3-Return to the Surface (Roleplaying in Waterdeep)

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Re: 3-Return to the Surface (Roleplaying in Waterdeep)

#21 Post by Darkmane »

The guards start in with "Whad's all this!" and "A gnome at the doorstep!" but after checking you out and deciding you don't seem to dangerous, they summon Trevor. He appears after a while, exiting the house with a walking cane and a plaid house/bath robe.

"Ah, Glimble was it? I apologize for the way I reacted to your dwarven friend, you can rest assured I have no malice toward him, I'd already forgotten the incident. His backhanded comment stabbed at me while I was morning, so I barked back at him. Here, let me pour you a tea, I'm having some on the roof."

He takes you inside the mansion, ascending a magnificent marble stair, which circles about an entry room bearing one of the most amazing chandeliers you have ever seen. It is a masterpiece of magically enchanted glass animals that sometimes actually move, drifting about upon hanging supports, which resemble drooping trees. But these structures are crafted from hand carved gold and electrum. Glancing into several side rooms as you rise to the third floor, you notice that the complex sports a private army, several retainers on staff who are prepaing maps, and room after room filled with decadent furniture, musical instruments, fountains, libraries, etc...

Finally, you come out on a roof-top balcony, which has but a small table with a copper tea-pot, steam rising in a wisp from the spout. Trevor summons his servant who brings you a dwarven sized plaid robe, and an extra cup for tea. You slide the robe on which protects from the crisp wind, and settle down into the cushioned seat, and a tea is poured for you along with a plate of excellent biscuits. The balcony looks out toward the nearby ocean, a spectacular view over the cliffs of rock that the Sea Ward is perched upon.

Trevor sips his tea, hunched in his chair, propped up and leaning on his cane, and looking slyly over the cup, asks, "So Glimble, what was the reason that you came here?"
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Re: 3-Return to the Surface (Roleplaying in Waterdeep)

#22 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Glimble clears his throat then says "I wished to for one appologise for my gruff manner less dwarf friend. I also wished to inform you we intend to return below. We have business topside for the next few days but we do wish to return to the mae below. I wish to know if you would seek to return with us. I also wish to inform you if we locate the bodies of your lost comrades that I seek to bring them back for proper burial they deserve it. No true dwarf warrior deserves the fate to rot below."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: 3-Return to the Surface (Roleplaying in Waterdeep)

#23 Post by Darkmane »

Trevor leans back in his chair and peers up as a pair of pegasi dance in the sky above, "Thanks for the invitation to join you, but I think my adventures in Undermountain are over for now. I'd advise you to stay out of that place! Find some adventures in the north or even in the city! In fact if you are interested I might even have something for you"

He shifts about in the chair and looks back into the compound for a moment. "There have been a rash of corpses disappearing from the City of the Dead, Waterdeep's graveyard complex. Somebody even broke into the Irlingstar Mausoleum and absconded with my great, great, grandfather! He has a very expensive, and very magical, gilded helmet that means much to my father. We felt it was safe in the crypt, since we had placed many protective spells to prevent it from being removed from his head. I guess the spells we had laid over him to prevent him being raised as undead have failed! Anyway, my father is going on-and-on saying things like: we must take action immediately, house Irlingstar must NEVER be dishonored in this way and all sorts of things like that. We've already hired a diviner who is busy tracking down my great, great, grandfather the wight! Once he is located, which should be later today, we will need a group of adventurers to go reclaim him, knock him into a state of regular dead, collect his bones and the helm and bring him back to the family crypt where we can spend a boat load of money placing new wards over his bones!"

He gets up and starts to head back into the house. "Excuse me, but I have business I must attend to. Think about my offer, my family has money, so you will rewarded well for your efforts. Talk it over with the rest of your party, and send word here at our villa if you are interested. It might be more profitable than wander around in the dungeon."
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Re: 3-Return to the Surface (Roleplaying in Waterdeep)

#24 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Glimble finishes his drink nods to Trevo and heads back out of the estate in search of fellow gondsmen. On his way out he asks on of the estate guards "Pardon me again sirs but do you know of any available apartments in the lovely city here?"
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: 3-Return to the Surface (Roleplaying in Waterdeep)

#25 Post by Darkmane »

Glimble's city adventure cont...

The guards fill you in that apartments and villas for rent in the North and Sea Ward are extremely expensive, however, there are some famous Villa's in the Castle Ward for rent for about 25-50gp per month. Many adventuring bands have rented them while partaking in partying and adventuring in the city.

They also let you know that a few blocks away is the House of Inspired Hands (Temple to Gond). So your hike all the way out to the Sea Ward actually took care of two of your stops! You head over to the temple, and as you near the complex, you start to hear the familiar sound of a temple to Gond. Whiring, banging, clanging, popping, and roaring noises sputter intermittently out into the city streets, while folks walking by barely seem to notice. Business as usual. Heading up to the complex, it is mostly made of brick and concrete, but it is adorned with contraptions of copper and iron, beautiful wooden clocks, glass sculptures, all of which are mechanisms of some sort.

Heading into the church, you run into members of the clergy who grill you on lesser known aspects of the Worship of Gond, until they are convinced of your true role as a cleric (it helps that you are a gnome). Finally you are escorted to a small room where you are placed before Bindaro, an elderly gnome with silver beard and patchy hair, and Jhondil, a robust broad shouldered woman, with heavy leather breeches, a stained white tunic, and a heavy leather apron. Bindaro introduces Jhondil as the head of this church, and then asks you about your history and business at the church and in waterdeep. They seem laid back and interested, not demanding or interrogating.
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Re: 3-Return to the Surface (Roleplaying in Waterdeep)

#26 Post by Darkmane »

Tella and Muriel's Adventures with Spells:

You both copy the spells you need from the wooden spell book over to your books. You will need more time to begin learning the spells you didn't already know, but you were now ready to try and trade out the spellbook.

Following instructions you received from a drunk guy in the Yawning Portal, it does take you a bit of time to track down the Tower of the Order. You pass through a heavy walnut door, with lots of complex iron bars, locks, and contraptions on it. Heading inside, you see the walls are adorned with shelves, covered in glass jars containing all sorts of common spell components and curios. There is a stuffed two headed cat, a bird with four wings, a small ape with four eyes, bat wings, and horns, covered in fine red hair, among other strange members of the collection.

Heading deeper in you find your way up to a middle aged man at a desk. There didn't seem to be any other doors, although the tower must hold many other rooms. His name is Olar and he is the speaker of the order. Most of the time he mans this desk. "What can I do for you, er hem laides? Are you practitioners of the art?"
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Re: 3-Return to the Surface (Roleplaying in Waterdeep)

#27 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Glimble speaks to both Bindaro & Jhondil "I came here with a band of adventurers and we went into undermountain once already. We did encounter something most of my fellows though improbable, a young dragon. I found it no surprise at all, but that is not exactly why I came here today. I wanted to pay my respects to the local temple of our almighty Gond. I also need to seek more powder and ammunition for my handy Arquebus here, as well as cleaning it properly it took on a bit of water when we were sent through a teleport trap and dropped into a room filled with water in parts above my little head. That brings up another interesting thing that I found out of place a bit in the maze under this splendid city, in this room was a statue of a fish that I suspect was being worshiped we encountered a large fish that tried to eat me. What do you make of this?" Glimble will also offer a tribute at the temple of Gond as per his duty as a clergy of Gond. "I do so also seek housing for my friends I've been given some decent information as to affordable apartments in the city. Would you have any better recommendations other than Castle Ward is there anywhere else decent for a party of adventurers?"
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: 3-Return to the Surface (Roleplaying in Waterdeep)

#28 Post by Darkmane »

Item Appraisal - Dagmar, Thorax, and Cormack -

While Glimble is off at the Irlingstar Estate and the Church of Gond, the warriors of the company decide to look at the loot they've collected and head over to get it appraised. They head over to Balthorr's Rare and Wondrous Treasures, which stands on the east side of the Street of the Sword, south of Selduth Street. The shop is brimming with rare coins, gems, curios and especially uniforms from a wide variety of military organizations from throughout the realms.

Balthor "the bold" comes forth from behind stacks of items that he is busily cataloging and referencing in the huge stack of books that are piled around him, up to 7 feet high in a small circle about his leather bound swivel chair that he sits upon. There are 4 guards in the shop who have been watching you since you walked in, 3 humans with swords or mace, and a copper skinned elf with an old burn scar along his neck. He booms out, in a hearty, bubbling, enthusiastic tone "Ah ha! You must be adventurers! Have you got some good items for me? I'm always interested in making offers on anything curious or exotic! If I appraise your items and you don't sell me anything, I customarily take 50gp or 1% of their worth, whichever is more, as my appraisal fee."

Do you accept his offer and haul out your goods for inspection?
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Re: 3-Return to the Surface (Roleplaying in Waterdeep)

#29 Post by Darkmane »

GreyWolfVT wrote:Glimble speaks to both Bindaro & Jhondil "I came here with a band of adventurers and we went into undermountain once already. We did encounter something most of my fellows though improbable, a young dragon. I found it no surprise at all, but that is not exactly why I came here today. I wanted to pay my respects to the local temple of our almighty Gond. I also need to seek more powder and ammunition for my handy Arquebus here, as well as cleaning it properly it took on a bit of water when we were sent through a teleport trap and dropped into a room filled with water in parts above my little head. That brings up another interesting thing that I found out of place a bit in the maze under this splendid city, in this room was a statue of a fish that I suspect was being worshiped we encountered a large fish that tried to eat me. What do you make of this?" Glimble will also offer a tribute at the temple of Gond as per his duty as a clergy of Gond. "I do so also seek housing for my friends I've been given some decent information as to affordable apartments in the city. Would you have any better recommendations other than Castle Ward is there anywhere else decent for a party of adventurers?"
Bindaro wrikles up his old face, and then says, "Fish cults have always been present along the Sword Coast. I suspect all of these cults are actually promoted by the bitch queen of the sea. They may all be aspects of her, or possibly worshippers paying tribute to demonic entities in her service. Civilized faiths must take heed to root out these organizations when possible, for they are like a cancer lying in wait to destroy."

Jhondil nods in agreement, and then says, "We will set you up with the tools to repair your weapon. In addition, one of our craftsman can help you need that. We do have the ability to make smokepowder charges and one of our lower level clergy can help you securing those, and will set a fair price for you. I hope you consider joining our church when you are in the city. We ask 30gp/month donation as a minimum from our "adventuring"clerics, and 2 weeks of service per year, typically fixing farm implements at the forge, or performing some other craft for charity if your skills lie elsewhere. By joining our church, we will allow you to use our craft rooms and equipment for free, although you have to pay for all expendables used, and clean up when you are done. I conduct prayer and inspiration services based on a schedule derived from the golden number, which a number of our clerics have mapped out over the next several months."
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Re: 3-Return to the Surface (Roleplaying in Waterdeep)

#30 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Glimble looks to them both and issues a hearty smile "Why of course I came here to join, and as a matter of a fact I suspect with the tasks my friends have in town I will have time for a couple days at least to do my duties today and tomorrow as well. I'm not entirely sure what else we plan to do in the city as of yet. We might go back into undermountain we might find other adventures up here. I do currently have the tribute but after I pay that today I will need to search for paying work."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: 3-Return to the Surface (Roleplaying in Waterdeep)

#31 Post by ylinett »

Thorax considers "sounds fair my good man, let's see what I've got." With that he begins putting the items on the table.
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Re: 3-Return to the Surface (Roleplaying in Waterdeep)

#32 Post by Darkmane »


Bindaro and Jhondil show you around the complex. They have areas for glass work, carpentry/woodworking, wood carving stands, several forges for metal works, and even some labs for alchemy, and tinkering with magical effects and psuedo-scientific experiments. Bindaro takes you to a locked room, and will sell you charges of the magical smokepowder for 5gp per charge. They currently have 10 free charges made, but if you give them a week they can have 20 more charges ready.

Thorax (and others)

You pull out the items for evaulation:

-ivory tube
-blueshine EP (86 total pieces)
-gauntlets and rings
-animal tusk or horn

Balthor pushes the ivory tube and the animal tusk saying, "These might be woth 1gp together." He then picks up the gauntlet, "Hmmm, very fine craftsmanship here, this gold chasing was obviously from Amn or Tethyr region. I'd say that the right person may pay 50gp for these, I would give you 25gp for them. The two lion head rings and belt buckle might be worth 10gp total, and again I could give you 5gp for them."

Once he opens the sack of blueshine electrum pieces, he smiles broadly and begins counting them. "Eighty six! This my fellows is a nice find, dwarven make! I believe these were made here along the sword coast, perhaps in old Illefarn! Most collectors would give you between 1 and 2gp for each coin. However, I'm a rare coin dealer and I think I could find a collector who would pay a bit more. I would give you 300gp for these coins, the gauntlets and the gold lion rings, and belt buckel... and if you take my offer on everything I'll waive my appraisal fee as a bonus!"
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Re: 3-Return to the Surface (Roleplaying in Waterdeep)

#33 Post by ylinett »

"Dagmar, Cormac...what do you think? I could put that amount towards building us some fine armor. I know we could use an upgrade."
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Re: 3-Return to the Surface (Roleplaying in Waterdeep)

#34 Post by Spiderdown »

Muriel - 10/10hp

Flashback - book repair

[1d100] = 9 vs 57% (40 + 15(int) + 2 (wizard level))

Tella? Does this look like a fnoth? I think... Muriel turns the book sideways. It looks like one. Just a second. Vilarck hyletta hala fnoth...

Woosh! Small flames shoot out.

Oh my goodness the tablecloth! Muriel efficiently beats out the small fire. That's why you whisper when you're testing fire spells. It's probably also why wizards have to pay extra rent, she concludes glumly, moving a plate to cover the burn mark.

The Tower of the Order

Greetings Speaker Olar! Muriel responds cheerfully to the man. We've found a spellbook in the Undermountain. It was undoubtedly lost by a skilled mage, and it would be a shame to see their life's work auctioned off to fakers and charlatans, so naturally we came to you first. Tella has it. While you're looking, be sure to examine the marginalia on Dancing Lights, there are some interesting notes there on colour conversion...
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Re: 3-Return to the Surface (Roleplaying in Waterdeep)

#35 Post by spanningtree »

Tella - Elf Mage 14/14

Gads, Muriel, your right! You have found something I missed! Tella will also copy off the burning hands incantation. Spell added to her own book.

The Tower of Order

Tella will go with Muriel to see what they can get for the book, she would also like to see if they can get any of their potentially magic items identified thrown into the deal (IE: the glowing dagger Tella found, anyone else want to throw an item onto the ID list? I think Glimble found a mace and Muriel came across a sword.) Aye, this tome was clearly from quite a professional.... perhaps identify a few items and back that up with some coin in trade?
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Re: 3-Return to the Surface (Roleplaying in Waterdeep)

#36 Post by ybn1197 »

Cormack folds his arms over his chest and casts a sidewards glance at the man. "Arggh. You know those coins are worth more than that, but I understand you have to make a living. Lets say 400 gp for the lot and you wave your fee?"
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Re: 3-Return to the Surface (Roleplaying in Waterdeep)

#37 Post by Darkmane »

Balthorr's Rare and Wondrous Treasures

"A living indeed! I like your style young dwarf, but you must come back from that cloud you're on! How about 330gp? A bit more gold for you, but still leaving an old man room to feed his six children!" Balthorr rubs his large belly as if hungry and stares down Cormack, waiting for his answer.

Tower of the Order

With the burning hands spell repaired, you now have a complete spellbook when you arrive at the tower. Tella hauls out the tome with its wooden pages and hands it over to Olar. He browses through the book dilegently and slowly, reading over each page, "Dancing lights, mnnnmmmm, yes, lavender, emerald, mauve, yes, very interesting indeed. I can definitely accept this, a very professional tome indeed, spells with sufficient utility to interest many a fledgling apprentice. Our standard fee for identification spells is 500gp per item, but perhaps I can do two items for this book in trade? Also, if you ladies are interested in joining the Watchful Order, I could probably waive your entry fee? Membership, of course, gets you future discounts on potions, scrolls, spells for learning/tutelage, and normally we don't sell anything magical to non-members. If you are interested, I can take you through the responsibilities and rules of conduct for the Order, all fairly straightforward."

*ps - only Tella's dagger and Muriel's sword are magical.*
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Re: 3-Return to the Surface (Roleplaying in Waterdeep)

#38 Post by spanningtree »

Tella - Elf Mage

That sounds like a good deal, how about you Muriel? Joining the order also sounds like something that will come in useful. If Muriel agrees she will produce her glowing dagger for identification.
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Re: 3-Return to the Surface (Roleplaying in Waterdeep)

#39 Post by Darkmane »

Tella and Muriel:

OK, if Muriel agrees to the deal, it will take ~2 days for your weapons to be identified.

Olar will take down your information and your membership will have to be approved by a majority vote. During meetings, members wear purple cloaks with white hands on the left shoulder. You will be given your cloaks at the first meeting you attend. The order teaches prudent, conservative, use of magic in order that the mages of waterdeep be respected and loved, instead of feared.

You can get spell components, scrolls, and some potions/magical alchemical preparations through the order, although their prices are on the high side. The networking in the guild is also good, and it will allow you to meet other Waterdavian mages. In times of monetary crisis, wizards with the right spells can make money as a spell guard (need detect magic and dispel magic) or fire watch (need stuff like affect normal fires, cold spells, water spells).
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Re: 3-Return to the Surface (Roleplaying in Waterdeep)

#40 Post by Darkmane »

Glimble's Search for an Apartment:

OOC: Assuming Tella and Muriel agree to the deal around the spellbook they will have to wait 2 days on the identification of the sword and dagger, and it took them 2 days in the hotel to scribe all the spells (working diligently). So they won't be ready for another adventure into Undermountain, until 5 days have passed. Right now, it is costing ~2gp per person to live in the Darkstar Hotel, 1gp per person on the rooms, and a 1gp/day food and beer/wine budget.

So far 2 days have passed so you've spent 24gp total at this stage, but with two more days ahead of you, Glimble decides to lead the search for cheaper stay in the city (I'll also say that one or more of Tella and Muriel decide to go with him for a female perspective) . Glimble is able to locate a man, through Asyria Boldwinter, named Elsharoe who acts as a realtor for foreigners in the city. His clients include adventuring bands and merchants who have extended business in the city.

He takes you to three properties:

A two storied flat in the Trades district, above a shop specializing in silks, near Virgin Square, fairly close to the Yawning Portal. You would be able to rent 2 floors of this building, which is brick on the lowest level, and wooden frame and timber above that. There are 2 bedrooms on each floor, and the building does have a flat roof, allowing use of the roof for outdoor eating, or sitting during nice weather. The bedrooms rooms all have small fireplaces, but some of you will have to "bunk" two in a room. There isn't much common space to gather either and it lacks a formal dining area where you could all gather, except for the roof. - 20gp/month

Then Elsharoe takes you over to the other side of Waterdeep mountain, past the massive castles, and brings you over to the edge of Sea Ward, close to where a majority of the nobility lives, and near Glimble's temple of Gond. This area is a bit separated from the rest of the city, hugging the edge of Mount Waterdeep, an area known as the Cliffride! He shows you two rental villa's, which are both 25gp /month:

Stormwatch: this villa is actually built into the protective wall along the cliffs overlooking the sea, giving amazing views of the sea from hundreds of feet up! It had been a watch tower that was expanded upon by a noble, who built outward and upward, creating a total of 5 floors, and there are 6 bedrooms, a formal dining area, two libraries (without books at the moment), and a few other rooms that are unoccupied at the present. One disadvantage is that it does have so many floors.

Heroe's Rest: This villa has been rented by several famous adventuring bands. It is a fairly large villa with 8 bedrooms, a formal dining area, libraires, sitting rooms, grand staircases, but in addition, it has two attached buildings: one can be used as a stable, and the other building once housed both a forge and a wizard laboratory. It has a bricked in hearth that could be brought back to life, and it has many shelves along the walls for storing components. Both of these buildings attach to the main complex. There are two main floors to the general residence, with a few third floor bedrooms. You can see out into the ocean on the second and third floors. The overall place is massive, and a really good deal at 25gp/month.
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