WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#21 Post by max_vale »

Moto Island in the Solomons Islands chain, approx. 4:35-5:00 AM, 18 April, 1943

In the dark of the night the 7 members of SST 4 held perfectly still, doing their best to breathe as quietly as possible and ignore the biting and buzzing of insects in the tropical night as the patrol of two Imperial Japanese Army soldiers walked by on the strip of beach next to the jungle where they were hidden.....

As expected, the pair of troops stopped when they noticed the drag marks from where they had pulled the raft onto shore and into the treeline and that's when five of the 7 members of the team exploded into action....

Rifleman Gurung and Gunny Van Horn sprang at one of the soldiers and the flashing Khukuri blade and the large, saw-edged 'Raider Bowie' knife of Dutch's both buried themselves into the unlucky solider's body and he was gone from this world before his body hit the beach...

Meanwhile, Captain Marvin Acme drew his Sykes-Fairbairn 'Commando' knife and attempted to stab it into the second Japanese solider, but he half-tripped as he lunged out of the tree-line and his wild swing missed the suddenly wide-eyed Japanese solider whose mouth gaped open in shock and surprise as the American Marine with a blade in his hand and who was awkwardly on one knee as he attempted to attack him....

Corpsman Corman however did not trip as he sprang out of the foliage and rammed his Bowie into the unfortunate Japanese Private's chest and then Army Corporal Jimmy Yukinaga stepped out of the trees and to one side and hurled his Commando knife end over end to burry itself in the Solider's throat and he fell to the beach clutching at both of his terrible wounds for a moment and then he shuddered a few times and then lay stiff in the sand, never to move again....

Everyone took a long moment to recover their breath and weapons and then the bodies of the two soldiers were dragged into the tree-line and out of sight. Acme got them moving thru the jungle and within about 15 minutes they could see the clearing on the southern side of the island where the large radar antennae was, along with the small building where the operators worked. There were 4 foxholes in a semi-circle out in front and to either side of the building, the two 'middle' ones holding a Type 92 'Wood Pecker' Machinegun mounted on a tripod in them. Off to the west (to the party's right as they are facing South) is the pier and the narrow channel to Santa Isabel Island and the pier, with the tied up Japanese Daihatus Landing Barge could clearly be seen. It was guarded by about half a dozen bored looking troops and about the same number could be seen in the Foxholes here on Moto with a pair in each foxhole with the MGs and one in each of the other foxholes. Acme waved the group to move back into the heart of the little wooded area and then motioned for Roker to make the call to Morris as the rays of the sun were just beginning to creep over the horizon.....

Roker set down the SCR radio, activated it, turned to the correct frequency and set about attempting to make contact. It took a few minutes, but then the Aussie accent of Morris came on the line and he informed them that he and his 'mates' would be ready to launch the Diversionary attack in about half an hour.....

Now it was just a matter of waiting and hoping the missing patrol didn't cause any undue alerts....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#22 Post by Rex »


Gurung hides, waits and keeps alert.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#23 Post by ateno »

Tucker will go on watch and use his scope and eyes to look at details of the camp and the highest ranking member and the distintive tabs of thier powered core, if available.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#24 Post by Urson »

Van Horn reminds himself NOT to use his Talents until the diversion begins, and watches the Japanese troops carefully, breathing deeply to try and pick up the scent of their Talents.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#25 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Marvin nods at Roker and silently thanks him. Everyone knows to keep quiet for now, and he spends time thinking of a point of attack.

He gets Dutch's attention and mimes a movement towards the left, away from the pier, and attacking from the side, hopefully facing only two Mgs. His eyes ask the question his words can't.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#26 Post by max_vale »

Moto Island in the Solomons Islands chain, approx. 5:00-5:35 AM, 18 April, 1943

The members of SST 4 waited....swatting at insects buzzing in their ears, doing their best to stay alert and focused as they waited for dawn and the sounds of Morris and his 'friends' to start their diversionary attack. After a long half-an-hour, Roker got a quick "Alright mates, let's do this" over his SCR radio and as the sun was just beginning to shine over the horizon, a sudden cacophony of yells and rifle shots could be heard across the tiny channel on the opposite island....

A group of maybe two dozen Solomon Island natives came crashing out of the dense foliage and with a few rifle shots here and there and a mass of people wielding everything from SMLE rifles to spears; the half-dozen IJA troops on the opposite shore were quickly overwhelmed and some were rather gruesomely chopped down. Meanwhile, on Moto, the half-dozen Japanese troops started firing their Arisaka Rifles and then the 'woodpecker' Type 92 MGs started to open up as Morris' group fled the scene and SST 4 was creeping into perfect position to launch an ambush on the Japanese troops...

As the 'ball opened' and all of the troops in the 4 foxholes turned their attention across the channel, Acme waved his men forward. He motioned for Roker and Jimmy to move into the Radar building while he, Gurung, Dutch, Tucker and Corman moved to within 25 yards of the Japanese troops in the foxholes, none of whom had noticed them at all*. It was the PERFECT time to launch a surprise assault!

OOC: * Okay, there are 6 IJA troops in 4 foxholes, you're 25 yards away; the groups are 2 holes with just a single Rifleman in each...and 2 holes that have 2 troops, one firing an MG, the other serving as the loader.

For Roker and Jimmy (NPC) you're at the closed door of the building with the Radar equipment....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#27 Post by ateno »

With the lack of direction, Tucker will plan on being on the side closest to the radar.

He plans to shot the opposing enemy and then rush in, waiting for the explosion of grenades, then assuming there is no other order, head towards the radar area.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#28 Post by Rex »


Gurung leaps into one of the holes with the machine gun, trying to kill the machine gunner with his khukri.

Once he feels other powers being activated he will activate his Armor, spending enough Will to guarantee it activates.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#29 Post by Urson »

Dutch throws a grenade into one of the riflemen foxholes, hoping to take it out quickly. He readies his rifle to fire on the other rifle position.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#30 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Acme targets the other machine gun hole with a grenade and raises his weapon to clean up stragglers. After the explosions, he calls out. "Breach the building! Set up cover for the ones on the pier."
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#31 Post by max_vale »

Moto Island in the Solomons Islands chain, approx. 5:35 to 8:00 AM, 18 April, 1943

On a tiny island in the Solomon Island chain, a short, brutal battle broke out between the veteran members of SST 4 and a half-dozen Imperial Japanese Army troopers. It was over almost as fast as it began.....

On the opposite shore, the IJA troops were quickly shot, bayonetted and/or clubbed to their demise by the attacking band of Native Warriors and soon, they were melting into the Jungle as a few IJA survivors moved the Daihatsu landing barge towards the main Japanese base, presumably to load up with troops to attempt to track down and have it out with the Native Forces led by Morris the Coastwatcher. Meanwhile, the members of SST 4 continued their efforts to complete their mission on tiny little Moto island....

As Acme gave the order to attack, Elias Tucker raised his Springfield Rifle to his shoulder and sighted in on a Japanese Machinegunner. He took a breath, let it go and stroked the trigger.....putting a heavy .30-06 slug into the center back of the enemy solider and dropping him into the foxhole, never to rise again....

A moment later Corman-the-Corpsman let loose a battle cry and he fired a pair of rounds from his Carbine into an IJA solider standing alone in a foxhole and the Sailor who had been a Marine proved that he hadn't lost his Marksmanship skills as his opponent was down for the count from the shots....

Captain Acme and Gunny 'Dutch' both primed grenades and let fly; both of them managed to drop their 'eggs' into the foxholes they were aiming for. Marvin's messily took out both members of a Type 92 MG crew while Van Horn's took out the soldier manning a foxhole by himself.....

Finally, Gurung hopped down into the foxhole where a Type 92 'Woodpecker' MG was mounted and whose gunner had just been dropped by Tucker. The loader turned and attempted to pick up his Carbine but was cut down by a vicious blow from the Gurkha's Khukri blade. And just like that, it was all over....

As this had been happening, Roker and Yukinaga had stormed into the Radar building with their weapons at the ready, but there was no one manning the device. With the all-clear now in evidence, they quickly had a look around and Jimmy found an instruction manual for the Radar array and a coded log-book near a Radio. Roker went out to Acme and gave the report.

Acme left Gurung, Dutch and Corman to watch the hostile shore for signs of the Daihatsu's return; using the still in decent condition Type 92 MG (the one in the foxhole was damaged by Marvin's grenade) while he went to see how Jimmy, Roker and Tucker were doing in the radar building. Tucker pretty quickly gathered how the device worked and how best to wreck it and he had just started to point out to his C.O. how best to destroy it when Roker's radio starting spitting out a tinny voice....

Fred answered it and discovered in was Marsden and company back at Guadalcanal. They used a pre-worked out verbal code and the sailor took down some notes and after signing off, he quickly decoded the message and turned to the others. "They're saying to hold off on blowing the place as they want us to try and use it to be able to vector the fighters towards the Japanese Admiral's flight when we pick it up on radar." Acme IMMEDIATELY didn't like that. "That's not supposed to be for another couple of hours at least!" "I'm just the messenger Cap"...."I know, I know.....sh#t!"

The next couple of hours were spent with Tucker and Jimmy figuring out how to get the device working correctly and how to be able to use it to accomplish the mission while at the same time keeping a close watch on the opposite shoreline. A nervous meal was gobbled down in shifts and it was around 8 in the AM when two things happened back to back.....

First, Elias and Jimmy got a hit on the Radar, looked like aircraft coming in from a Rabaul vector...but it was hard to be sure at this range. At Tucker's call out though, Roker immediately starting contacting Marsden to pass the word onto Mitchell's planes. As this was happening, those outside caught the unmistakable sounds of the Daihatsu engines and they could see the Japanese Landing Barge, about 500 yards away and moving towards the pier, loaded with what looked like a full 30 man Japanese Platoon of troops.....

OOC: I botched the times a bit, so this won't line up quite right with the historical Operation Vengeance....since this is also a game with a Wolf-man and an Invisible guy, etc., etc., I'm just rolling with it!

Okay, the situation is going to be Tucker will need to make use of his Radar skill (I had to figure out SOME way to use it....:) ) while Roker needs to use the Radio....this will take several rounds (3-5, depending on rolls_..and at the same time, the others outside will need to keep the incoming Japanese away as they are doing this. There are the 4 foxholes outside and a working Type 92 MG that fires in 10 shot sprays and which needs one person to man it and another to feed it ammo as it uses 30 rounds strips. One person can fire it, but it can jam or run out of ammo quick with just one person.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#32 Post by ateno »

max_vale wrote: Wed Oct 05, 2022 2:08 am Moto Island in the Solomons Islands chain, approx. 5:35 to 8:00 AM, 18 April, 1943

First, Elias and Jimmy got a hit on the Radar, looked like aircraft coming in from a Rabaul vector...but it was hard to be sure at this range. At Tucker's call out though, Roker immediately starting contacting Marsden to pass the word onto Mitchell's planes.
"Exactaly what I say Roker. 'I hold Target Alpha out of Rabul, on course approximately 125 degrees true, I show him feet dry approximately 5 miles northwest of Mount Balbi at speed 200 mph, just above canopy height, looks like a few more than one, will monitor, over'."

Elias listens to make sure it is transmitted correctly and continues tracking the target.


Type 13 has about a 60 mile range, so I worked with what I had.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#33 Post by Urson »

Dutch is manning the MG. As the Japanese approach, he steadies the weapon and chooses an aimpoint about halfway up the pier. Come to Papa...

Imagine how easy this would be with a couple of claymore mines. Strap one to each of the two pilings at the end of the pier.. 'click, click, BOOM!'
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#34 Post by Rex »


Gurung moves to help Dutch with the MG.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#35 Post by Zhym »

Roker relays Tucker's words over the radio.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#36 Post by Monsieur Rose »


He starts barking orders as the time has come to put the training to use.

"Dutch, Gur...right. MG it is. Tucker and Roker, keep at it. Everyone else, jump in a foxhole and dig in. Try to keep the fire away from the radar station."

If he can make it there and at least partly back before they land, Acme will race to the pier and charge it to explode when he wants. Using his power.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#37 Post by max_vale »

Moto Island in the Solomons Islands chain, approx. 8:00-08:05 AM, 18 April, 1943

Inside the Radar/Radio control building, Tucker, Roker and Jimmy worked feverishly to get an accurate picture of Yamamoto's flight vectors and at the same time relay the information to Guadalcanal, who would then relay it to the 'Killer Flight' assigned to intercept it. The first radio transmission from Roker quickly forced a reply that a was a bit garbled and static-filled, but Fred 'Mediocre' Roker clearly caught the 'say again' part of the message*....

At the same time, Jimmy was rapidly translating the operator's manual for working the Radar and relaying instructions to Tucker, who was hovering over the read-out and adjusting a few knobs here and there**.....

Meanwhile, out side in the foxholes, Dutch Van Horn got behind a 'Woodpecker' MG with Gurung ready to guide along the 30 round ammo strip of 7.7mm rounds and had a few more ready to go once the firing began. In a nearby foxhole, 'Corman the Corpsman' readied his M1 Carbine and he could be heard mumbling to himself, "Damnit...that shore is some 50 yards away....where's a good Rifle when you need one...."

Captain Marin Acme however, decided to go utilize his Talent Power in a way he had not for quite some time and he slung his Thompson over his shoulder and he raced for the pier the incoming Japanese Daihatsu Landing Barge was angling for. As he got there, he saw a couple of IJA troops poking a scoped Rifle over the side of the ship and another doing the same with a Type 96 LMG as they got within about 100 yards of the pier. Acme was going to have to time this carefully as he laid his hands on the pier and got ready to attempt to 'charge it up' to explode***......

*Okay, Roker is going to be making a Radio Operation roll, Difficulty is 15, the Radio Rig gives a +1D bonus.....it will take a couple of rounds for accurate send/receive and everything to be 'done'. Your choice if you want to spend a Luck Point or not.

**Basically the same situation for Tucker only with the Radar and using the Radar Operation skill.....Jimmy's translations mean no penalties, but your looking at a Difficulty number of 20 (at the limits of the range).....so your call if you want to use a Luck Point.

***Acme figures 2 rounds for the ship to hit the pier.....but they can start shooting at him in seconds.....not much cover at this end. He CAN keep the pier charged for 3 rounds with no issues....after that, Will Power rolls need to be made....also, at what point does he run back to the cover of the foxhole?
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#38 Post by Urson »

Dutch tracks the barge with the MG. If Cap's spotted, we open up on 'em.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#39 Post by ateno »

Tucker will continue calling course ans speed and updating interception direction course and speed. Using luck point.

'Hey guys thus unit is 100 kilos, if we leave the antenna and cut the power and feed lines, it mighr be 150 lbs, wanna give our intel gius something to look at?

Last edited by ateno on Fri Oct 21, 2022 3:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#40 Post by Rex »


"I am ready."
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