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Re: Chpt. 2 Kobold Prisoners & Prisoners of Kobolds

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 1:29 pm
by Nuke66
OOC: One this side. none left. But it is a good place to seal up and clear the other end out.

Re: Chpt. 2 Kobold Prisoners & Prisoners of Kobolds

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 3:35 pm
by Dram
Flanxyl searches for his gear within the room or at least something to protect himself with.

I need to find my gear I believe it is next room.

Re: Chpt. 2 Kobold Prisoners & Prisoners of Kobolds

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:32 pm
by SlyFox
Nuke66 wrote:Sammy the Barbarian

Sammy, now that the bloodlust has faded a bit , relaxes and the more subtle thoughts come to his head.

"Elf, give me a hand with this cage man. Let's secure this door and regroup." Sammy moves to the cage and starts to drag it to the other side of the room.
Not yet. There are still the two kobolds that Trendt, Gwydion and Rubesca are about to slaughter.

Re: Chpt. 2 Kobold Prisoners & Prisoners of Kobolds

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:36 pm
by SlyFox
Corun the ranger helps Sammy and Fanxyl move the iron cage across the room. Fanxyl's long sword is found up against the wall where the cage had been hiding it, but his other equipment and weapons remain missing.

Re: Chpt. 2 Kobold Prisoners & Prisoners of Kobolds

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:52 pm
by Dram
Fanxyl helps the Barbarian move the cage.

Barbarian how large is your group? We must rid ourselves of these Dam Kobolds!

Re: Chpt. 2 Kobold Prisoners & Prisoners of Kobolds

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 3:46 pm
by Grognardsw
LilacBird wrote:Assuming that Biblo is translating from Kobold, Gwennethel tells Biblo, Biblo, ask the mutt what barred door he refers to and where is it? Also, what's with the statues?
Biblo translates the kobold's words and continues the interrogation. "Describe the map of these caves! Where is the barred door, place the goblin locations, what statues do you refer to?"

Biblo has his quill ready to map the cave descriptions given.

Re: Chpt. 2 Kobold Prisoners & Prisoners of Kobolds

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 5:02 pm
by SlyFox
Gwydion is chasing the kobolds that are running to the north, going right into the room where Rubesca and Trendt have set up to wait for them. Rubesca and Trendt time their moves to jump out at the kobolds just as they enter the room while Gwydion makes a double strike at both kobolds from behind. All three companions strike the two kobolds at the same time and they screech out in shock as they see themselves ambushed.

Gwydion double strike with sword and dagger:
To hit: [1d20+2] = 16+2 = 18, damage with sword: [1d8+2] = 8+2 = 10
To hit: [1d20-1] = 19-1 = 18, damage with dagger: [1d4+2] = 2+2 = 4

Rubesca strike with flail:
To Hit [1d20+1] = 17+1 = 18; Dmg [1d6+2] = 5+2 = 7

Trendt strike with mace:
Hit[1d20+1] = 18+1 = 19 Damage[1d6+2] = 5+2 = 7

One kobold is assailed by both Rubesca and Gwydion while the other is taken out by Trendt and Gwydion's second blow. All three companions strike hard and true and the kobolds never stood a chance. Their screeches of shock are suddenly choked off as they fall dead between their assailants.

Sammy is tired of the kobold that runs from in the westernmost room and takes a desperate swing at it to keep it from reaching the door that he knows will surely lead to many more kobolds.
[1d20+1] = 14+1 = 15 to hit [1d10+1] = 9+1 = 10 damage
His two-handed sword slices the kobold in half with no effort as he eliminates the threat, then finds the elven ranger they've been keeping locked up in an iron cage in the northeast corner of this room.

Once freed, the elven ranger, Fanxyl, introduces himself and tells Sammy, Merthyr, Dakara and Corun that there are goblins being held prisoner here too, but they're further to the south while he's sure that the other kobolds are beyond that door to the west. Sammy, Corun and Fanxyl move the iron cage to block the western door while Dakara ties up some old clothing together, securing one end around the doorknob and the other around a torch sconce to create more of a distraction.

Fanxyl has found his long sword, which was hidden behind the iron cage, now moved. The rest of his weapons and equipment is still missing. He knows that the kobolds in the next room have it.

Fanxyl asks how many they have in their party and Corun counts for a moment before finally speaking. "There are 13 of us so far, but it doesn't seem to matter. We got separated and then ambushed by these kobolds. I can only hope the others are safe. We should finish up here and get back to them. I heard a lot of commotion out there in the east hall and I heard someone yell that more kobolds were coming our way. The thief that was with us just disappeared through the wall in a flash of blue light. We've been too caught up fighting the kobolds to find out what's happened to him."

Gwennethel and Freddie watch as the last of the two kobolds head south and go through another secret door. Gwennethel marks that little lever down mentally on her map for future use while Biblo continues to questions the prisoner. Adel motions to the secret door and warns everyone to watch their backs as well as saying they need to find the rest of their party up north.

All kobolds dead but three. One is being held prisoner by Biblo while two have escaped through a secret door to the south, carefully noted by three people.

Biblo is translating everything the kobold prisoner is saying. "Describe the map of these caves! Where is the barred door, place the goblin locations, what statues do you refer to?"

Kobold: "Go south. Secret door in south wall. Lever behind torch on wall. Room of moss behind door curves to the west. That west room, our last guard room past moss room. West door in west room holds goblins. We tipped two big statues to hold door. Very heavy. Goblins should die in there now. Many more rooms go beyond that door, but we don't go there, have never been there. We lock goblins up there and don't go in. We starve them to death. They have no chiefs or women or children now. Not sure how many more live. We keep to the center of the caves. Our barracks behind our guard rooms to the north. Further north are bare rooms with strange things and caverns with big spiders." The kobold is breathing heavily through the pain of his broken finger, only slightly recovered from the pain in his groin, but not much. "Please! Let me go. Let me live. I go away and never return. Please!"

Llewellyn stands close behind the kobold, ready to slide his dagger into its back upon Biblo's approval. There is jingling out in the hallway as Freddie and Jenn walk into the room. The sound distracts the kobold for a moment, but he can't turn his head to look. Biblo observes that this belly dancer could easily kill a kobold just by sitting on one.

Gwennethel has come into the room after the last of the two kobolds disappeared behind the secret door and is now listening to the interrogation. Malachi, her hawk, flies back into the room, deciding the skunk stench has faded enough and perches atop her shoulder with a loud squawk of disapproval at the smell lingering in this place. He rubs his head against her cheek violently as though to get the smell off himself. The hawk then finds Jenn's sparkly things too hypnotizing to stop staring at. He begins daydreaming about playing with her jewelry.

Jenn the belly dancer continues to cling close to Freddie's side, seemingly unable to stop pawing at him in a needy fashion. She looks genuinely concerned for his safety, but hopeful since she has seen the party take care of the "demons" inside this cave. She has willfully refused to go back home and stubbornly decided that she will stay with Freddie wherever he goes.

Coppish finds himself being quietly stared at by a very calm, very happy mule. It might even have intentions of using him as a comfortable pillow again in the future. It softly brays at him to come closer.

N.B. - There are 3 barrels of oil inside the cave entrance, untouched. The remaining 5 are outside with the horse and cart.

Fanxyl - New party member. All other party members add 416 to your experience.
XP/HP totals:

Fanxyl = 0 XP
Freddie = 641 XP

Gwydion = 696 XP -1 HP (snake bite) total = 15 HP
Coppish = 416 XP
Llewellyn = 416 XP
Biblo = 416 XP
Merthyr = 416 XP
Adel = 696 XP
Trendt = 416 XP
-4 HP (kobold short sword) total = 5 HP
Sammy = 416 XP
Gwennethel = 696 XP
-1 HP (kobold rusty dagger) total = 7 HP

All item, HP, XP and money & marching order updates in this thread: (Marching Order/HP, XP & Item Updates)

Favor Points - 0 = Everyone is square with their deities.

Map/Party Positions
Party-Positions.jpg (190.38 KiB) Viewed 648 times
Year - 1000
Date - January 2nd
Time - 12:30pm
Tummies are rumbling and people need to eat & water the horse and mule.


Re: Chpt. 2 Kobold Prisoners & Prisoners of Kobolds

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 6:43 pm
by FronkyDondo
Gwydion, Elf Ranger
Grateful at the others for helping him take care of the kobolds.
"Let's meet back up with rest of the party, block any doors, catch a breather, and maybe get a bite to eat. I'm famished after all of this fighting."
He sets out trying to round everyone up, reorganizing the party, breaking his fast, and prepare for the next stage. Where's that cute Gwennethel?

Coppish, Elf F/T
"Haloo! Let's all regroup - I think the scaled mongrel beasts are taken care of for the nonce."

He eyes the mule nervously. Where's that cute Dakara?

He sets out leading the mule back toward the main group - he'll give it a feedbag when he gets a chance.

Re: Chpt. 2 Kobold Prisoners & Prisoners of Kobolds

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 7:31 pm
by Grognardsw
Biblo, scribe

Biblo translates what the kobold says. "If I had my way, I would bring you back to Farmtown Village and let them serve you justice," Biblo tells the kobold. "I am sure they would deliver the same sentence as my assassin attorney colleague will..."

Biblo turns away from the kobold, glad to be done with the evil creature. He consults the others. "I assume Evander's lair and the relics are in the deeper caves beyond the secret south door and the barricaded west door therein," comments Biblo. "If we are sure we've cleaned out the kobold threat here, we should venture into this area. Goblins and other threats unknown lie beyond."
Biblo remembers...
slyfox wrote:The tales say his lair was a cave just outside of the village somewhere and his “collection” of relics is most likely there, but some say that demons have taken up residence since then.

Re: Chpt. 2 Kobold Prisoners & Prisoners of Kobolds

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 7:47 pm
by FronkyDondo
Gwydion, Coppish, Rubesca, Trendt and the Mule walk around by the entrance (holding their noses to avoid the skunk smell), pick up the others that are torturi- er... interrogating the prisoner, with the hope they can scoop them up, walk back to rejoin Sammy and the others in the room in the back.
"Let us away! For Ralathil!" exclaims Gwydion.

Coppish, under his breath:"Thank Correllon. Never thought I'd hear myself say that again."
[Just a thought - not the party caller - please specify if you do not intend to do that]

Re: Chpt. 2 Kobold Prisoners & Prisoners of Kobolds

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 8:23 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Trendt puts his mace back in his belt loop "Best regroup drink and eat tend to the mule and deal with everything else before we continue our searching this place out and loading the cart with our treasures." he pauses catches his breathe realizes he is injured, grumbles and casts a Cure Light Wounds upon himself. "We dwarves be a tough folk but them dog faces rats can bite hard sometimes. I say we meet up in the main entrance cave where we left them barrels of oil." with that he nods to the others and heads to the larger cave just inside past the entrance passage.

Cure Light Wounds[1d8] = 4

Re: Chpt. 2 Kobold Prisoners & Prisoners of Kobolds

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 8:31 pm
by Zhym
Llewllyn slips his dagger into the kobold's back.

Re: Chpt. 2 Kobold Prisoners & Prisoners of Kobolds

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 8:54 pm
by Dram
Corun who is the leader of your group? How did you upon being here in this cave? As for me my bravery got the better of me. Those Kobolds are smarter than I gave them credit. I will need the rest of gear. It is in the next room, but I believe it may have some company with it.

Fanxyl looks upon others to who might give aid in retrieving his gear.

Re: Chpt. 2 Kobold Prisoners & Prisoners of Kobolds

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 2:13 am
by Nuke66
Sammy the Barbarian

Sammy starts back toward the others. "Yeah, lets regroup and take a break. Elf, we will get to your gear in a bit."

Re: Chpt. 2 Kobold Prisoners & Prisoners of Kobolds

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 2:35 am
by Dram

Yes lets regroup with the rest of your party. I would like to meet them.

Re: Chpt. 2 Kobold Prisoners & Prisoners of Kobolds

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 3:19 am
by LilacBird
Gwennethel – Elf Druid

Gwennethel sees Gwydion, Rubesca, and Trendt coming down the hallway. She thinks to herself "thank goodness the others are starting to get back here. I'm hungry." She sits down in the hallway putting her bow away and starts rummaging through her pack. She pulls out some dried meat for Malachi while she coos sweetly to him. She then begins to eat some rations, thinking, almost sadly, of the fate of the tortured Kobold.

Re: Chpt. 2 Kobold Prisoners & Prisoners of Kobolds

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 4:01 am
by SlyFox
Dakara the cleric waits for the others to secure the door with the iron cage before starting back, beckoning them to come along to rejoin the others. Rubesca takes a quick look over Trendt to make sure he's all right and sees him heal himself. Back up to full health, she decides Trendt is in good condition. Trendt: +4 HP, total = 9.

Coppish grabs the mule, a little nervous about how it stares at him, then leads it back to the other half of the party to give it a feed bag and some water. Rubesca tells Sammy, once he appears, that she loves horses and asks if she can give it some food and water.

Corun answers Fanxyl when he asks about a particular leader of the party. He gives a little laugh. "I wouldn't exactly say there's a leader. Everyone kind of just does their own thing, but we came from Snake River City where we were hired out to find some historical artifacts and holy relics that were stolen a few hundred years ago. This cave is supposed to be the lair of a guy named Evander, a thief/magic-user. He wasn't at all evil, but had a serious eye for the valuable and powerful. He hoarded his treasures and had a taste for the seriously exotic. What we've found out so far from the villagers is that this place became the lair of what they call "demons" that raid their village nightly. Well, turns out these so called "demons" are kobolds. We've also found out that goblins used to have this place as a lair up until two weeks ago, but we had no idea they were still around until you confirmed this. We know there are bats and over-sized spiders and... according to a skunk... something slimy, green and plantlike in the natural caverns. We haven't had the pleasure of exploring much yet since we were ambushed by kobolds nearly upon entering. What about yourself? Were you sent to find particular items, or did you just get unlucky enough to try your hand at adventuring in this cave?"

Biblo has finished with his interrogation and Llewellyn decides the kobold shouldn't be allowed to get away. The assassin slides his dagger into the kobold's back, slicing into its heart, and its eyes go wide with shock before it slumps over in silence.

With everyone good and hungry after all this kobold slaughtering, they regroup in the room with the secret door where the kobold was interrogated. Others sit in the hallway just outside of the room. Once Dakara and Rubesca finish eating, they begin checking over everyone to make sure there are no wounds left untended. Rubesca finds a gash in Gwennethel's leg and takes a time out to cleanse the wound and bind it. The two clerics hover over their "patients" like mother hens until sure everyone is in good condition.

Appetites are surprisingly high for so many kobold corpses laying around - and one dead spider. Jenn the belly dancer has no food on her and stares at everyone while they eat until the two clerics have pity on her. Rubesca offers Jenn a share of food, but after Jenn eats it, she wants more and Dakara is forced to give her a share of her rations as well. Nope, the void still isn't filled and soon Corun decides to give her a share of his rations, but he has also given a share to Fanxyl since the elven ranger's own food is in his pack, taken away by the kobolds. Ranger and clerics can't believe how much the super-sized belly dancer has eaten and wonder how long she'll be staying with them.

Two of the five buckets of water outside of the supply room are used to water the mule and horse and Trendt decides it's a good idea to load up the cart with the loot sitting there in the hall when he's finished eating. Corun helps out with this task. Rubesca, being a stickler for sanitation, uses a quill pen and ink to mark the two buckets of water "mule" and "horse" so that nobody accidentally refills their water skins from those buckets and ends up drinking animal saliva. Adding the loot to the party loot thread.

Re: Chpt. 2 Kobold Prisoners & Prisoners of Kobolds

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 4:59 am
by AleBelly
Munching distractedly on his dried food, Adel the monk addresses no one in particular. "Well, north, south, or through the trap door? I favor heading south, where our enemies are known. The trap door seems to be unknown to our humanoid enemies, so that can wait. I don't fancy heading north with known enemies at our back. Of course, we've proven ourselves a formidable party that can handle ourselves and Enki appears to be smiling upon me. I will follow the will of the group."

He then looks around the room to see how his line of thinking is received.

Re: Chpt. 2 Kobold Prisoners & Prisoners of Kobolds

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 5:08 am
by Dram
I came upon the tracks of the kobolds just after I had passed a farm up the road here aways. It appeared that it was only a small group. I was going to dispatch the kobolds myself. Big mistake I must say. I will not be that foolish again.

Fanxyl looks over the group. He notices the other 3 Wood Elves in the group.

I see you already have ranger in your group. If the ranger does not mind, I would like join your group. And help you complete your mission.

Re: Chpt. 2 Kobold Prisoners & Prisoners of Kobolds

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 5:09 am
by SlyFox
Dakara introduces the newest member, Fanxyl the elven ranger, to the rest of the party. She informs them that they found in a prisoner of the kobolds in the westernmost room, locked up in an iron cage. She assures everyone that they've blocked the door in that room, but Fanxyl's other weapons and equipment are being held by the kobolds in one of those back rooms up there. "Unless we find a way to block those other two kobolds from coming back through that secret door, we should go through there and slay them before moving on, lest they take our cart and Sammy's horse while they flee, or worse - attack us with a bigger party while we're busy doing something else. But I agree we should go up north and get our elven ranger back his weapons and gear so he can help us out in this fight."