Wolves Amongst Lambs

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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#21 Post by Revenant »

A New King, the others in the room raise their glasses echoing Wilwarin's toast. The woman identified as Huerta, dribbles a bit of the red wine down her full lips and pale chin and for a moment you think of dripping blood. After the toast and downed wine, there are several moments of silence as if the full import of all that was said has momentarily stilled their tongues.

"Sister," the previously silent Zaella says as she turns to Wilwarin, the word cutting into the silence like an assassin's knife, for a moment almost startling Wilwarin. The elven mage pauses for a moment looking at the only other elf in the room. "I would advise we have a few moments to discuss these matters in private, if our hosts would be so gracious." Her light blue eyes almost gray in the candlelight as she turns to the Wolf and smiles. The Wolf returns her smile, "Of course, your brother mentioned his other sister...a shaman, if I remember correctly. Though I had not realized you were she. Private, yes we can accommodate some privacy for you to discuss your...our plans," he dabs his mustache with a linen cloth. "And should you have anything you would like to add, we can continue our discussion." He rises and says, "Friends, lets leave them some time to talk things over. We've other business to attend to and Dregs might become impatient if they aren't dealt with soon."

They all rise and make their way to the outer room, though Collin lingers a moment, watching Wilwarin closely, "Do not think I do not see the truth milady. You are as wily as your brother. He sent you here to manage his interests, not merely as an assassin. I think we too should spend some private time together..." He brushes his long slender fingers over the back of the hand Wilwarin holds her glass in, "To discuss future...endeavors." He then turns and makes his way to the door which Bryne shuts behind him and then leans against so that none can intrude.

"Holy fu..." Reggie shakes her head, the long red locks of her hair whipping about, "What the hell have we walked into?" Athan responds with a frown, "A den of vipers that is for sure." Zaella shakes her head and responds calmly, "Think my friends, we are the ones with the upper hand here. They are likely to give us what ever we want to please our *brother*. We just need to think of plausible requests. Anyone have any thoughts?" The implacable elf looks into the faces of each in the room.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#22 Post by Rex »


Bryne tries to listen at the door and make sure no one is doing the same on the other side.

Whispering, "Keep it low, I was able to hear others outside the room a few minutes ago."
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#23 Post by Darithe »


Shakes her head in affirmative to Bryne, thankful that Lady Valshire was no spoiled noble's sire but someone with a clear head on her shoulders. She speaks softly to the others, "I think Zaella is right. We have the option to use this to our favor and spoil an assassination plot to boot. We just need to keep our heads about us. Perhaps we should say we want the prisoners for cannon fodder or a ritual sacrifice to bless our plans. We are, as my father used to say, in the catbird seat, and they are unlikely to refuse us our requests lest they anger Wilwarin's brother."
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#24 Post by The Bindoner »

Wilwarin keeps her composure until Collin is gone, the door shut, and the others start talking, then she exhales heavily and slumps in her chair, pushing the wine away.

Slowly, with a hint of wonder: This is a very dangerous situation, and I was not prepared for it, but we have survived so far. The right gods are watching us.


Shakes her head in affirmative to Bryne, thankful that Lady Valshire was no spoiled noble's sire but someone with a clear head on her shoulders. She speaks softly to the others, "I think Zaella is right. We have the option to use this to our favor and spoil an assassination plot to boot. We just need to keep our heads about us. Perhaps we should say we want the prisoners for cannon fodder or a ritual sacrifice to bless our plans. We are, as my father used to say, in the catbird seat, and they are unlikely to refuse us our requests lest they anger Wilwarin's brother."

I, too, had thought of asking for prisoners as a sacrifice. Zaella, your role as Shaman is fortuitous, it gives that chance.

We should ask for the young priest, certainly. I fear he will betray us if we leave him alive here. Not willingly, I am sure, but inevitably. The unwilling sister too, I would like at least to rescue one innocent.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#25 Post by Rex »


Whispering, "More than 1 if possible, but we should take what we can and get. I fear we haven't much time."
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#26 Post by Revenant »

Though the others have left, there is still a palpable sense of tension in the room. You can it in the faces of each of your companions, some more so than others. As Athan leans forward to glance over the documents that were left, a medallion he wears slips from beneath his armor. Bryne is surprised to see it bears the sigil of House Valshire.

Zaella says, "So we request the imprisoned sister, the priest and whoever the man is that was dragged in with him? I just want to be clear when I make the request for our *sacrifices*. That our plan then?"

From outside the door Bryne can hear muffled voices but none are loud enough for her to hear what is being said.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#27 Post by Rex »


Whispering, "I can hear someone talking outside the door, but can't make out what they are saying."
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#28 Post by spanningtree »


Relaxes a bit as they leave and then turns to sit on the edge of the table. In answer to Zaelle: That is correct Zaelle, a clear course of action, I think that should be enough discussion regarding that as privacy is likely an illusion.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#29 Post by Darithe »


Mave frowns as Bryne mentions the discussion going on beyond the door and hopes they aren't discussing them. She takes the moment to turn to Pilgrim, who has been quite silent, "Sir, you mentioned that you are a member of the Nighthawks. Are they large enough in number to take out this encampment?" After awaiting his answer she comments, "Aye Thena, not much else to discuss here and I'm more than happy to be on our way."
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#30 Post by Revenant »

Pilgrim gives Mave a wan smile, "Alas we are rarely gathered more than half a dozen together. Many are wanted men and women so most are on the move. I can send word to the Gypsy and will regardless, but an attack against this large a force is not feasible for our small band. Rest assured though, the Nighthawks will be watching in due time and if an attack by others occurs, we may well assist."

After several moments more, there is a rapping on the door behind Bryne. When she steps aside, the Wolf, Huerta and Meret return. The Wolf lights another cigar and calmly asks, "Now is there is anything else you need of us? Feel free to ask, if not we will bid you on your way."
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#31 Post by Darithe »


"I see," Mave says, disappointment apparent in her voice. She thinks for a moment wondering if House Valshire might offer it's assistance in removing this threat to the crown. She is about to ask Bryne, when there is a knock upon the door. Remaining silent, she again resumes her disguise as a simple bodyguard to the Finla.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#32 Post by The Bindoner »

Zaella says, "So we request the imprisoned sister, the priest and whoever the man is that was dragged in with him? I just want to be clear when I make the request for our *sacrifices*. That our plan then?"

Priest first. He would be a powerful sacrifice for evil, as well as being a risk to us. The sister with him, a resolutely innocent girl they cannot break is another valuable offering. The other man, if you can make a good case. I will tell this Wolf I need you to perform a ritual, and sacrifice is required. You will make your requests, and I will endorse them.

Relaxes a bit as they leave and then turns to sit on the edge of the table. In answer to Zaelle: That is correct Zaelle, a clear course of action, I think that should be enough discussion regarding that as privacy is likely an illusion.

Yes, we should act decisively and leave as soon as we may.The longer I am forced to play this role, the greater the chance I betray myself.


"I see," Mave says, disappointment apparent in her voice. She thinks for a moment wondering if House Valshire might offer it's assistance in removing this threat to the crown. She is about to ask Bryne, when there is a knock upon the door. Remaining silent, she again resumes her disguise as a simple bodyguard to the Finla.

Wilwarin gathers herself, straightens her posture and prepares to assume the guise of Finla again.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#33 Post by Rex »


Bryne readies herself and prepares to play the role of a bodyguard once more.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#34 Post by Revenant »

As the three enter, Zaella takes the opportunity to speak up, looking to Wilwarin she states as she looks up a solemn look upon her face and says, "Sister, for the gods to fully bless such an endeavor, sacrifices need be made when the moon is full like a bloated leech. Only then can I perform a ritual neath the eyes of the moon and the stars and bathe your hands in the blood of the sacrifices, so that the blood of Aislander fools anoint your hands in the slaying of their cowardly king. In the names of the All-Father, the Queen of Crows and our brother, the chosen king, three must be chosen by you and fall by your hand. Now sister which three has the moon whispered for you take?"

Athan's eyes go wide and he looks away. The Wolf puffs his cigar and looks to Wilwarin while the two women on either side of him seem almost quivering in anticipation.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#35 Post by spanningtree »


Does her best to stand with an air of disinterest while quenching an internal flame.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#36 Post by Darithe »


Maintains her stoic manner, as if nothing said matters in the least to her, save the protection of the Finla.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#37 Post by The Bindoner »

by Revenant » Sat Jul 30, 2022 9:27 pm
As the three enter, Zaella takes the opportunity to speak up, looking to Wilwarin she states as she looks up a solemn look upon her face and says, "Sister, for the gods to fully bless such an endeavor, sacrifices need be made when the moon is full like a bloated leech. Only then can I perform a ritual neath the eyes of the moon and the stars and bathe your hands in the blood of the sacrifices, so that the blood of Aislander fools anoint your hands in the slaying of their cowardly king. In the names of the All-Father, the Queen of Crows and our brother, the chosen king, three must be chosen by you and fall by your hand. Now sister which three has the moon whispered for you take?"

Athan's eyes go wide and he looks away. The Wolf puffs his cigar and looks to Wilwarin while the two women on either side of him seem almost quivering in anticipation.

Ah, yes, blood for blood.

Musing: Three.

Looking at The Wolf: If I may take advantage of your kind offer of further assistance?

For The Queen of Crows, an innocent.
That girl in chains we saw. She has kept her soul, or she would be free, surely? Our Lady will enjoy the taste of her, I think.

For the Father, the young man that was just dragged in. A priest, I judge. I think that would be an amusing offering.

Smiling: Our brother… I would not like to inconvenience our generous friend by imposing on his hospitality overmuch. I have requested one pet, and one intruder... I think, perhaps, the second fresh captive? What manner of man is he? Would he be suitable?
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#38 Post by Revenant »

The Wolf nods, "Fair and done! As to the unconscious man, I know nothing of him save he was a piss-poor fighter and it didn't take much to lay him out. Gather the papers we provided and I'll make the prisoners ready for you."

The trio exit the room and you pause to gather you thoughts and the papers and maps they provided you with. When you return to the larger room, you find the three sacrifices requested gagged and chained. The third man has finally come to and stands looking dazed between Davion and the Ambergyle girl. You arrive in time to hear Cedelia Ambergyle speak to her sister, "Liviel, the Wolf has promised me they will release you once you are far here, unharmed. Tell father I love him but I must follow the path I feel is right and that is beside Collin." Collin smiles beside her, "The Finla will take good care of your sister. Now don't worry."

The Wolf points to the door you first entered through, "Follow the path you took to reach here and you'll return to the ruined inn and can make your way south. And I look forward to hearing again from you and your brother." Albin cradles his whip and looks rather disappointed that you are taking his songbird.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#39 Post by Rex »


Bryne takes control of the prisoners and directs them out through the door.
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Re: Wolves Amongst Lambs

#40 Post by spanningtree »


Will stand by until everyone is out of the room and then follow, shutting the door behind herself.
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