Shangra Lambda

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Re: Shangra Lambda

#21 Post by kmbll »

Robert J. Withers

You don't notice much but you have experience with men like Blast and you're fairly certain that he's just putting on a show. He's simply trying to show who's in charge and isn't trying to be subtle about it.

"'eaven and 'ell na it's pointed elsewhere so ya can relax."
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#22 Post by Das »

Eli looks at the black liquid trying to identify it without looking obvious. [Intelligence Roll] Meanwhile he scans the area looking towards the area where the man has scanned him when he enetered. Curious what they might be doing back there...but more out of his own personal safety than anything else [Perception Roll]

Int: [2d6] = 7; Perception: [2d6+1] = 7+1 = 8
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#23 Post by Mister-Kent »

Jenny Body, Warrior

Jenny stays alert as more and more patrons flood into the bar.

She doesn't have much more experience with them than anyone else--she'd arrived earlier that day and met Jack and Blast, who led her in Tsubasa's direction, same as they did Robert. However, she's been procrastinating on leaving for a few hours, and now is urged to make her move.
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#24 Post by kmbll »


Having been in a cheap bar or two - you're reasonable certain it's just really a really cheap, really strong liquor. Looking towards the back of the tavern, you note that with the curtain open it's fairly obvious that there's a staircase downwards. You can faintly hear the sounds of music and people talking and shouting.

Jenny Body

Ugh, not loving your dodging my GM machinations.
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#25 Post by dok-el »


Kaz takes a swig from the bottle.

"Cheers guv," she says to Blast. Then she follows Jack to the cockpit. She looks thoughtfully at the stairs leading down.

"Down the rabbit 'ole is it?"

Then she gives a shrug, and descends.
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#26 Post by kmbll »


As you walk down the stairs you see and feel Jack's shadow come over you as he follows behind. At the foot of the stairs you come to a nicely decorated hallway with two doors to the left, the first of which is open, and an open door to the right. A large, wide open doorway stands at the end of the hallway. Up ahead you hear very staccato flute music up and people talking from the door to either side.

As you both walk, you hear Jack's voice enter your head. "Have you heard of the Compass Crew? Scouts and scientists. Adventurers and fools. They travel the world compiling reports for whomever is paying. But it prevents an opportunity - a ship and a certain autonomy. More than one criminal has used it to travel and keep an air of respectability. And then there's the unspoken ask of it all..."His eerie laughter is worse inside your head and lingers.
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#27 Post by Spectreman17 »

Robert J. Withers:

I quickly thrown down whats left of the drink I've been sipping at while people came and went, You still want to come with me to see this Tsubasa person? I ask the lady with the ponytail sitting in the corner I appear to be out of drinks and out of credit, so it's time to move on. See ya Blast, and be careful with that shotgun, those guns draw almost as much trouble as they prevent I give a wink while i tap my Assault rifle, which looks very scratched and corroded on the exterior, but to a well trained eye, it's visibly polished and meticulously cleaned in every moving part necessary to keep it operating at tip top shape.
I stroll out the door, hesitating for a moment to see if Ms. Body is jioning me and I head off towards Eastern Gate.
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#28 Post by Das »

Eli turned his black drink in his hands.

"I have some credits if you'd like to share a drink. I've been on the road a long time so a casual conversation over some.." He looked down at the black liquid and than spoke as if unconvinced about his statement. "...drinks." He sipped his drink as if to test that his statement was in indeed fact.
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#29 Post by Spectreman17 »

Robert J. Withers

Well, If you're buying, be my guest.

I guess I won't be leaving so soon, Blast, now will I?

So who are you and why the interest in an old Codger and his drinking problem? And what Story of mine would you like to hear in exchange for the drink? though I'm not sure where Jack wandered off to...

Hey Blast! I'm getting myself another drink if your Bartender doesn't come back soon. I'm parched and my Compatriot has offered to pay my way.
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#30 Post by Das »

Eli Alexander

He smiled nodded. "Well, lets you got to a place like this might be a good starter." He offered his hand. "I am Eli Alexander. Traveling wingman." He smiled.
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#31 Post by Spectreman17 »

Robert J. Withers:

Well How do you do, Eli? I'm Robert Withers. Travelling Gun. I use to fix and drive tanks for the Abbas-Ghulam army. But that was many years ago, I'm an old man now I say with a wink
They prefer a younger crowd running the armies now a days, I tell you what, I was a Captain, I was. Captain Withers they called me. I directed a team of 26 gravtanks for almost 6 years. and what do they do? fire me. I was the best god damn commander they ever had. All i did was hide a few pschics from them... Oh well, thats a time long past. as for today, how i ended up here? I got scammed. I went to the employment offices and asked after private security work (That's what they called sanctioned mercenary groups now a days). The man told me not a single person was hiring right now, which I find hard to believe. so he takes my creds and tells me I'll be on file and he'll call me. So what do I do? I'm out of creds, out of work, and stranded? well I head to the nearest bar and see if i can't convince thee bartender to lend me a drink and an ear. So here I am, drinking away in exchange for old war stories until I get myself a job.
I have had one lead though, just haven't followed it yet, seeing as I have drinks in front of me still. A guy named Tsubasa or something down at the Eastern gate, works with the West Wind group who our kindly doorman Blast says might be looking for men (or women)
I motion towards Jenny Body
So once I'm out of credit, I'm gonna march right on down there and see if I can't get myself a job and get off this shit hole planet I been stranded on. I slam my drink rther forcefully against the table take a deep breath and overly calmly say:
What about you? What are you doing here?
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#32 Post by Mister-Kent »

Jenny Body, Warrior

Just as she's set to leave the bar with Robert, he gets called to a free drink. She steps back from the door, sighs, and sits down next to the men, her hands folded patiently on the table.

When Robert gestures to her, Jenny regards Eli with a cool nod. "Hello, Mr. Alexander. You may call me Jenny Body."

"If you're seeking employment, as we are, I hear the West Wind group is as adequate an employer as any,"
she offers, maintaining her neutral expression.
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#33 Post by Das »

He smiled listening to them both rather closely. "Well I thought I would come in here for a drink in between jobs..." Looked at his drink. "..i'll let you know if I ever find one. I am indeed looking for work, just depends exactly what it is the job might be." He glanced to her. "Great to meet you, what kind of work are they involved in? I am trained in combat but it's not my favorite work. I prefer to sit in on negotiations to keep people honest."
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#34 Post by Spectreman17 »

Robert J. Withers:

If guts and glory aren't really your style, talk to Blast, the scary dude who likes to point his shotgun at me, he said there was another option. But it sounded like less my style. Though i admit i know nothing about it...
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#35 Post by Das »

Eli Alexander.

He shrugged. "I can hold my own, of course, but the more times you shot at someone the more likely they'll shot back." He chuckled slightly. "I suppose I could accompany you and hear what they have to say. If you don't mind."
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#36 Post by Spectreman17 »

Robert J. Withers:

It's no trouble at all, though with that attitude I'm not surprised you're unemployed, You gotta at least pretend to be excited. Well come along, Jenny and I were headed down there now.

I guesture to Jenny and get up to leave

See you Blast, I'm really leaving this time. Hopefully I won't be coming back anytime soon either.
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#37 Post by Mister-Kent »

Jenny Body, Warrior

"Honest?" Jenny repeats, her eyes widening at Eli. The corner of her mouth rises in amusement. "How refreshingly optimistic. I hope we get to work together, Mr. Alexander. It should prove...educational."

She follows Robert out, expecting Eli to join them.
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#38 Post by Das »

Eli Alexander

Eli looks about to down his drink but decides against it just leaving it on the counter to scuttle after them. "Do you guys know any good armor vendors? I had mine stolen."
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#39 Post by Spectreman17 »

Robert J. Withers

I pat my military issue metal plate, all green with a few insignia that have been scratched off on the breast and shoulders of the plate, Well, I haven't been to an armorer on world here, but I'd be willing to bet Tsubasa knows someone and might even be able to cut you a deal if you were a member of the West Wind Corp.

How'd someone steal your armor anyway, shouldn't you be wearing that?
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#40 Post by Mister-Kent »

Jenny Body, Warrior

Jenny compares her own metal plate armor--matte black with a red hornet insignia on the breastplate--to Robert's. She looks Eli over curiously.

"Some merc companies are willing to provide gear, or at least a discount, in my experience," she says. "Yet others are stingy bastards."

She gestures to her chestplate, and then to her metal bracers. "Over the years and a dozen companies, I've collected a bit of gear from each of them. Black Hive, Plutarch Enterprises, Ever Victorious. West Wind is one of the last companies I have yet to work for, so who knows what I'll get out of them..."
DMing DUNGEONESQUE, LL AEC Gothic-weird fantasy
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