(IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#21 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Q.Q Elf wrote:Lucinda walks over to Seth, having seen the aftermath of his entrance. She bides her time with that situation, and focuses her eyes on Seth. As is Lucinda's way, she herself has dressed to leave little to the imagination, and yet there is an infinite space of darkness hidden behind her mocking eyes. Her tartan skirt is much too high, and it's doubtful she's wearing anything else underneath. Her white shirt is damp with sweat and alcohol, and plastered to her skin. Yet she seems ever in control, despite whatever she has partaken of.

Speaking at Seth, she says, "Boy. What game are you playing, I wonder. I hope you're not here to cause trouble. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."

She smiles and laughs, not expecting any reply.
Seth looks at her, his normal cool expressions changed to a more wild look as his eyes openly search every part of Lucinda. He simply laughs with her. He then starts to walk towards her, initially just walking past her with a smug grin on his face, once he passes her though he turns around andputs his hands on her shoulders, pulling her into him before whispering in her ear, "Heh, you havn't seen anything yet." He then gives her neck a light peck and walks away from her. rolling to turn her Lucinda on Seth HOT Roll: [2d6+2] = 4+2 = 6 He then heads into the main party as people dance to the music, he weaves through the crowd until he makes it to the grouping of boys all fawning over Mrs. Meecher at the drinks area.

Seth stays in the background, simply watching Summer lash out and strike Duke before yanking on Meechers arm, pulling her away. Seth remains unseen through the chaos as people get pushed back. After Summer makes her get-away with meecher Seth steps in from the side as Duke attempts to go after them. He places a hand on Dukes chest, stopping him from going forward for the moment, calmly saying, "Let them go this time, there will be other chances." He gives Duke a knowing and very wicked smile.

Not sure if it's needed but I guess this is a shut down action? I guess it would depend on if Duke listens to Seth normally but just in case I'll roll it.
Seth COLD Roll: [2d6-1] = 4-1 = 3

Gah... I botched both rolls... That sucks....

MC, depending on Dukes action Seth will fight the guy. Let me know and I will roll a violence.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#22 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Summer somehow drops Duke with a single punch to the face.
mc voice: What? No knee to the Duke's sensitive spot?!

The crowd of boys backs away after Duke crumples to the ground. Summer hauls her teacher out the side entrance, leaving the party behind them.

(For Metal Fatigue...)
Mrs. Meecher looks confused by the turn of events. She was so close to a kind of acceptance, and the stark reality of her isolation hits her in a wave. She buries her face in her hands, to shut off the world for a time.

Through her hands that cover her face, she whispers, "Perhaps I should go home now..." She begins to walk by herself down the Rector's old path through the woods.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#23 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Duke gets to his feet with a bright red welt on his cheek. "Oh my f***ing god... that bitch sucker-punched me! Did you see that bitch? What was up with that?"

Looking at Seth and listening to what he has to say, Duke just shakes his head. "Bro, there are plenty of other bitches in the sea, bro. The Duke can get anybody he wants. Didn't I tell you that Lucinda wanted me? She's looking over at us now. You know her? I'm gonna go put the Duke's moves on her, bro. I'll even mention your name. Maybe she'll let you watch, bro!"

Duke starts to make his way over to where Lucinda is standing.

mc voice: To keep it simple, Lucinda takes String on Seth with the first dice fail, and then I'm redirecting the Duke with the 2nd.

Shut Down NPC doesn't work as you were describing... That would have been a Manipulate check. Of course, to get your XP check, you should have just punched out the guy... Or run away like a chicken. Either one :lol:
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#24 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Seth lets Duke strut towards Lucinda as she watches them. He gives her a sly grin before turning and heading towards the entrance casually. Once outside he sniffs the air, looking for the unusual bland scent that always permeates from Summer, once he finds it he will follow it towards her, keeping out of sight until he spots her as Mrs. Meecher begins walking away back home.

Seth waits for Meecher to leave before speaking out to Summer, giving his location away, "You know how to make a scene, that's for sure... So why try to save the helpless little sheep?" Once she spots him he gives her a predatory look and grin.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#25 Post by Metal Fatigue »

Summer, startled, whirls to face Seth. "Eep!" She takes a deep breath. "You scared me…. Something horrible is going to happen tonight, Seth. I've got an idea what Lucinda has planned, and it's not pretty. Mrs. Meecher wasn't safe here." She swallows. "I'm not safe either, but I don't know what to do. If I run away, Lucinda will take it out on me later, three times as bad." A pause, long enough that it seems as though she's done speaking, but then she whispers, "Please…help me?"

In the moonlight, Summer seems small and vulnerable. Unconsciously she's crossed her arms under her breasts, pushing them up and out. She's helpless before the alpha male….

Turning On Seth, crossing off the "Terrified" Condition for a +1: 2d6=4 ugh.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#26 Post by Q.Q Elf »

mc voice: So does this mean Seth gets a String on Summer?

Otherwise, I don't run this interaction between Summer and Seth, so I stay out of the way.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#27 Post by Metal Fatigue »

MC: you can turn it around and say Seth gets another String on Summer, yeah, or you could make any other hard move you want. Since Seth has a bunch of Strings on Summer already, the obvious move seems boring. Maybe Lucinda comes looking for Summer?
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#28 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Lucinda might help Summer there if I don't frame it properly...
I will have to mess things up.

The side door bangs open again. Lucinda has another girl by the arm, who appears to be feeling no pain. "Oh, there you are, my pet," says Lucinda as she drags the stumbling Victoria into the moonlight. "Some genius decided to slip her something. Ah, well, we should make the most of it."

Duke comes barging out the door, following Lucinda to watch what happens next.

Lucinda kisses the incapacitated girl, full on the lips. Then she turns to Duke, and says, "Now you've had a show, Duke. Run along, down the path, and do what you've been told. She's just waiting for you."

Lucinda laughs as Duke stumbles off towards the Rector's house, a plastic sandwich baggie in his back pocket.

Lucinda hands the stumbling Victoria off to Seth with a wink, perhaps as a gesture of alliance, and says to Summer, "Come along, my pet. There's work to be done. No rest for the wicked, as they say."


mc voice: I was waiting to see if James would bring in Victoria, but I couldn't wait forever. :lol:
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#29 Post by Metal Fatigue »

"N-no," Summer stutters. Then, more firmly: "No. I won't let you drag Mrs. Meecher down to your level. She's a good person. Not like you." Hating herself, Summer strikes a pose, sultry pout and chest thrust forward for her mistress' benefit. "Not like us."

Turning on Lucinda, using up the "Lucinda's Bitch" condition in the process: 2d6=8 and Lucinda has a choice to make.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#30 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Ok so... This may lead to some very bad consequences but... Fucker shouldn't have went to the Meecher home..

Seth waits for the Lucinda and Summer to head back to the chapel, he holds onto Victoria as they go. Once they are out of sight Seth grins a very predatory grin as he looks out the way that Duke had stumbled off to. He picks up Victoria bridal style and heads off into the forest, off of the path, parallel to Duke. Remaining quiet and catching his scent which shouldn't be hard at all.

He catches up to Duke, watching him from the forest while carrying the unconscious Victoria. Once Duke gets close to the Meecher house Seth lays Victoria down in the brush and quietly heads towards Duke, remaining quiet as he stalks him. Once he gets to the road he softly calls out to Duke, "I told you to let them go didn't I?" As Duke turns around to see who just spoke to him Seth sprints towards him, sending a haymaker punch towards Dukes face, sending the drunk teen sprawling to the ground before grabbing his neck and pulling him off into the woods opposite of where Victoria was laid down. From there he begins beating Duke mercilessly under the cover of night. Seth's eyes now changing slightly, showing a more golden color than before as he smiles viciously.
Seth Volatile Roll: [2d6+1] = 11+1 = 12

Afterwards Seth makes sure he is cleaned up and has no visible blood on him, taking off his shirt if necessary but keeping it with him. He heads back to the road and picks up Victoria, carrying her down the road and towards town. If she does not wake up then he will carry her all the way back to her house, setting her down outside her door, resting on one of the porch chairs if any present themselves before heading home himself, a smile on his face.

Seth's motive is probably to kill Duke, I didn't write that because I wasn't sure exactly how you wanted to do that kind of thing...if he doesn't kill him and only beats him within an inch of his life thats fine too, I doubt Duke saw who did it. But if he did kill him then I had a few other actions to put in.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#31 Post by Rukellian »

So, uh, this was all happening outside the side entrance of the chapel, not the front where Frederick and Clarence is at, right? If so, I will refrain from posting anything until James decides to show himself. Knowing his character, this party is definitely something he would not want to miss! ;) :lol:

Also, was Duke's beating... loud? Did his screams of pain echo throughout the forest? Perhaps Clarence might have heard it... *shrugs*

:lol: *sigh*, knowing my luck, this will probably be the case and I will miss out on Keenhelf's post while at work. I'm almost half-tempted to set up some generic ghosting actions and dialogue phrases for my character when I am away. :roll: To help keep the story moving and all that without having anyone wait on me.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#32 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Rukellian, everything you just posted means I can throw a Hard Move at you, you know.

It says so in the rules. Ask Metal Fatigue! :mrgreen:
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#33 Post by Metal Fatigue »

A hard move is when the dice dislike a player, or when the MC decides to spend an NPC's String on someone to initiate a hard move "out of nowhere." (You do not want the Big Bad to get Strings on you, folks.)

When a player, or all the players, are looking at you with questioning expressions, that calls for a "soft move" (not, I think, an official term in Monsterhearts). That's where you make a hard move but stop just before it becomes irrevocable and say "What do you do?"

EDIT: also MonkeyWrench needs to pick one of the 10+ options for Lash Out. Sounds like he's opting for extra harm, but.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#34 Post by Q.Q Elf »

For Rukellian...
(embedding in Spoilers so Keehnelf doesn't have to read)
[sheet]MC Voice: I thought I had posted something for you... Oh well. Time to revamp it.[/sheet]

Frederick mumbles, "Fists? Oh, yeah, Mister Finney. I was just so angry at what I saw, what I did was simple. The anger, it just takes over, Clarence. It takes over for you. You don't have to worry... the anger, it helps you. It's not so bad."

Looking at Clarence, Frederick says, "I don't quite know why I came here tonight. I thought she might be here. She's different now. She's not who she used to be. Everything is so different now."

As Clarence is talking with Frederick, two other boys from class notice them talking. It takes a moment before they spot Clarence, but Marcus and Pavo begin to weave through a crowd of people, heading towards Clarence. It'll take a few moment for them to reach Clarence, but they are headed over all the same.

MC Voice: okay, time for your next move!
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#35 Post by Rukellian »

Q.Q Elf wrote:For Rukellian...
(embedding in Spoilers so Keehnelf doesn't have to read)
[sheet]MC Voice: I thought I had posted something for you... Oh well. Time to revamp it.[/sheet]

Frederick mumbles, "Fists? Oh, yeah, Mister Finney. I was just so angry at what I saw, what I did was simple. The anger, it just takes over, Clarence. It takes over for you. You don't have to worry... the anger, it helps you. It's not so bad."

Looking at Clarence, Frederick says, "I don't quite know why I came here tonight. I thought she might be here. She's different now. She's not who she used to be. Everything is so different now."

As Clarence is talking with Frederick, two other boys from class notice them talking. It takes a moment before they spot Clarence, but Marcus and Pavo begin to weave through a crowd of people, heading towards Clarence. It'll take a few moment for them to reach Clarence, but they are headed over all the same.

MC Voice: okay, time for your next move!
"Oh shit! He just doesn't give up does he?" Clarence picks up his pack and faces Frederick, stammering something quickly before running off. "We can talk about this later! D-don't want to hang around to s-see what that punk has in s-store for me." Whipping his scarf around his face, Clarence makes a mad dash towards the forest nearby, hoping to lose them in the fog and trees.

My volatile roll... [2d6-1] = 7-1 = 6 Well, this is not going to be pretty :lol:
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#36 Post by Q.Q Elf »

MonkeyWrench, with that dice result for lashing out, you have a choice.
Seth automatically inflicts 1 harm on Duke, which is a black eye, or a split lip, or any other undeniable damage.

You get an option: Increase the damage by +1 harm, or take a String on Duke. (i don't think the third option applies to a NPC since I don't roll.)

2 harm is a serious injury that may need medical intervention. In this case, it will. A busted arm, fractured jaw, or some other significant bodily damage.

Anyway, let me know.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#37 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Lucinda takes Summer's leash firmly in hand, and pulls her into something that is half embrace and half restraint. Lucinda whispers, "Are you so sure? Can you be? Every master can have more than one dog, my pet. When I make my move to bring that one to heel, I'll be sure you are there to watch!"

Leading Summer through the door to small sanctuary behind the altar area, Lucinda kisses Summer on full on the lips, not caring who else may be in the room...

Aaaand, we fade to black for a time on Summer...
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#38 Post by Metal Fatigue »

According to the Hollow skinbook, MC, you can allow sex with an NPC to change the Hollow's sex move, just as sex with a PC would. Are you applying that in this case?
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#39 Post by Q.Q Elf »

I think we are at a good point to close out scene 2. I'll resolve Rukellian's post, and push it ahead shortly.

Metal Fatigue wrote:According to the Hollow skinbook, MC, you can allow sex with an NPC to change the Hollow's sex move, just as sex with a PC would. Are you applying that in this case?
oh, yes, forgot about that.
I've mostly looked at Lucinda as the Queen, though. That move isn't really doing anything for you.
The other lens for Lucinda has been the Ghoul. A Hunger for Lucinda would be... awkward. :lol:

Lucinda is not the pathetic Mortal. Infernal?

Anyway, copying an existing move is easiest for me. I am open to suggestions.
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Re: (IC) Acrewood Chapel, scene 2

#40 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Clarence busts through the woods, almost flipping ass over teakettle several times due to rocks, roots, branches, small mammals who never saw Clarence coming, and the like.

He breaks through the trees to find a house. The yard is unkept, and scattered with debris. Broken egg shells, clumps of dissolving toilet paper mark the house as a target for student frustrations.

As Clarence watches quietly, listening for the sound of pursuit, a black Mercedes pulls up the driveway to the house. An older woman gets out of the car, her eyes a piercing blue. It looks like the Principal, Mrs. Price-Walters. She wears a long black overcoat, and her greying blonde hair is tied up in a severe bun.

Mrs. Price-Walters doesn't notice Clarence as she walks to the front door. Instead of knocking or ringing the door bell, she pulls out a key on a red dog collar. She unlocks the door and goes quietly inside.

ooooook! That's as hard a move as I'm going to take right now. If you have any parting shots for scene 2, go ahead. I'll tally up experience and lock the thread later tonight.

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