3rd level spells
(* includes high WIS bonus)

Name: Lauranna
Gender/Race: female High elf
Class/Level: Magic-User2/Thief3 (Evoker/Cutpurse)
Thac0: 20
Saving Throws: no change until 5th level (best of either class)
Additional Weapon Proficiency: not until 5th level
Weapon Specialization: n/a
Available Spells: two 1st level spells
Additional Spell for Spellbook: added three 1st level spells
Thief Skills: currently at 3rd level thief (+ racial & DEX modifiers!)

Name: Ulrich Rachstaad
Gender/Race: male mountain dwarf
Class/Level: Cleric3 (Priest)
Thac0: 20
Saving Throws: no change until 4th level
Additional Weapon Proficiency: not until 4th level
Weapon Specialization: n/a
Available Spells*: four 1st level & three 2nd level spell
(* includes WIS bonus)

Name: Griffo Ostgood (being NPCed)
Gender/Race: male halfling
Class/Level: Fighter3 (Swordsman)
Thac0: 18
Saving Throws: updated as 3rd level fighter!
Additional Weapon Proficiency: gained 1 (applied to specialization to increase ROF)
Weapon Specialization: in short bow: +1 to hit/+2 damage; increased ROF to 3 arrows/round!

Name: Thalion the Grey (being NPCed)
Gender/Race: male Wood elf
Class/Level: Fighter3/Thief3 (Swordsman/Cutpurse)
Thac0: 18
Saving Throws: updated as 3rd level fighter! (best of either class)
Additional Weapon Proficiency: gained 1 (added to saved WP slot and applied to longsword specialization)
Weapon Specialization: in longsword: +1 to hit/+2 damage, 3/2 Attacks per round (2 attacks on odd rounds)
Thief Skills: currently at 3rd level thief (+ racial & DEX modifiers!)

Miscellaneous Magic Item Allocation
- Potion of Water Breathing (4 doses): Bogdan
- Gentleman Billy's Wand of Detecting Traps & Secret Doors (telepathic trigger, 15 charges): Lauranna
- Light coin (in heavy leather pouch): Emm Hildebran
- Shanny's home-brewed Healing Elixirs (1 dose, 1d8+1): every party member
- Billy's "Break-in-Emergency" Locator Crystals (clear, @ 2"L x 1"W): every party member

Note: PMs will start going out tomorrow; should be completed with these by week's end, so that folks can make final updates. If you have any questions regarding that pm, please shoot me a return pm. Thanks, all! 8-)

- As always, any questions/clarifications needed, please don't hesitate to post 'em in the OOC/Questions? thread or just shoot me a pm!

Re: Game Announcements & Status

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 11:10 am
by Argennian
Status Update: 09-02-2014


Party Encounters: Kills, Treasure & XP: we're finally caught up to current here, good people! I went back through all of the game threads to clean these entries up and make corrections, as well as update each post in the thread with treasure identifications, a link to the actual encounter post, as well as what each character received XP-wise.
(I will note total player base XP below; and be sure to update once more items become identified & valued.)

Current Character Level/Stats: Still needing to get individual XP PMs finalized & sent out but have base XP figured for each PC, which I will notate below. (this does not include individual/private XP noted via pm!) I had to get the Party Encounters: Kills, Treasure & XP thread corrected & updated to current before I could accomplish this.

~ Please note that as per 1e BtB rules on accumulating experience points, each character can keep up to 1xp short of making the level above the next level they will be training for; i.e. ~ a 3rd level fighter can only keep up to 15,999xp (1xp short of 5th level fighter) until he/she trains to 4th level. Once trained, that character as a 4th level fighter could then accumulate up to 34,999xp (1xp short of 6th level fighter) before training to 5th level.
(Note: ran out of time but will get this finalized asap.)

Name: Bogdan
Gender/Race: male half-orc
Class & Current Level Trained to: Fighter3 (Swordsman)
Current base XP accumulated: 22,944xp*
(* can keep up to 15,999xp at current level)

Name: Caelvanna
Gender/Race: female Wild elf
Class & Current Level Trained to: Fighter3 (Swordswoman)
Current base XP total: 22,861xp*
(* can keep up to 15,999xp at current level)

Name: Emm Hildebran
Gender/Race: female human
Class & Current Level Trained to: Druid3 (Initiate of the 1st Circle)
Current base XP total: 23,347xp*
(* can keep up to 11,999xp at current level)

Name: Lauranna
Gender/Race: female High elf
Classes & Current Levels Trained to: Magic-User2/Thief3 (Evoker/Cutpurse)
Current base XP total: 11,589xp magic-user / 11,589xp thief*
(* can keep up to 10,249xp magic-user / 9,999xp thief at current levels)

Name: Ulrich Rachstaad
Gender/Race: male mountain dwarf
Class & Current Level Trained to: Cleric3 (Priest)
Current base XP total: 23,018xp*
(* can keep up to 13,249xp at current level)

Name: Griffo Ostgood (being NPCed)
Gender/Race: male halfling
Class & Current Level: Fighter3 (Swordsman)
Current base XP total: 19,875xp*
(* can keep up to 15,999xp at current level)

Name: Thalion the Grey (being NPCed)
Gender/Race: male Wood elf
Classes & Current Level Trained to: Fighter3/Thief3 (Swordsman/Cutpurse)
Current base XP total: 11,076xp fighter / 11,706xp thief*
(* can keep 11,076xp fighter / 9,999xp thief at current levels)

Note: I realize that some characters will be maxing out there current XP levels until they train again to the next higher level(s); most of that XP is coming from the coin/gp value of the ancient dwarf & gnome artifacts the party discovered. PCs can choose to train now to avoid the XP cap or continue adventuring. Training time would still be accomplished quicker than usual due the high level instructors and advanced techniques but that would take somewhere between 1.5 to 2 weeks time total.
(More information on that upcoming soon)

Miscellaneous Magic Item Allocation (at present)
- Ring of Free Action: Bogdan
- Dagger +1/+2 vs small creatures, 10' magical light on command: Lauranna
- Gentleman Billy's Wand of Detecting Traps & Secret Doors (telepathic trigger, 15 charges): Lauranna
- Gentleman Billy's Magical Light coin (in heavy leather pouch): Emm Hildebran
- Shanny's home-brewed Healing Elixirs (1 dose, 1d8+1): every party member
- Billy's "Break-in-Emergency" Locator Crystals (clear, @ 2"L x 1"W): every party member

- As always, any questions/clarifications needed, please don't hesitate to post 'em in the OOC/Questions? thread or just shoot me a pm!

Re: Game Announcements & Status

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 8:31 pm
by Argennian
Status Update: 03-17-2017

(last updated: 03-29-2017)


Party Encounters: Kills, Treasure & XP: okay folks, we're once again caught up & current here! I went back and updated these entries to get all the XP totaled that's been earned to date. All treasure that's been identified to date has been detailed and assigned (save confirmation of distribution of the latest haul of lewt from the invading soldier contingent!)

Current Character Level/Stats: I have base XP figured for each PC, which I will notate below. When last we left of training, everyone was over halfway to training to their next level(s). They were at the following:

Bogdan: Fighter3 training to 4th level
Emm: Druid3 training to 4th level
Lauranna: Magic-user2 training to 3rd level / Thief3 training to 4th level
Ulrich: Cleric3 training to 4th level
Manoah: Ranger3 training toward 4th level

~ Now that the "gem merging" (i.e. magical training) has been completed, everyone's PC has achieved the following:

Name: Bogdan
Gender/Race: male half-orc
Class & Current Level Trained to: Fighter3 (Swordsman ; almost trained to 4th)
New Level/Title after merging: Fighter5 Swashbuckler
Current base XP accumulated: 45,653xp*
(* can keep all xp at current level)
Note: will now be Thac0:16, get better saving throws & pick up one additional weapon proficiency!

Name: Emm Hildebran
Gender/Race: female human
Class & Current Level Trained to: Druid3 (Initiate of the 1st Circle ; almost trained to 4th)
Current base XP total: 46,104xp*
New Level/Title after merging: Druid5 Initiate of the 3rd Circle
(* can keep up to 34,999xp at current level)
Note: will now be Thac0:18, get better saving throws, get more spell slots & pick up one additional weapon proficiency!

Name: Lauranna
Gender/Race: female High elf
Classes & Current Levels Trained to: Magic-User2/Thief3 (Evoker/Cutpurse ; almost trained to mu3/th4)
Current base XP total: 22,999xp magic-user / 22,999xp thief*
New Level/Title after merging: Magic-user4/Thief5 Theurgist/Burglar
(* can keep all xp at current levels)
Note: will now be Thac0:19(thief), get better saving throws (from the better of both classes), get better thief-class skills/abilities, earn new spells & up the amount of spells able to memorize & pick up one additional weapon proficiency!

Name: Manoah
Gender/Race: male human
Class & Current Level Trained to: Ranger3 (Scout ; training towards 4th level)
Current base XP total: 20,391xp*
New Level/Title after merging: Ranger5 Tracker
(* can keep all xp at current level)
Note: will now be Thac0:16, get better saving throws & pick up one additional weapon proficiency!

Name: Ulrich Rachstaad
Gender/Race: male mountain dwarf
Class & Current Level Trained to: Cleric3 (Priest ; almost trained to 4th)
Current base XP total: 45,616xp*
New Level/Title after merging: Cleric5 Curate
(* can keep all xp at current level)
Note: will now be Thac0:18, get better saving throws, picks up 3rd level spells & more slots for existing spell levels & gains one additional weapon proficiency!

Ordinarily, the way we've been doing it regarding accumulating experience points, is that each character can keep up to 1xp short of making the level above the next level they will be training for; i.e. ~ a 3rd level fighter can only keep up to 15,999xp (1xp short of 5th level fighter) until he/she trains to 4th level. Once trained, that character as a 4th level fighter could then accumulate up to 34,999xp (1xp short of 6th level fighter) before training to 5th level.
(With the merging, you guys not only completed your ongoing, partial training but got the benefit of the next level up as well. Turns out the only PC that's getting shafted here (losing some accumulated XP) is Emm; thankfully not by much. Sorry, Rexx! :geek: )

POP: everyone already rolled hit points for their PC's upcoming level (in most cases 4th level, except Lauranna at Mu3/Th4) when we started training last time, so we'll need to have everyone roll hit points for their newest level they just attained by the merging/training with the magical gem!

Miscellaneous Magic Item Allocation
This is where I'll list the various magic/important items that I show each character has in their possession to date. If you see any mistakes or omissions, please let me know!

- Ring of Free Action
- +2 Axes of Hurling (2)
- +1 medium metal shield
- Ion Stone, clear
- Potion of Water Breathing (3 doses left)
- a large, ancient looking key (from dead gnome via assassin vine)
- Antidote for Natural Toxins (from Billy)

- +2 Leather Armor
- Necklace of Fireballs
- Gentleman Billy's Magical Light coin (in heavy leather pouch) on loan
- Ring of Swimming
- Stone Salve (1 dose)
- Antidote for Natural Toxins (from Billy)
- Ring of Protection +1

- +1 Dagger of Venom
- +1/+2 (vs small creatures) Dagger, 10' magical light on command
- +1/+3 (when thrown) Jewel-handled eastern throwing knife (d3/d2 damage)
- Gentleman Billy's Wand of Detecting Traps & Secret Doors (telepathic trigger, 15 charges) on loan
- Ziffiris's old Wand Of Magic Missile (3 charges remaining)
- Ring of Wizardry
- Ring of Spell Turning
- 2 M-U spell scrolls: #1 (2 spells): Floating Disk, Unseen Servant & #2 Scroll of Warding - Elementals
- Ornate wrought silver quill stylus
- set of masterwork thieves picks & tools

- Boots Of Striding & Springing
- +1 Footman's mace
- Scroll: Cure Serious Wounds , Protection From Evil 10' Radius, Remove Fear
- Stone Salve (1 dose)

Manoah *** Still working on this with onlyme and will update here once confirmed! ***

Every Party Member: (of main group; Manoah will get these items at next action post!)
- Shanny's home-brewed Healing Elixirs (1 dose, 1d8+1)
- Billy's "Break-in-Emergency" Locator Crystals (clear, @ 2"L x 1"W)
- Magical cloth charm bracelets (woven blue, green & red threads)

- As always, any questions/clarifications needed, please don't hesitate to post 'em in the OOC/Questions? thread or just shoot me a pm!