Barrow Mounds: Epiphany

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Re: Barrow Mounds: Epiphany

#21 Post by Quonundrum »

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Re: Barrow Mounds: Epiphany

#22 Post by gurusql »

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Re: Barrow Mounds: Epiphany

#23 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring the Barrow Mounds

The mongrelmen act slightly quicker than the mage, both initiating dextrous trucks with loading and blowing dart guns or gesturing the semantics to cast a spell. The desired effect is the same, to comatose and paralyze opponents. Two-Birds -1hp gets hit in the neck, clutches at the flechette sticking on the back of her hand. Her constitution string, she shrugs off the dart before the venom takes a greater effect.

Cadeweed unsteady on his feet, swinging his blade like a boxer in the ropes. He is determined not to go down without a fight and resists another round before his body throws the towel in.

Moriartus dodged the dart and invoking another spell makes the mongrelmen bite the bullet. Those standing join the others in an enforced slumber party.
The next round the halfling droops, subject to the blowdart poison. He snores as noisily as the mongrels so at least you can recognise his suffering is not life threatening.

There are nine mongrelmen humanoids and a halfling asleep in the edge of a graveyard in the middle of the barrow meadow.

Moriartus actions please.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Epiphany

#24 Post by Quonundrum »


Looks more like the end of a bachelor party!

Moriartus applies a dose of the anti-poison herbs Mazzah provided to Cadeweed's dart wound.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Epiphany

#25 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring the Barrow Mounds.

Two-Birds administers the fungi anti-venom, creating a little paste and applying it over the blowdart wound in the halfling. It absorbs the worst of the venom, leeching the toad-skin poison from Cadeweed. The paste turns a jaundice yellow in contrast to a rosy cheek returning to him. It alleviates the turns he may have faced paralyzed and he can stand again, shaking the effects off within a minute. Mazzah it seems knows his stuff.

Moriartus can watch over the sleeping humanoids. They will revive shortly to but by then you can be long gone.

To the south-east the ground rises slightly indicating the incline of another barrow. You have yet to find a harpy nest. North of you goes into the graveyard and willow copse, westward is the path back.

Two-Birds shrugs, you have come thus far and at the very least can plot further mounds on your exploration map.

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Re: Barrow Mounds: Epiphany

#26 Post by gurusql »


Cadeweed wakes and seems like a halfling with a mission. He says "Thank you" and then he starts to mercifully slit the throats of the sleeping creatures.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Epiphany

#27 Post by Quonundrum »


Moriartus opens his mouth to respond when Cadeweed begins the grim process of coup de grace. Whether it was retribution for their brazen ambush or the affront to his professional pride from the trap, he wasn't inclined to interrupt the irate halfling. "Yes, well ... what are these abominations, anyway? First owlwolves, then harpies, now ... these things."

He spots one of the blowguns and his eyebrow arches with sudden inspiration. "Those poisoned flechettes may prove rather useful. Collect any blowguns and darts you can find." While searching the creatures he also watches for any signs of them waking. If so, he casts another Sleep spell.

"Let's finish up quickly here before any more of these creatures arrive. We'll explore a bit more to the east, avoiding any trees, and give this cemetery a wide berth upon our return."

Spell Retention (17): [4d6+1]=15+1=16
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Epiphany

#28 Post by gurusql »


After the bloodshed is done, he will search for items of value, but not before.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Epiphany

#29 Post by Spearmint »

While Moriartus ignores the blatant murder of the humanoid figures, Two-Birds does protest.

She would intercede on the Mongrelmen's behalf that under the Sleep effect, they are nullified. "Do you need to slay them?"

She will not stop you doing so but certainly does not approve, looking to the mage to give a 'thumbs up, thumbs down' committal. Even in the dog eat dog, survival of the fittest culture on the Barrow Moor, still morality and ethics play a role in party actions.

You can collect two blowdart reeds, a pouch of mini flechettes, a throwable entangling net and a long spear. Each figure has some meagre rations and a bone handled dagger.

Deciding to press on but to steer clear of the graveyard perimeter, the trio climb the incline to the summit of the neighbouring barrow. At the top of the mound is a large dolmen. A large flat plinth set upon several supporting stones. An old campfire looks to have been made under the eaves of the structure. It is an interesting feature.

actions please.

Dolmen (on Barrow 27)
Dolmen (on Barrow 27)
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Epiphany

#30 Post by gurusql »


"Given that we are going past them and back the only option was to remove the threat. Moriartus I know that you want to find the Harpies, but we have gone longer than we let the rest of the team know - I am want to make sure we do not to far."
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Epiphany

#31 Post by Quonundrum »


Moriartus winces slightly at the undertone of disapproval from Two-Birds. He was personally ambivalent to the halfling meting out his own brand of wilderness justice. However, he valued Two-Bird's opinions and her wisdom, and so held up an allaying hand to implore mercy for the creatures.

"They did refrain from overtly attacking to kill. Perhaps they only scavenge and steal from the unwary. Besides, we can ill afford a group of these tracking us out of revenge." Moriartus doesn't make any attempt to disable or restrain Cadeweed, though.

At the next mound, he points to the large flat plinth that forms the top of the dolmen. "I agree. We should return soon. Standing on that stone, we might get a better view of the surrounding area first." He moves up to examine the supporting stones and the old camp site.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Epiphany

#32 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring the Barrow Mounds

The dolmen is climbed by an intrepid adventurer, probably Cadeweed. You might have got a scenic vista in normal circumstances but the mist is all pervading and beyond a 60'ft radius you struggle to make out shaped and figures. Even the sunlight only filters through in faint rays of orange.

Standing on the plinth does give one advantage which is to catch the faint squawking of avian calls. The mist catching the sounds of squabbling critters which by your experience may be more carrion birds, the noise drifting on the breeze from the north east.

You also note another stone edifice which is on the south edge of the mount summit. This looks like a large carved throne and sitting in the chair is a large skeleton. The figure looks to have been made to pose in position (rather than it is a skeleton who just happened to take a breather and sit down), one hand resting on the hilt of a large blade which is partly buried in the ground. His gaze focused over the entrance to the barrow which is on the south face of the mound.

actions, comments, searches please.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Epiphany

#33 Post by Quonundrum »


Moriartus peers into the obscuring mist to the northeast. "Carrion birds? Probably vultures, and giant ones at that ... it must be the harpy nest. It's too dangerous to approach. I was not expecting a flock and I suspect they also watch for intruders."

He then looks south at the carved throne with its giant skeletal occupant, his curiosity again piqued, but a quick shake of his head betrays a more sensible plan. "That blade is certainly intriguing. We'd better head back now, though. If you will, Mr. Cadeweed?" He gestures downhill and to the west.

"Let's take a wide detour south of the cemetery."
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Epiphany

#34 Post by gurusql »


Cadeweed gets down from the dolmen and says"As an acquirer that skeleton is tempting, but I 100% in agreement that we need to head back. I agree that we have a place to look for the harpy nest. Let us get back."
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Epiphany

#35 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring the Barrow Mounds

How far away the gaggle of squabbling vultures are and who the victim of their feasting is remains a mystery, hidden by the mist. In this eerie atmosphere you know sounds carry in strange ways, whispers whispered a hundred yards away magnified much greater than a conversation behind you.

Scrambling off the raised plinth you can have two casual observations about it. It is large enough for a giant figure to lie upon being as it is at least 12'ft long. It also slanted for the supporting stones are taller at one end than the other. The noted embers of a camp fire are within the eaves under the plinth where a small group could shelter from the elements. A rusty spoon, old firelight flint, empty tin can confirm the lunch spot. You decide not to encroach upon the skeleton poised in contemplation on the stone throne.

Descending the mound and then going south to avoid further conflict with any more trap-laying, ambushing groups, mongrel or otherwise in the graveyard.

A wide arc, how wide? Choosing not to retrace your exact steps along the graveyard boundary and pass the 'reed ditch' mound of many dark entrances and the mound ringed by standing stones entered by the 'goat-sacrificers'. A few hundred yards south according to your 'explored map' are the fringes of the Barrow Moor and from there you can retrace steps, going mound to mound along an approximate previous route took during the flight from the zombies.

At least you have walked this route before and apart from zombies lurching out of the moor, you were unharrassed by other venturing parties or random creatures. Choosing that way, Cadeweed leads the way, Moriartus behind and Two-Birds silent in the rear. You soon pass between a gap between two mounds which rise to your left and right and then further come to the meadow edge. A short distance into the grassy thickets of the Barrow Moor bob several wispy lights, pinpricks of fiery torchlight. They float in a fey dance, enticing those who observe to come hither though they be far away. Too far to be mesmerized by the show, you can wonder at the entrapments that await the unwary who are lured to a doom in the peaty bogs.

Turning aside you arrive at the foot of the mound (19).
The tumuli is large and round, a huddle of crooked trees grow on the eastern side.

A faint buzzing can be heard among the trees, reminding you of the Crooked Yew hives. The one of those hoarse whispers, directed at you. Not carried in the misty breeze from hundreds of feet away but a figure holding his own wispy torch, waving at you 'come hither' into the copse.

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Re: Barrow Mounds: Epiphany

#36 Post by Quonundrum »


"Suggestions? It's not entirely clear who that figure can see. All three of us? After dealing with Barrett, I'm not as congenial to strangers here. Mr. Cadeweed, perhaps you could hail him? Or, we can simply ignore him."
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Epiphany

#37 Post by gurusql »


Cadeweed has perhaps less interest in talking to this person than Moriartus, but he also does not want to leave a stranger to follow them. He pauses for a moment and says "Who goes there and what are your intentions?"
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Epiphany

#38 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring the Barrow Mounds

Coming to the foot of the mound on the edge of the moor, the trio are heralded by a shadowy figure who gestures them to 'come', indicating they should follow.

You have no light source carried and with being a sneaky hobbit and an elven cloaked duo, you rightly wonder how your presence is detected. The figure is more chatty than the Mongrelmen's halted common, acknowledging your response.

"Yes, I mean you no harm. We were told this was a safe spot. Good for camping, good for honey. We tied our horses here, yes we did." The figure is dressed in a woodsman's jerkin and shawl, a tinpot helmet slanted over his brow and muddy boots. An unkempt face but smiling.

As you draw closer you see him more clearly, at least in a fashion. He has a wraith like presence, almost ghostly. He turns his back to you, speaking over his shoulder, gesturing. You see he has been pierced by several arrows, the wounds fatal to the living.

"Honey for my honey. Treasure for my treasure."

The spectre does not threaten you, walking ahead into the copse of trees, the branches moving as he pushes them aside.

Two-Birds clutches her holy symbol ready to turn the creature should the encounter turn ugly. You can follow the spirit or depart.


Imagine this but with arrows not a spear.

Phantom corpse in the copse
Phantom corpse in the copse
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Epiphany

#39 Post by Quonundrum »


"Well, there is nothing we can do for the poor fellow in his current state. At least, he has no immediate need of help. We're not far from the bone yard. We can always make a short detour on the way back to town. Let's keep moving."
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Epiphany

#40 Post by gurusql »


"I agree, let the poor soul be and keep going." and then he says in a much quieter tone, "and another under the Necromancer."

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