Oggle > Riders of Nesme

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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#21 Post by hedgeknight »

AQuebman wrote:OOC: Did Darlond and Thurgrum arrive and do anything?
Yep! Finally finished the post above this morning - Oggle and the Riders are up!
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#22 Post by AQuebman »

"Feel the Fury and Might from the Claws of Bahamut and fear for your soul Pig snout!"

[1d20+3] = 17+3 = 20[1d20+3] = 18+3 = 21 5th Round Attacks
[1d8+3] = 7+3 = 10[1d8+3] = 6+3 = 9 Round 5 Damage

Oggle openly shares Bahamut's bladed fury with Orc O5 before dispensing his rage out on the Orog.

If the second attack hits on the Orog i'm not sure if that's a D8 or D12 damage. If it's a D12 feel free to roll for me Hedge
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#23 Post by hedgeknight »

Channeling the might of the Platinum Dragon, Oggle lashes out at O5, relieving the Orc of its head, and then spins and delivers a devastating back-handed swipe that breaks the Orog's back and drops it to the ground.
A few yards away, Cullen and Steen team up on the last member of the Orc crew (O10), and while Steen's attack is weak and uneffective, Cullen's is true, and he and his horse finish off the last of the Orcs. Looking around the camp, the only Orc not accounted for is the one who ran away (O14).

Captain Truman, breathing hard and sweaty, grimaces at the pain in his leg but otherwise ignores it. "Well done, Riders, well done. Let us clean up here and move on. No doubt the smell of blood will bring predators and the clash of weapons and screams can echo for miles in these hills."

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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#24 Post by AQuebman »

Oggle snaps the blood off his blades and sheathes them. He then wipes the sweat from his brow and says a quick prayer of thanks to Bahamut for granting him more of his strength.

"Captain, should we ride down the orc who got away? He may bring a much larger force of orcs to ambush us. We will struggle to move quickly now that we don't all have horses."
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#25 Post by hedgeknight »

"Let 'im go - he's already a head start and it's getting dark. He'll likely get eaten by some predator...which is what will happen to us if we don't get moving."

Two horses are beyond riding, but Oggle can double up with one of the other dwarves if he wants. Steen will double with Cullen, even though he is bleeding badly.

"Any healing needed before we move on?" Thurgrum asks.
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#27 Post by hedgeknight »

Thurgrum offers Steen some minimal healing CLW [1d8+1] = 1+1 = 2 to Steen and then the Riders double up and move out as quickly as the horses will allow.

Captain Truman pushes the horses through the rest of the day and it is after midnight before the lights of a small town, nestled at the base of the hills, comes into view. Armed guards meet your group at the outskirts and ask your business. Truman speaks for the group and tells them you are Riders of Nesme, returning from an expedition, seeking rest before continuing on. The guards, a force of both humans and dwarves, check his papers and recommend the Coronet and Cabbage Inn for a night's stay. "Welcome to Kingsholm," they say as you ride off.

Leaving your horses with at the stables behind the inn, you enter and even at this late hour a handful of townsfolk are in the common room talking and drinking. A human man of middle age greets you and says, "Well met travelers. I am Ian Turbrand - what brings you to the Coronet and Cabbage on a fine night such as this?"
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#29 Post by hedgeknight »

Leaving your horses with at the stables behind the inn, you enter and even at this late hour a handful of townsfolk are in the common room talking and drinking. A human man of middle age greets you and says, "Well met travelers. I am Ian Turbrand - what brings you to the Coronet and Cabbage on a fine night such as this?"
"Just some much needed rest, my good man," Captain Truman replies to the innkeeper. "We'll need rooms for the night and feed for our horses. Also...a bath would be nice...we need to be presentable when returning to Nesme."

The two men chat a few minutes, along with Sgt. Broon, and when the innkeeper finds out your group are Riders of Nesme, he gets very excited. He arranges rooms for you and refuses payment, but Sgt. Broon pays him anyway. Captain Truman takes his leave and gives the order to meet back in the common room in four hours and you'll go for breakfast.

Four hours pass (however Oggle wishes to spend it), and he and the two other dwarves, along with Cullen and Steen, are back in the common room, still weary from the trail, but very hungry. While waiting on Captain Truman and Sgt. Broon, a commotion arises from the back room. You can hear raised voices for several seconds and then nothing. Then, the innkeeper, a woman dressed in the uniform of a town guard, and a prosperous-looking dwarf stride through the doorway and into the common room. Unswervingly, the innkeeper walks up to you.
"Are you indeed Riders of Nesme?" the innkeeper asks. He glares at you with dark eyes as if challenging you to deny it. "Are you adventurers? We need brave and capable folk, right now, and we're willing to pay!"
Not waiting for a reply, he continues hurriedly. "Mia says we have trouble up in the old graveyard," the innkeeper continues, indicating the woman in uniform. She looks uncomfortable, and you sense fear from all the onlookers. "We need your help, and we need it now!"

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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#30 Post by AQuebman »

Oggle takes his four hour break to bathe and rest his aching body. Riding a horse with another isn't a comfortable ride and the combat recently has been fierce and seemingly never ending. His rest is welcomed but he finds his mind returning to his previous companions, concerned for their safety and well being. Nokrugh specifically comes into his mind. He considered the half-orc a friend and someone he cared for more then he'd ever openly admit. "Bahamut be with them, as you have been with me." he whispers quietly as he rests his tired eyes.

The four hours passes very quickly and to Oggle's aching body it feels like he just laid down his head. He grumbles and grunts his way down the stairs, grasping at old wounds and tender muscles. His stomach growls fiercely but the smell of food flows throughout the tavern, which encourages the ailing Oggle onward into the common room.

As the commotion arises Oggle's ears perk up. He listens to the whole ordeal silently watching everyone especially the very quiet prosperous-looking dwarf. Oggle stands at attention "Please calm down, give us your names and explain what is going on exactly. My name is Oggle, and we are Riders of Nesme as my captain indicated before. Please anything you know share it, any information you can provide may be crucial to resolving this problem. "

Oggle looks over at Cullen and Steen with a hard look "Go find the Captain and the Sergeant and get them down here!" he says with a strong authoritative tone.
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#31 Post by hedgeknight »

AQuebman wrote:Oggle looks over at Cullen and Steen with a hard look "Go find the Captain and the Sergeant and get them down here!" he says with a strong authoritative tone.
Cullen hesitates for only a second before nodding and walking toward the stairs. Steen, still hurting from yesterday's battle, sneers, mouths the words "Frag off!" and finds a place to sit down. Then the innkeeper starts talking again.

"Forgive me, I am Ian Turbrand, and this is Mia Desarna, captain of our town guard. And this is the owner of our General Store, Gran Stoutbrace." The well-dressed dwarf inclines his head slightly.
Ian continues talking (with Mia and Gran chiming in occasionally) and you learn the following information:

1. Three locals went up to the graveyard the day before last to prepare a recently deceased member of their family for interment in the graveyard's mausoleum. The family (a mother, father, and daughter) did not return. When the family's servants reported them missing, two "sentinels" (town guards) went to investigate and didn't return, either. Mia is reluctant to send any more sentinels.
2. The missing sentinels, a dwarf man named Dornal and a human woman named Zeera, are trained warriors that Mia trusts to do their job.
3. No trouble of any kind has occurred in the graveyard for as long as the townsfolk can remember.

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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#32 Post by AQuebman »

hedgeknight wrote:
AQuebman wrote:Oggle looks over at Cullen and Steen with a hard look "Go find the Captain and the Sergeant and get them down here!" he says with a strong authoritative tone.
Cullen hesitates for only a second before nodding and walking toward the stairs. Steen, still hurting from yesterday's battle, sneers, mouths the words "Frag off!" and finds a place to sit down. Then the innkeeper starts talking again.

"Forgive me, I am Ian Turbrand, and this is Mia Desarna, captain of our town guard. And this is the owner of our General Store, Gran Stoutbrace." The well-dressed dwarf inclines his head slightly.
Ian continues talking (with Mia and Gran chiming in occasionally) and you learn the following information:

1. Three locals went up to the graveyard the day before last to prepare a recently deceased member of their family for interment in the graveyard's mausoleum. The family (a mother, father, and daughter) did not return. When the family's servants reported them missing, two "sentinels" (town guards) went to investigate and didn't return, either. Mia is reluctant to send any more sentinels.
2. The missing sentinels, a dwarf man named Dornal and a human woman named Zeera, are trained warriors that Mia trusts to do their job.
3. No trouble of any kind has occurred in the graveyard for as long as the townsfolk can remember.

Oggle with rage in his eyes at Steen's reaction uses his arm to forcefully clear the table. "By the Captain's own words I am due for promotion and thus outrank you Private Steen! You are a Rider of Nesme, WE stand and protect no matter the cost and no matter your personal ailments! Go against your oaths as a rider again and I will make sure you are shackled and brought before the courts for treason."

Oggle attempts to soften his gaze as he turns to Ian, Mia, and Gran. "Ms. Desarna, do you have any sentinels you would be willing to send to aid my fellow riders and I? This threat could be quite severe so any help we can take will be most appreciated. Also who is the family that first went up there? Information we can gather on them may be important as we continue to investigate." Oggle says authoritatively trying to come down from his previous anger.

"I must apologize for the outlash, Rider Steen's actions are not indicative of the rest of our troop. I promise you all we will come to the bottom of what is going on or we will die trying. Just please if you don't mind wait for The Sergeant, and Captain they may have further questions for the three of you."

Oggle will continue idle conversation with the three until all of the Riders gather together and can form a plan on how they wish to proceed.
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#33 Post by hedgeknight »

Steen gives you a look of pure hatred, but says nothing. Nervously, Ian starts talking again, in answer to your questions.

"It was the Yurling family that went missing > Morgan, his wife Desiree, and their daughter Tyra. They had went to the mausoleum to inter Morgan's father, Gunar. The Yurlings own a large farm just south of town, and were good people, well-liked by everyone."
Mia nods and says, "The sentinels are not professional soldiers or mercenaries, just trained locals. And we only have nine sentinels...if you count the two missing, Dornal and Zeera. I might could spare one, maybe two to go with you."

Ian nods and reaches for Oggle's hand. "On behalf of the town, we'll pay you 50 gold apiece to investigate the disappearance of the Yurlings and the sentinels. I'll pay you an additional five times that amount to go into the mausoleum and catch or destroy whoever or whatever defiled the place. That's a total of 300 gold pieces each for the deed."

Even Steen's ears perk up at that amount, and Darlond and Thurgrum (being dwarves an all) raise their eyebrows at look to Oggle. And Oggle is about to answer when Captain Truman and Sgt. Broon, followed by Cullen, descend into the common room.
"We've not the time to go off digging through a graveyard, innkeep! We are bound for Nesme - I have a report to make to my superiors and we cannot be delayed further."
Ian starts to protest, but Truman raises his hand and turns to Oggle. He studies the young dwarf a few seconds and says, "We make for Mornbryn's Shield and will try to restock and buy fresh horses there. But if you wish to stay and help these good people, you have my leave. Cullen and the dwarves will stay with you, and you can catch up with us at the Shield - shouldn't take too long looking through a mausoleum, should it innkeep?"
"I don't imagine it would, sir," Ian replies, wringing his hands in worry. Then he looks at Oggle and says, "Won't you please help us?"
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#34 Post by AQuebman »

Oggle gives Mia a concerned look. "If you can spare a couple people as extra support and for eyes that know the area it would be appreciated but please don't do it if you feel uncomfortable. This could certainly turn deadly in an instant."

Oggle nods at the Captain's words and speaks plainly to the people in need. "Captain, thank you for giving me leave I will stay and help these people and do everything in my power to bring Cullen and my dwarven brothers back safely. If we are delayed in meeting you at Mornbryn's Shield please leave notice so that any concerns may be relieved"

He then turns to Ian "I won't accept your money, it is our honor and our duty as Riders of Nesme to serve and protect. I only ask for basic supplies and full cooperation as we investigate this threat. On that note it's time to start this before the culprits have time to hide anything."

Oggle looks over at his new troop. "Let us head to the Yurlings farm to investigate. Mia if you can spare anyone have them meet us there."
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#35 Post by hedgeknight »

Confused and still adamant about paying you, Ian wishes you well and Mia leaves to find a couple of her sentinels to send to the Yurling farm. Arriving there, you find the place empty and abandoned (as expected) and you search for an hour or so and find nothing to help your investigation.
Before you leave, however, the two sentinels (both young fighters) arrive as Mia promised - their names are Jase and Lewis. And with them is the dwarven merchant from this morning, Gran Stoutbrace. He was quiet during the conversation this morning but he offers something to you before you leave. Speaking primarily to the three dwarves in your group, he says, "My ancestors used to live in these hills long before humans came, back before the silver played out, many years ago. I remember stories my father used to tell me about a series of tunnels under these hills. So, be careful in there. My gut tells me sommat is terribly wrong."

Ready to go to the graveyard?
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#36 Post by AQuebman »

hedgeknight wrote:Confused and still adamant about paying you, Ian wishes you well and Mia leaves to find a couple of her sentinels to send to the Yurling farm. Arriving there, you find the place empty and abandoned (as expected) and you search for an hour or so and find nothing to help your investigation.
Before you leave, however, the two sentinels (both young fighters) arrive as Mia promised - their names are Jase and Lewis. And with them is the dwarven merchant from this morning, Gran Stoutbrace. He was quiet during the conversation this morning but he offers something to you before you leave. Speaking primarily to the three dwarves in your group, he says, "My ancestors used to live in these hills long before humans came, back before the silver played out, many years ago. I remember stories my father used to tell me about a series of tunnels under these hills. So, be careful in there. My gut tells me sommat is terribly wrong."

Ready to go to the graveyard?
Oggle walks up to greet the newcomers after the fruitless search. He takes off his right glove and with his rough calloused hand gives Jase and Lewis a firm hand shake. "Welcome, i'm Oggle Steambottle. Please thank Mia when we return, she's risking a lot sending you two with us. I will cut it to you straight, this will likely be very dangerous but any help you can provide will lead to the safety and well being of your home and your fellow townspeople. Know that fear embraces us all, it's the overcoming of your fear that is the difference between a warrior and a coward. May Bahamut's blessings be with us all."

Oggle then listens intently to Gran and thanks him for the advice. "I don't like where this is going but at least I can be thankful i'm heading underground with dwarves. Gran, if by Bahamut's grace we don't return. Please send word to Nesme for me, the riders will need to know and a larger force will need to be sent to handle this problem."

Oggle says goodbye to Gran, pulls out his longswords and suggests the rest of the party arm themselves. He then leads them on to the graveyard.

OOC: Bring it on Hedge!
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#37 Post by hedgeknight »

Walking back through town, Mia meets up with you and escorts you to the graveyard. She gives instructions to her young sentinels, Jase and Lewis, as she walks. Outside of town on a small hill, sits the cemetery - "older than the town itself," Mia murmurs.
Ivy winds its way up the iron bars of the cemetery gate. No rust discolors the black metal, and flowers blossom near the wall. Beyond that wall, you see a gravel walkway that weaves its way up through groomed grass and white tombstones. A few statues rise up along the hillside, their gray features gleaming in the sun.
"That's not good," says Mia. "The gate is open."
Kingsholm graveyard.JPG
Kingsholm graveyard.JPG (49.86 KiB) Viewed 415 times
Taking precautions, the sentinels draw their weapons, as do the dwarves, and you walk slowly through gate and up the walkway. Mia sends her blessings for a speedy return and returns to town. The graveyard appears old but lovingly cared for. Fresh gravel covers the path and flowers, not weeds, grow beside the tombstones. Soon, you are standing before the mausoleum, the centerpiece of Kingsholm's ancient graveyard. Built long before Kingsholm grew up near this site, the mausoleum has become a landmark of the community, and the townsfolk take pride in its care and upkeep.

A narrow path winds its way up the hill toward the mausoleum flanked by ancient, life-sized statues of a warrior and a priest. Two humanoids lie sprawled on the mausoleum's steps. Dark liquid seeps out from under the bodies, and beyond them, the doors to the mausoleum are open.
Suddenly, you perceive movement at the feet of the statues. Two pairs of feral eyes gleam out at you from behind the graven images. Wolves! Another darker wolf-shape roams farther away, among the nearby gravestones.

Initiative and Actions!!
Kingsholm mausoleum wolves 1.JPG
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#38 Post by AQuebman »

Oggle shouts " Prepare to defend yourselves men!" Oggle then grips his longswords tightly and tries to rush towards the figure in the back thinking he's likely the biggest threat.
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#39 Post by hedgeknight »

Initiative Order:

Oggle rushes toward the out-lying wolf and Darlond and Thurgrum follow him, advancing toward the first wolf on the left, while Jase and Lewis attack the wolf on the right.

The young sentinels, faced with their first real battle, are white-knuckled and cotton-mouthed, but they wade in like Mia trained them to. Lewis slashes at the wolf and misses, but Jase drives his longsword clean through the beast, delivering a crippling wound!

The wolf staggers but regains its footing and leaps to the attack, missing Jase with its sharp teeth!

Darlond and Thurgrum double up on the second wolf, but the beast avoids axe and hammer! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4105393/
And then it attacks, Darlond, lunging at the fighter, who fends it off successfully with its shield.

Oggle is up!
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#40 Post by AQuebman »

[1d20+3] = 15+3 = 18[1d20+3] = 17+3 = 20 Oggles first Round Attacks
[1d8+3] = 6+3 = 9[1d8+3] = 4+3 = 7 Oggle's first Round damage
Oggle's muscles tense and the adrenaline flows as the thrill of battle overcomes him the closer he rushes to the outlying wolf. He then uses his built up momentum aiming to bury both of his longswords deep into the wolfs innards. "Feel the razor sharp talons of the platinum dragon you mangy dog!" Oggle shouts excitedly.

OOC: Do these look anything like the shifters Oggle had run into back when the party was all together?

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