Chapter 0: Charon Station

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Re: Chapter 0: Charon Station

#21 Post by Marullus »

She smiles. "Then I hope your dessert pack contains chocolate."
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Re: Chapter 0: Charon Station

#22 Post by Enoch »

[quote="Rusty Tincanne"]hmm. It seems like Circles is a town-based thing, and now that I think about it, we aren't in town. Still, I am interested to understand it better and to try it out.

Right now you have set this up as Circles 2 vs Ob 2. Can I use a trait (motivated, in this case) to add a die? And my manipulator skill is of no use to in this, correct?

Circles is a town-based skill, but bases are the "towns" of USCMC. However, given how mechanical Torchbearer is, the Circles factors have been stripped down to only those things that apply to medieval murderhobos rejected by decent society. You can use a Trait in this situation. Generally you can only use a trait beneficially once per session, but the station doesn't count.


The private behind the counter stands up, slowly flipping the magazine closed with a surly expression. He silently turns around and reaches into a cubbyhole beside him. Slapping a multi-part form down on the laminate in front of Resen, he smirks. "Of course, Corporal. Everything spit-and-polish. Fill these out and I'll get those records for you. You do have authorization to access those records, right? Don't worry, you can indicate the source of authorization on form DL6-111b."

Make an Ob2 Admin test.
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Re: Chapter 0: Charon Station

#23 Post by Marullus »

Rolling... Admin 2D +1D Best Job in the World and +1D Disciplined, total of 4D.
Admin 4D [1d6] = 6 [1d6] = 6 [1d6] = 6 [1d6] = 1

She turns from her friendly banter with Garrett at the Supply Private's words. Her look of shock turns to one of anger, then to quiet, steely discipline. She steps to the counter, her eyes scanning over each page of the forms as she talks. "As you wish, Private. Authorization is clearly available through section 5.A. of Regulation BE516, and as such authorization opens all your records to me, I would gladly check them for discrepancies." She continues filling out the remaining sections of the form, and correcting errors in the first section. "I'd remind you that the records for the weapon being issued are ALWAYS available, lest you make this mistake again. It is the DUTY of ANY Disciplined Rifleman to certify the care and upkeep of the weapon he is issued." She launches into a portion of the Rifleman's Creed. "'My rifle is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its sights and its barrel. I will keep my rifle clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other.' I expect that you will follow this protocol in the future, AND make sure that the weapons are properly kept. Is that clear, Private? You are part of a proud tradition, the best job in the world, and I expect you to take pride in it. Keep that trash mag in your rack, do your job, and keep it straight. Now, do we get the most-recently certified firearms, or do I check these records over in full?" She flips the completed forms back around and puts them in front of him.
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Re: Chapter 0: Charon Station

#24 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

[1d6] = 5[1d6] = 4[1d6] = 4

Too difficult to much more than that on an iPod, so I will let my earlier post stand.
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Re: Chapter 0: Charon Station

#25 Post by Enoch »

Location: aboard Charon Station
Turn: 1

PFC Dale

You learn that Dale does, in fact, happen to have some weed for sale. The two of you negotiate terms. You know that your personal goods will be searched before going surface-side, so there's not much reason to buy more than you will need for a day or two. Do you want to make a deal?

Each test advances time by 1 turn. When four turns have passed, the Grind advances and you will gain a Condition (Hungry & Thirsty, unless you have that already). The turn counter is reset when you enter camp. During Chapter 0 you will not suffer the ill effects of Conditions and they will all be removed before going down.

Turn: 2


The supply specialist seems confused, slowly pulling the proffered forms back across the counter and examining them. "Uh...yeah, I guess you're right, Corporal. Let me get those records for you." He jogs back among the shelves deeper in his office and returns a few minutes later, passing out standard-issue Armat M41A pulse rifles to each of you. He slides a datapad across to Resen.

"Maintenance specs for all three weapons and scopes are on here, Corporal. Anything else I can do for you?"

The successful Admin test will advance time by 1 turn. You do have the maintenance records for these weapons and accessories. What you do with them, if anything, is up to you.

Turn: 3

Tests can be a tricky thing: players describe what their characters are doing, and the GM will call for any tests he deems appropriate. It's very different from how Burning Wheel works. If you have a specific intent, you should state that up front, then describe how you're doing it. However, I may still call for a test you're not expecting, if your description happens to trigger something else or I feel a test not related to your Intent is appropriate.

Marullus indicated in a separate channel that Resen's intent was actually to put the supply private in his place and maintain her authority in front of her teammates. However, I can't determine the attitudes of PCs and the clearest test to me was the demand to see the paperwork, so I judged that an Admin test. It's been my experience with Torchbearer that it's easy to delve too far into RP and sacrifice clarity in intent: the tests I call for will be based on your descriptions, and it's easier to identify simple, clear things like demands for paperwork rather than a deeper, more subtle intent. That might be my fault, but that's why we are doing Chapter 0--so we can identify and clarify.

Marullus, if you still want to dress him down, please identify what you're trying to accomplish (you've pretty well described how you do it). What is it, specifically, you are trying to accomplish? If it's just "dress him down", I'll Say Yes and move on, as you've done that.
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Re: Chapter 0: Charon Station

#26 Post by Marullus »

(Cool, thanks for the clarification. :) Resen doesn't push it further... With the italics in his last post, the impression was that the supply private was being smarmy to a superior and trying to embarrass her in front of her subordinates. She passed the test and RPed it, and is satisfied that he backed down. My intent is that she has secured some form of respect from the Private. Vale and Wexler can react as they wish. :) Using records: She will check the records on the rifles to make sure they are safe and maintained. For her rifle, she checks the shot grouping on her rifle's last calibration - hoping this can lend insight to how to adjust shots in her pending competition, perhaps +1D?)

She looks over the papers. "No, that is all. Thank you Private." She motions Vale and Wexler to pick up their weapons and picks up her own. She pops the clip and racks the chamber, confirming it is empty and inspects it rapidly and efficiently by Marine standards. She looks to Vale. "Shall we?"
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Re: Chapter 0: Charon Station

#27 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Dale looks at the specimen Gomez offered out. It smelled wonderful, making his hands stop shaking for a moment. "This looks stellar, Gomez. But how about a toke? A quick sample to be sure its all you say it is." Dale didn't really want to spend any money on this venture. He was clean now. Just to get over the hump, man! he thought to himself. If it came to it, he could buy a joint. That'd be cheap enough and he had plenty of reason since he was heading to the surface in a day or so.

With his belief of getting out of missions richer, he'll try to just weasel a freebie from Gomez. Along with the agreement he'd look into clearing up that non-existent, failed urinalysis. Should be easy enough to "fix" since it doesn't exist. :P Whenever we get done with this, I'll head to the firing range and join the others. I hear it isn't good to split up the group.
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Re: Chapter 0: Charon Station

#28 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Garrett watched the whole exchange between the supply officer and Resen with a half smirk, remaining quiet throughout it. When Resen looked his way he took a step back and bowed low with one arm outstretching, "After you, my lady." He stands back up with a grin.

Once she makes her way towards the range he will shoot a look briefly over to the supply offer, a silent "I'm sorry" escaping his mouth but he quickly falls in line with Resen, his rifle held over his shoulder in a relaxed grip.
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Re: Chapter 0: Charon Station

#29 Post by Antman9 »

James R Wexler – PFC, Com Tech

Wexler watches the power play unfolding before him, between Corporal Resen and the private behind the counter, with indifference. When the weapons arrive he snatches one up and begins inspecting it, verifying that the charging handle, fire selector switch, charging grip, and magazine operate smoothly. He checks that the main and secondary ejection ports are clear, that the sights are straight, and that the gun has been cleaned and maintained properly. If all points of interest meet his standards (clean--fluid operation) he will nod to the private and follow Corporal Resen and the others.
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Re: Chapter 0: Charon Station

#30 Post by Marullus »

(OOC: So, I think we are all entering the range. Enoch?)
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Re: Chapter 0: Charon Station

#31 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Well... Except Dale, he's off doing drugs. :D
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Re: Chapter 0: Charon Station

#32 Post by Enoch »


That sounds like a Manipulator test. Gomez is generally happy for the first bit to be "on the house", so it will be Ob1.


The three of you collect your weapons and leave the embarrassed private behind. You find the gun range rather standard: a long hallway-like area, broken up by partitions dividing it into lanes. Several of the nearest are filled, but there are a handful at the far end that are still open. The three of you take adjoining lanes near the far end and set up your ammo on the table before you. Paper targets await you at the end of the range, too close for long-range weaponry but well-suited to pulse rifles.

This will be an Ob1 Soldier test (you need at least one success to hit the target). Since there's a bet on the line, total successes will determine whose aim is truest. This will only count as one test, as this will generally only occur during a conflict.
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Re: Chapter 0: Charon Station

#33 Post by Marullus »

Marullus wrote:Using records: She will check the records on the rifles to make sure they are safe and maintained. For her rifle, she checks the shot grouping on her rifle's last calibration - hoping this can lend insight to how to adjust shots in her pending competition, perhaps +1D?)
Do I have that +1D? :)
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Re: Chapter 0: Charon Station

#34 Post by Enoch »

Nice. Yes, the calibration records will provide you with +1D for this test. If you all continue shooting, we'll assume that everyone else has zeroed in and are no longer at a disadvantage.

In addition, you all each have a +1D from Fresh (including Dale).
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Re: Chapter 0: Charon Station

#35 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

[1d6] = 5[1d6] = 5[1d6] = 2

Dale pulls out his knife and an apple from a nearby counter. Despite his shaking hands, he manages to hollow out a tube through the core and then an intersecting tube from the side. He winks at the group of privates. "Ever seen this?" Their blank expressions are answer enough. Dale has Gomez pack the apple and they pass it around the circle. Upon Dale's turn he breathes deep, finishing off the last of the bud. His head feels mushy and good. He looks at his hands and they are no longer shaking - well not more than anything else is vibrating. He forgot his promise that it was a one time affair, "That is spectacular, Gomez. I will definitely be back." He chopped the apple into 10 pieces and passed them around. "Good for the munchies, too."

Then he was up and away, headed to the firing range. Shooting was always most entertaining when high.

I promise that once we are on an actual adventure I will be a bit more on task. :P Maybe he will focus in on alcohol since that is legal and can be used an an antiseptic.
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Re: Chapter 0: Charon Station

#36 Post by Marullus »

Resen motions Vale and Garrett to the firing line, putting her eye and ear protection on within the range. "Go ahead; show me what you got." She smiles.

That's cool Rusty. :) I figure we'll do this shooting wager, then when you arrive move to the simulator as a full fire squad. I figure this chapter is for establishing impressions, and played Resen up accordingly, as you are. You fuck up getting high in the prelude, then you have room for goals and character growth! :D
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Re: Chapter 0: Charon Station

#37 Post by Enoch »

That's exactly it--this chapter is for RP and learning the system. Normally the base phase is handled much differently, and during the adventure phase you really want to stay on track--each test brings you one step closer to oblivion, and anyone who's played even a session of Torchbearer can probably tell you how quickly it can spiral out of control.

That third test also moves us to Turn 4--after the next test the Grind will advance and you all will gain a Condition (Hungry and Thirsty, if nobody ends up with a condition from the test).
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Re: Chapter 0: Charon Station

#38 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Alright, now that we have gotten to rolls, what am I rolling to start off?

2D6 for gunner? add 1D6 for fresh and maybe another 1D6 for defender or dedicated? Maybe another for ultimate badass?
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Re: Chapter 0: Charon Station

#39 Post by Marullus »

These are standard rifles, not mounted heavy weapons, so I think it is Soldier, right? Plus whatever traits you justify.
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Re: Chapter 0: Charon Station

#40 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Ok so if my soldier is a 3 then that's 3D6?
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